单词 | 超模 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 超模 —supermodel
2 注:如果您的泵使用超模压隔 膜,请参见第 19 页。 graco.com | 2 NOTE: If [...] your pump has overmolded diaphragms, [...]see page 19. graco.com |
对于标准 隔膜,使用约 10 磅 / 平方英寸 (0.07 [...] 兆帕, 0.7 巴)的压力;对于超模压隔膜,使用约 20 磅 / 平方英寸 [...](0.14 兆帕,1.4 巴)的压力。 graco.com | For standard diaphragms, use about 10 psi (0.07 MPa, [...] 0.7 bar); for overmolded diaphragms [...]use about 20 psi (0.14 MPa, 1.4 bar). graco.com |
Friedman与超模Kirsty Hume一起在这家加拿大零售商的2012春季广告中上镜。 ba-repsasia.com | Friedman models looks from the Canadian retailer’s Spring 2012 campaign with supermodel Kirsty Hume. ba-repsasia.com |
对速度要求高的大量焊接,CW 和超模 YAG 激光器最适合。 jklasers.cn | For high volume welding where speed is [...] important CW and Super Modulated YAG lasers are [...]most capable. jklasers.com |
从诞生之日起,TOD’S 豆豆鞋的追捧者便数不胜数,从皇室成员到政界人物, 从明星到超模,当 然更少不了那些为橡胶豆豆软底所痴迷的忠诚顾客,它成为时尚休 闲鞋的首选,并完美地诠释了意大利式奢华休闲的生活梦想。 expo2010italy.gov.it | From its conception, this fashionable first-class driving shoe has been immensely popular, with loyal fans in the worlds of royalty, politics, Hollywood, supermodels and sports stars. expo2010italy.gov.it |
通过Tinghu拍摄、超模裴蓓 演绎的很棒的照片中,这一点已经明显地传递出来。 ba-repsasia.com | This was effectively conveyed through the brilliant photography of Tinghu, and [...] brought to life by super model Emma Pei. ba-repsasia.com |
文章对这款车赞赏连连:“这款车犹如一位穿着清凉的性 感 超模 , 在休闲假日摇曳着优雅身姿款步穿行在人群之中。 maserati.com.cn | The article continues its lavish appraisal: "like a [...] scantily dressed supermodel on her day off, [...]the Modenese beauty swings its hips as it glides through the crowds. maserati.it |
Matthias Müller與中國超模王雯 琴、石周靚一同為Panamera Turbo [...] S揭開了面紗。 pap.porsche.com | At a magnificent world premiere on April 19, esteemed guest Mr. Matthias Müller, President and [...] Chief Executive Officer of Porsche AG, was [...] joined by Chinese supermodels Wang Wenqin and [...]Shi Zhouliang to unveil the Panamera [...]Turbo S before an invited audience of partners, VIPs and international media, as well as distinguished representatives of the Porsche board. pap.porsche.com |
超模刘雯就是其中一位。我们非常高兴地看到她联袂 Oscar de la Renta 2013春夏广告大片。 citij.com | One of the names we've been admiring for a while already is Liu Wen and it's a great pleasure for us to see the model on Oscar de la Renta SS2013 Ad Campaign... citij.com |
圣罗兰还有不少开创性设计,例如红色夹克(1962年),薄纱衬衫(1966 [...] 年)和西装裤(1968年),特别是工装夹克, 在 超模 V e r us chka的推崇下,成为炙手可热的潮流。 catwalkyourself.com | Yves Saint Laurent is credited with many of the sixties innovations including the redder jacket (1962), the [...] sheer blouse (1966) and the jumpsuit (1968) as well as introducing the famous safari [...] jacket worn by super model Veruschka. catwalkyourself.com |
产品分浅灰色和黑色,均采用超模压 , 标配对比鲜明的软质侧握把。 digikey.cn | They are produced in light grey or black, both with over-molded, contrasting soft side grips as standard. digikey.be |
今年的版本主打好莱坞一线超模巨星 Milla Jovovich,并且使用了高级成衣及珠宝品牌,诸如Swarovski, [...] Messika, Yann Weber, Stéphane Rolland and Paco Rabanne。 labbrand.com | This year’s edition stars [...] Hollywood A-lister and supermodel Milla Jovovich, [...]and features haute-couture outfits as well as [...]jewelry by famous brands like Swarovski, Messika, Yann Weber, Stéphane Rolland and Paco Rabanne. labbrand.com |
美國頂級休閒時尚品牌JUICY COUTURE於11/14日於台北101購物中心舉辦盛大開幕記者會,從前的甜美小女孩如今蛻變成為成熟小女人,尤其是2012年秋冬啟 用 超模 K a r lie Kloss拍攝廣告,展現大膽無畏、從容自信又充滿活力的女性化形象,特別邀請名模李曉涵詮釋品牌轉型的用心,一襲亮麗印花長洋裝,既前衛又優雅。 imaginex.com.hk | American luxury leisure brand JUICY COUTURE held a grand opening event on November 14 in Taipei 101 Shopping Center, the former sweet girl has transformed into a feminine woman, it is easily noticed especially from the use of Karlie Kloss in its newest AW’12 branding commercial, presenting fearless, confident, and energetic womanly image. imaginex.com.hk |
似乎是为高调证明这一事实,优酷网刚宣布了其最新版权协议,从美国哥伦比亚广播公司 youngchinabiz.com | As if to trumpet that fact, Youku has just announced its latest major licensing deal, this time obtaining exclusive China distribution rights for 2 hit TV series, “Survivor” and “America’s Next Top Model”, from US broadcaster and program maker CBS Studios (NYSE: CBS), marking the latest in a string of similar major licensing deals. youngchinabiz.com |
根據經修訂的建議,非企業集團成員的私人公司 即使其規模超逾經 修訂的規模準則,只要獲全體成員書面同 [...] 意,仍可採用簡明報告。 legco.gov.hk | Under the revised proposal, a private company which is not a member of a corporate group [...] may still adopt simplified reporting [...] even though its scale exceeds the revised size [...]criteria, provided it has secured the [...]written agreement of all its members. legco.gov.hk |
得益于良好的技术表现,基金在2010年增长13%,所有对冲基金超额收益为10.5%,在2010 吸引H2资产管理规模超过20亿美金。 bleum.com | Due in part to better technology performance, the fund [...] finished up 13% in 2010, outpacing the 10.5% return for [...]all hedge funds, and attracted more [...]than $2 billion in new AUM in H2 2010 bleum.com |
拒绝的理由通常是“其规模超出了 基金能力范 围”,尽管该项目很有益。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Despite their importance, projects were rejected most [...] frequently because they exceeded the scope of the Fund. unesdoc.unesco.org |
检方在 2012 年 4 月 26 日提交了本案第 5 000 份证据, 这反映了本案证据的庞大规模,超过 法 庭的任何其他案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reflecting the magnitude of the evidence in this case, on 26 April 2012, the prosecution tendered the 5000th exhibit in the case — more than in any other case before the Tribunal. daccess-ods.un.org |
2007年,瑞士银行机 构管理的资产规模超过4. 9万亿瑞士法郎,其中近60%来自国外。 gza.ch | In 2007, Swiss banks managed over CHF 4,900 billion in assets, of which nearly 60 % came from foreign countries. gza.ch |
虽然国家之间存在差异,但该区域内的经济体总体上 表现出的活动规模超出危 机前的水平,同时保持了良好的国际收支状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | While there were differences between countries, the economies of the region generally exhibited levels of activity that topped pre-crisis levels while maintaining a solid external position. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项协议签订后,KellyOCG就成为唯一一家服务于全球三大洲客户且客户的项目投入 规 模超 1 0 亿 美 元的管理服务供应商。 tipschina.gov.cn | With this agreement, KellyOCG becomes the only Managed [...] Service Provider with customers [...] engaged on programs scaled to support over $1billion [...]in spend across all three regions of the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
委员会已了解到紧急事件数据库的局限性──此种数据库仅仅记 录那些规模超过某 一特定临界线的灾害,因此建议各政府有系统地收 集关于各种小规模灾害的数据,因为这些小规模灾害的累积冲击力常 常要超过大规模灾害的冲击力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Aware of the limitations of the Emergency Events Database (EMDAT), which only records disasters above a particular threshold, the Committee recommends that Governments systematically collect data on small disasters, the aggregated impact of which often exceeds that of large disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过运用我们的目标是与半导体纳米线,大大减少了影响最小的消费类电子产品大 规 模 , 超 级 计 算机的基本构建块集成电路功耗TFETs我们的集体研究。 technologeeko.com | By applying our collective research in TFETs with semiconducting nanowires we aim to significantly reduce the power consumption of [...] the basic building blocks of integrated circuits [...] affecting the smallest consumer electronics [...]to massive, supercomputers. technologeeko.com |
我们完全有权知道, 为什么驻扎了如此庞大的军队,其规 模超 过 了 各国向 联合国海地稳定特派团派出的所有特遣队的规模,这 [...] 支军事特遣队的职能是什么。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have every right to wonder why there is a military presence of such [...] magnitude, which exceeds the size of all the [...]contingents that all countries have [...]provided to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, and what is the function of that military contingent. daccess-ods.un.org |
某些组织(例如教科文组织和劳工组织)关于信托基金的 相关条款规定,对于资金规模超过一 定额度的方案/项目必须进行评估(例如教科 [...] 文组织规定为 10 万美元),其他组织则根据同捐助方的协定或相关组织现行的标 准评估要求进行评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some organizations (for example, UNESCO and ILO), the relevant provisions on trust funds stipulate [...] that evaluations are mandatory for [...] programmes/projects exceeding a certain volume [...](for example, US $100,000 at UNESCO), [...]while in others, they are conducted as agreed upon with the donors or in line with the standard evaluation requirements in force in the given organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
007年,全 球 通 信 市 場 繼 續 朝 著 移 動、寬 帶 及 融 合 的 方 向 發 [...] 展,發 達 國 家 的 市 場 移 動 網 絡 向 新 一 代 技 術 演 進 進 [...] 程加速,而新興市場的無綫網絡設備投資 規 模超 過 有 綫產品,無綫網絡設備在新興市場仍然具有較大的增長潛力, [...]新 興 市 場 快 速 發 展 正 逐 漸 成 為 全 [...]球 通 信 市 場 發 展 的 新 動 力。 zte.com.cn | Mobile networks in developed countries were speeding up transition to new-generation technologies, while wireless network [...] systems were still the products to watch in emerging [...] markets as they overtook wireline products [...]in terms of investment scale. wwwen.zte.com.cn |