

单词 越出界线

越出界线 verb ()

exceed v

See also:

出界 n

touchline n


cross a border
go out of bounds (sport)

界线 n

boundaries n
boundary n
line n


dividing line

External sources (not reviewed)

基 本科学和应用科学之间本来就不十分清晰的 界线 现 在变 得 越 发 混 淆。
There has also been an erosion of the division, never very distinct, between basic and applied science.
例如,在阿塞拜疆、 哥伦比亚、刚果民主共和国、大湖区、利比里亚、中东、尼泊尔、北爱尔兰和索 马里,妇女越种族和宗界线同心 协力,为和平进程 出 了 宝 贵贡献。
In Azerbaijan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Great Lakes Region, Liberia, the Middle East, Nepal, Northern Ireland and Somalia, for
example, women have worked
[...] collaboratively across ethnic and religious lines to make valuable contributions to peace processes.
鉴于安全与人民的参与之间的这种关系,国际干预也应当 出 改 变 ,要制定所有 各方都可以接受界线和接战规则。
The link between security and peoples’ participation should
also force a change
[...] in international intervention to set boundaries and establish rules of engagement that [...]
were acceptable to all.
[...] 3(a),上文引用的澳大利亚若干划界协定的规定(见第 12 段)明确出,对于所发现的任越界石油资源,双方应就最有效地利用资源和公平分享 开采所产生的惠益的方式寻求达成一致意见。
In relation to question 3 (a), the provisions quoted above (see para. 12 above) in several
of Australia’s delimitation
[...] agreements make it clear that for any transboundary petroleum resource [...]
found, the two parties
are to seek to reach agreement on the manner in which the resource is to be most effectively exploited and on the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from such exploitation.
在此方面,经社会出,越来越多的 国家 正在利用公私营伙伴关系,以便为交通运输基础设施发展项目,包括亚洲公 路网和泛亚铁路网沿线的一 些相关路段的项目,进行融资。
In that regard, it noted that an increasing number of countries were utilizing public-private partnerships in order to finance transport infrastructure development projects, including along [...]
sections of the Asian Highway
and Trans-Asian Railway networks.
评估的因素包括 国家名称、界地区 ;并具有以下功能: 线出 版 物、在线数据库、音频片段、视频片段、非母 语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素、在线服 [...]
Features assessed included the
name of the nation,
[...] region of the world and having the following features: online publications, online database, [...]
audio clips, video clips,
non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy policy, security features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card payments, email address, comment form, automatic email updates, website personalization, personal digital assistant (PDA) access and an English version of the website.
会员国的语言普查情况进行了调查,其初步结果已在最近的国际母语日(2011 年 2 月 21 日)作了介绍; iv) 2011 年 4 月已线出版了 有关这方面的国际合作计划和可利用资金一览; v) 利用挪威提供的资助,教科文组织《 界 濒 危语言地图册》的工作在 2010--2011 年期间不断更新,更新了在线语言互动图册和出版了地图册的英文、法文和西班 [...]
(v) UNESCO worked on and updated the Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger
throughout the
[...] 2010-2011 biennium, owing to financial support from Norway, updating the online interactive Atlas of Endangered Languages and publishing the print version of the Atlas [...]
in English, French and Spanish.
[...] 长关于组织结构的公报的发布将与若干其他部、厅的组织相重叠,这些部、厅提 供服务,其责任和报告线则越了类似会议管理的组 界线 , 例如安全和安保、 信息和通信技术,等等。
In addition, the issuance of Secretary-General’s bulletins setting out organizational structures will overlap with the organization of several other departments and offices that provide services and
which have responsibility
[...] and reporting lines that cross organizational boundaries similar to conference [...]
management, such as
safety and security and information and communications technology.
该决议已导致对利比亚的军事侵略。 如果安理会一些成越出其合 法权力而随意决定重界定国 际法,那么联合国便失去其存在理由。
If some members of the Council exceed their legal powers and decide of their own accord to redefine international law, the United Nations loses its raison d’être.
在個越界訊號超出限值 的 地點,相關流動網絡營辦商亦會根據協調機制,把訊號強 度調低。
For those specific
[...] areas where overspill signals were found exceeding the agreed limit, the [...]
mobile network operators concerned
would act in accordance with the co-ordination mechanism to reduce the signal strength.
如任何石油、天然气或凝析油气田延 越过 A 线或 B 线,该线一侧 的全部 或部分油气田从该线另一侧被开采,两国政府应 出 坚 定努力,就油气田开 采问题达成协定。
If any oil, gas or condensate field extends across Line A or Line B and the part of such field which is situated on one side of the line is exploitable, wholly or in part, from the other side of the line, the two Governments shall make determined efforts to reach agreement as to the exploitation of such field.
不过,有些答复则出,越来越多地 采用 互联网的方式传播信息,可能会给 界 上 那 些没有同样入网水平的地区造成严重后果。
However, it
[...] was also noted by some respondents that an increasingly web-based approach to the dissemination of information could have serious repercussions in some parts of the world which did not enjoy [...]
the same levels of access.
继《荒漠化公约》第一次科 学会议结束以来,科技委吸取了在《荒漠化公约》第二次科学会议上学到的教 益,成功地出了就 《公约》进程开展科学合作的新的业务模式,该模式可能吸 引科界越来越 多的参与和投入,使选定的《公约》相关优先专题获得以科学为 基础的可靠反馈意见和指导。
Having concluded the UNCCD 1st Scientific Conference and using the lessons learnt for the UNCCD 2nd Scientific
Conference, the CST has also
[...] successfully launched a new operational modality for scientific cooperation in the Convention process, which is likely to draw increasing participation and inputs of the scientific community and result [...]
in solid, science-based
feedback and guidance on selected priority themes concerning the Convention.
临时设置的路障挡住了通往这些社区的大多数道路,这种情况持续了整整24个小时——由此 出 了 这些区域与城市其他部分间的人 界线。
In most cases, public access to these neighborhoods is blocked by means
of temporary barriers,
[...] which stay put for 24 hours – thus creating an artificial border between these [...]
areas and the rest of the city.
她认定,地方一级正在形成一种新的政治文 化,需要有越行政或管界线的新 的民主和社区理念,以满足全球化的新要求, [...]
She concluded that a new political culture was taking hold at the local level, requiring a new vision of
democracy and community that went beyond
[...] administrative or jurisdictional boundaries to meet the new demands [...]
of globalization
while contributing to the realization of the Millennium Development Goals.
如果有任何一个无论是气体、液体还是固体状态的石油积聚,或有任何其 他海床下矿物沉积,越本条约所 界线 , 而 且位 界线 一 侧 的这种积聚或 沉积可以全部或部分从界线另一侧开采,双方将寻求商定最有效地开采这些 积聚或沉积的方式,并商定公平分享这种开采所产生的惠益。
If any single accumulation of petroleum, whether in a gaseous, liquid or solid state, or if any other mineral deposit
beneath the seabed,
[...] extends across the lines described in [the] Treaty, and the part of such accumulation or deposit that is situated on one side [...]
of the line is recoverable
wholly or in part from the other side of the line, the two Parties will seek to reach agreement on the manner in which the accumulation or deposit shall be most effectively exploited and on the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from such exploitation.
(d) 气候基金用于筛选提交给最不发达国家基金的项目建议书或项目登记 表的审查程序有时出项目登记表 界线 , 因为环境基金的有些意见要求非常详 细的回答,因而更适合于完整规模项目文件制订阶段。
(d) The review process of the GEF used to screen project proposals or project identification
forms submitted to the LDCF
[...] sometimes went beyond the boundaries of the PIF since some [...]
of the comments made by the GEF
required very detailed answers, which were better suited to the FPD formulation phase.
然而,在情况下,旅客会觉得比绿色分离自北塞浦路斯土耳其南部希腊塞浦路 线越 多 , 那么你必 出 示 护 照,因为它 出 了 欧 盟的 界 范 围
However, in cases where travelers will feel like more than the Green Line separating the southern Greek Cyprus
since the Turkish northern
[...] Cyprus, then you must show your passport, since it goes beyond the borders of the European Union.
(二)在次区域境内如有新增的亚洲公路线路(包括与周边次区域相连的线路以及 在成员国境内的线路)或对现有这类线路的修改的情况,与该 出 要 求 的国家相毗连 的其领土被那线路穿越或该线路与 穿 越 其 领 土的大幅度穿越一个以上次区域的亚 洲公路线路相连的任何缔约方,而无论这段线路是新增的或是将修改的。
(b) In the case of a new, or the modification of an existing, Asian Highway route within subregions including those connecting to neighbouring subregions, and routes located within member States, any Party contiguous to the requesting State whose territory is crossed by that route or the Asian Highway route substantially crossing more than one subregion with which that route, whether new or to be modified, is connected.
从东京的银座到新西兰的皇后镇,Ueno Hidetsugu先生越地理界线,成 为本届42BELOW鸡尾酒世界杯的评委。
From Ginza, Tokyo to the slopes above Queenstown in New Zealand Mr Ueno Hidetsugu has crossed more than the geographical divide to take up his judging position at the 42BELOW Cocktail World Cup.
界铁人 三项公司(World Triathlon Corporation,WTC)是设在坦帕的一家公司,因运动方面的 越 、 出 色 的赛事和高质量的产品而受到公认。
World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) is a Tampa-based company recognized for athletic excellence, distinguished events and quality products.
令人遗憾而且具有讽刺的是,金伯利进程在利 比里亚呈岌岌可危的状态正积极鼓励人 越界 到 塞 拉利 出 售 ,因为塞拉利昂的 金伯利进程机制是出售利比里亚毛坯钻石的一个更加便利和有效的渠道。
It is an unfortunate irony that the fragile state of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme in
Liberia is now
[...] actively encouraging cross-border trafficking to Sierra [...]
Leone simply because the Kimberley Process mechanism in Sierra Leone provides an easier and more effective
conduit for the marketing of Liberian rough diamonds.
[...] 学习动机和参与;改进管理和决策;减少教师的行政负担;提高与工作生产率有 关的竞争力;扩大越地域界线的学 习机会。
Therefore, the other objectives of these interventions should be made clear, such as: closing the digital divide; increasing student motivation and participation; improving management and decision-making; reducing the administrative burden on teachers; improving
competencies relating to work productivity; and expanding opportunities for
[...] learning that go beyond geographic boundaries.
當ruck或maul發生在爭邊球時,要所有 ruck或maul中的球員的腳全部越出界 線 以 後,爭邊球才算結束。
When a ruck or maul develops in a lineout, the lineout has not ended until all the feet of all the players in the ruck or maul have moved beyond the line of touch.
因此,发达和发展中国家的政府都使保健服务私有化,把保健分包给私营部门, 把公立医院租赁出售给 私营部门,或者让公立医院在管理上拥有自主权,混 淆公众目的与盈利目的之间界线。
As a result, Governments in both developed and developing countries privatized health services, sub-contracted health care to the private sector, leased or
sold public
[...] hospitals to the private sector or granted managerial autonomy to public hospitals, blurring the boundaries between public and for-profit objectives.
Thompson 先生还出,关 于委内瑞拉,有一条现有边界必须扩展到 350 英里 界限;关于圭亚那,在特立尼达和多巴哥与委内瑞拉之间边界的现有终点以外以 及在特立尼达和多巴哥与委内瑞拉之间已扩展到 350 英里的界线以外可能存在 重叠。
Mr. Thompson also pointed out that, with regard to Venezuela, there was an existing boundary which had to be extended to the 350-mile limit and, in regard of Guyana, there was a potential overlap beyond the current terminus of the boundary between Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela and also beyond a boundary line between Trinidad [...]
and Tobago and Venezuela
that had been extended to 350 miles.
尽管这些摇摇欲坠的路障的象征意义大于其实际作用,但它们的存在本身即构成了摩擦与冲突的源头;它们在神圣与世俗之间 出 了 一 道清晰的 界线。
Although the value of these somewhat rickety barriers may appear above all symbolic,
their presence is a source of friction and
[...] conflict; they delineate a clear-cut boundary between the [...]
sacred and the mundane.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军出时, 陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“线”得 到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“ 线 ” 和 利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 [...]
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout
southern Lebanon in
[...] parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani [...]
River is free of any
unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
[...] 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以越南和世 界 范 围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and
share experience with all countries and international organizations to better
[...] ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
越界限:經由與「他者」的對話實踐宗教教育 白德滿(Don A. Pittman) 1 著 蔡博聞 譯 基督徒的使命即是要去領悟世界之所以殘破的本質以及上帝藉著耶穌基督的生、死與 復活,所顯出的醫治事實的好消息。
Crossing¡@Boundaries : Religious Education Through Dialogue with the 'Other' " Don A. Pittman 1 Christian ministry has always entailed seeking to understand ever more comprehensively both the nature of the world's brokenness and the good news of God's healing presence [...]
in the life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.




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