

单词 超导电





superconductivity (physics)

See also:

超导 n

superconductivity n


superconductivity (physics)

导电 n

conductivity n
electrically conductive n

External sources (not reviewed)

中间连接体则是用于超导电缆相 连的装置,是长距离铺设时所需的连接体。
The intermediate
[...] connectors connect the superconducting cables each other, and are necessary to lay long-distance cables.
超导电缆是使用高超导线 材的电力电缆。
A high-temperature superconducting cable is a power cable that uses high-temperature superconducting wire.
终端连接体安装在电缆的两端,是用来连接放置在室温中的电气设备 超导电 缆 的 终端装置。
The terminal connectors are attached on both ends of a cable
[...] to connect the superconducting cable to electrical [...]
facilities at ambient temperature.
特别是在燃料电池 及氢渗透膜超导电等新 能源及 LED(发光二极管)领域方面,美国 TKI 正积极推行在美国量产 的 R&D(研究开发),在 R&D 中充分利用贵金属材料的新技术也日趋重要。美国 [...]
TKI 将以使用于 燃料电池等新能源及 LED
等的贵金属材料作为扩大美国销售事业的主力,目标是在 2013 年度将 2011 年度所预估 1 亿 3 千万美元(约 108 亿日元)的营业额,提升至 1 亿 7 千万美元(约 141 亿 日元)。
In particular, R&D aimed at mass production in
[...] the fields of LEDs (light emitting diodes) and new energy such as fuel cells, hydrogen [...]
permeable film
and superconductivity has been active in the United States, and new technologies using precious metals are gaining importance in such R&D. By expanding its sales in the United States focused on precious metal materials used in LEDs and new energy such as fuel cells, TKI America aims to increase its sales from a projected USD130 million (approx. 10.8 billion yen) in fiscal 2011 to USD170 million (approx. 14.1 billion yen) in fiscal 2013.
在探索有关物理过程的基本规律、发展新型 超导电 子 器 件、推 超导电 子 器件的实际应用等领域做了一些工作,取得的主要成就涉及高温超导体内的隧道过程;多种低温和高温超导结的制备、表征、高频特性与应用;超导混频器和高灵敏接收机、频率精密计量、高精度高频信号源;高温超导薄膜的制备、加工、性能优化等方面。
He has explored the fundamental laws
governing relevant physical
[...] processes, developed new superconducting electronic devices, and promoted [...]
their practical applications.
Among the subjects, to which he has made important contributions, are tunneling processes in high-temperature superconductors; preparation, characterization and high frequency applications of various low- or high-temperature superconducting junctions; superconducting frequency mixers and their applications to highly sensitive detectors, frequency metrology, and high frequency signal sources of high precision; and preparation, processing, characterization and optimization of high-temperature superconducting thin films.
终端连接部与中间连接部是用来连 超导电 缆 的 必要配件。
The termination and intermediate joints are required fittings
[...] for connecting superconducting power cables.
超导电缆通 过液态氮进行冷却,在导体上施加高电压,因此连接体必须采用小型化的外形,同时兼具液态氮和室温的热绝缘、以及地线和高电压的电气绝缘这两种功能。
Since the superconducting cables are cooled [...]
by liquefied nitrogen and the conducting body is under high voltage, the connectors
need to compactly realize heat insulation between the liquefied nitrogen temperature and ambient temperature and electrical insulation between the ground and high-voltage parts.
在高温超导业务化小组的内部组织中设有“超导应用开发部”,该部可促进第二代高温超导线材的开发 超导电 力 电 缆的实用化开发和以电力设备为中心的应用设备的开发。
Internally, the High-Temperature Superconductivity Business Development Team will have the Applied Superconductivity Research Department, and will develop second generation high-temperature superconducting wire, practical applications for superconducting power cables, and applied equipment with a focus on electrical equipment.
至今为止,国内及国外开发超导电 缆 的 最高电压分别为66kV及154kV,开发的关键点在于可耐高电压 超导电 缆 及 其连接部件。
Until now, the
[...] highest voltage for superconducting power cables developed in Japan and overseas was 66 kV and 154 kV respectively, so the key has been to develop a superconducting power cable and joints [...]
that could withstand high voltages.
Since the superconducting power cable is cooled [...]
by liquid nitrogen and the conductor is exposed to high voltages, the joints
must feature heat insulation for liquid nitrogen temperatures and room temperatures, as well as electric insulation for earth and high voltage.
NEDO在“钇超导电力设备技术开发项目”(项目领头人:盐原融 公益财团法人国际超导产业技术研究中心理事)中,充分应用在迄今为止技术开发过程中获得的世界最尖端的超导技术,积极从事着使用以钇为代表的稀土族氧化物高温超导线材(统称为钇系超导线材) 超导电 力 电 缆 、 超导 变 压 器等电力设备的开发,以期实现小型化、大容量的电力供应。
In the Technological Development
[...] Project for Yttrium Superconducting Electrical Systems (project leader: Yu Shiohara, Director of the International Superconductivity Technology Center), NEDO has been working on developing superconducting cables, superconducting transformers, and other electrical equipment that uses high-temperature superconducting wires from rare earth oxides—of which a typical example is yttrium (generally referred to as yttrium superconducting wires)—which are expected to result in compact large-capacity power supply by utilizing the global cutting-edge superconductivity technologies [...]
that have been derived
from the past technological development.
在制超导电缆时,首先在称为FOMA的芯上以螺旋状大量捆绑带状的钇系超导线,然后再在其上分别设置电力绝缘层 超 导 屏 蔽层、保护层,以便形成电缆缆芯,最后,再将该缆芯收纳于隔热管中。
The superconducting power cable has a core called a former, which is severally wound with Yttrium-based superconducting wire tape in a spiral shape overlaid with electric [...]
insulation layers, superconductive
shielding layers and protective layers to form the core of the cable.
超导最近几年的增长主要来源于 电 核 心 元器件的销售及Windtec™技术许可证下的全风机电气控制系统(ECS)及战略合作伙伴。
AMSC’s growth in recent years has primarily been driven by the sale of wind turbine core [...]
electrical components and full
wind turbine electrical control systems (ECS) to Windtec licensees and strategic partners.
不要将桶放在诸如纸或纸板等导电的表 面上,这样的表面会影响接地的通导性。
Do not place the
[...] pail on a non-conductive surface, such [...]
as paper or cardboard, which interrupts the grounding continuity.
在时间清除期间,如果测电压再次 超 过 设定带宽,则延迟时间从剩余时间开 始重新计时。
If the measured voltage exceeds the set bandwidth [...]
once more whilst the time is not displayed, then the time delay is restarted from the remaining time.
此次通过开发的共鸣非弹性X线分散的偏光特性的方法,决定 超导 或 磁 性、 电 特 性等物性、机能相关的电子轨道的种类变得容易,从而我们可以期待加速对这类机能发现的解析。
Polarization properties of Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
developed in this study enabled us to
[...] readily determine the electron orbital involved in various [...]
properties and functions, such
as superconductivity, magnetism and ferroelectricity.
在论文方面,将为您介绍电池系 统、高 超导 、 海 上风力 电 系 统 等;在相关产品方面,将为您介绍太阳能发电及功能强大的EV专用电缆、延长机器寿命及提高效率的关键技术——散热冷却技术、可靠性极高的新一代车用电流电路板等。
The article contains information on
[...] topics such as storage battery systems, high-temperature superconductivity, and power transmission [...]
systems for oceanic wind power, and introduces related products
such as sophisticated cables for solar photovoltaics and EV, heat radiation and cooling (key technology for increasing the service life and improving the efficiency of devices) and reliable current substrates for next-generation vehicles.
适用 于限制性招标的第 28 条第(1)款(b)项的相关导意见 ,见第二章的评注第**段 [**超级链接**];电子逆 向拍卖条款的相关 导 意 见 ,见第六章的评注第**段 [**超级链接** ];框架协议条款的相关指导意见,见第七章的评注第**段 [**超 级链接**]。
(For the relevant guidance to article 28(1)(b) as applicable to restricted tendering, see paragraphs ** of the commentary to Chapter II [**hyperlink**]; for the relevant guidance to provisions on electronic reverse auctions, [...]
see paragraphs
** of the commentary to Chapter VI [**hyperlink**]; and for the relevant guidance to provisions on framework agreements, see paragraphs ** of the commentary to Chapter VII [**hyperlink**].
请选择具有足电导率的软管、以保 证把电荷传导给大地。
Select hose with sufficient conductivity to ground the static electric charge.
芬兰万塔及美国马萨诸塞州德文斯市,2011年3月14日 —— “目前市场上对于应用领先电气转换技术及永磁 电 机 的 多兆瓦风机的需求日益强劲,该趋势正是美 超导 公 司 和斯维奇公司可以大有作为的领域,”斯维奇总裁兼首席执行官Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen说道。
Vantaa, Finland and Devens, MA, US  March 14, 2011 – “In today’s market, there is a great demand for multi-megawatt turbines utilizing advanced power electronics and permanent magnet generators (PMG) – a trend that AMSC and The Switch can take advantage of,” said Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen, President and CEO of The Switch.
这些器件还具有 TXD 主导超时功 能,可以从正驱动进入永久主导状态如果 TXD 引脚变得永久保持低,由于应用程序故障保护总线。
The devices also feature a TXD dominant time-out feature to protect the bus from being driven into a permanent dominant state if the TXD pin becomes permanently low, due to application failure.
作为JST课题解决型基础研究的一环,东京大学研究生院工学系研究科附属量子相电子产品研究中心的川崎雅司教授(兼 东北大学原子分子材料高等研究机构合作教授)以及同校研究生院综合文化研究科的上野和纪副教授等使用应用通 电 压 控 制材料通 电 流 的 难易度的场效应的独创的材料开发手法,发现了新 超导 体 材 料。
As part of the JST program, a research group led by Professor Masashi Kawasaki at Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (and WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University), and Associate Professor Kazunori Ueno at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo has discovered a new superconductor through an ingenious development method using field effect, by which voltage controls the flow of electricity.
由于金具备有独一无二的完美的性质,它具有极高的抗腐蚀的稳定性;良好 导电 性 和 导 热 性 ;金的原子核具有较大捕获中子的有效截面;对红外线的反射能力接近 100%;在金的合金中具有各种触媒性质;金还有良好的工艺性,极易加工成超薄金箔、微米金丝和金粉;金很容易镀到其它金属和陶器及玻璃的表面上,在一定压力下金容易被熔焊和锻焊;金可制 超导 体 与 有机金等。
Because of the unique perfect with hardware property, it has a very high resistance to
corrosion of stability; Good electrical
[...] conductivity and thermal conductivity; Gold nuclei with larger neutron capture the effective section; Infrared reflection ability of close to 100%; In the gold in the alloy catalyst with various properties; Gold and good technology, easily processed into ultra-thin gold foil, micron golden and gold; Gold is easy to plating to other metals and pottery and glass surface, under certain pressure JinRongYi be welded and forge welding; Gold can be made into superconductors and organic gold.
与传统棉质拖把不同,博纳拖把不会将灰尘留在地板上,凭 超 细 纤 维的 电 作 用 ,干拖布可有效吸附灰尘及普通家庭过敏原。
Instead of leaving dirt on the
floor like ordinary
[...] cotton mops, the electrostatic action of our Bona Mop with microfibre attracts dust [...]
and common household allergens when used dry.
该员额任 职者将导电信事 务股,负责规划和指导主要的电信项目,确保与其他联合国机 构开展有效协调,与外部服务提供商联络,并提出妥善的连接方案。
The incumbent of this post
[...] would head the Telecommunications Services Unit [...]
with responsibility for planning and directing
major telecommunications projects, ensuring effective coordination with other United Nations agencies, liaising with external service providers and proposing appropriate connectivity solutions.
(e) 通信和信息技术,办法是:采用每人一台计算机的做法;进一步合并数
[...] 信公司许可证;再使用购置用于选举进程的手提计算机 超 高 频 电 台 和 卫星电话 (1 498 100 美元);延长现有通信设备的使用(2 [...]
929 000 美元);延长现有信息 技术设备的使用(2 306
000 美元)以及减少备件和用品(723 000 美元)。
(e) Communications and information technology, through the introduction of the practice of one computing device per person, the further consolidation of data centres, the implementation of the virtual desktop infrastructure, the regional implementation of the Cisco
SMARTnet contract and Verisign licences,
[...] and the reuse of laptops, ultra high-frequency radios [...]
and satellite phones that were purchased
and utilized for the electoral process ($1,498,100), as well as the extension of utilization of existing communications equipment ($2,929,000), the extension of utilization of existing information technology equipment ($2,306,000) and reduction in spare parts and supplies ($723,000).
GIGABYTE发布全新「技嘉第四代超耐久」技术,透过采用高密度开纤布电路板、高质量 IC
[...] 芯片、防突波芯片及专利双实体 BIOS 以及全固电容及超低电阻式 晶体管等组件,令主板加强抵抗湿气、静电、雷击突波及高温等常见环境因素所造成损坏的能力。
To meet the demand for a high durability motherboard, GIGABYTE released a brand new "GIGABYTE fourth generation Ultra Durable" technology, using high-density fiber cloth circuit boards, high-quality IC chip,
anti-surge chip, patent dual physical BIOS,
[...] all-solid capacitors, and ultra-low resistance transistors, [...]
so the motherboard has greater
resistance to common damaging factors, such as moisture, static electricity, lightning surge, and high temperature damage caused by the environment.
Guardian 共沉积控制系统电子碰撞发射光谱 (EIES) 提供强力支持,适合于控制 CIGS 光伏装置、MBE、OLED 和超导薄膜 等应用中的多种材料同时共沉积过程。
Guardian Co-Deposition
[...] Control Systems, powered by Electron Impact Emission Spectroscopy (EIES), is ideal for controlling simultaneous co-deposition of multiple materials in applications such as CIGS for photovoltaics, MBE, OLEDs and superconducting thin films.
这一需求增长是由许多因素引起的,其中不仅包括技术的进步,而且 还包括:世界各地的政治、社会和结构变革及其对电信服务自由化的影响,采 用用于商业通信的非地球静止卫星轨道的卫星系统及科学和无 线 电导 航 应 用, 不断加强市场定向,私营和国有服务提供者之间分享这一正在拓宽的市场的方 式的改变,以及通信系统的普遍全球化和商业化。
This increase is attributable to many factors, including not only technological progress, but also political, social and structural changes around the world and their impact on the liberalization of telecommunication services, the introduction of non-geostationary-satellite orbit satellite systems for commercial communications and scientific and radionavigation applications, growing market orientation, the change in the way this widening market is shared between private and State-owned service providers and the general globalization and commercialization of communication systems.




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