



趋势 pl

tendencies pl

趋势 n

trends pl
tide n
movement n

趋向 v

tend v

External sources (not reviewed)

暴力和极端主义的趋势, 以及各种冲突 的威胁都在提醒我们需要更好地相互了解其它文化和人民,并有效地支持冲突后国家内正在 [...]
Contemporary trends of violence and [...]
extremism as well as the threats of conflicts call for a better mutual knowledge of
other cultures and peoples and effective support for reconciliation in countries emerging from post-conflict situations.
[...] 其波动性,扭曲了整个经常预算在各个两年期之间 趋 势 , 并使经常预 算其他部分的动态难以分析。
The Advisory Committee points out that the scale of the resource requirements for special
political missions, and their volatility, distort
[...] the picture of trends in the regular [...]
budget as a whole from biennium to biennium
and render analysis of developments in the rest of the regular budget difficult.
经社会还注意到尽管亚洲及太平洋区域的 增长速趋缓, 但本区域仍然是全球的增长极,因此其继续发展对于所有国 家都很重要。
It also noted that, despite the slowdown in Asia and the Pacific, the region remained the global growth pole and, therefore, its continued development was important for all countries.
一 个显著的发趋势是 同行审评出版物中科学刊物的数量稳步增加。
A visible development is the steady increase in the number of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals.
面对这让人担忧的事实,政府想要扭转这 趋 势 并 决心致力于减 少贫困,以更好地实现人权,尤其是尊严生活的权利。
In view of this worrying situation, the authorities are trying to
[...] reverse those trends, with a resolute [...]
commitment to poverty reduction in order
to allow greater enjoyment of human rights, particularly the right to live in dignity.
一代表团指出,秘书处提供了一个很好的平台,可利用这一平 台讨论贸易贸易投资的趋势、 实现区域一体化的各种做法、以及贸易和投 [...]
资的最佳做法,它们可用以制订覆盖欧亚的自由贸易协定,例如欧亚经济委 员会等。
One delegation noted that the secretariat had provided a good platform for
[...] discussing general trends, approaches towards [...]
regional integration, and best practices
in trade and investment which could help towards the establishment of a free trade agreement covering Eurasia, such as the Eurasian Economic Commission.
一般而言,先进的定点家趋向于速度快,功耗小,成本低而浮点处理器能 够在硬件方面提供更高的精度和更广的动态范 围。
In general, the cutting-edge fixed-point families tend to be fast, low power, and low cost, while floating-point processors offer high precision and wide dynamic range in hardware.
计划推出一套具 有区域眼光的旗舰出版物,其中包括:(i) 《阿拉伯地区2025》,预测和分析本地区经
[...] 济、社会、政治和文化领域的当前形势和未 27 来趋势;(ii) 向 民主过渡,探讨阿拉伯国家 [...]
政治变化的性质并分析世界其他地区政治 转型的教训,从而就现有的政策选择得
出 结论和最佳做法,以确保向民主的有效 和 可持续的过渡;(iii) 阿拉伯地区一体化,对 一体化的潜在领域 —— 无论是社会、 经 济、文化层面的还是政治层面的 —— 及其 特点提出分析并评估各自对本地区的长期 影响;和 (iv) 与其他区域委员会的联合出 版物,《千年发展目标以后:联合国的未来 发展议程》。
A set of flagship publications have been planned with regional lens, which include (i) The Arab Region
2025, which will forecast and analyse
[...] current and future trends for the region [...]
in economic, social, political and cultural
areas; (ii) Transitions to Democracy, which looks into the nature of political changes in Arab countries and analyses the lessons learned from political transitions in other areas of the world to draw conclusions and best practices on the policy options available to ensure effective and sustainable transitions to democracy; (iii) Arab Regional Integration, which analyses the potential areas and characteristics of integration be they social, economic, cultural or political and assessing their prospective impact on the long-term development of the region; and (iv) a joint publication with other Regional Commissions on Beyond the MDGs: A Future United Nations Development Agenda.
[...] 进技术的领域编制并执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,以及其他国家在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划方面趋势、替代技术和获得的经验。
Selected local experts will be trained, as central human resources, for the HPMP preparation and implementation
in the advanced technologies areas in the
[...] service sector, trends and alternative [...]
technologies and experiences attained in other countries for the HPMP.
虽然委员会 根据所收到的证据,认为没必要在审议案情时讨论这一可能的违约问题,但宣布 来文可以受理表明委员会准备考虑提交人的这些说法,并反映了当代国际人权法 中的一趋势, 即不再假定地、人为地把各种权利分为不同“类别”,而认为所 有人权都是普遍的、相互依存的。
While in this case the Committee, on the basis of the evidence before it, did not find it necessary to address this possible violation in its consideration of the merits, the declaration of admissibility shows that the Committee is prepared to consider such arguments and reflects the trend in contemporary international human rights law away from the fictitious and artificial division of rights into “categories” and towards the view that all human rights are universal and interdependent.
此类风险和不确定性因素包括但不局限于立迪思公司的电容式触摸控制器集成电路产品或触摸技术缺乏市场应用,推迟这些新产品的量产计划,延迟把我们的产品整合到消费电子产品中,我们对第三方制造商的依赖,整个便携电子及半导体业的发 趋 势 , 以及其他立迪思公司经常在提交给美国证券交易委员会的报告中详细描述的风险,这些报告包括截至2007年12月31日的10-K表年报以及截至2008年9月30日的10-Q表季报。
Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, lack of market adoption for Leadis' capacitive touch controller ICs or the haptics technology, delays in ramping these new products into production, delays in the integration of our products into consumer electronic devices, our reliance on third-party manufacturers,
general portable electronics and
[...] semiconductor industry trends, and other risks [...]
detailed from time to time in Leadis' reports
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission including its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 and Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2008.
委员会意识到,鉴于各国之间的相互依存程度日益加大,因此确 保采取适当的全球经济政策以保持本区域的活力 趋 重 要 ,并认为, 本区域需要努力确保其在全球经济政策论坛上的声音能够得到关注, 为此建议秘书处继续推动亚太区域形成一个协调划一的声音、并通过 各种高级别磋商把本区域的意见反映给 G20 国集团峰会等相关的多边 和政府间论坛。
Aware of the growing importance of ensuring appropriate global economic policies to sustain the dynamism of the region due to growing interdependence among economies, the Committee considers that it is necessary for the region to ensure that its voice is heard at global economic policymaking forums and therefore recommends that the secretariat continue the important work of facilitating the formation of a coordinated regional voice and bringing the Asia-Pacific perspective to relevant multilateral and intergovernmental forums, including G20 summits, through high-level consultations.
国内最近的判例法显示,目前存在以其他措施代替驱逐 趋 势 , 例如移 交劳改所。
Recent domestic case law shows the current trend of substituting expulsion with other measures, such as the transfer to a labour house.
将在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划执行、监测和控制项目范围内开展监测活动,包括氟氯烃 淘汰管理计划中所有项目的执行;定期监测项目的执行和成果;编制有关项目成果的定期
[...] 报告,以便采取矫正行动;及时向执行委员会提供项目进度报告;以及定期监测国家和国 际一级的市场发展趋势。
The monitoring activities will be carried out within the HPMP implementation, monitoring and control project, and will include the implementation of all the projects within the HPMP, the regular monitoring of the project implementation and results, the production of periodic reports on project results in order to facilitate corrective actions, the production of timely project progress reports to the
Executive Committee, and regular monitoring of market
[...] developments and trends at the national [...]
and international levels.
报告《IDC 预测 2013 年:第 3
[...] 平台上的竞争》(来源:IDC)指出“2013 年最重要趋势和事件将围绕在 IDC 所称的 [...]
IT 业增长和创新的‘第 3 平台’- 它由以下因素构建而成:移动设备、云服务、社交技术和海量数据,及建于它们之上的新兴高价值行业解决方案和将在下一个八年的大部分增长中扮演非常重要角色的不断浮现的供应商(例如服务提供商和行业
PaaS 提供商)与客户(例如消费者、中小企业、企业高管及新兴市场客户)。
The report "IDC Predictions 2013: Competing on the 3rd
Platform" (source: IDC) identifies “the
[...] most important trends and events in [...]
2013 will cluster around what IDC calls the
"3rd Platform" for IT industry growth and innovation — built on mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data, as well as the emerging high-value industry solutions built on top of them, and the rising vendors (e.g., service providers and industry PaaS providers) and customers (e.g., consumers, SMBs, line-of-business executives, and emerging market customers) that will play leading roles in much of the next eight years' growth.
[...] 的是收集信息,提高对知识产权和竞争政策关系的认识,确定国 趋 势 , 帮助成员国制定面向发展 的国家政策。
The main objective is to generate information and raise awareness about
the interface of IP and CP and to identify
[...] international trends that Member States [...]
can use in devising development-oriented national policies.
这次会议的具体目的是:(a)审视 世界各地开发导航卫星系统明趋势 及 其对卫星定位技术用户人数日益增多的 [...]
影响;(b)审视可有助于推广使用导航卫星系统技术及其应用的进行中和计划中 举措以及案例研究,包括举行一项或多项国家、区域和国际试点项目的可能
性,相关机构可在这类项目中纳入对导航卫星系统技术的使用;(c)确定能够建 立的务实合作关系,推动由导航卫星系统促成的创新型应用,并就如何通过自 愿行动建立这种合作关系提出建议,其中可把政府、国际组织、研究和开发机 构、学术界及其他相关利益攸关方包括在内;以及(d)确定拟呈交导航卫星系统 国际委员会及其工作组审议的建议和结论。
The specific objectives of the Meeting were: (a)
[...] to examine the trends that are apparent [...]
in the worldwide development of GNSS and
how they will affect the growing population of users of satellite-positioning technologies; (b) to review ongoing and planned initiatives as well as case studies that could contribute to the wider use of GNSS technology and its applications, including the possibility of one or more national, regional and international pilot projects in which interested institutions could incorporate the use of GNSS technology; (c) identify a functional partnership that could be established to promote innovative GNSS-enabled applications, as well as recommend how such a partnership could be established through voluntary actions that could include Governments, international organizations, research and development institutions, academia and other relevant stakeholders; and (d) define recommendations and findings to be forwarded for consideration by ICG and its working groups.
坎帕拉爆炸事件所凸显的这一令人不安 趋 势 ,表明青年党不仅拥有进 行这种攻击的意志和能力,而且还在催生新一代东非圣战组织团体,对该地区 乃至整个国际社会的安全产生新的挑战。
This disturbing trend, highlighted by the Kampala bombings, suggests not only that Al-Shabaab possesses the will and capability to conduct such attacks but that it is giving rise to a new generation of East African jihadist groups that represent a new security challenge for the region and the wider international community.
提交报告的国家往往难 以从水产养殖产量中区分的自然种群贻贝和牡蛎捕捞产量,在过去年份没有大的 变化,但出现总体的向趋势。
Capture production of mussels and oysters, for which reporting countries often have difficulty in separating harvest of natural populations from aquaculture production, has not varied much over the years, but an overall downward trend can be noted.
22/05/2012 伦敦国际葡萄酒博览会开幕 • 21/05/2012 葡萄酒投资基金将获得超过FTSE 100的巨大回报 • 21/05/2012 宝得根酒庄美酒需求增加 • 18/05/2012 失事轮船上的葡萄酒再次征战拍卖会 • 18/05/2012 葡萄酒投资期待“乐观的2012” • 17/05/2012 拍卖会卖出240年的佳酿 • 17/05/2012 凯隆世家在二级葡萄酒市场开始交易 • 16/05/2012 2011年期趋势发 布为之带来新的力量 • 15/05/2012 中国葡萄酒投资呈下趋势 • 15/05/2012 除法国之外的葡萄酒投资——面向新世界 • 14/05/2012 威登庄园获得了2011年最佳葡萄酒的称号 • 14/05/2012 罕有的修道院红颜容副牌酒成为拍卖之星 • 11/05/2012 新选举的法国政府推进葡萄酒在中国的销售 • 11/05/2012 美国葡萄酒商并未被2011年期酒所动 • 10/05/2012 庞特卡内会成为2011年期酒之星吗?
22/05 London International Wine Fair opens • 21/05 Wine investment fund sees huge returns over FTSE 100 • 21/05 Growing appeal for Chateau Pontet Canet • 18/05 Shipwrecked wine to go up for auction again • 18/05 Wine investment prospects 'positive for 2012' • 17/05 240-year-old wine sells at auction • 17/05 Calon Segur trades on secondary wine investment market • 16/05 Flood of 2011 en primeur releases sparks new life into campaign • 15/05 Wine investment in China sees decline • 15/05 Wine investment beyond France - look to the New World • 14/05 Vieux Chateau Certan earns title for best wine of 2011 • 14/05 Rare La Mission-Haut-Brion the star attraction at auction • 11/05 Newly-elected French government to push wine in China • 11/05 US wine merchants not turned on by 2011 en primeur • 10/05 Could Pontet Canet be a star of the 2011 vintage?
这项调查还 表明,如果企业未能满足上述期望,那么IT业的员工流动率只会呈上 趋 势。
It also suggests that if such expectations are not met - staff turnover in the IT industry is only likely to increase.
此外,由于全球人口数量呈下趋势 、 经济下滑、就业活动率大幅下降, 农村地区人口在总人口中所占的比重有所上升,农业产值在国内生产总值中所占 的比重也在不断增加,农业人口在总人口中所占的比重也在增加。
Part of the global picture of decrease of the population, the economic decline and decrease of occupational and activity rate, the share of the population in the rural area from the total population has increased, the share of the agricultural production in the GDP has also grown, the share of the population involved in agriculture has also risen.
[...] 个有效参考工具,帮助各方了解其现状 趋 势 、 问题和展望,以更全面了 解该部门在当今世界中所起的关键作用。
It is my sincere hope that this issue of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture will
serve as a useful reference work on the sector
[...] – its status, trends, issues and outlook [...]
– and that it will contribute to a more
complete understanding of the sector’s key role in shaping our world.
虽然这种做法的初衷是保护少数群体学生免受种族暴力, 但事实上它却大有加深不同族裔间隔阂,强化陈旧观念以及使和解努力化为乌有趋势。
While this was originally done to protect minority students from ethnically based violence, it tended to deepen the dividing lines between the different ethnicities, reinforce stereotypes and nullify reconciliation efforts.
里约集团成员国作为大约 40 年前通过《特拉特 洛尔科条约》宣布为无核武器区的第一个人口密集地 区,欢迎召开建立无核武器区条约缔约国和签字国及 蒙古第二次会议,讨论加强缔约国和签字国、条约机 构和其它有关国家协商的办法和途径,以便促进在执 行这些条约的规定以及加强核裁军和不扩散制度方 面的协调趋同。
The States members of the Rio Group, as part of the first densely populated area declared a nuclearweapon-free zone through the Treaty of Tlatelolco about 40 years ago, welcome the convening of the Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia to consider ways and means to enhance consultations among States parties and signatories, treaty agencies and other interested States, with the aim of promoting coordination and convergence in the implementation of the provisions of these treaties and in strengthening the regime of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
毒品贩运的资料主要源自各国政府 对 2009 年及以往年份的年度报告调查表第三部分(非法药物供应)和 2010 年
[...] 年度报告调查表第四部分(毒品作物种植及毒品制造和贩运的规模、模式趋 势)所作的答复。
The primary sources of information on drug trafficking were the replies submitted by Governments to part III (Illicit supply of drugs) of the annual reports questionnaire for 2009 and
previous years, and part IV (Extent and
[...] patterns of and trends in drug crop cultivation [...]
and drug manufacture and trafficking)
of the annual report questionnaire for 2010.
为了促进这一进程,世卫组织和粮农组织着力加强两项重大活动,以应对 趋 复 杂 和全 球化的粮食贸易所带来的健康风险:即国际食品安全管理机构网络(INFOSAN)和食典 信托基金。
To facilitate this process WHO together with FAO has invested in strengthening two major activities undertaken to respond to the health risks posed by the increasingly complex and globalized food trade: INFOSAN and the Codex Trust Fund.
由于维持和平、建设和平以及旨在实现持久和平的 人道主义活动之间存在根本的关联,克罗地亚关切地了 解到,自 2006 年高级专员的上一次通报(见 S/PV.5353) 以来,全世界难民和境内流离失所者的人数和复杂性出 现了上趋势。
Given the fundamental interlinkages among peacekeeping, peacebuilding and humanitarian activities to achieve durable peace, Croatia is concerned to learn that there has been an upward trend in terms of the number and the complexity of refugee and IDP situations worldwide since the High Commissioner’s previous briefing, in 2006 (see S/PV.5353).
在该领域,联合国各实体利用天基技术监测全球范围内的相关过 程趋势, 以在其各自任务范围内做出知情的决策,并通过全球气候、海洋和 [...]
In this domain, United Nations
entities employ space-based technology to monitor
[...] processes and trends on a global [...]
scale for informed decision-making within their
respective mandates and jointly coordinate Earth observation through global climate, ocean and terrestrial observing systems.




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