单词 | 越陷越深 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 越陷越深—fall deeper and deeper (in debt, in love etc)See also:深深adv—deeplyadv
16 因此,最低收入群体家庭收入的明 显下降可能导致更多人在贫穷中越陷越深。 daccess-ods.un.org | E. Baldacci, L.deMello andG. Inchauste, [...] “Financial crises, poverty, and income distribution”, Finance and Development, 39 (2002). daccess-ods.un.org |
解决政治危机的时间越长,海地深陷各种问题泥潭的时间就越长。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thelonger it takes to resolve the political crisis, the [...] longer Haiti will remainmired in its myriad problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们对越来越多的难民身陷困境深感关切,我们认 为,必须允许人道主义援助不受阻碍地进入。 daccess-ods.un.org | Wearedeeply concerned with the plight of the increasingnumber [...] of refugees, and we consider that humanitarian assistance [...]must be allowed without hindrance. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着越来越多的家庭陷入贫困之中,全民 教育和其他国际发展目标的实现可能会越来越受到威胁。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With more families being thrown into poverty, the achievement of EFA and other international development goals may be increasingly at risk. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在我们国家的记忆中,朝韩战争的创伤仍历历在目,中国失去了40万人,包括毛泽东的儿子,上海公报发表时越南战争仍在肆虐,而中国仍深陷于文革。 embassyusa.cn | The scars of the Korean War remained fresh in our nations' memories, China lost 400,000 of its men, [...] including the son of [...] Mao Zedong, the Vietnam War was still raging at the time of the Shanghai Communiqué, and China was stillembroiled in the Cultural [...]Revolution. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我们都知道,索马里自其中央政府在 1990-1991 年间垮台后,一直深陷困难之中,而且,安全理事会 自那以后就一直在处理索马里问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | trouble since the collapse of the central Government in 1990-1991, and the Security Council has been seized with the Somalia question ever since. daccess-ods.un.org |
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal [...] project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 [...] 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。 crisisgroup.org | These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would [...] include a large industrial [...] estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several [...]days off the sea [...]route through the Straits of Malacca. crisisgroup.org |
通过倡导创新研究和教育下 一代建设和平的领军人物,国际和平研究所致力于促使深陷毁灭性冲突或团伙暴力的社会和 城市中心转向牢固建立在人权、赞赏文化多样性以及减轻贫困基础上的持久和平上。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By pioneering innovative research and educating the next generation of peace-building leaders, the IIP works to reorient societies and urban centres marked by destructive conflicts or gang violence towards sustainable peace rooted in human rights, the appreciation of cultural diversity, and the alleviation of poverty. unesdoc.unesco.org |
安理会关于保护平民的第 1674(2006)号和第 1894(2009)号决议指出,如果一个深陷冲突的社会或正从冲突中恢复的社会要正视过去的违法行为,并防止其再次 发生,则必须结束有罪不罚现象,而且各国有责任履行其义务,调查和起诉涉嫌犯 有战争罪、危害人类罪、灭绝种族罪或其他严重违反国际人道主义法的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Security Council resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians state that ending impunity is essential if a society in conflict or recovering fromconflict is to come to terms with past violations and prevent their recurrence, and that it is the responsibility of States to comply with their obligations to investigate and prosecute persons suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide or other serious violations of international humanitarian law. daccess-ods.un.org |
时间拖得越久,再次陷入暴力冲突的风险就越大。 daccess-ods.un.org | The risk of relapseinto violent conflict only increases with time. daccess-ods.un.org |
从中获得的重要经验是(i)在教育领域,总体的人道主义响应显露 出重要的空白区,这属于教科文组织的任务范畴:即中等教育以及职业技术教育与培训、高 [...] 等教育、教育危机计划编制和管理;(ii)在保护领域,对于冲突期间和冲突后媒体安全和 保护的重要性有了越来越深入的认识,教科文组织能够在这些领域提供协助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Key lessons learnt from this experience were that: (i) in the field of education, the overall humanitarian response shows important gap areas, where UNESCO has a mandate: namely secondary and TVET education, higher education, educational crisis [...] planning and management; (ii) in the [...] field of protection, thereisincreased awareness [...]on the importance of media safety [...]and protection during and after conflicts, and UNESCO is expected to assist in these areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不难想像一个灾难性的情况由此产生:包括主权债务 [...] 违约、银行业和金融陷入严峻的危机,以及部份外围国家脱离欧 元区,原因是欧洲将会深陷长期的经济衰退。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | It does not take too much imagination to sketch a disaster scenario from here, including sovereign defaults, a severe banking and financial [...] crisis, and some peripheral countries leaving the eurozone, as Europe’s economies [...] slideinto a verydeep andlong recession. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
除了相对贫穷人数增加以外,还有越来越多的人陷于极端贫穷,特点是物资严重匮 乏。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the higher incidence of relative [...] poverty, an increasing number of people are falling [...] into absolute poverty traps, characterized by severe [...]material deprivation. daccess-ods.un.org |
他会自我介绍 (当然 是作为品牌 :) 您对品牌的了解越深入,您的作品被接受的可能性越大。 bootb.com | He introduces himself (as a Brand of course :) The more you understand about the Brand, the more chances you have to create what is wanted. bootb.com |
43刚果 民主共和国的人类发展指数从 [...] 2000 年的 0.224 攀升至 2010 年的 0.282,几乎 相当于该国在 1980 年的水平。44 对一个最不发达国家而言,人类发展指数在 [...] 十年中增长 0.052 表明刚果民主共和国现在已迈上正常的发展轨道,而不是深 陷冲突之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Research suggests that conflict has a particularly devastating impact in the least developed countries.43 The human development index for the Democratic Republic of the Congo increased from 0.224 in 2000 to 0.282 in 2010 — nearly identical to its 1980 level.44 The increase of 0.052 in a decade suggests that the Democratic [...] Republic of the Congo is now on a normal development track, for a least developed [...] country,rather than miredinconflict.43 76. daccess-ods.un.org |
斯威士兰 是这个增长趋势中的例外,由于它深陷财政危机,不得不大大削减私人和公共开 支,所以 2011 年的产出只增长了 2.5%,仅比 2010 年的 2.0%多一点点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Swaziland is the exception to this trend; its output expanded by only 2.5 per cent in 2011, up from 2.0 per cent in 2010, on account of severe cutbacks in private and public spending in response to a deep fiscal crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
101. 全球经济目前深深陷入第二次世界大战以来最严重的金融和经济危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | The global [...] economy iscurrentlydeeply mired in the most severe [...]financial and economic crisis since the Second World War. daccess-ods.un.org |
关切人数众多而且还在不断增多的移徙者,尤其是妇女和儿童,他们试图在 没有所需旅行证件情况下跨越国际边界,身陷极易受害的境地,并确认国家有义 务尊重这些移徙者的人权 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerned at the large and growing number of migrants, especially women and children, who attempt to cross international borders without the required travel documents, which places them in a particularly vulnerable situation, and recognizing the obligation of States to respect the human rights of those migrants daccess-ods.un.org |
通过开展各种活动, 包括人与生物圈计划 40 周年纪念活动以及人与生物圈计划国际协调理事会第二十三届会议 以 “为了生命,为了未来:生物圈保护区与气候变化”为主题的国际会议(2011 年 6 月 28 日至 7 月 1 日由德国当局在德累斯顿主持召开),人们对生物圈保护区在促进可持续土地利 用、绿色经济、保障生态服务、节能和可再生能源利用的重要性有着越来越深的认识。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Recognition of the value of biosphere reserves in promoting sustainable land use, green economies, safeguarding ecosystem services, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies was increased, including through the fortieth anniversary of the MAB Programme and the international conference “For life, for the future: biosphere reserves and climate change” at the occasion of the twenty-third session of the MAB International Coordinating Council (hosted by the German authorities in Dresden from 28 June to 1 July 2011). unesdoc.unesco.org |
联合主席在这方面强调,“[定居者 ]留在被占领土的时间越长,他们在目 前居住地扎的根就越深,对其更加留恋”,而且“这种情况长期继续下去,则可 [...] 能导致既成事实,进而使和平进程严重复杂化“(见 A/59/747-S/2005/187,附件 一)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Co-chairs emphasized in this regard that “the [...] longer [settlers] remain in the occupied [...] territories, the deeper their roots and [...]attachments to their present places of residence [...]will become” and that “prolonged continuation of this situation could lead to a fait accompli that would seriously complicate the peace process” (see A/59/747-S/2005/187, annex I). daccess-ods.un.org |
政府和许多民众常常把伦敦骚乱和阿拉伯之春相比较,他们把伦敦骚乱中参与暴乱的青年男女和儿童称为缺乏政治动机的迷失一代,认为他们应该受到惩罚和谴责,而不应该教育并帮助他们走出政府让他们泥足深陷的贫困和绝望。 shanghaibiennale.org | Often comparing the London riots to the Arab spring, the government and much of the public described the young men, women and children who took up arms in the London riots as a lost, politically unmotivated generation who deserve to be punished and demonized rather than educated and given the aides to rise out of the poverty and hopelessness that the governments have put them in. shanghaibiennale.org |
他提及安全理事会关于武装冲突中保护平民的第 1674(2006) 和 1894(2009)号决议,其中强调指出,如果一个深陷冲突的社会或正从冲突中恢 复的社会要正视过去的违法行为,防止其再次发生,就应该结束有罪不罚现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | He referred to Security Council resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, which underline that ending impunity is essential if a society in conflict or recovering from conflict is to come to terms with past violations and prevent their recurrence. daccess-ods.un.org |