

单词 超文本标记语言

See also:


classical Chinese

External sources (not reviewed)

因此需要传输超文本标记语言的代 码数量很少,且不依赖于大量的行(日程表的时间分辨率)。
Therefore a size of HTML transferred in small and does not
[...] depend of a number of rows (time resolution of a [...]
最小超文本标记语言代码数量 - 大部分超文本标记语言代码 都在客户端生成。
Minimum HTML size - a large portion of HTML code is generated on a client.
51 如果想在邮件文本中添加特殊的要点或结构 - 如粗体、彩色,或带有项目符号列表 - 您可以使用 HTML (超文本标记语言),Internet 的标准文本格式。
When you want to add special emphasis or structure
to message text such as bold text, color, or bulleted lists, you can
[...] use Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the standard for formatting text for the Internet.
新的容器类,例如:TElFormContainer、TLMDFormPageControl以及TElHTMLContainer控件,允许用户集中管理、存储表单超文本标记语言 片 段
New Container classes like TElFormContainer/TLMDFormPageControl or TElHTMLContainer which allow centralized control and storage of forms and HTML text snippets.
超文本标记语言以及JavaScript ― 要实现本产品的正常运行,浏览器只需要支持标准超文本标记语言 以及 JavaScript 脚本语言。
HTML + JavaScript - for correct operation, support for only standard HTML and JavaScript in a browser is required.
具有帮助提示功能的标签页控件,鼠标点击时可以显超文本标记语言 格 式 的帮助。
Label with helptip capability, showing a full HTML formatted [...]
help on click
新的设计时编辑器,例如 超文本标记语言 标 题 编辑器被集成到了所有的支超文本标记语言 的 工 具;DBRelation编辑器,允许用户可视化地设定主-从复合结构(Master-Detail)式的关系。
New designtime editors like the HTML Caption editor which was integrated for all HTML supporting tools or DBRelation editor which allows visual specification of Master-Detail relationships.
LMD ElPack是一个本地可视化控件的集合,可以在Delphi和C++ Builder中使用,能够创建强大的、包超文本标记语言 、 统 一字符编码标准以及主题支持的、可定制的用户界面。
LMD ElPack is a set of native visual components for Delphi and C++Builder to create powerful, customizable user interfaces [...]
incuding HTML, unicode and themes support.
作为关联数据的发明者,Berners-Lee 等人
[...] (Berners-Lee, et al, 2001)提出,最初的网络在概念上是以文档为中心的,链接本身并没有任 何语义;而当网络通 超文本标记语言 ( Hy per-Text Mark Up Language, HTML)这样的技术格 式得到推行的时候,所产生的页面更适合于人类的消费,而不是机器的处理。
As its inventor, Berners-Lee, et al (2001), state, the original web has conceptually
been document-centric
[...] in which the links do not carry any semantics with them and when implemented with technical formats such as Hyper-Text Mark Up Language (HTML), the [...]
resultant web pages
are more attuned to human consumption, rather than machine processing.
本产品所包含的控件可以帮助您将一些高级的基于Web特征功能集成到您的应用程序中,例如:通过互联网更新应用程序、显示新的单元项、网络站点或者单一HT ML (超文本标记语言 ) 页 面扫描等等。
The included controls help you to
integrate advanced webbased
[...] features like applications updates via internet, display of news items, scanning of web sites or single HTML pages.
只要设置了适当的HTML(超文本链接 标记语言 ) 编码方式,您就可以在r.a.d.combobox控件中使用任何国家的语言。
Just make sure you've set
[...] the appropriate Html encoding (and XML encoding in case you [...]
are using XML Content Files).
本产品 的智能编辑特征功能支持自动完成、上下文感应语法帮助、条目帮助器、语法着色等功能,帮助您创建有效的可扩 标记语言文 档。
The intelligent editing features of XMLSpy® support auto completion, context sensitive syntax help, entry helpers, syntax coloring, and more to aid you in creating valid XML documents.
文思创 新拥有PGS全球服务中心和庞大的外部译员资源,能够提 超过 100 种语言的卓越本地化服务。
With global service
[...] centers and a vast external resource pool of translators, Pactera provides superb localization services in more than 100 languages.
本产品以可扩标记语言格式的文件 来保存及加载样式。
Saving and loading of styles to an XML-formatted file
全体会议 的逐字记录应出版临时性单本, 其中 发 言记 录 应 以发言时使 用之工语言复印;在正式本中,每一发言应以发言时使用 之工作语言复印;发言使用的语言如非英语或法语而为其他工 作语言时,则应附以英语或法语文 , 两 种语言按会议顺序轮 流使用。
The verbatim records of plenary meetings shall be published in provisional form in a single edition, in which each intervention shall be reproduced
[...] in the working language in which it was made; and in final form in a single edition, in which each intervention shall be reproduced in the working language in which it was made and interventions made in a working language other than English or French shall be followed by a translation into either [...]
English or French, alternately meeting by meeting.
很多会员国都提到了在下述方面进一步加强部门间合作的机遇:多 语言 ; 信息传播 技术为教育特别是为培养师资服务;传媒教育;制作多样化和具 文 化 多样性的地方内容文化遗产,其中特别是要加强“世 记 忆 ”计划和重大计划 IV 中的其它文化遗产活动的联 系;信息伦理;信息传播技术为人权和民主教育服务。
Many Member States identified opportunities for
[...] furthering intersectoral cooperation in the following areas: multilingualism; ICTs for education, especially for teacher training; media education; production of diversified and culturally diversified local content; cultural heritage, [...]
in particular by
strengthening the links between the Memory of the World Programme and the other cultural heritage activities under Major Programme IV; infoethics; and the use of ICTs in human rights and democracy education.
[...] 重要工具上取得了显着进展并达成了协议,其中包括:单一窗口、跨国发票和涉 及贸易及业务流程的可扩标记语言 架 构 目录。
Notable advancements and agreements have been reached on several important instruments, among others: the Single
Window, the Cross Country Invoice and the
[...] XML (Extensible Markup Language) schema directory [...]
covering trade and business processes.
该司通 过本国人员和国际工作人员与公众的互动,以及应 超 越 技术 或 语言 能 力 的举 措和技能时,以理解和同情的方式进行沟通的能力,以及他们对该地区历史文 化的 了解,大量依靠容易接触公众的便利。
The Division relies strongly on easy access to the public through its
national and
[...] international staff, their capacity to communicate with understanding and empathy, and their knowledge of the history and the culture of the region, as they interact and apply initiative and skills that go beyond technical or linguistic ability.
本产品 通过其直观的用户图形界面以及种类丰富的编辑视图和编辑选项,将使用基于可扩 标记语言 技 术的复杂性移除。
XMLSpy® abstracts away the complexity of working with XML-based technologies through its intuitive user interface and rich variety of editing views and options.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实 记 者 和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启文学 作 品翻译委员会,增加用欧 语言 翻 译 的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue
activities; dialogue
[...] among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study [...]
of school textbooks;
dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
在非洲信息议会行动计划下制订了两项举措:Bungeni 议会和立法信息系统, 是一套用于起草、管理、合并及出版立法文件和其他议会文件的开源应用程序; Akoma Ntoso,是用于议会、立法和司文件 的 可扩 标记语言标 准。
Two initiatives developed under the Africa i-Parliaments Action Plan include the Bungeni Parliamentary and Legislative Information System, an open source suite of applications for the drafting, managing, consolidating and publishing of legislative and other parliamentary documents;
and the Akoma Ntoso,
[...] an Extensible Markup Language (XML) standard for parliamentary, legislative and judiciary documents.
这些多文化身份包括但超越种族 、 语言 和 宗 教信仰等问题,与私人生活和公 共生活领域相关,是文化多样性的组成部分。
These multiple cultural identities, which include, but also go beyond, issues relating to ethnic, linguistic and religious affiliations, [...]
are relevant
for private life as well as the sphere of public life, and are an integral part of cultural diversity.
阁下使用我们的网站和其内容,并不赋予阁下使用网站内容(如下文「内容」一节所述)涉及的任何版权、设计、商标任何其他知识产权物权,包括本网 站所超文本置标语言(HT ML)其他代码的权利。
Your use of the Sites and its contents grants no rights to you in relation to any copyright, designs, trademarks and any other intellectual property and material rights
relating to the Content (as described in the
[...] Content section below), including all HTML and other code contained in this Site.
根据 7(3)条,如果文 件以超出一种语言的形 式存在,则该文件应以申请者所期望的语言加以提供。
Pursuant to Article
[...] 7(3), where a document exists in more than one language, it shall be provided in the language preferred [...]
by the applicant.
任务是记《发展权言》的核心价值审查、重新起草和批 标 准 和 次级实 标 准 , 其中包括集体和个 人的权利,以及需要在发展权的国家层面和国际层面之间找到一个适当的平衡, 确保国际组织执行发展权,最终目标是制定一项关于发展权的具有法律约束力文书。
The mandate was to review, redraft and approve the criteria and operational sub-criteria, bearing in mind the centrality of the Declaration on the Right to Development, which encompasses both collective and individual rights, as well as the need to find a proper balance between the national and international dimensions of the right to development, and to ensure [...]
the implementation of the right to development by international organizations with the ultimate goal of adopting a legally binding instrument on the right to development.
本代表团强调文件CA C/35 INF/7第6段列出的百分比并非市面上超过监管限 值的抽样食品的平均水平,实超标 率 低得多,因为检验重点放在需要强化管理的区域 和食品上,且受监测的食品包括未采取装运处理和保护措施的食品,例如日本针对食品 和生产地区应用分销限制时,采用的限值比标准限值高。
The Delegation emphasized that the percentage figure shown in CAC/35 INF/7, paragraph 6 did not represent the average rate of marketed food sample exceeding regulatory limits, and that the actual excess rate was much [...]
lower, as focus for
inspection had been placed on the regions and foods that needed intense management and that monitored food included food before shipment and protective measures, such as restriction of distribution are taken on foods and food producing areas for which higher than standard limits value had been observed.
还是关于英文本,尽管不涉及以 文本 使 用的 术 语 , 因 为以 文本 不 曾出 现这一语,但我们认为第二 B.3 节标题使 用了一个不恰当的形容词:也许 删除“实质性”一词,该语句可取得同样令人满意的效果。
Still on
[...] the subject of the English version, though not in relation to a term used in the previous texts, since it does not appear in them, we [...]
feel that an unfortunate adjective
is used in the heading of section II B.3: perhaps the phrase would be equally satisfactory with the deletion of the word “substantive”.
在每一判例标题下 列 出裁决全文原文的互联网网址(URL)以及现有的联合国正 语文 译 文 的互联网 网址(请注意,提及联合国正式网站以外的其他网站并不表示联合国或贸易法委 员会认可该网站;此外,网站经常变更 本 文 所 载的全部互联网网址截 本 文件 提交之日是可以使用的)。
The Internet address (URL) of the full text
of the decisions in
[...] their original language is included, along with Internet addresses of translations in official United Nations language(s), where available, in the heading to each case (please note that references to websites other than official United Nations websites do not constitute an endorsement of that website by the United Nations or by UNCITRAL; furthermore, websites change frequently; all Internet addresses contained in this document are functional as of the date of submission of this document).
Berners-Lee, 2009)其他重要 的原则包括能够参引给定的URI、使 超文本 交 换协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP)来 获取特定的URI所指涉的相关的信息、使用RDF/XML这样的数据格式、使用词汇表来定语 言,比 如RDFS和OWL、使用称之为SPARQL的检索语言、最后但也很重要的是,在数据集的 内外整合各个方向的链接,于是丰富数据并且提供在情境上的重要性。
Other essential principles include an ability to dereference a given URI, using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), in
order to retrieve
[...] relevant information as to what this particular URI refers to; use of data formats, such as RDF/XML, use of vocabulary definition languages, such as RDFS and OWL, and use of query language known as SPARQL; and last [...]
but not least is the
incorporation of inbound and outbound links within and outside the data sets, thereby enriching the data and providing contextual significance.
本网站上提及的第三方的任何名称、 标 、 产 品或服务或第三方站点 超文本 链 接或第三方提供的提供的信息或内容,仅为方便之故而为你提供,不得以任何方式构 成或暗示我们对第三方、其信息、材料或服务的背书、赞助或推荐。
References on this Site
[...] to any names, marks, products or services of third parties, or hypertext links to [...]
third party sites or information
or Content provided by third parties, are provided solely as a convenience to you and do not in any way constitute or imply our endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of the third party, its information, materials or services.




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