

单词 起薪


起薪点 n

pay point n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

這些措施包 括推行新的專業發展架構、增加駐院醫生和副顧問醫生 起薪 點 和頂 薪點,以及改善晉陞機會和工作環境。
These included a new career structure with higher starting and maximum pay for Residents and Associate Consultants, enhanced promotion prospects and improvement of working conditions.
(c) 職業治療師職系的入職職起薪點應調高至公 務員學位及相連職系的基準薪酬,即總薪級表 [...]
第 16點。
(c) the starting salary for the occupational [...]
therapist grade at the entry rank should be adjusted upwards to the benchmark
pay for degree and related grades in the civil service at MPS 16.
由於助理職級起薪點及 頂薪點均會調高,故此上表同時列出助 理職級的薪幅。
For assistant ranks, the pay range is also set out as both the maximum and minimum pay points will be increased.
根據核准的機制,基準起薪點的 金額在檢討相隔 期間會維持不變( 除非有明確的調查證據顯示,私營機構具備同等資 [...]
歷員工的薪酬有顯著改變) ,而新聘人員會在入職後第二年按照其所 屬薪級表增加一個薪點( 有關薪額會每年按薪酬趨勢調整),然後循所
According to the approved mechanism, the dollar value
[...] of the benchmark/starting pay points will remain [...]
the same between reviews (unless there
is clear survey evidence that pay in the private sector for recruits possessing similar qualifications has changed significantly) and the new recruits will be remunerated at the next higher pay point in their respective Pay Scales (which is adjusted annually in accordance with the pay trend) in their second year and will then move along the relevant increment scale in subsequent years.
醫管局自二零零七年起為醫生推行新的專業發展架構,增加 駐院醫生和副顧問醫生起薪點/ 頂薪點,並改善駐院受訓 醫生的合約聘用安排,把合約期增長至最高達九年,以配合 專科培訓的需要。
The arrangements for contractual employment of Resident Trainees have also been enhanced by increasing the contract period to a maximum of nine years to cater for the needs of specialist training.
(c) 為配合駐院醫生的修訂薪級表,副顧問醫生 起薪點 亦已作修訂。
(c) to dovetail
[...] the revised pay scale of Residents, the starting pay point of [...]
Associate Consultants has also been revised.
[...] 根據將會實施的公務員修訂入職薪酬,調高屬下入職職 級員工起薪點、把為受影響現職公務員而設的換算安 排應用於2000年 [...]
4月 1日或之後獲聘的醫管局現職員工, 以及把員工的頂薪點提高至2000年 4月 1日前的水平;若
然,醫管局有否計算所需的金額,以及會否相應向政府 當局尋求該筆額外撥款。
Mr LEE asked HA whether it intended to raise the starting salary of its staff at
the entry rank in accordance with the
[...] revised starting salaries to be implemented [...]
in the civil service, apply the conversion
arrangement for affected serving civil servants on serving HA staff employed on or after 1 April 2000 and increase the maximum pay point of staff to the level prior to 1 April 2000; if so, whether it had calculated the sum required and would seek such additional funding from the Administration accordingly.
他認 為,根據院校採 用的新 制度,新 聘用員工起 薪點 較具備大 致 相 同 經 驗 的在職員工 的薪酬少約 40%至 50%,這 情況並 不理 想 。
He considered it unsatisfactory to adopt a new system under
which new recruits would
[...] receive a starting salary which was 40% to 50% less than the salaries for serving [...]
staff with more or less the same experience.
[...] (立法會CB(2)2233/06-07(04)號文件),該會促請當局應把 醫管局放射治療師的入職職起薪點 上調至總薪級表第 16點,因為放射治療師的入職資格是取得放射學學士學 位。
Mr George CHIU introduced the submission of Association of Therapeutic Radiographers (LC
Paper No. CB(2)2233/06-07(04)) which
[...] urged that the starting salary for radiation therapists [...]
in the entry rank in HA should
be adjusted upwards to MPS 16 on the grounds that the entry qualification for radiation therapists was an undergraduate degree in radiography.
[...] 設高級小學學位教師新職級,並提高二級小學校長 起薪 點 , 由總薪 級第 34 點增至總薪級第 [...]
35 點的建議是恰當的。
The Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the proposals to create the
new SPSM rank in the PSM grade and to
[...] increase the minimum pay point of the HM [...]
II rank from MPS 34 to MPS 35 are appropriate.
醫管局醫生享有現金 津貼,而 生署醫生則獲發房屋福利,該筆房屋福利的 金額較少,且設有時限。不過,
[...] 生福利及食物局局長 認為,醫管局獲得額外資助金後,應調高入職職級醫護 人員起薪點,以吸引合適人選。
SHWF however considered that with the additional subvention, HA
[...] should adjust the starting salaries of its healthcare [...]
staff at entry rank upwards in order
to attract suitable candidates.
由 於學校工作環境日趨複雜,校長職責日增,工作也更為繁複,同時因 應上文第 2
[...] 段所述的人手數目,我們建議提高二級小學校長職級起 薪點,由總薪級第 34 點增至總薪級第 [...]
35 點,並把該職級的薪級表修 訂為總薪級第 35 至 39 點。
In view of the more complicated working environment, additional responsibilities and increasing complexity of the work of school heads, and having regard to the staff complement as set
out in paragraph 2 above, we propose to
[...] raise the minimum pay point of the HM [...]
II rank from MPS 34 to MPS 35, revising the
pay scale of the rank to MPS 35 - 39.
但是,我們繼續公布各職級起薪和 頂 薪的現金金額,或有 關職級唯一的薪酬金額。
However, the disclosure of the entry pay and maximum pay of various ranks in cash terms, or the single pay of certain ranks, has continued.
蘇曜華先生簡介香港醫院藥劑師學會的意見書 (立法會CB(2)2271/06-07(01)號文件)。該會要求,假如財 委會批准由2007年 8月 1日起就若干公務員職系實施修起薪點,醫管局應解決2000年 4月 1日或之後獲聘的現職 藥劑師與實施修起薪點之後獲聘的現職藥劑師的入職 薪酬差距。
Mr SO Yiu-wah introduced the submission of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong (LC Paper No. CB(2)2271/06-07(01))
which called upon HA
[...] to address the pay disparity of serving pharmacists at the entry level appointed on or after 1 April 2000 and serving pharmacists at the entry level appointed after the implementation of the revised starting salaries for certain civil [...]
service grades on 1
August 2007 if approved by FC.
視乎職級而定,薪金可能是與所屬薪級表 起薪 點 ( 起薪 點 並不與每年薪 酬趨勢調整幅度掛鉤,詳情見附錄 II)對等的數額,或是所屬職級的按年遞增 薪級表的某㆒個支薪點。
Dependent on rank, this salary could be a rate equivalent to an entry pay point on the appropriate pay scale which is not linked to the annual pay trend adjustment (see Appendix II) or a pay point on the increment pay scale of the officer’s rank as appropriate.
EC5 不同性别的工起薪水平 与机构重要运营地点当地的最低工资水平的比例范围。
EC5 Range of ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation.
(a) 如現職人員現有的支薪點低於總薪級第 35 點的起薪點,則 會提高至該起薪點;或 (b) 如現職人員現有支薪點相等或高於新 起薪 點 ,則會調整至 下一個較高的支薪點,但不得超逾該職級薪酬調整生效日期 ( 即 2008 年 9 月 1 日 ) 的頂薪點。
(b) adjusted to the
[...] next higher pay point if his/her existing pay point is equal to or above the new minimum, subject to not exceeding the maximum pay point of the [...]
rank on the effective
day of the revised salary of the rank, i.e. 1 September 2008.
此外,由於在最近的公務員入職薪酬檢討中,助理物業估價測量師起薪點已調低至總薪級第13點 (18,140元 [...]
) ,倘若現行的酬金額維持不 變,測量見習員在見習期第二年所支取的酬金,便會高於助理物業估 價測量師的薪酬。
Moreover, if the current honoraria rates remain unchanged, we would have a situation of a VSG
trainee in his or her second year of training
[...] receiving a higher pay than an Assistant [...]
Valuation Surveyor (AVS) recruited to the
Civil Service, since the starting pay of the latter has been lowered to MPS 13 ($18,140) in the starting pay review exercise.
他 們支持在公營小學的小學學位教師職系開設高級小學學位教師職級、 把二級小學校長職級起薪點由 總薪級第 34 點增至總薪級第 [...]
35 點,以及 其他相關建議。
They supported the proposals on the creation of the SPSM rank in the PSM grade in public
sector primary schools as well as the increase
[...] of the minimum pay point of HM II [...]
from MPS 34 to MPS 35 and other related proposals.
2012年应届毕业生起薪中值 因工作地点不同而大不一样(以美元计算)。
Median starting salaries of 2012 graduates [...]
varied most widely by work location (shown in US dollars)
(d) 自 2008 年合約註冊護士申請轉以常額僱用條款受聘的成功 率;按合約及以常額僱用條款受聘,分項列出醫管局的護士
[...] 人數;及醫管局註冊護士和登記護士 起薪 點於 2007 年增 加了兩個薪點的措施所致的薪酬差別;以及 [...]
(e) 按由本地專上院校、醫管局的護士學校及私營醫院提供的護 士課程,分項列出未來三年的畢業生人數。
(d) the success rate of application from contract Registered Nurses for transferring to permanent terms of employment since 2008; a breakdown of the number of nurses in HA by
contract and permanent terms of employment; and
[...] the difference in pay arising from the [...]
measure to increase the entry pay for Registered
Nurse and Enrolled Nurse of HA by two pay points in 2007; and
[...] 十九日的會議上,同意把其職權範圍重新界定 為只涵蓋高級人員的聘用,並將基準訂 起薪 點為每月約 1,000 元的薪級或薪節。
After deliberations, the Commission agreed at its meeting held on 19 January 1960 that the Commission’s purview should be redefined to cover
senior appointments only with the
[...] benchmark set at salary scales or segments starting in the region [...]
of $1,000 per month.
此外,在受访的2012年应届毕业生中,有大约77%的毕业生表 起薪 达 到 或超出了预期;有76%的毕业生表示如果没有接受商科管理专业研究生教育,他们很可能得不到这样的工作机会。
In addition, some 77 percent of the class of 2012 graduates
[...] surveyed said their starting salary met or exceeded their [...]
expectations, and 76 percent said
they could not have gotten their job without their graduate management education.
所需资源减少是由于对国际工作人员适用了 26%的延迟部署因数,而 2009/10
[...] 年度适用的延迟部署因数为 22%,减少额因 2009 年 1 月 1 日起薪金表的 上调而部分抵消。
The lower requirements are due to the application of a delayed deployment factor of 26 per cent for international staff, as
compared to 22 per cent applied in 2009/10, which was offset in
[...] part by the increased salary scale as at 1 January 2009.
[...] 用委員會規例》其後於一九六一年六月修訂, 訂明委員會職權範圍內的職位只包 起薪 點不 低於每月 930 元的男性公務員職位和不低於每 [...]
月 690 元的女性公務員職位。
Subsequently, the PSC Regulations were amended in
June 1961 for PSC posts to be confined
[...] to those with starting salary at no less than [...]
$930 per month for male officers and $690 for female officers.
事实上,近期《优秀大学指南》评定充分体现了中央昆士兰大学在高等教育领域的领先地位,尤其是在毕业生就业率 起薪 水 平 与公平性及留学生课程方面。
In fact, recent ratings from The Good Universities Guide demonstrate CQUniversity’s leadership in higher education,
especially in areas such as
[...] graduate employment, starting salaries accessibility and [...]
equity, and international programs.
减少额被下列各项部分抵消:(a) 设 施和基础设施项下所需经费增加,原因包括与部队总部扩大有关的建筑服务增
加,偿还部队派遣国政府自我维持费用的所需经费增加,因扩大部队总部而购置 更多发电机;(b) 按照 2007/08
[...] 年度期间的平均薪金和有关费用计算的国际工作 人员项下所需经费增加;(c) 本国工作人员项下所需经费增加,原因是自 2008 年 9 月 1 日起修订了本薪金表
The decrease is offset in part by (a) additional requirements under facilities and infrastructure, resulting from an increase in construction services related to the expansion of Force headquarters, increased requirements for reimbursements to troop-contributing Governments for self-sustainment and the acquisition of additional generators related to the expansion of Force headquarters, (b) additional requirements under international staff, based on the application of average salary and related costs derived from the 2007/08 period, and (c) additional
requirements under national staff,
[...] resulting from the revision of the national salary scales effective 1 [...]
September 2008.
委员会注意到,参照系统的薪级表( 基 薪 表 )从 2010 年 1 月 1 日起调高 了 1.5%,结合税率变动的影响,结果所产生的 GS-13/GS-14 [...]
薪金水平比现行基薪/ 底薪表高出 1.37%。
The Commission noted that the
[...] comparator’s General Schedule (base) salary scale increase of 1.5 per cent as from [...]
1 January 2010, combined
with the effect of tax changes, had resulted in GS-13/GS-14 salary levels that were 1.37 per cent higher than the current base/floor salary scale.
这笔经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外,属于下列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤 薪 金 、 预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.




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