

单词 超声扫描

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超声/扫描探头使用补偿功能+(Elcometer 456专利)时,可确保使用过程中任何探头盖的磨损均纳入校准过程中。
The Ultra/Scan Probe uses the [...]
Elcometer 456’s patented offset feature+, ensuring that any cap wear during use# is incorporated
within the calibration process.
在Elcometer 456扫描或自动重复模式*下 超声/扫描 探 头 可使用户在确保精确度的条件下,大大减少检测时间。
When used in conjunction with the Elcometer 456 Scan or Auto
[...] Repeat Modes* the Ultra/Scan Probe enables [...]
users to significantly reduce
inspection times without affecting accuracy.
虽然存在其他一些诊断技术,但临床上进行脂肪变性检测多采用腹 超声扫描。
Other diagnostic techniques do exist
[...] but abdominal ultrasound scans are favoured in [...]
clinics for the detection of steatosis.
许多中心的IVF技术都需要频繁地 超声 波 扫描 和 血 检来确定卵子成熟的时间。
IVF at most centres require the combined and frequent
[...] use of ultrasound scans and blood tests to [...]
determine when the eggs are mature.
北京和睦家医院(或上海和睦家医院,如果您居住在上海)之所以应该成为您在紧急情况下的最佳之选,是因为它拥有先进的放射设备——全天候的 CT 和 超声扫描 仪 , 能满足紧急诊断的需要,如果有必要,它还可以立即为情况最危急的病人提供24小时的特殊服务。
The reason that BJU (or Shanghai United Family Hospital (SHU) if you are living in Shanghai) should be your destination in such a situation is that
it has the advanced radiology –
[...] round-the-clock CT and ultrasound – necessary to [...]
make emergency diagnoses, and 24 hour specialty
services required to act on most serious diagnoses, immediately if needed.
[...]   测试及测量:座标检验,齿轮检验,键盘测试,来料检验,显微仪定位,PCB测试,焊 超声扫描 检 查 ;   纺织机械:自动织袋机,地毯纺织机,珩缝机,纱绽卷绕机; [...]
Semiconductor testing and processing : chip automatic transmission, cassette handling, circuit boards special-milling, Chap installed IC chip polishing machine, chip detection machines, chip cutting machine, welding wire; Test and Measurement : coordinates testing, gear inspection, testing the keyboard,
incoming inspection microscope
[...] positioning, PCB testing, ultrasonic scanning spot; Textile [...]
Machinery : Automatic organization bag
machine, carpet weaving looms, Heng Seamer, the deep winding yarn; Military : self-propelled artillery, tanks and other weapons fire control systems, vehicles (boats) mobile communications satellites, aircraft airborne radar.
Elcometer 456超声/扫描探头具有经久耐用的“卡入式”可换探头盖,这一革命性的设计使用户可获取单一读数或快速扫描大块表面区域,而不会损坏探头或涂层。
Featuring a highly durable ‘snap on’ replaceable probe cap,
[...] the Elcometer 456 Ultra/Scan Probe is a revolutionary [...]
design which allows users to take
individual readings or rapidly scan large surface areas - without damaging the probe or the coating.
如果在达到用户选择的最 大长度之前就超过扫描仪的 处理能力,那么扫描仪上将显示文档卡 纸,页面的影像将不会发送到主机应用程序。
If the scanner’s processing capacity is exceeded before the user-selected [...]
Maximum Length is reached, then a document jam
will be posted on the scanner and the image of the page will not be sent to the host application.
在 2012-2013
[...] 两年期,该部门预计还将发送、跟踪并在收到时记录超过 10 万份 应享权利证书,并超过 120 万份文扫描到基 金的内容管理系统之中。
During the biennium 2012-2013, the service also expects to dispatch, track and record upon
receipt over 100,000
[...] certificates of entitlement and to scan over 1,200,000 documents into [...]
the Fund’s content management system.
当拍摄电视屏幕或电脑监视器屏幕时,可以通过同扫 描将频率调整为屏幕频率,以将所拍摄屏幕产生的水平声减少到最小。
When shooting a TV screen or PC monitor screen, the horizontal noise generated when the screen is shot can be minimized by adjusting the frequency to the screen frequency using synchro scan.
注意:如果在将所有文档从传输系统中清除之前按清除 / 重新启动,扫描仪上的声音警报将发出响声,同时 “卡纸” LED [...]
NOTE: If Clear/Restart is pressed before
all documents are cleared from the transport, an
[...] audible alarm on the scanner will sound and the [...]
Paper Jam LED will light.
阿尔及利亚尽一切努力购买最新药物和创新产品,以尽可能提供最好 的癌症治疗;然而,由于重要药品脱销及特殊癌症医院缺乏某些诊断设备,诸如 用于描、磁共振成像超声和闪烁 扫描 的 设备,对患儿的护理变得更为复杂。
Algeria spares no effort to purchase the very latest drugs and innovative products to provide the best possible cancer treatment; however, the care of sick children is complicated by the fact that vital medications are out of stock and the
special cancer hospital lacks certain diagnostic
[...] equipment such as equipment for scanning, MRIs, ultrasound and scintigraphy.
在薄纸张扫描超薄文档并打印一面,以及您不要黑色背景渗透文档 并显示在最终影像中。
Scanning lightweight or thin paper, with [...]
printing on one side, and you do not want the black background to bleed through
the document and appear in the final image.
我们是首家使用“超声波重张进纸”技术的制造商,而且在Ngenuity上装备了三个可独立控制 超声 波 传感器,我们竭尽所能来确保您的所有文档都能正 扫描。
We were the first to use Ultrasonic Multifeed Detection technology and with three
[...] controlled ultrasonic sensors on Ngenuity, we're upping the ante to ensure that all of your documents are scanned correctly.
停止:检测到重张进纸时扫描仪 将发 出 声 音 警 报,并 扫描 仪 上的 重张进纸 LED 指示灯将点亮,扫描仪传输将停止。
Stop: when a multifeed is
[...] detected, the scanner will sound an audible alarm, the Multifeed LED on the scanner will light and the scanner’s transport [...]
will stop.
医疗保健系统部门使用的技术和方法包括X射线、数字乳腺图像、计算机断 扫描 (CT)、磁共振成象 (MRI)、分子成象超声波和 正电子成象术 (PET),同时涵盖范围广泛的医疗要求。
The technologies and methods used by the Healthcare Systems unit include X-ray, digital mammography, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
[...] (MRI), molecular imaging, ultrasound, and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and cover a wide range [...]
of medical requirements.
军士长乔恩·克鲁克斯(Jon Klukas)说:超过40 0万平方米的海港已经 声 纳 扫描。
Over 4 million square meters of harbor have been sonared,” said Chief Petty Officer Jon Klukas.
分别用荧光分光光度法、激光共聚 扫描 显 微 镜分析原卟啉 Ⅸ在肿瘤细胞内的积聚、定位情况;利用台盼蓝拒染法测定聚 超声 激 活原卟啉 Ⅸ对细胞存活率的影响;透射电镜观察细胞的超微结构变化;罗丹明123检测线粒体膜电位变化;2′,7′-二氯荧光黄双乙酸盐(2′,7′- dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate, DCFH-DA)检测细胞内活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS)水平;硫代巴比妥酸法检测细胞膜脂质过氧化水平的变化。
Mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP), intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, and the level of lipid peroxidation were determined by Rhodamine 123, 2′,7′- dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) and thiobarbituric acid reaction method respectively.
这些钱已经用于建立方案,帮助儿童和青少年,特别是 在Finale翻修学校的综合设施,为Carpi的医院购买儿科设备,包括一台可以进行产 扫描 的 超声 波 设 备,并在Sergio Neri 幼儿园开设一个新的部门并在F Montanari中学发展“学校的新开始”项目。
This money is being used to fund initiatives to support children and teenagers, in particular refurbishing the school complex in the town of Finale, buying equipment for the hospital’s paediatric department in Carpi, including an ultrasound machine for antenatal scans, and opening a new section in the Sergio Neri infants school and developing the “School open for a new beginning” project in the F Montanari middle school in the town of Mirandola. 70,000 euros were also raised to support earthquake victims during Convivio 2012 (an event, sponsored by Franca Sozzani since 1998, which combines socially responsible shopping and the fight against indifference to HIV) by funding health services for elderly people in Mirandola.
重张进纸 — 可用于扫描正常或超薄文 档时调整灵敏度。
Multifeed — allows you to adjust the
[...] sensitivity when scanning Normal or Very thin documents.
这种激励信 号听起来像鞭子抽打的噼声,在 低频 扫描 速 度慢,但在高频时扫描速度将提升 10 倍,如下图所示。
Such a stimulus sounds like the crack of a whip, starting slowly at low frequencies but having 10 times higher sweep speed at high [...]
frequencies as shown in the waveform below.
本文件目的在于:(1)描述小儿 TTE 的各类适 应症;(2)确定小超声心动 图室的最佳仪器 设备和检查室的设置;(3)提供超声技师和医 师所必备的知识和培训的框架;(4)建立检查 操作步骤并确定必要的声窗和切面;(5)建立 完整的小儿超声心动图检查所需基本测量项目清 单;(6)讨论小儿超声报告的要求和格式。
The purposes of this document
[...] are to: (1) describe indications for pediatric TTE; (2) define optimal instrumentation and laboratory setup for pediatric echocardiographic [...]
examinations; (3) provide a framework
of necessary knowledge and training for sonographers and physicians; (4) establish an examination protocol that defines necessary echocardiographic windows and views; (5) establish a baseline list of recommended measurements to be performed in a complete pediatric echocardiogram; and (6) discuss reporting requirements and formatting of pediatric reports.
扫描仪马达将启动,并发出蜂声表 示 扫描 仪 已 就绪,可进行 扫描。
The scanner motor will start and beep indicating it is ready for scanning.
超时:使您能够选择自上一文档进入进纸器开始,到发 超 时 操 作前扫描仪要等待的时间 (秒)。
Timeout: allows you to select the amount of time, in
[...] seconds, the scanner will wait once the last document enters the feeder before the timeout action occurs.
另外亦有四个视光室及四个诊断室,备有Ocu sc an 超音波A眼扫描及IO L Master,以便在评估白内障时量度眼球长度。
There are also 4 optometrist's rooms and 4 diagnostic rooms, where Ocuscan and IOL Master are provided to measure the length of eyeball for cataract assessment.
当我使超过一个柯扫描应用 程序(例如柯达的“智能触控”功能和Capture Desktop软件)时,哪一个和我的柯达扫描仪上的按钮配合使用?
When I am using
[...] more than one Kodak scanning application (i.e. Kodak’s [...]
Smart Touch feature and Capture Desktop software)
which one is used with the button on my Kodak scanner?
东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的几原龙雄一教授(兼任东京大学大学字工学系研究科附属综合研究机构教授、财团法人精细陶瓷中心纳米构造研究所主管研究员)与东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的王中长助教等人的研究小组,使 超 高 分辨 率 扫描 透 射电子显微镜和超级计算机,世界上首次发现了,在陶瓷(氧化镁)的结晶界面会形成极微量不纯物聚集的原子级别的全新超构造。
A research group led by Professor Yuichi Ikuhara at WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University (concurrently serving as Professor at School of Engineering, University of Tokyo and Senior Researcher at Japan Fine Ceramic Center (JFCC)), and Assistant Professor Zhongchang Wang at WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research,
Tohoku University has discovered that
[...] very small amount of impurities on grain boundaries [...]
of ceramics (magnesium oxide) form
an unexpected superstructure at the atomic level, through the observation with an atom-resolved aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope and the supercomputing calculation.




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