

单词 趋吉避凶

See also:


good and bad luck (in astrology)

External sources (not reviewed)

儿童可能也会经历其他急性和慢性压力源头,如自然灾害和冲突、环境恶化、 交通、过度保护和风险避的趋向。
Children may also experience other acute and chronic stressors, for example
natural disasters and conflict, environmental
[...] degradation, traffic and trends towards overprotection and risk aversion.
[...] 以这些数据为依据,正在研究和起草一份毒品和犯罪问题办公室关于全 凶杀 率和趋势的报告,报告将于 2011 年发表。
Using these data as a basis, research and
drafting are under way for the publication of a UNODC report on
[...] global homicide levels and trends, to be published [...]
in 2011.
我們可能 據 此而估 計出這些職位將來是否凶 多 吉 少 ”
Perhaps we can thus predict whether the Government will slash these posts in future.
我看 不到有 某 一 個 項目是特別凶 多 吉 少 ” 的 。
I do not see a certain item will suffer from "a slash" in particular.
舉例來說,保安局出版了一本名為 “吉避凶 ⎯⎯ 簡易守則”的小冊子,提供一些簡單有效 的建議,幫助市民在發生天災或嚴重意外時如何減低危險 及保護性命和財產。
For example, the Security Bureau has published a booklet entitled "Simple Guidelines in the Event of Major Mishaps" to provide the public with simple and effective precautions against natural disasters and serious accidents, as well as guidelines on how to reduce risks, and protect their lives and properties from mishaps.
健康”的杠杆效应和供应政策也将成为“延长当 趋 势 ”并 “ 避 免 中 间收入陷 阱”的关键因素。
A “healthy” leveraging and supply policies will also be key factors to
[...] extend current trends and avoid middle income traps.
答案便是:“市民應留意電台、電視台及政府網站所宣布應採取的防 護措施......在這個與本身福祉攸關的事情上,請市民多些了解大亞灣 應變計劃的內容,吉避凶。
It says: "The public should pay attention to announcements made in the radio, television and government website …… It is for their well-being that the public should gain a better understanding of the Daya Bay Contingency Plan to protect themselves from mishaps during a nuclear emergency.
但是,对长期趋势并不能作 出简单的解释,因为这趋势反映了 避 孕 药 具供需的变化,并且与行为变化相关。
Yet the interpretation of trends over time may not be straightforward as they reflect changes in supply and demand of contraceptives and are associated [...]
with behavioural change.
其實旅遊業議會對員 工或導遊的訓練安排也是非常不足夠的,有關指引也不比所謂“吉 避凶”好很多,他們的說法只不過是當有事故發生時,便帶團友到安 全的地方罷了。
In fact, the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong provides very inadequate training to staff or tour guides, and the relevant guidelines are no much better than advice on pursuing good fortune and avoiding disaster.
出于预算编制目的,作为风趋避调 整 ,对图 7 中的数据下调了 1.5%,主要涉及汇率波动可 能对中档带来的负面影响。
For budgeting purposes, the figures appearing in Chart 7 have been adjusted downward by 1.5% as a risk aversion adjustment, which primarily relates to the possible negative impact of exchange rate fluctuations to the base case.
一个武装团体在 Binnish 派出所绑架了三名人员,杀害了其中两人,第三吉凶不明
An armed group kidnapped three officers at Binnish police station, killing two of them.
言猶在耳,㆕月份的失業率即衝破 3%的關口,加㆖接㆓連㆔的大型遣
[...] 散和裁員,連總督也不得不承認,香港的「㆝空㆖已出現了烏雲,㆝色正變得昏暗」, 失業率已達到要認真正視的㆞步,必須運用「智慧和理智, 吉避凶 」。
Even the Governor had to admit the fact that above Hong Kong "dark clouds appear in the sky and it is turning dusky", and that the unemployment rate has reached a level which we all have to face up to it, that
is, we have to deal with the problem with our wisdom and clear minds in order to
[...] pursue good fortune and avoid disaster.
政府间气候变化专门委员 会提出适应的广义定义,以提供一个起点,其定 义为:在自然或人类系统中由于实际的或预期的 气候刺激或其影响而做出调整,以 趋 利 避 害。
The IPCC offers a starting point by providing a broad definition of adaptation: adjustment in natural or human systems to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
这一看似不避免的电气趋势对 工程设计的影响成为了SAE International和路博润最近举办的网络研讨会的主题。
The engineering
[...] consequences of this seemingly inevitable trend toward electrification [...]
provided the theme for the latest
in the series of webinars organized by SAE International and Lubrizol.
但是, 上述三国的鸦片缉获量从 2008 年到 2009 年呈下趋势:塔吉克斯坦从 1.7 吨降 至 1.0 吨8 ;土库曼斯坦从 1.5 吨降至 1.3 吨8 ;乌兹别克斯坦从 1.1 吨降至 626 公斤。
However, in all three of those countries, the amount of seized opium decreased from 2008 to 2009: from 1.7 to 1.0 tons8 in Tajikistan, from 1.5 to 1.3 tons8 in Turkmenistan, and from 1.1 tons to 626 kg in Uzbekistan.
适应气候变化是指自然和人为系统对于实际 的或预期的气候刺激因素及其影响所做出 趋 利 避 害 的 反应。
An approach to climate protection that builds on sustainable development priorities.
我們知道這項修正案凶多吉少的 了,代理主席,但我們 仍然鍥而不舍,剛才我們的法案委員會主席周梁淑怡議員說,今次我們的效 [...]
率非常高(當然,我也要稱讚局方),在很多問題上,我們一提出即獲答覆, 雖然我們覺得這些答案難以接受,但局方與我們南轅北轍的理念和政策方
向,也不能阻止我作為民主黨在這方面的發言人,要鍥而不舍地提出修正 案,因為我們擔心一旦放寬對馬會的監管,馬會便會鑽空子,鑽出一切法律 漏洞,肆意向公眾鼓吹賭風。
As pointed out by Chairman of the Bills Committee, Mrs Selina
[...] CHOW, earlier, we were highly efficient [...]
this time (I have to praise the Bureau too)
― for many of the questions raised by us were given prompt replies, though they were unacceptable to us. However, the Bureau's vision and policy direction, though entirely different from ours, cannot prevent me, as the spokesman of the Democratic Party in this area, from making persistent efforts in proposing CSAs because we worry that, once the regulation of the HKJC is relaxed, the HKJC will exploit every legal loophole to encourage the public to engage in gambling indiscriminately.
总部应该容许外地办事处具有一定的灵活 性,能趋利避害地运用业连管。
The headquarters should allow some flexibility for field offices to be able to use BCM to their advantage.
即使僱員投資 最保守的保本基金,在早前經濟不景時,行政費要用本金補貼,未來如果出 現通脹,也可能出現本金遭通脹蠶食的情況;投資中、高風險的組合的僱員, 雖然去年有 6.2%的回報率,但金融市場風高浪急,瞬息萬變,我們卻要大部 分沒有多少投資專業知識的僱員在風險日增的金融市場中作出選擇,任由基 金經理擺布,結果吉是凶也很難料。
Those employees who choose to invest in medium- and high-risk funds did get a return rate of 6.2% last year, but the financial markets are highly risky and volatile and the majority of employees do not have any in-depth professional knowledge about investment, so one never knows what will happen in the end when they are asked to make decisions amidst the increasing risks in the financial markets and left to the manipulation of fund managers.
我们的观点是:埃及的不确定因素将因为两个最偏激候选人汇聚总统决选和利比亚选 凶吉 难 卜 而继续存在。
In this issue, Egypt’s uncertainty persists as the two most polarizing candidates make it to the presidential election runoffs while Libyan elections’ future hangs in the balance.
政府施政講究策略包裝,堂堂政府竟像變形蟲 般,吉避凶,操 控傳媒,玩弄人心,關心民望多於施政質素。
The Government's administration tends to be meticulous about the packaging of policies. Lofty though the Government should be, it behaves like amoeba, going after the good but staying away from the dangerous, manipulating the media, and tampering with public opinions.
显然,将于近日 形成主要专利局之间的某种形式的相互或单边(一国的专利局无条件地接受另一国专利局 的搜索结果)搜索认可趋势已不可 避 免。
This could be done by seeking a global standard reflecting the recommendations of this report; it could be done by seeking continued flexibility in the WIPO standards; it could be done by rejection of the WIPO process if it appears that the outcome will not be in the interests of developing countries.
[...] 以科学发展观为指导,以“服务于经济社会的发展,服务于民生”为目标,按照“积极发展、加强管理 趋 利避 害, 为我所用”的十六字方针,一定要把域名工作做好。
As an operator of one of the national fundamental network facilities, the CNNIC should manage well the domain name work guided by the scientific outlook to development, with “serving economic and social development and serving people’s life” as the object and following the guideline of
“active development, strengthening management,
[...] drawing on advantages and avoid disadvantages and using [...]
beneficial resources”.
[...] 对特定形式的犯罪开展循证分析,如关于受害人、犯 趋 势 和 凶 杀 现 象的分 析,提供了技术指导、方法和标准
of the tools and publications issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime that provide technical guidance, methodologies and standards for the collection of data and the
preparation of evidence-based analyses of specific forms of crime, such as
[...] surveys on victims, crime trends and homicide
他們在香港有時 候會賣口乖,但在北京,最有需要由他們提出時......代理主席,我不 知道你在北京會否這樣做,照我估計也 凶 多 吉 少 的 ,你不會替我們說 話的 ⎯⎯ 他們稍後表決時也不知道應如何投票,最終大概也會是反對 的。
They make flattering remarks when they are in Hong Kong but when they are in Beijing, and when their support is most needed …… Deputy President, I do not know if you will do the same in Beijing, but I guess the odds are against us, for you will not speak for us ― I am not sure how they are going to vote later; they will probably oppose it.
吉凶 黃曆人們在日常生活中,經常要同曆書發生關係,不管是工作、學習、還是休假、旅行、耕作收割、經營賺錢、蓋房、安床、結婚、搬入新居、上任等在作計劃時都離不 開曆書。
The optional good and bad almanac People in everyday life, often with the almanac relationship, whether working, studying, or vacation, travel, farming harvest operations make money, build a house, the bed, get married, move into their new homes, took office for the program are from not open almanac.
連“工商”、“科技”也遭逢如此厄運,當然,公民黨代表民間團體爭 取的“可持續發展局”,便凶多吉 少 了
As "industry" and "technology" are doomed to have such a miserable fate, the "Sustainable Development Bureau" for which the Civic Party has championed on behalf of non-government organizations is more likely to come to naught.
對於要花九牛二虎之力才可解決的貧富懸殊問題,政府 避 之則 吉,眼中只有即時掌聲,任由深層次的貧窮問題繼續惡化,可見政府的 眼光是何等短淺,同樣把中長遠社會利益束之高閣,懶理基層生活的苦 不堪言。
Regarding the disparity between the rich and the poor which can only be resolved by putting in tremendous efforts, the Government simply avoids it.




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