单词 | 越位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 越位noun—offsidenless common: overrunn 越位—ruck offside (sports)
(d) 未赢得控球队的传锋, [...] 不许踩越该传锋参加scrum队友最後一只脚的越位线, 而移动到scrum投球位置的另一侧。 irblaws.com | (d) The scrum half whose team does not win possession of the ball must not move to the opposite side of [...] the scrumand overstepthe offsideline. irblaws.com |
但该越位球员如果干扰比赛,或往前朝向球行动,或不及跑离球掉落地点的10公尺後方 时,是不能成为在位的。 irblaws.com | However, the offside player cannot be put onside if the offsideplayer interferes [...] with play; or moves forward, towards the [...]ball, or fails to move 10 metres away from the place where the ball lands. irblaws.com |
威廉大街 140 号地理位置优越,位于威廉街和布尔克街的交叉点,这里也是墨尔本的金融区和法务区。 servcorp.com.cn | Located atthe intersection of William & Bourke Streets. 140 William Street is ideallylocated inMelbourne's [...] financial and legal district. servcorp.be |
地中海游艇俱乐部”套房位于邮轮前甲板,优越位置。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC Yacht Club suites are set in a primelocation atthe foredeck of the ship. msccruises.com.eg |
尽管托雷斯的进球被判越位,但他们的后防看起来仍然很薄弱。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | And though [...] Torres’ goalwas offside, they still look [...]rather shaky at the back. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
蓝筹肉牛育肥场地理位置优越,位于稳定高降水地区,正处在通往蓬勃发展亚洲市场的门户通道,成为发展牛肉、碳和生物燃料整合业务的理想基地。 australiachina.com.au | Blue chip cattle finishing [...] stations perfectly locatedin secure high rainfall areas and at the gateway to the growing Asian markets, [...]providing an ideal base [...]to develop an integrated beef, carbon and biofuel business. australiachina.com.au |
我们一 直聚焦亚洲市场,奠定领先地位,并累积丰富的经验,配合我们雄厚的财务实力和积极进取的团 队,使我们雄踞优越位置,尽享进一步增长的机会,为股东缔造强劲及可持续的回报。 aia.com.tw | Our focus on Asia Pacific markets in which we have a leading position and depth of experience, combined with our financial strength and a highly motivated team, put us in a very strong position to optimise opportunities for further growth and generate strong and sustainable returns for our shareholders. aia.com |
我们竭诚尽责的员工,配合专 属分销平台、家喻户晓的品牌优势、广泛的产品种类及雄厚的资产实力,令友邦保险处於优越 位置,捕捉来自我们各市场的重要增长机遇,并为我们的股东缔造可持续的价值。 aia.com.tw | The combination of our highly committed employees, proprietary distribution platform, extensive brand reach, broad product range and balance sheet strength puts us in an excellent position to capture the significant growth opportunities available from our markets and to generate sustainable value for our shareholders. aia.com |
泥泞足球没有越位等球例,只要你把球踢进龙门就得分。 visitfinland.com | The pitch is a swamp, there’s nooffside rule and, as is customary, whoever scores the most goals, wins. visitfinland.com |
又 一 城 亦 证 明 是 追 求优越 位置、优 质 管 理 及 相 [...] 信 和 谐 自 然 环 境 能 提 昇 生 产 力 的 公 司 之 最 佳 办 公 地 点 。 swirepacific.com | Festival Walk has proven the ideal choice for companies who appreciate [...] the benefitsof location, quality management [...]and a nature-inspired environment which is conducive to productivity. swirepacific.com |
所有该等项目遵从行业整合趋势,於高增长 地区拥有优越位置,及可能是本集团在当前环境下低收购 成本的项目。 westchinacement.com | All of these projects follow the industry trends of [...] consolidation,have superior locations inhigh growth [...]areas and potentially represent low [...]acquisition cost projects for the Group in the current environment. westchinacement.com |
首先,境外的金融服务的投资回报应课税较低,甚或免税;另外,境外金融服务供应商於海外开设办公室、添置设施及杂项的支出亦较少,相反境内机构一般花费不少资金在保持市场形象及优越位置上。 wealth.htisec.com | First, offshore financial services are conducted in countries which have no or minimal taxation on investment income. Second, offshore financial service provider typically have minimal investment in "bricks and mortar" land, building/offices, furnishings, equipment, [...] overhead, etc, usually needed onshore to maintain the market image [...] and physicallocation necessary to [...]compete effectively. wealth.htisec.com |
GLP Ayase位置优越,位于Ken-O高速(大都市城内高速)海老名换乘站出口以东6公里。 glprop.com | GLP Ayase is strategicallylocated 6-km east of [...] the Ebina Interchange Exit of the Ken-O Expressway (Metropolitan Intra-city Expressway). glprop.com |
阿纳基瓦度假屋青年旅舍地理位置优越,位于夏洛特女王步道的尽头,距离海岸仅70米,毗邻户外拓展训练学校。 cn.yha.co.nz | Situated at the lower end of Queen Charlotte Sound, [...] YHA Anakiwa Lodge has a central idyllic location just 70m from the shore [...]and adjacent to the Outward Bound School. yha.co.nz |
品牌的自家厂房位置优越,位於高级钟表之 乡 Plan-les-Ouates,是制作优质手表最理想的地方。 swisstime.ch | Making no compromises in terms of quality [...] is a strict priority for Alpina. The [...] Alpina Manufactureis located in Geneve, the world’s [...]most prestigious location for high-quality watchmaking. swisstime.ch |
卢森堡地处优越位置,并在服务供应 商领域内树立起良好的口碑,其深厚 的专业知识足以应对复杂的国际性 投资和销售基金。 pwc.lu | Luxembourg is globally known for its dominant position in domiciliation and administration of UCITS funds. pwc.lu |
新学校有 18 间主题教室,配备现代化学习设施,满足 LILA* [...] 学生的一切需求:优质教学、物有所值、丰富课程、优越位置、个性化的服务及全面的社会课程,有助于您分享在 [...]LILA* 的体验。 englishuk.com | The new school has 18 themed classrooms and boasts contemporary learning facilities providing everything that a LILA* student could possibly wish for: quality [...] teaching, value for money, wider range of [...] courses, greatlocation,personal service [...]and comprehensive social aspect to help [...]share your experience at LILA*. englishuk.com |
这座大桥将跨越位于挪威西南部的哈当厄尔峡湾,会替代目前的轮渡和将因此大大缩短奥斯陆和卑尔根之间的行程时间。 norway.org.cn | The towers will reach 186 meters and the sailings will be 55 meters tall. It will cross the Hardangerfjord in southwestern Norway and will replace today’s ferry connection and will reduce the journey time between Oslo and Bergen significantly. norway.cn |
新加坡摩天观景轮位于发展迅速的滨海湾的优越位置,也是吸引游客的磁铁,其中包括首个世界一级方程式(F1)夜间公路赛以及斥资数十亿美元兴建的滨海湾综合度假胜地。 singaporeflyer.com | Strategically located atMarina Bay, [...] the Singapore Flyer sits among a hotbed of tourist draws that include the first-ever [...]Formula 1 (F1) Grand Prix night race and the multi-billion-dollar Marina Bay integrated resort. singaporeflyer.com |
德累斯顿塔申贝格皇庭凯宾斯基酒店(五星 级豪华)Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden ***** Superior 凯宾斯基酒店毗邻茨温格宫、森佩尔歌剧院、王宫和 宫廷教堂,凭借其独一无二的优越位置成为德累斯顿 最受欢迎和最好的酒店之一,客房的装潢布置和酒店 服务也同样高雅。 glaesernemanufaktur.de | Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden ***** Superior With its unparalleled location in close proximity to the Zwinger, the Semperoper, the Residenzschloss and the Hofkirche, the Kempinski is one of Dresden’s most popular and most revered addresses. glaesernemanufaktur.de |
Fairmont Makati 地理位置优越,位于组成亚洲主要金融、商业及经济中心之一大马尼拉市的 [...] 17 座城市之一,是继印度 Fairmont Jaipur 和上海 Fairmont Peace Hotel 之后,费尔蒙酒店在亚太地区日益发展的酒店组合中的最新成员。 fairmont.cn | Ideally situated inoneof the 17 cities comprising [...] Metro Manila - one of the major financial, commercial and economic hubs [...]in Asia - Fairmont Makati joins a growing portfolio of Fairmont hotels in the Asia Pacific region, including the recently opened Fairmont Jaipur in India and Shanghai’s Fairmont Peace Hotel. fairmont.de |
尽管这些数字可能不足以说明两性平等,但是我们看到了逐年取得的进步,这让 我们隐约看到妇女在决策进程中的地位越来越受到重视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although these figures may appear insufficient with regard to gender parity, certain progress observed over the years foreshadows amore significant role for women in the decision-making processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1998年的金融风暴後,俄罗斯在国际金融财经上的地位越来越重要了,而俄罗斯的成功是因为在生产力、国民实质收入和消费力都有强劲的增长。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | A principal factor in Russia's success has been the combination of strong growth in productivity, real wages, and consumption. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
2011年4月11日 - 去年推出的新一代G系列 G [...] 300 CDI Military版越野车於市场反应热烈,梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司 (Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited)再接再厉,宣布在香港推出另一型号G [...] 300 CDI Professional版四座位越野车。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | April 11, 2011 – Followed by the great market success of the G-Class G 300 CDI Military Version launched last [...] year, Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong announced to introduce a new variant, the G 300 CDI Professional [...] Version whichis a 4-seater. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
因此,有关喀麦隆儿童和妇女状况的公示表(2000 年 7 月) 以及 2000 年喀麦隆多指标类集调查(MICS)表明在国民生活的各个领域,妇女的地位越来越显着。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, the Social logbook (TBS) on the situation of women and children in Cameroon, July 2000, and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS, Cameroon, 2000) referred to women's increasing visibility in various areas of national life. daccess-ods.un.org |
62 受访人经常提到的第二个原因是存在一种 看法,认为管理层会允许受到行为不当指控的员工“辞职”或“退休”。员工的 看法往往是,工作人员地位越高,得到的保护越多,能够避免受到正式的纪律处 分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The perception of staff was often that the higher the position held, the more staff was protected and able to avoid formal disciplinary measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
约49%的受访企业表示,对他们来说中国市场的地位越来越重要;只有4%受访企业表示中国在其整体战略中的重要性正在下降;47%的受访者表示对他们来说中国市场的重要性没有明显变化。 rolandberger.com.cn | Some 49% of respondents reported that China has become a more important market for them, while only 4% say China has become less important to their overall strategy; 47% say there has been no noticeable change. rolandberger.com.cn |