单词 | 起落 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 起落 —ups and downsless common: take-off and landing • rise and fall Examples:起落架—undercarriage 起落架 n—landing gear n 起落装置—aircraft take-off and landing gear See also:落—settlement • whereabouts • fall onto • write down • rest with • leave out • fall or drop • decline or sink • leave behind or forget to bring • be missing • lag or fall behind • (of a tide) go out • (of the sun) set • get or receive
从全球观点出发,千年发展目标和全民教育目标应 一 起落 实 , 因为每项目 标的实现,也取决于其它目标以及较广泛的其它因素。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In a global perspective, the MDGs and the EFA goals must be pursued jointly, as the realization of each depends also on the other, as well as on wider parameters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这一次,这位飞行专家再度以完美的角度和速度降落,吊钩勾住了第三根阻拦钢索, 主 起落 架 降 落在甲板上。 iwc.com | The expert pilot once again hits the perfect [...] combination of angle and speed, the hook catches the third arresting wire, [...] and the main landing gear touches [...]down on deck. iwc.com |
他认为,制造一个能走能跑的机械狗是个不同寻常的项目,因为这些类型的密封件最常用于飞 机 起落 架 和 工业设备。 tss.trelleborg.com | Making a mechanical dog walk and run was an unusual project, he admits, since these types of seals are most commonly used for airplane landing gear and industrial equipment. tss.trelleborg.com |
在选择合适的飞机时,油耗、载荷、泄 漏位置与行动基地之间的距离、往返时间以及从 很短或临时准备的跑道起落的能 力全都是重要的 考虑事项。 itopf.org | Fuel consumption, payload, distance between the spill and the operating base, turn-around times and the ability to operate from short or improvised landing strips are all important considerations when selecting suitable aircraft. itopf.org |
战争中人们自相残杀,降落伞飞起落 下。 shanghaibiennale.org | The detail of war is people killing [...] each other while parachutes fall and fly. shanghaibiennale.org |
但不包括偶发 故障或事故维修。这个服务时间表的最低要求包括定期可靠地提供以下备件 : 起落 架轮 胎、轮毂轴承、火花塞、灯泡、灯、电池、过滤器、刹车片、机油和氧气。 daccess-ods.un.org | Minimum requirements for this service schedule include a regular and reliable supply of spare parts: landing gear tyres, wheel bearings, spark plugs, bulbs, lights, batteries, filters, brake pads, oil and oxygen. daccess-ods.un.org |
两国关系)总会有起落,这也是我们需要沟通,需要学习互相了解和分享经验的原因,通过这些,两国人民才能更加蓬勃发展和繁荣。 embassyusa.cn | And that’s why we need to communicate, learn to understand one another, and share our mutual experiences, so that the people in both of our countries can thrive and prosper. eng.embassyusa.cn |
2010 年 4 月 20 日,联科行动的多哥营告知工作组,两名机械师(其中一名 为白人)一直在修理米-24 型直升机起落架。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 20 April 2010, the UNOCI Togolese battalion informed the Group that two mechanics, one of whom was white, had been working on the landing gear of the Mi-24 helicopter. daccess-ods.un.org |
當日入門玩Rollei相機時,便是被35系列那小巧、輕便可愛的機身吸引;她是量產135格式便攝相機的鼻祖,多年 來 起起落落 卻 從 沒有被時代淘汰,至今已經成為不少攝影愛好者的愛藏。 think-silly.com | I was attracted to Rollei camera for the compact shape of the 35 series; she is the first limited edition in 135 format, surviving all these years and still occupies a special place in many camera lovers’ heart. think-silly.com |
廈 門的新起落架大修合營設施於二零零八年六月啓用。 swirepacific.com | The new landing gear overhaul joint [...] venture facility in Xiamen was opened in June 2008. swirepacific.com |
廈門太古起落架維 修服務公司是中國內地唯一獲波音公司認可 的 起落 架 服務公司,為波音 737CL、737NG、747、757、767、777 型飛機及空中客車A320 / A330 系列飛機提供全面的起落架維修服務。 swirepacific.com | TALSCO is the only Boeing-approved landing gear service provider in Mainland China, with full capability on Boeing 737CL, 737NG, 747, 757, 767 and 777, as well as the Airbus A320/A330 family of aircraft. swirepacific.com |
第 25 和 29 节规定,空运的进口或出口货物必须在海关有关机 场 起落。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sections 25 and 29 provide that the landing of imported goods and exportation of goods, by air, must be at and from a customs airport, respectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
追蹤調查當然需要符合科學調查的規格,但由於每次的提問方式都是一樣,因此,提問方法的變數得到控制,數字的相 對 起落 便 成為分析的主線。 hkupop.hku.hk | Tracking polls definitely need to meet the requirements of scientific surveys. Yet, since the phrasing of questions is the same each time, while the variables in the phrasing of questions can be controlled, the relative changes in the figures will become the emphasis in the analysis. hkupop.hku.hk |
龐巴迪還宣布,對C系列飛機航空電子設備、電氣設備、飛行控制、自動駕駛儀、液壓裝置 、 起落 架 和 配線系統的測試,以及虛擬飛行試驗正在位于米拉貝爾的“Aircraft 0(1)”上穩步進行。 tipschina.gov.cn | Bombardier also announced that testing of the avionics, electrical, flight control, fly-by-wire, hydraulic, landing gear and wiring systems for the CSeries aircraft, as well as virtual flights, are progressing steadily at Mirabel on 'Aircraft 0(i)' - the on-the-ground Integrated Systems Test and Certification Rig (ISTCR) for the CSeries aircraft. tipschina.gov.cn |
虽然这是Kareem第一次来到Aspen,但他却很了解X Game的重点就在于雪地摩托、滑雪板从斜坡上 飞 起落 下 的 过程。 ba-repsasia.com | Though it was only Kareem’s first time in [...] Aspen, he got a good idea of what the X Games were about after riding [...] snowmobiles and ski lifts up and down the slopes. ba-repsasia.com |
联席会议回顾,各国负有落实和执行人权机制建议的首要责任,指出大会和 人权理事会等政治机构也要发挥作用,与缔约国 一 起落 实 这 些建议的执行工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling that it is the primary responsibility of States to follow up and implement the recommendations of the human rights mechanisms, participants in the joint meeting noted that political bodies like the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council had a role to play in following up with States on the implementation of the recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
這適用於例如密封件的礦用挖掘機在澳大利亞的沙漠,或者蓋章的,糟糕的降落在飛 機 起落 架。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | This applies, for example seals the mining excavators in the Australian desert, or the seals in, bad landing 'in aircraft landing gear. en.developmentscout.com |
在这方面,将与其他具体目标(尤其是具体目标 10、具体目标 13 和具体目标 18)一起落实具 体目标 12,对目前已经取得的进步进行说明(如下所示) 也是相当费时的一件事。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In this regard, Target 12 will be implemented in conjunction with other targets, particularly Targets 10, 13, and 18 and the explanation of the progress made so far, as below, is rather lengthy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
瓦克员工伴随着公司一起经历了 起起落落。 reports.wacker.com | At WACKER, employees participate in the company’s ups and downs. reports.wacker.com |
在2011国际航空航天沙龙展会期间,上市公司"上萨尔达冶金生产协会阿维斯玛公司"也与空中客车飞机制造公司和古德里奇公司签订了长期钛锻件供应合同,至2020年其主要被用于A350-1000型飞机 主 起落 架。 cn.rusbiznews.com | During the MAKS-2011 exhibition, the VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation also signed a long-term contract with the Airbus aircraft-building company and the Goodrich [...] Corporation for supplies of titanium forged [...] products for main landing gears of the [...]А350-1000 aircraft; the term of the contract is till 2020. rusbiznews.com |
我一直生活在過往的起落飛機下面。 venicebiennale.hk | I have lived my life [...] beneath the undercarriages of passing jets. venicebiennale.hk |
我们促请安全 理事会能够在合理的时间内负起落实 报告的责任和 挑战, 以加强非盟的能力,应对非洲区域日益增长 的维和与安全挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | We urge the Security Council to take up the responsibility and the challenge of implementing the report within a reasonable period of time in order to enhance the AU’s capacity to respond to the evergrowing peacekeeping and security challenges in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
卓傑成立短短三年多,經歷起落風浪 ,現已發展至六間分行八個組別,近六十位同事之團隊,亦是市場上罕有主要發展上車盤的地產代理行。 28hse.com | However, we have experienced ups and downs of storms, and has grown to six branches with eight sales team. eng.28hse.com |
否则,如果自评估损害的日 期起,落实赔 偿/Jabr al Darar 的整个期限不超过两年,将分两期支付赔偿金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Otherwise, it shall be paid in two instalments provided that the whole period for the settlement of such compensation/Jabr Al-Darar, does not exceed two years from the date of assessment of the damage. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们可以做无意识的祷告,心灵没有任何投入;我们可以告诉主,那是祂的问题,不是我们的;我们可以拥有快 速 起落 的 情 绪经验,然後继续去做比较不沈重的事情。 amccsm.org | We can offer an automatic prayer that does not involve heart and spirit engagement; we can tell the Lord that it is His problem not ours; we can have a quick one-off emotional experience and then move on to something less taxing. amccsm.org |
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「由於這是應屆立法會議員的最後一次評分,亦由於議員評分 的 起落 可 能受到政治氣候和調查方法影響,因此,我們集中分析議員的相對名次,作為終結。 hkupop.hku.hk | Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, analyzed: "Because this is the last round of rating exercise for incumbent Legislative Councillors, and because fluctuations in popularity ratings may have been affected both by the political environment and methodological factors, we would like to highlight the average rankings of different councillors. hkupop.hku.hk |
公司从事基础和线路维修,整机工程,发动机管理、零部件和组件支持,物流和配送、技术培训和咨询服 务 , 起落 架 大修、交付和再售。 aviasg.com | Company specializes in base and line maintenance, full aircraft engineering, engine management, spare parts and components support, logistics and distribution, technical training and consulting services, landing gear overhaul, delivery & redelivery. aviasg.com |
在喀布尔会议上,政府保证与民间社会和阿富汗 独立人权委员会在治理范围内一起落 实 《促进人权和公民责任的国家优先方 案》。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the Kabul Conference, the Government pledged to implement, with civil society and the AIHRC, the National Priority Programme for Human Rights and Civic Responsibilities under the Governance Cluster. daccess-ods.un.org |