单词 | 超自然 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 超自然—supernatural超自然adjective—paranormaladjSee also:超然adj—supremeadj 自然adj—naturaladj 自然n—naturen 自然—naturally
以树当比利,Mandy和严峻通知的东西已经消失在房子里,他们着手调查使用一种超自然的检测。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Taking Tree: When Billy, Mandy and Grim notice things have been disappearing in the house, they set out to [...] investigate using asupernatural detector. seekcartoon.com |
类似 地,在耶稣禁食了四十个昼夜之后,撒但诱惑他不倚靠天父,而运用超自然的能力来除去他 的饥饿(太 4:2-4)。 sallee.info | Likewise, after Jesus had been fasting for forty days and [...] nights, Satan tempted Him to relieve His hunger [...] by exercisingsupernatural power independently [...]of His father (Mt 4:2-4). sallee.info |
一些形状和设计会为第一次来访的游客带来超自然的视觉效果。 shangri-la.com | Some of the shapes and designs will seem almost unearthlyto the first time visitor. shangri-la.com |
这部小说讲述了一位作者在妻子的死和家乡Dark Score, Maine发生的超自然现象中挣扎的故事。 ba-repsasia.com | The novel tells the story of a writer struggling with the death of his [...] wife and the supernatural happenings in [...]his hometown of Dark Score, Maine. ba-repsasia.com |
The premillennialist认为,基督的王国将举行落成典礼在一个灾难性的方式,而神圣的控制将在一个更超自然方式比是否postmillennialist行使。 mb-soft.com | The premillennialist believes that the kingdom of Christ will be inaugurated in a [...] cataclysmic way and that divine control will be [...] exercised inamoresupernatural manner than does [...]the postmillennialist. mb-soft.com |
东正教徒似乎无法应付新的思路,德国更高的批评,达尔文的进化论,弗洛伊德的心理学,马克思主义的社会主义,尼采的虚无主义,以及新的科学自然,所有这些破坏信心圣经犯错误和洪水超自然的存在。 mb-soft.com | Orthodox Christians seemed unable to cope with the flood of new ideas, German higher criticism, Darwinian evolution, Freudian psychology, Marxist socialism, Nietzschean nihilism, and the naturalism of the [...] new science, all of which undermined confidence in the infallibility of the Bible and [...] the existence of the supernatural. mb-soft.com |
这些作品指向即将与超自然干预上帝在人类事务和邪恶的失败似乎不可阻挡的进步。 mb-soft.com | These works point to the [...] imminent andsupernatural intervention [...]of God in human affairs and the defeat of the seemingly [...]irresistible progress of evil. mb-soft.com |
天堂是居留权的祝福,其中(后与荣耀机构复活),他们享有在基督和天使公司,神的眼光来面对眼前的脸,被超自然的荣耀之光这样才能提升能够这样的远景。 mb-soft.com | Heaven is the abode of the blessed, where (after the resurrection with glorified bodies) they enjoy, in the company of Christ and the [...] angels, the immediate vision of God face to [...] face, being supernaturallyelevated by [...]the light of glory so as to be capable of such a vision. mb-soft.com |
生活的凡人,在吠陀,祭祀仪式和体现(神灵)(超自然)电源所期望的结果中提及的男性比例水果根据(性格)年龄。 mb-soft.com | The life of mortals, mentioned in the [...] Veda, the desired results of sacrificial [...] rites and the (supernatural)powerof embodied [...](spirits) are fruits proportioned [...]among men according to (the character of) the age. mb-soft.com |
在他们的假期,Tennysons受到攻击的各种敌人,从外星人超自然的实体。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | During their vacation, the Tennysons are attacked by various of enemies ranging from [...] space aliens tosupernatural entities. seekcartoon.com |
在一次野营旅行与他的祖父,本突然发现一只手表,电子设备,能够转化为转换到超自然本的超级英雄的能力帮助拯救地球的外星人的侵略阴谋的superhero.With不知道。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | With the ability to transform into the [...] superhero with supernatural Ben helped [...]save the Earth from invasion plot of aliens. seekcartoon.com |
在光荣的部分自然王国的信念,部分超自然的,都在为一个时间的弥赛亚犹太人的希望和犹太世界末日发现的根源。 mb-soft.com | The roots of the belief in a glorious kingdom, partly [...] natural, partly supernatural, are found in [...]the hopes of the Jews for a temporal [...]Messiah and in the Jewish apocalyptic. mb-soft.com |
鉴于北-南病人在治疗方面存在着巨大差距, 对大多数镰状红细胞症患者,包括儿童得不到适当的医疗表示忧虑, 忆及因对镰状红细胞症缺乏了解而对该病产生超自然的信仰, 注意到虐疾在历史上曾导致镰状红细胞症的产生,也是造成非洲镰状红细胞症患者死亡的主要 原因 unesdoc.unesco.org | Noting that malaria has historically contributed to the emergence of sickle-cell anaemia and is the first cause of mortality among sufferers of sickle-cell anaemia in Africa unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据世俗的世界观,自然界和人类受制于“自然律”;这种“自然 [...] 律”可能为某位造物主所设立,但今天在没有任何超自然势力参与 的情况下运作。 sallee.info | In the secular worldview, the natural world and the realm of mankind are controlled [...] by “natural laws”, which perhaps a creator god established, but which today operate [...] withoutany supernaturalinvolvement. sallee.info |
来自超自然界的神灵可 能会住在自然界的物体和人里面,并且这些神灵有控制的能力。 sallee.info | Spirits from the supernaturalrealm may livein natural objects and people and these spiritual beings have power to control things. sallee.info |
世界观帮助人们了解自然、其他人和超自然的世界。 sallee.info | Worldview helps people [...] understand nature, other people and the supernatural world. sallee.info |
超自然和自然的力量引导着历史的轨迹,而人尽力活在这 种预定的命运里。 sallee.info | Supernatural and natural forces direct [...] the track of history, and man lives as best he can in that predestined fate. sallee.info |
他们对已被一般人所接受的习惯﹑ 宗教﹑超自然的信仰充满愤恨。 hkahe.com | They were hostile to accepted conventions, [...] religion and belief inthesupernatural. hkahe.com |
根据这种世 界观,超自然界跟自然界和人类极其密切。 sallee.info | In this worldview thesupernatural world is extremely close to the natural andmankind realms. sallee.info |
基督徒的生活是个超自然的生活,只有基督透过圣灵的能力给你力量,你才可以过这样的 [...] 生活。 magdalenatoday.com | The Christian lifeis a supernaturallife and only [...] Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit can enable you to live it. magdalenatoday.com |
持世俗世界观的人可能完全否认包括神和灵界的超 自然界的存在。 sallee.info | The existence ofthe supernaturalworld,including [...] God and spirit beings, may be denied completely by secular people. sallee.info |
定义为“存在于个体身上的一种品质,超出了普通人的品质标准,因而会被认为是超自然所赐,超凡的力量,或者至少是一种与众不同的力量与品质”。 12manage.com | He defines Charisma as "a certain quality of an [...] individualpersonality,by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowedwith supernatural, superhuman, [...]or at least specifically [...]exceptional powers or qualities. 12manage.com |
或者,如果超自然界存在,他们以为它是独立于自 然界或人类的。 sallee.info | Or, if the supernatural exists, secular people assume that it is separate from the natural/mankind world. sallee.info |
588),虽然这不是一个痛苦或惩罚任何形式的主观状态,而仅仅是意味着穷困的超自然幸福的目标,这是一个幸福完美的自然条件兼容。 mb-soft.com | In this wide sense it applies to the state of those who die with only original sin on their souls [...] (Council of Florence, [...] Denzinger,no. 588),although this is not a state of misery or of subjective punishment of any kind, but merely implies the objective privationof supernatural bliss, which [...]is compatible with a [...]condition of perfect natural happiness. mb-soft.com |
这条规则,建立,突然透过超自然的方法,而不是在一段时间逐渐由个人转化是指长的时间。 mb-soft.com | This rule is [...] established suddenly through supernatural methods rather [...]than gradually over a long period of time by means [...]of the conversion of individuals. mb-soft.com |
一样夏洛蒂勃朗特的简爱, [...] 呼啸山庄是部分基于哥特传统的18世纪后期,一种风格的文学精选超自然座谈会,摇摇欲坠的废墟, moonless之夜,而荒唐的图像,设法创造效应的神秘和恐惧。 lwdx123.com | Like Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition of the late [...] eighteenth century, a style of literature [...] that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling [...]ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque [...]imagery, seeking to create effects of mystery and fear. lwdx123.com |
Omnitrix是一个电子设备,可以把人变成一个奇怪的英雄选择的person.During了实地考察本找到了Omnitrix“环第一台电子watch.The故事从这里开始的和冒险的能力,转化为10字符超自然阴谋保存的本从地球的外星人入侵。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The story begins here and the adventures of Ben the ability to transform into [...] 10 characterssupernatural plotto save [...]the Earth from alien invasion. seekcartoon.com |