单词 | 起浪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 起浪 verb —corrugate vExamples:无风不起浪—lit. without wind there cannot be waves (idiom); there must be a reason • no smoke without fire 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台—a cool head in a crisis • lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm (idiom); stay calm during tense situation See also:浪—unrestrained • dissipated • breaker
然而,较贫穷的国家正是那些最经不 起浪 费 能 源消耗的国 家。 daccess-ods.un.org | And yet the poorer countries were precisely the ones [...] who could least afford wasteful energy consumption. daccess-ods.un.org |
冲浪!雷格兰(Raglan)最富盛名的是其长长的左 手 浪起浪 点 , 同时也为冲浪新手提供了良好的冲浪条件。 cn.yha.co.nz | Best known for long peeling left-hand point breaks, Raglan also offers ideal conditions for beginners and novice surfers. yha.co.nz |
上述公司懂得與相關產業結合,創造共同價值,相當值得觀察,將會以創新 掀 起浪 潮 ,而其他人只能站在岸邊望著漣漪。 thisbigcity.net | They will be riding the waves of their innovations, while others watch the ripples from the shore. thisbigcity.net |
和街头流浪儿童组织估计,仅金边市的街头流浪儿童就有约 1 000 人,他们独自流 浪 或 与 家人一起 流浪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Social workers and organizations working on street children estimated that Phnom Penh alone has about 1,000 street children who live on their own or with their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
無 疑 , 在 政 府 財政緊 絀 的時候 , [...] 壓縮部 [...] 門開支 是 重要的,但 員工對 工 作 的 投 入 和 歸 屬 滿 意 的 程 度亦同 樣 重要, 因為員工工作量和工 作 壓 力 太 大 ,會 直接影響工 作表現和服 務 質 素,結果極 有可能引起浪費資源, 得 不 償 失 。 legco.gov.hk | Undoubtedly, it is important for departmental expenditure to be compressed when the Government faces a tight budget. legco.gov.hk |
他问可采取何种措施来应对那些所谓人权理事 [...] 会未能充分应对严重侵犯人权局势的主张,以及人 权理事会如何进一步加强其应对世界平民民 主 起义 浪潮的适应能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | He asked what response could be given to those who claimed that the Council did not react adequately to situations of serious human rights violations, and how the [...] Council could further strengthen its capacity to adapt in response to the surge in [...] popular democratic uprisings in the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
海岸線以順時針方向轉向 45°, 既可以為 9 號及 10 號碼頭提供免受渡輪所激起海浪衝 擊的停泊區,又可以避免使用這些碼頭的船舶干擾碼 頭以東解放軍碼頭的運作。 devb.gov.hk | By turning the direction of the shoreline 45° clockwise, the layout of Piers No. 9 and 10 has been designed such that on one hand there is a sheltered berthing area from the waves generated from the ferry vessels, and on the other hand, vessels using these piers will not interfere with the operation of the PLA berth on the east. devb.gov.hk |
巧夺天工的悉尼歌剧院、薄暮中闪着光辉的乌奴奴(艾尔斯岩)、彩色珊瑚上 卷 起 的 浪花 —— 所有这些,只是您踏上这个美丽的国度和大陆时,展现在您面前的一部分景致而已。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The stunning architecture of the Sydney Opera House, the glow of Uluru (Ayers Rock) at dusk, a wave curled above a colourful reef – these are only part of the experience that unfolds once your feet touch the soil of this awesome country-continent. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
作为席卷整个区域的起义浪潮的 一部分,2011年1月25日至2月11日期间 [...] 在埃及爆发的人民起义主要是一个非暴力平民抗议运动,其特点是一系列的示 威、游行、非暴力反抗行为和工人罢工。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of the wave of uprisings that swept across [...] the region, the popular uprising that took place between 25 January and [...]11 February 2011 in Egypt was mainly a campaign of non-violent civil protest, which featured a series of demonstrations, marches, acts of civil disobedience and labour strikes. daccess-ods.un.org |
其实这个主张并不算新鲜,然而作者在文中那种义正言辞、不容妥协的口吻和措辞,坚称二者不可分割、否则一事无成,倒是一石 激 起 千 层 浪。 infoq.com | The idea of combining these two skill sets is not that new, but the uncompromising tone of the post and the claim that one can not be effective without the other proved to be quite controversial. infoq.com |
但是,Korra和她的队友们一起努力 工作 后 浪 漫 的 竞争动摇的基础和威胁到他们的冠军出价。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, Korra and her teammates struggle to [...] work together after romantic rivalries shake their [...]foundation and threaten to end their championship bid. seekcartoon.com |
相当数目的巴勒斯坦囚犯上周被释放,在 被占领 土和全世界热爱自由的人们之间掀起 一 波 兴奋 的浪 潮。 daccess-ods.un.org | Last week’s release of a noteworthy number of Palestinian prisoners brought a wave of joy to the occupied territories and among freedom-loving people of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们可承受电磁元件通电时引起的瞬 时电 流 浪 涌 而 不会损失 NEMA ICS2-100 要求的次级电压稳定性。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | They accommodate the momentary current inrush caused when electromagnetic components are energized, without sacrificing secondary voltage stability per NEMA ICS2-100. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
在社会经济发展方面,国立学校因 2 月底两个教 师工会发起罢教浪潮而受到影响,罢教原因是据称政 府未能履行 2009 年 12 月在与工会签订的协议中就薪 酬和待遇问题所作的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | In terms of socio-economic developments, State schools were disrupted by a wave of strikes by the two teaching unions at the end of February over the alleged failure of the Government to keep its side of an agreement signed with the unions over pay and conditions of service in December 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些生境有助于固定土壤和沉积物,因而 对波浪冲击能起到缓 冲作用,并能减少沿岸潮灾的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The features of the models follow the single species structure outlined above with the addition of information on the diet of the species in the model. unesdoc.unesco.org |
的确,最近在整个中东和北非地区各国 掀起 的示威浪潮证 明了互联网在动员人民要求正义、平等、责任和更尊重人权方面可 起到的关键作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, the recent wave of demonstrations in countries across the Middle East and North African region has shown the key role that the Internet can play in mobilizing the population to call for justice, equality, accountability and better respect for human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且在由强风、大浪或激流引起的复杂操作情况下更能显示出优势。 voith.com | And even more so in difficult operating conditions caused by heavy winds, high waves or strong currents. voith.com |
格拉斯哥流浪者站在一起,并 在主,他们的愤怒和功率,摧毁了他与他们的压倒性的魔力。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Rangers stand together and take on The Master with all their fury and power, destroying him with their overwhelming magic. seekcartoon.com |
我们大家都浪费不起作为建立未来 基础的人力资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | None of us can afford to squander the human [...] resources upon which the future will be built. daccess-ods.un.org |
能够从非结构化数据的海洋中提取分析结果需要独特的工具集,最基本的是编码技能, [...] 最核心的是强烈的好奇心…现在,请将大数据视作一股开始 兴 起 的 宏 大 浪 潮。 opendatacenteralliance.org | The ability to extract analysis from oceans of unstructured data requires a unique toolset, beginning with coding skills and ending with an intense curiosity… [...] Think of Big Data as an epic wave gathering now, starting to crest—if you want to [...] catch it, you need people who can surf. opendatacenteralliance.org |
然而,如果新浪设法将其4亿注册用户和13万品牌通过富有竞争力的、可扩展的电子商务策略联系在 一 起 , 这 代表了 新 浪 微 博 在发展上迈出的一大步,并将可能为品牌商家带来新的机遇。 labbrand.com | But if Sina manages to link its 400 million registered users and 130,000 brands through competitive, scalable e-commerce [...] solutions, this could represent a major step forward in its [...] development and would open up new possibilities for brands. labbrand.com |
研究結 果 指 出 , 導 致 內港波 浪 起 伏 主 要 是因為 海 事交通 日 趨頻繁、 高 速 船 隻 的 運 行 容 易 產 生 波 浪 , 以及垂 直 的 海 堤 亦 把 波 浪 反 射 至 海 港內。 legco.gov.hk | The Study, which was completed in March 1998, aimed to investigate wave conditions in the inner harbour. The Study concludes that waves in the inner harbour are mainly caused by increased marine traffic, fast-moving vessels which generate waves, and vertical solid seawalls which reflect waves back to the harbour. legco.gov.hk |
透過與合資企業夥伴合作 ,天浪衛視平台提供全面性服務 ,由硬件 [...] 分發和產品推廣 ,以至客戶服務和訂戶管理 。 asiasat.com | Working through its joint venture [...] partners, the Skywave platform provides [...]a comprehensive offering from hardware distribution [...]and product promotion, to customer service and subscriber management. asiasat.com |
从位于泰恩河盖茨黑德一侧的波罗的海当地艺术中心的楼顶,您可以看到这座城市的壮丽景色,其中包括诺曼·福斯特设计的呈 波 浪起 伏 状的盖茨黑德音乐中心(Sage Centre)、著名的拱形泰恩河大桥以及醒目的千禧大桥。 visitbritain.com | From the top of the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the Gateshead side of the river, you get a fantastic view of the city that takes in the billowing Sage Centre, designed by Norman Foster, the famous arched Tyne Bridge and the striking Millennium Bridge. visitbritain.com |
比如,如果你 在游说政府部门,和主张杀掉流浪猫 的 人在 一 起 交 流 ,那么你必须强调的是,“ 流 浪 猫 是无 法彻底根除的,所以只有实施TNR可以达到这个目的”。 animalsasia.org | For example, if you are lobbying government departments, and talking with people advocating to kill stray cats, you must emphasize that "stray cats can‘t be completely eradicated and only the implementation of the TNR programme can achieve this objective". animalsasia.org |
綜觀其在回歸以來的走勢(可參考按次計算圖表),市民對司級官員表現的滿意程度在回歸後首半年可謂拾級而下,由四至五成下跌至一成半,然後在兩至三成之間徘徊至零零年四月,然後是跌三次、升四次、又跌四次,呈現 波 浪起 伏 , 顯示市民對司級官員的印象在過去十二個月內不斷變化。 hkupop.hku.hk | On a macro level (please see the charts with per-poll figures), people's satisfaction with the performance of the secretaries in the first six months after the handover could be considered as a stepwise decline, from between 40% to 50% down to 15%. hkupop.hku.hk |
香港電影資料館將於2008年9月舉行「熒幕新潮 — [...] 譚家明的電視影片」節目,選來他二十齣電視作品,作為探討香港的電視文化,與及 新 浪 潮 電影 的 起 步 點。 think-silly.com | E-Wave: The TV Films of Patrick Tam’ is going to take place in Hong Kong Film Archive, [...] showing a selection of twenty film as an investigation of the Hong Kong TV [...] culture and the starting point of ‘new wave’. think-silly.com |
铂金和黄金制成的Piovra用波浪起伏的 表面带来一种海洋的神秘魅力,金属耀眼的光线、钻石闪耀的反射、板岩投下的阴影,以及与众不同的设计运用,为这件珠宝增添了神秘诱人的魔力。 casadamiani.com | Made of platinum and yellow gold, Piovra [...] recalls the arcane fascination of Oceans with [...] its variously undulating faces, the luminous [...]lines of metal, the diamond reflections, [...]and the shadow effect of the slate which, with this unusual application, adds a seductively enigmatic appeal to the jewel. casadamiani.com |