

单词 起码

起码 ()

at the minimum
at the very least


起码的 adj

basic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造成受伤害的人死亡,健康严重受损或健康紊 乱持起码六个月的行为。
A crime of violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable under the criminal procedure and as a result of which the injured
person dies, sustains serious damage to his or her health, or sustains a health
[...] disorder lasting for at least six months.
起码每月 一次,作为定期维护的一部分。
At least once per month as part of regular maintenance.
如果不可能提交关于这些项目的完整提议,委 员会本预期起码将在 拟议方案预算中列出所需资源的指示性估计数,以便向会 员国提供尽可能最全面的信息。
If a full submission of those items was not possible, the Committee would have expected that indicative estimates of the resource requirements, at a minimum, would have been reflected in the proposed programme budget in order to provide Member States with the most comprehensive information possible at the time.
然 而,在这一年到期时,如退约国正处于冲突之 中,则退约行为需待冲突结束起码 是 归 还完 文化财产后方能生效。
However, if, on the expiry of this period, the denouncing Party is involved in an armed conflict, the denunciation shall not take effect until the end of hostilities, or until the operations of repatriating cultural property are completed, whichever is the later.
所有这些都需要一定程度的政治承诺——这种承诺 在很大程度上是缺失的。如果能号召各方作出政治 承诺的话,即使无法实现 GPA 议程中涉及的、为 2013 年举行一个真正选举所需的所有改革,至少有 机会实现包括对安全部门的限制在内的选举所需的起码的条件。
All that will require a degree of political commitment that has largely been absent, but if it can be summoned, there may yet be a chance to put in place – if not the full agenda of GPA reforms – at least the minimum conditions, including restraints on the security services, needed for a genuine election by 2013.
正如秘书长在其 2007 年的报告(S/2007/643)中指出的那样,在我们不能防 止此类侵权行为的时候,我们起码 要 确 保罪犯以及 对平民遭受暴力负有政治责任的人受到追究责任。
As the Secretary-General noted in his 2007 report (S/2007/643), where we are unable to prevent such abuses, we must at the very least ensure that the perpetrators and those who bear political responsibility for violence against civilians are held accountable for their actions.
为了方便提 供这些设施而由国家提供的适当措施将取决于当地情况,可能包括采取使住区的 法律地位正式化的步骤,为保证人们不会被强行驱逐,提供财务保证,并在某些 情况下,只要人权标准获得尊重,就重新安置到其他地区。35 在使用权问题尚 未解决的情形下,各国应至少采取下文中进一步介绍的措施,以确保往往在这些 地区普遍存在的由非正规部门提供的服务符 起码 的 人权标准,如同下文进一步 所介绍的,或者使提供正式服务的创新性解决方案得到落实。
Appropriate measures by the State to facilitate provision will depend on the local context and might include steps to formalize the legal status of settlements, guarantees that people will not be forcibly evicted, the provision of financial assurances, and, in some circumstances, resettlement to an alternative area as long as human rights standards are respected.35 Where the issue of the lack of security of tenure has not yet been resolved, States should at least take measures to ensure that the informal service provision that often prevails in such areas meets minimum human rights standards, as further outlined below, or that innovative solutions to providing formal services are implemented.
The powers exercised by parliamentarians and officials are based on legal authority and there are minimum standards of justice to which the law must conform.
确保各级教育达到高质量是所有国家高度重视的问题,因此 起码 的 要 求是该地区的 各国政府应意见一致,对教师进行必要的培训。
Ensuring quality education at all levels is a high priority for all countries and minimum requirements therefore should be agreed upon by all governments of the region accompanied by appropriate teacher training.
要提供此起码的 一系列基本服务,将取决于妇女署的国家办事处配备充分的工作人员。
Delivery of this package depends on adequate staffing in UN-Women’s country offices.
危地马拉从 2006 年的报告开始指出,危地马拉加速实行速度的关键 起码 要适 当结合以下三个因素:(a) 有利于加速和包容性经济增长的政策;(b) 人口 之间分配财富方面的更佳模式,以减少城市与农村种族和男女之间历来存在的显 著不平等和排斥;(c) 加速深化和扩大有关政策,以便:㈠ 普及提供基本服务; ㈡ 普及社会保护;㈢ 拟订有利于赋予妇女权利的政策和立法;㈣ 拟订防止种 族主义和歧视的政策。
As was indicated in the 2006 report, for Guatemala to accelerate the pace of implementation, it will be key to find the right combination of three elements: (a) policies that promote accelerated and inclusive economic growth; (b) a better pattern of wealth distribution among the population, which reduces the marked historical inequities and exclusions between urban and rural areas, ethnic groups, and men and women; and (c) accelerated pursuit and expansion of policies aimed at (i) universal provision of basic services; (ii) universal social protection; (iii) empowerment of women; and (iv) combating racism and discrimination.
共有 38%的答复者称 他们拥有相当优良的执行《战略》所需技术专门知识,半数国家则称只 起码的 专门知识。
A total of 38 per cent stated that they had fairly good technical expertise for implementation, whereas half had only minimum expertise available.
这些 妇女署国家办事处当中的 每一个将至少配备一个 P-5 专业人员和一个 G-6 支助人员,并能够得到足 够的资金,以便在两性平 等情况分析和规划方面向 国家伙伴提供起码的支 助。
Each of these UN-Women country offices will have at least one P-5 professional and one G-6 support staff member, plus access to enough funds to provide minimal support to national partners in gender situation analyses and planning.
为 履行这项责任,服务提供商应采取某些措施,诸如确保其供水的水质安全、确保
[...] 正常供水、武歧视的经营、采取公平的程序处理不付费时的断水情况,以及当人 们因无法付费而被断水会得不到 起码 的 基 本用水时,不要掐断供水。
To meet this responsibility, service providers should take certain measures, such as ensuring that the water they provide is of safe quality, ensuring the regularity of supply, not discriminating in their operations, adopting fair procedures in cases of disconnections due to non-payment and refraining from disconnections
when people are unable to pay and the disconnection would leave them without
[...] access to minimum essential levels of water.
国际社会已意识到巴勒斯坦被占领土最近事态 发展的严重性以及由此给国际和平与安全造成的后 果,因而应该采取更坚定和更有效的立场,确保建起码的必 要条件,以重启真正的谈判,维护该地区所 有人民的共同核心利益,使他们能够生活在一个和 平、安全与合作的环境中。
The international community’s awareness of the gravity of the recent developments in the occupied Palestinian territories and the resulting consequences for international peace and security should be accompanied by firmer and more effective positions that guarantee the minimum necessary for a relaunch of genuine negotiations that preserve the vital mutual interest of all peoples of the region to live in an environment of peace, security and cooperation.
文件中还概述了社会保护最 低标准的要素,这些标准将确保人人能获得 起码 的 基 本服务和收入 保障。
The document outlines the elements of a social protection floor that would ensure a minimum level of access to essential services and income security for all.
起码在 某 些法域中,有利于这种扩大的一个因素是,一个公司对另一个公司股份的所有 权得到了合法化而这种现象起初在英美法和大陆法体系中都是被禁止的。
One of the factors supporting this expansion, at least in some jurisdictions, was the legitimatization of ownership of the shares of one corporation by another corporation, a phenomenon originally prohibited in both common law and civil law systems.
不过,在此紧要关头,鉴于本报告所述的新挑战,我请安全 理事会协助再次肯定西撒特派团的作用,确保提供西撒特派团成功运作所需起 码条件 ;并吁请双方(摩洛哥和波利萨里奥阵线)开展合作。
However, at this critical juncture and in the light of the new challenges described in this report, I seek the assistance of the Security Council in reaffirming the role of MINURSO and ensuring that the minimum conditions for its successful operation are met, and call on the cooperation of both parties, Morocco and the Frente Polisario.
这项政策要求采取联合行动:最高法院拟出了禁止派出所预审拘留的协议 草案,而内务部则起草了规定派出所为剥夺自由状况提供 起码 条 件 的规定,并 建立起了个便于行使辩护权和恪守程序时限的体制化通报机制。
The policy requires joint action: the Supreme Court of Justice has drawn up a draft agreement prohibiting pretrial detention in police stations, while the ministry has drafted a ministerial decision establishing minimum conditions for deprivation of liberty in police stations and an institutional communication mechanism to facilitate the exercise of the right to a defence and the observation of procedural time limits.
制定一 系起码的共同标准,系统性地用于计量各实体的业绩,这样做将便利经济及社 会理事会在促进两性平等和增强妇女力量方面发挥监督作用。
Adopting a common set of minimum standards, applied systematically for measuring performance of entities, would facilitate the oversight role of the Economic and Social Council with respect to promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.
他强调,《公约》虽然是一项普遍公认的文书,但许多难民未能 享有公约规定的起码标准
He emphasized that although the Convention was a widely accepted instrument, many refugees did not enjoy the minimum standards it established.
在目前情况下,我们能够期望裁军审议委员会本 届会起码做到 的事情是:在坦率的相互理解气氛中 进行审议,以期就摆在其面前的问题达成共识。
In the current circumstances, the least we can expect from this session of the Disarmament Commission is that it deliberate in a frank atmosphere of mutual understanding so as to forge a consensus view of the issues before it.
这些指标源于:㈠ 执行和管理局平衡
[...] 记分卡,用遵守最低运作安保标准各项要求的国家办事处的百分比来表明采用能 够让工作人员安全履行职能起码安 保 措施的情况;㈡ 执行和管理局平衡记分 卡,用在计划制订和实际检验方面均符合业务连续性计划各项要求的国家办事处 [...]
表 明 预先作好适当的准备以应对自然或人为突发或不可预见的安全 威胁的情况。
They are drawn from: (i) the Executive and BoM balanced scorecards, using the percentage of country offices that have complied with the requirements of MOSS as representative of
the implementation of an
[...] acceptable level of security measures within which staff can safely function; [...]
and (ii) the Executive
and BoM balanced scorecards, using the percentage of country offices that have met business continuity plan requirements in terms of both formulation and actual testing of these plans as representative of an adequate level of advanced preparation in response to sudden or unforeseen security threats, whether natural or human-made.
4.2 不论委员会对与《公约》第22条第5款(a)和(b) 项有关问题的审议结果如 何,缔约国都坚持认为,申诉人关于她有被以违反《公约》的方式对待的危险的 说法没有为可受理之目的提起码的 证 据。
4.2 Irrespective of the outcome of the Committee’s examination of the issues relating to article 22, paragraphs 5 (a) and (b), of the Convention, the State party maintains that the complainant’s assertion that she is at risk of being treated in a manner that would amount to a breach of the Convention fails to attain the basic level of substantiation required for the purposes of admissibility.
例如,虽然一国 可能要求在制造法律界定为枪支的所有物品时,在上面打上标识,但也许并没有 对标识必须打在每支枪的哪个地方或标识 起码 大 小和深度作出规定。
For example, while a State might require marking of all items defined by law as firearms at the point of manufacture, it might not specify where on each firearm the markings must appear, or the minimum size and depth of those markings.
以色列是该区域唯一一个拥有自由和公开司法 的国家,其起码承诺 是促进人权、建设充满活力 的民主、实现新闻出版自由以及创建充满活力的民 [...]
间社会;然而在特别委员会某些成员国里,自由表 达受到压制、少数民族遭到迫害、选举成为骗局、 从未进行过公正审判。
Israel was the only country in the region with a free and open
[...] judiciary, a bedrock commitment to [...]
advancing human rights, a vibrant democracy,
a free press and a very active civil society; whereas in some of the States that were members of the Special Committee free expression was repressed, minorities were persecuted, elections were a sham, and fair trials had never taken place.
如果犯罪导致受害者的健康严重受损,健康紊乱持 起码 六 个 月或导致死 亡,就不论是蓄意犯罪还是过失犯罪,都支付补偿。
Compensation is paid both in case of intentional crimes and crimes of negligence if the crime resulted in serious damage to victim’s health, a health disorder lasting for at least six months, or death.
在印度,2007 年将增加一个新的生产厂家,据估计 起码 将 因 此使 CTC 年生 产能力增加 2,000 吨。在中国,2006 至 2007 年期间将至少增加一个新的甲基氯生产 厂家,现有的生产厂家也将增加甲基氯生产能力,因此,甲基氯年产量至少将达 200,000 吨,并由此每年生产大约 10,000 吨 CTC。
In India, there will be one new producer in 2007 with an estimated additional 2,000 tonnes per year minimum CTC capacity, and in China there will be at least one additional new producer as well as additional chloromethanes capacity built by existing producers in 2006-2007, amounting to a minimum of 200,000 tonnes per year of chloromethanes with some 10,000 tonnes per year of CTC.
(j) 氯氟烃淘汰管理计划应视情起码满 足本报告附件十九中规定的制订氯氟烃 淘汰管理计划指示性纲要所列数据和信息的要求。
(j) HPMPs should, as a minimum, fulfil the data and information requirements, as applicable, listed in the indicative outline for the development of HPMPs, as set out in Annex XIX to the present report.




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