

单词 超泛神论

See also:


pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Universe

External sources (not reviewed)

各方以尊重的态度并本着广泛交流的 精 神 进 行 接触,论将建立信任措施和人权问题作为以后审查其争议核心问题的前奏。
The parties engaged with one another
in a respectful manner
[...] and in a spirit of extensive give and take, discussing confidence-building [...]
measures and human rights
issues as a prelude to a later examination of the core issues of their dispute.
关于司各脱的性质和教学我们已经一般性发言的专文,其中有人说,他一直在与非决定不公正的指控,过多的现实主义 泛神论 , 景 教等什么一直在那里说,拥有良好的Scotism,最重要的他自己的学说其中司各脱大幅开发。
Concerning the character and teaching of Scotus we have already spoken in the special article, where it was stated that he has been
unjustly charged with Indeterminism,
[...] excessive Realism, Pantheism, Nestorianism, [...]
etc. What has been there said holds good
of Scotism in general, the most important doctrines of which were substantially developed by Scotus himself.
我爱斯宾诺莎,喜欢他的普适性,他的说服力,以及他提出的 神 ” 超 越 宗 教的观点。
I love Spinoza for his universality, his strength and for the fact that he
[...] conceived the notion “God” beyond religion.
在地中海区域和东南亚区域举办了两个区域政论 坛,超过 20 名议员和 30 多位科学家出席,并进而创建了议员、科学家和其他利 [...]
Two regional policy forums were held, in the [...]
Mediterranean and in the South-South East Asian regions, attended by over 20
parliamentarians and over 30 scientists.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可 超 过 其 成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality
or education of a minor
[...] are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his [...]
coming of age, be visited
regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
关于“发生灾害时的人员保护”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员第四次报 告(A/CN.4/643 和 Corr.1),论了在超越受灾国家的本国应对能力时寻求援助的 责任问题,受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助的义务,以及国际社会表示提供援助的 权利。
In relation to the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters”, the Commission had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1), dealing with the responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where its national response capacity is exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent to external assistance, and the right to offer assistance in the international community.
柏拉图的投机教学没有影响任何明显的程度上的希腊罗马世界流行的宗教,它无法转换,甚至哲学的少;并在这些谁没有自称通过它的手,柏拉图主义,基督教裸跑种子 泛神论 和 其他形式的错误。
Plato's speculative teaching failed to influence in any notable degree the popular religion of the Greco-Roman world; it failed to convert even the philosophical few; and in the hands of
those who did profess to adopt it, Platonism, uncorrected by Christianity
[...] ran to seed in Pantheism and other forms [...]
of error.
它的日期从基督教时代的第二或第三世纪,是一个诗意的后期奥义书版本,它 泛神论 学 说 ,如此修改,以传递的个人启示克里希纳。
It dates from the second or third century of the Christian era,
being a poetic version of a late
[...] Upanishad, with its pantheistic doctrine so modified [...]
as to pass for a personal revelation of Krishna.
应该说,奥西里斯的鉴定与祝福(“奥西里斯nn”是一个通常形式的题词)没有,至少在早期的埃及宗教的更高的阶段,意味 泛神论 吸 收 的神或个人损失个性。
It should be added that the identification of the blessed with Osiris ("Osiris NN" is a usual form of inscription) did not, at least in the earlier
and higher stage of Egyptian
[...] religion, imply pantheistic absorption in the deity or the loss of individual personality.
他们是遵循(800-500年)由所谓的关注对神的性质和人类末 泛神论 揣 测 主要奥义书,以及最后,由经典(公元前600-400),这是简明指南的礼仪和习俗适当遵守。
They are followed (800-500 BC) by the so-called Upanishads, concerned chiefly with pantheistic speculations on the nature of deity and the end of man; and lastly, by the Sutras (600-400 BC), which are compendious guides to the proper observance of the rites and customs.
其次,针对要保护哪些宗教信仰, 要达成一致是非常不可能的,例如, 神 教 和 泛 灵 论 之 间就难以达成一致。
Secondly, it is highly unlikely that
agreement could be
[...] reached on which sacred beliefs would be protected, for example, agreement between monotheists and Animists.
然而,这似乎已经崇敬变成了“Granth”迷信崇拜堕落;模糊,甚至在一定神,是因为十大师,每个人应该是轮回的第一线,他们的原始创办人 -
[...] 为灵魂的轮回印度教的教义被保留甚至那纳克自己,一 泛神论 的 语言一定量的神圣赞美诗部分发生救恩是只能由唯一的真神六师通过知识获得(。
In practice, however, this reverence seems to have degenerated into a superstitious worship of the "Granth"; and even a certain vague divinity is attributed to the ten gurus, each of whom is supposed to be reincarnation of the first of the line,
their original founder -- for the Hindu
[...] doctrine of transmigration of souls was [...]
retained even by Nanak himself, and a certain
amount of pantheistic language occurs in parts of the sacred hymns.
对于影子泛神论的神 能集的形式一,永恒的,个人精神和创造者;为原油三摩提,崇高的三位一体,以及向毗湿奴的化身,上帝的儿子,粗和有辱人格的化身。
For the shadow, pantheistic deity it can set [...]
form the One, Eternal, Personal Spirit and creator; for the crude Tri-murti,
the sublime Trinity; and for the coarse and degrading avatars of Vishnu, the incarnation of the Son of God.
在邪靈和他無數的東道主誘惑人否認 超 越 法律 的 神 聖 , 因為他很想Zoroaster本人,他的前途獎勵主權的整個世界。
The Evil Spirit and his innumerable hosts tempt Man to
[...] deny or transgress the Divine law, as he tempted [...]
Zoroaster himself, promising him
as reward the sovereignty of the whole world.
工聯會認為特別值得推薦新加坡的保健基金,原因在於:第一, 新加坡政府量力而為,視乎財政狀況向基金注資,讓基金不斷壯大;
[...] 第二,在審查申請方面具有彈性,每宗申請都由保健基金委員會獨立 審查及決定;第三,保健基金的涵蓋範圍非常 泛 , 遠 遠 超 過 香 港的 撒瑪利亞基金。
The FTU thinks that the Medifund of Singapore is particularly worth recommending on the following grounds: firstly, the Singapore Government allows Medifund to continue to grow by injecting funds into the Fund according to its means and depending on its financial condition; secondly, flexibility is allowed in the examination and approval of the applications in that each application will be scrutinized and decided by the Medifund Committee
independently; and thirdly, the coverage
[...] of Medifund is very extensive, far more than that [...]
of Hong Kong's Samaritan Fund.
他的宗教思想和理解出色地反映超 然 的 神 的 启 示。
His religious thought and understanding is an exemplary
[...] manifestation of a transcendental school of the divine message.
他解釋,扶 貧小組委員會將專注於與扶貧有關的事宜,例 如貧窮線的定義、綜合社會保障援助計劃的改 革、貧困兒童和跨代貧窮,但鑒於不同社會階
[...] 層人士均需要退休保障,建議成立的小組委員 會的研究範圍將較為泛,超越扶 貧的議題, 例如強制性公積金( [...]
下稱" 強積金")計劃。
He explained that while the Subcommittee on Poverty would focus on issues concerning poverty alleviation such as the definition of the poverty line, reform of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme, children in poverty and cross-generational
poverty, the proposed subcommittee would
[...] study issues of a wider scope covering [...]
more than poverty alleviation such as the
Mandatory Provident Fund ("MPF") Scheme, given that people across different social strata needed retirement protection.
13.4 委员会回顾其关于第3
[...] 条执行问题的第1 号一般性意见(1996年) ,即, “评估酷刑危险的理由必超越仅 仅是 论 或 怀 疑。
13.4 The Committee recalls its general comment No. 1 (1996) on the
implementation of article 3, that “the risk of torture must be assessed on
[...] grounds that go beyond mere theory or suspicion.
泛神论或二 元论没有预先存在主义(智慧8:17-20,并不一定意味着这种学说,因为有时被争辩)或轮回,也没有任何痕迹,因为可能已经预期埃及,想法或做法。
There is no pantheism or dualism no [...]
doctrine of pre-existence (Wisdom 8:17-20 does not necessarily imply this doctrine,
as has sometimes been contended) or of metempsychosis; nor is there any trace, as might have been expected, of Egyptian ideas or practices.
但是,前几年采取了一些步骤由英国一些个人对英语为母语的人强加给一个新的宗教制度体现 泛神论 的 信 仰和对婆罗门韦丹塔学校神奇的迷信。
But some years ago steps were taken by a few individuals of England to foist upon English-speaking people a new religious system embodying the pantheistic belief and magical superstition of the Vedanta school of Brahminism.
在其中印度泛神论思想 必然是演员看到在所有这些事情的最高神,湿婆或毗湿奴的放射物。
The pantheism in which the Hindu mind [...]
is inevitably cast saw in all these things emanations of the supreme deity, Siva or Vishnu.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执 行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性 论 , 而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to [...]
ensure that girls, boys, women and men
have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.
民政事務局 115
[...] 局長回應時表示,在制訂宣傳及推廣計劃時,政府當局不單聚 焦於奧運會超越精神,亦 宣揚殘疾人奧運精神所包含的融合 [...]
SHA responded that in devising the publicity and promotional programmes, the
Administration focused not only on the
[...] Olympic Spirit of transcendence, but also the [...]
concepts of integration and equality as
enshrined in the Paralympic Spirits.
审查的论是, 虽然普遍接受的看法是有规划的流动计划可以提高员工的能 力,为工作人员提供更广泛的经 验,但各组织应 超 越 这 个被 广 泛 接 受 的口头禅。
The review concluded that, while it is generally accepted that a structured mobility scheme may enhance staff capabilities, providing staff with a broader experience, organizations should go beyond this widely accepted mantra.
本文件目的在于:(1)描述小儿 TTE 的各类适
应症;(2)确定小儿超声心动图室的最佳仪器 设备和检查室的设置;(3)提供超声技师和医 师所必备的知识和培训的框架;(4)建立检查
[...] 操作步骤并确定必要的声窗和切面;(5)建立 完整的小儿超声心动图检查所需基本测量项目清 单;(6)论小儿超声报 告的要求和格式。
The purposes of this document are to: (1) describe indications for pediatric TTE; (2) define optimal instrumentation and laboratory setup for pediatric echocardiographic examinations; (3) provide a framework of necessary knowledge and training for sonographers and physicians; (4) establish an examination protocol that defines necessary echocardiographic windows and views; (5) establish a baseline list of recommended
measurements to be performed in a complete
[...] pediatric echocardiogram; and (6) discuss reporting requirements [...]
and formatting of pediatric reports.
健康问题主要发生在那些来自社会上的边缘家庭的孩子身上(体 超 重 、精 神问题 、行为问题、运动技能发展不足,主要是因为缺乏体育活动,营养不良、 饮食习惯不良,吸烟或被动吸烟,以及很少参与儿童早期检查)。
Where health risks exist, they largely affect children and young people
from socially
[...] disadvantaged families (overweight, emotional and behavioural disorders, less well developed [...]
motor abilities
because of a lack of physical sporting activities, and eating disorders, poor nutrition, smoking and passive smoking, as well as a poor rate of participation in early detection examinations for children).
[...] 交往政策相关信息之间的关联度已通过内部磋商以及与联合国原住民常 论 坛 及更 广 泛 的研 究机构之间的协作得到了加强。
The links between the UNESCO Conventions in the field of Culture and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and information on policies for engaging with indigenous
peoples has been consolidated through in-house consultations, collaboration
[...] with the UNPFII and the wider research community.
[...] 损失和经济破坏,但在全球一级就减少灾害风险和气候变化进行 广 泛 讨论 时,亚太区域的许多国家气象和水文部门却被边缘化。
The representative of WMO expressed concern that many national meteorological and hydrological
services in the region were marginalized
[...] in the larger discussion of disaster risk [...]
reduction and climate change at the global
level despite major loss of life and economic damage caused by disasters.




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