单词 | 趁机 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 趁机 —take advantage of situationless common: seize an opportunity See also:趁 v—take advantage of v • avail oneself of v
正 当该组织前往乍得而后方空虚之时,苏丹政府军 队及其民兵趁机于 2 月 8-10 日在西达尔富尔地区 发起了大规模袭击。 crisisgroup.org | Responding to the vacuum left by JEM’s move to Chad, the Suda nese military, assisted by militias, launched a major offensive in West Darfur, 8-10 February. crisisgroup.org |
安理会一 成员趁机提出 了“保护过程中的责任”概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | One Council member took the opportunity [...] to present the concept of “responsibility while protecting”. daccess-ods.un.org |
Leimer 的车轮在第六圈时空转,Amici 趁机夺取 首位,但 63 号瑞士车手再次迅速超过这名意大利车手,并在当 [...] Amici 在 Club 赛段行驶时重获首位。 lamborghini.com | Leimer spun his car on lap six [...] allowing Amici to take the lead, but [...]the #63 Swiss driver quickly caught the Italian again [...]and then regained the lead when Amici ran wide at Club. lamborghini.com |
借着扩大非索特派团的 东风,可以趁机巩固长期和短期两方面的全部努力,并明确具体步骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | The context created by the expansion of AMISOM represents an opportunity to consolidate all efforts and identify concrete steps in these two tracks. daccess-ods.un.org |
为进一步加深两地旅业合作和交流,澳门旅业代表 将 趁机 拜 会新加坡旅游商会及新加坡观光局。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | To further foster cooperation and exchange between the two destinations [...] in tourism, representatives of Macau's [...] travel trade will take the opportunity [...]to visit the National Association of Travel [...]Agents of Singapore (NATAS) and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
除了代表阿拉伯人权委员会发言外,Mesli 先生还趁机宣传 另一个不具有咨 商地位的非政府组织“Alkaraman”,他是该组织的创始成员,从而将该组织与他 [...] 未依惯例经人权理事会事先同意代表阿拉伯人权委员会所做的发言联系起来,这 样他就与阿拉伯人权委员会合谋避开了进行此类发言所需的咨商地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to being given the [...] floor by the Arab Commission for Human [...] Rights, Mr. Mesli took the opportunity [...]to promote another non-governmental organization, [...]“Alkaraman”, of which he is a founding member and which does not enjoy consultative status, associating it to the statement made on behalf of the Arab Commission for Human Rights without prior consent of the Human Rights Council as the established practice thus bypassing the consultative status required for such a statement with the complicity of the Arab Commission for Human Rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
欣赏峡湾美景的最佳方式是从空中俯瞰,参加空中飞行观光活动,享受一次真正难忘的新西兰之旅, 并 趁机 拍 下 一流的照片证明不虚此行。 cn.yha.co.nz | There is no better way to see Fiordland than [...] from the skies, take a scenic flight [...]for a truly memorable New Zealand experience [...]and have spectacular photos to prove it. yha.co.nz |
由于我国仍基本上处于混乱和不稳定状态,青年 党和基地组织等恐怖主义运动便趁机 向 索马里人民 发动了残酷的战争,并且以圣战为名义,打着宗教的 幌子犯下罪行和暴行(但宗教是彻底反对这类暴行 的)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owing to the disorder and instability prevailing in the country, the terrorist movements of Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaida took the opportunity to launch a merciless war against the Somali people and committed crimes and atrocities in the name of jihad, under the guise of religion, which is completely opposed to such atrocities. daccess-ods.un.org |
他甚 至趁机代表 另一个未获得认可的组织在人权理事会做了发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | He had even used the opportunity to address the Human Rights Council on behalf of another non-accredited organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
在烟台的工作结束后,迈克尔•谢勒和彼得•埃塞 尔 趁机 游 览 了这个国家。 news.groz-beckert.com | After their work in Yantai was over, Michael Scherer and Peter Heissel took the opportunity to travel around the country. news.groz-beckert.com |
罪率升高,而且还使一些人得以趁机 破 坏 为扩展基础 设施以及确保在全国各地提供服务而开展的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Clearly, the presence of arms that are unaccounted for not only contributes to heightened crime levels, but also provides an opportunity to undermine efforts to expand infrastructure and to deliver services throughout the length and breadth of national territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,有手脚不干净的人趁机跑到 范氏家里想偷点东西。 chinesestoryonline.com | A man with sticky fingers, taking advantage of this occasion, sneaked into the house of Fan at night, hoping to steal something. chinesestoryonline.com |
相反,猛虎组织以停火协议为幌子,重操故技,以过去应对历次和平进程 的手法,趁机牟取 实地战略好处,力争掌控东部省份诸如Sampur 等区域,以及 继续偷偷贩运大量致命的军火、炸药和弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the contrary, under the cover of the CFA, the LTTE [...] continued to take strategic advantage on the ground as they had in all [...]previous peace processes, [...]seeking to dominate areas such as Sampur in the Eastern Province, as well as continuing to smuggle in large hauls of lethal arms, explosives and ammunition. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会再次 呼吁立即停止这些火箭弹袭击,这些袭击行为使以色 列有了一个借口,可趁机对加 沙地带实施军事袭击, 尽管因某些团体或个人的攻击行为而对加沙地带全 体居民实行集体惩罚是完全不可接受的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee once again calls for an immediate end to these rocket attacks, which give Israel a pretext for its military attacks against the Gaza Strip, although it is totally unacceptable that the population of the Gaza Strip in its entirety be collectively punished for attacks perpetrated by groups or individuals. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项《全球战略》是一个难逢的机会, 妇女和儿童的健康问题可以趁此机会 得 到最高程度的注视和支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Global Strategy is a momentous opportunity through which women’s and children’s health can obtain the highest level of visibility and support. daccess-ods.un.org |
更一般的意义是,我们趁此机会简化并替换了我们迄今为止所开发的MagikSF环境的某些部分,如图形支持和文件I/O等。 infoq.com | More generally, we have taken the opportunity [...] to simplify and replace some parts of the MagikSF environment that we had [...]developed ourselves to date, for example the graphics support, file I/O etc. We envisage that we will do more of this in the future. infoq.com |
除了叶克强总经理之培训内容外,FNC代表 已 趁机 会 当 场对与会者介绍纳米技术的功能营养食品之作用,应用于保护群众健康,其特点较市场上目前出售的产品明显优越。 fnc.com.vn | At the event, the representative of FNC spent much time on introduce gueststo understand and approach the new application “Nutritional food with Nanotechnology applications” for take caring and protecting community health with outstanding features comparing with the other ordinary products in the market fnc.com.vn |
请参阅侵入的蚂蚁为一个侵入蚂蚁的一般冲击的摘要影响 , 例如他们的在互利共生关系身上影响, 竞争的压力他们趁机利用 与结果他们可能有在脆弱的生态系统上。 issg.org | Please read Invasive ants impacts for a summary of the general impacts of invasive ants, such as their affect on mutualistic relations, the competitive pressure they impose on native ants and the effect they may have on vulnerable ecosystems. issg.org |
很少数甚至罕见的男人会对一天一颗这个剂量影响,如果一颗也对你情绪造成很大的影响,那么我们建议你在服用Soul Mate For Him的时候配合多谢消耗体能的活动(可 以 趁机 会 锻炼肌肉和体型)。 aromanticshop.com.my | Very small percentage of men will affected by as little as one pill per day, if you are feeling these reaction with one pill, we suggest you to take Soul Mate For Him with intense physical activity (you can take this chance to work out and build muscle for better shape). aromanticshop.com.my |
还可趁此机会在 若干进行中举措的基础上再接再厉,这些举措包括:国际空间气象举措、多重 导航卫星系统演示活动、实现区域参照框架和系统、同时又是导航卫星系统国 际委员会信息中心的联合国所属各区域空间科学与技术教育中心所开展的活动 以及导航卫星系统和相关应用培训工作的长期研究金方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also an opportunity to build upon a number of ongoing initiatives, such as the International Space Weather Initiative, the Multi-GNSS Demonstration Campaign, the realization of the regional reference frames and systems, the activities of the regional centres for space science and technology education, affiliated to the United Nations, which also act as the ICG information centres, and a long-term fellowship programme for training in GNSS and related applications. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我个人还要借此机会祝愿大家假日愉快, 并趁此机会与家人和朋友共度佳节。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, and on a more personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my very best wishes to all for a wonderful holiday season and the occasion to spend a well-deserved break from our work with our families and friends. daccess-ods.un.org |
我趁这个机会提 醒各 国它们有义务在发生冲突时有效地保护平民人口。 daccess-ods.un.org | He reminded all States of their existing obligations to ensure the effective protection of civilian populations in conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
趁此佳机,BH S特准备了颇具意义的礼物——巴伐利亚州的州徽,受到了龙利得公司极大的欢迎。 sino-corrugated.com | A specially prepared gift from BHS – a replica [...] of the Bavarian state insignia - was gratefully received by the Dragon Led representatives. sino-corrugated.com |
MexicanaLink最近刚获得的一架二手CRJ200飞机在现场展出,很多客 人 趁 此 良 机 体 验 了一番。 tipschina.gov.cn | One of MexicanaLink's recently acquired previously owned CRJ200 aircraft was on static display and many guests took the opportunity to tour it. tipschina.gov.cn |
危机往往也是转机,我们可以趁这个时候,认真思考未来的发展策略,对经营模式做出相应的调整。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | These are times for reflection – to consider future growth strategies, and make appropriate adjustments to the business model. english.sccci.org.sg |
金融危机过后,中小型企业应该如何 趁 着 这 股增长动力,拓展他们的业务,并且加快步伐,走向国际化? chinese.sccci.org.sg | After the financial crisis, how should SMEs ride on this growth momentum to grow their business and accelerate their pace of internationalization? english.sccci.org.sg |
南非世界杯正式进入倒计时,国内的“彩电世界杯”也已经进入“压哨时间”.彩电功能呈现“四强争霸”局面 : 趁 着 世 界杯播出3D信号 契 机 , 3D 电视声势最大;互联网电视凭互动体验,粉丝最多;LED仗着运动画质、色彩显示优势,志在必得;觉得没有什么比高清数字一体机看球赛更适合的了,所以这个原本一直小众的产品也在蠢蠢欲动。 ch-led.com | TV time" function shows "four World Cup ii" situation: while broadcast 3D, 3D TV signal floored opportunity is greatest; Internet TV fans by interactive experience, most; LED by motion graphics, color display advantage, the bag; Think nothing at the game than hd all-in-one PC more suitable, so this was always in the product also little fidgety. ch-led.com |
若灣仔發展計劃第II期的預計人口密度較商業 [...] 或住宅用地的比率為低,便可減除委員對於政府當局會 趁機在有關的填海用地展開住宅或商業發展計劃的擔 心。 legco.gov.hk | If the projected population density of WDII fell below the ratio for sites for commercial or [...] residential uses, members' concern that the [...] Administration would take the opportunity [...]to carry out residential or commercial developments [...]on the reclaimed site in question could be relieved. legco.gov.hk |
来往的信件和一系列的技术安排构成从欧洲联盟驻 乍得共和国与中非共和国的军事行动过渡到联合国军事部署的全面框架,其中包 括一系列的后勤问题,如果没有趁早 进 行联合规划,这一切都不可能预测或解决 所有的支援问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The exchange of letters and series of technical arrangements provided an overall framework for the transition from the European Union military operation in the Republic of Chad and in the Central African Republic to the United Nations military deployment, which covered a range of logistical issues, although these could not predict or address all support problems in the absence of early joint planning. daccess-ods.un.org |