单词 | 起沫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 起沫 verb—foam vExamples:起泡沫 n—bubble n 起泡沫—seethe • emit bubbles • foam (with rage) See also:沫 n—foam n 沫—suds
但不宜过大,否则不易将转移布袋和诱捕笼紧紧压在 一 起 , 给 猫咪造 成逃跑的机会。 animalsasia.org | The entrance of the bag needs to be only slightly bigger than that of the cage, so as to connect the two entrances tightly and prevent the cat from escaping. animalsasia.org |
宽温度操作范围- SOLIMIDE polyimide起泡沫保持 工作,当暴露在寒冷极端,并且将贬低的热竞争聚合 物 起 泡 沫。 professionalplastics.com | WIDE TEMPERATURE OPERATING RANGE - [...] SOLIMIDE polyimide foams remain functional when exposed to extremes of cold and heat that would degrade competitive polymer foams. professionalplastics.com |
耐久- SOLIMIDE -比传统绝缘的产品起泡沫对损 伤的展示显着更加伟大的抵抗。 professionalplastics.com | DURABLE - SOLIMIDE - foams show significantly [...] greater resistance to damage than traditional insulating products. professionalplastics.com |
耐火-本质上地防火, SOLIMIDE不起泡沫由产 品散发实际上烟或不适于的含毒物,当暴露在明火。 professionalplastics.com | FLAME RESISTANT - Inherently fire [...] resistant, SOLIMIDE foams emit virtually [...]no smoke or incapacitating toxic by products when exposed to open flame. professionalplastics.com |
起泡沫维护 他们的灵活性甚而在低温温度。 professionalplastics.com | The foams maintain their flexibility [...] even at cryogenic temperatures. professionalplastics.com |
弓#109 是高活动, 有机酸(OA) 起泡沫的涨 潮被公式化为被激活的松香涨潮和较不活跃OA [...] 涨潮无法被使用的困难对焊剂表面。 canfieldmetals.com | BOW #109 is a high activity, [...] organic acid (OA) foaming flux formulated [...]for difficult-to-solder surfaces where activated [...]rosin fluxes and less active OA fluxes cannot be used. canfieldmetals.com |
音响/热量表现- SOLIMIDE polyimide起泡沫提议优秀音响吸收和好热量绝缘的物产。 professionalplastics.com | ACOUSTICAL / THERMAL PERFORMANCE - [...] SOLIMIDE polyimide foams offer excellent [...]acoustic absorption and good thermal insulating properties. professionalplastics.com |
14,000转/分或更高的输入转速是我们在发泡 和 起沫 方 面 所面临的一个挑战。”他向网络研讨会的观众介绍道,所以我们必须开发特殊的复合添加剂来解决这个问题。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Input speeds of 14,000 rpm or more are a challenge for [...] us in terms of foaming and frothing,” [...]he told the webinar audience, so we have [...]to have specific additive packages to combat that. drivelinenews.com |
美國次級房貸以及日本不動產的泡沫 化現 象起因於 過度的貨幣供給及過低的利率政策 市場對股價與房價上漲的預期將引發持續的泡 沫化現象 而股價與房價下跌的預期則將使實 際股價與房價繼續下探 同樣地在中國大陸 因通貨膨脹上升 許多家庭傾向購置房產作為 資產的一部份 由於存款利率上升的幅度未跟 上通貨膨脹的腳步 存款易受通貨膨脹所侵蝕 若許多家庭傾向購置不動產與房產 其將進一 步推升房地產價格 並延長泡沫化的現象 眾 所皆知 市場預期將引起泡沫化並造成經濟的 衰退 為避免世界性的蕭條 必須透過仔細觀 察各個經濟體 立即採取適當的貨幣政策 apecscmc.org | The market expectations of rising stock price and rising housing price will cause continuing bubble phenomena, while the expectations of lowering stock price and housing price will continue to lower actual stock and housing price. apecscmc.org |
9.11 ”事件发生后不久,基地组织的许多成员便逃离阿富汗,越过边界进 入巴基斯坦,自那时起,我 们便与他们 玩 起 了 许 多猫捉老鼠的游戏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since shortly after 9/11, when many Al-Qaida members fled Afghanistan and crossed the border into Pakistan, we have played multiple games of cat and mouse with them. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一个社区里,有些猫咪 看起来非常相像,比如黑猫、白猫或 者狸花猫等。 animalsasia.org | In a community, some cats look very much alike, such as the black cat, white cat or tabby cat and so on. animalsasia.org |
氟氯化碳/四氯化碳/哈龙加速淘汰计划规定,将从 2008 年 1 月 1 日起禁止泡沫塑料 行业消费 CFC-11。 multilateralfund.org | CFC-11 consumption will be banned in the foam sector on 1 January [...] 2008 as stipulated in the CFC/CTC/Halon Accelerated Phase out Plan. multilateralfund.org |
与志愿者一起分担 流浪猫的绝育费用,可直接减少社区志愿者从事 TNR 工作的资金压 力。 animalsasia.org | Share the costs for de-sexing stray cats with volunteers to directly reduce financial pressure of community volunteering involved in the TNR work. animalsasia.org |
我們又看看在澳門由於賭業興起而發 展的 泡 沫 經 濟。 legco.gov.hk | Let us look at the bubble economy of Macao in the wake of the casino boom. legco.gov.hk |
自己的冬季伍兹的准备和使用作为她唯一的机会,最终出货,小叮当偷偷进入车间,爬上一个筐内,等待猫头鹰,帮助她的朋友克拉克和Bobble.She的 捡 起 由 un expirienced猫头鹰和做她的方式越过边境。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Preparing herself for the Winter Woods and using the final shipment as her only chance, Tinker Bell sneaks into the workshop and climbs inside one of the baskets and waits for the owls, with help from her friends Clark and Bobble. seekcartoon.com |
为保障 TNR [...] 项目救助资金的有效利用及为社区中的流浪猫救助工作提供更持久的解决 方案,从 2011 年起,幸运土猫对纳入幸运土猫 TNR [...]项目的社区实行分阶段管理,分为密集 TNR 阶段和 TNR 维护阶段。 animalsasia.org | From 2011, in order to ensure the effective use of rescue funds for the TNR program and to provide permanent [...] solutions for the rescue of community stray [...] cats, Lucky Cats started the stage management [...]method to the communities under the [...]TNR programme; namely the intensive TNR stage and the TNR maintenance stage. animalsasia.org |
这些解决方案有助于最终用户提高生产率,而且无需再频繁地查找和校正由 泡 沫 引 起 的 流 体问题。 cn.lubrizol.com | These solutions allow end-users to increase productivity with lowered requirements for [...] troubleshooting and correcting foam related fluid problems. lubrizol.com |
而这时侯,也能把它和其它小 猫放在一起了。 animalsasia.org | This is also when you can put it together with other kittens. animalsasia.org |
这并非读心术,因此不能确定研究对 象是想起一只 黑色的猫还是一条白色的狗, [...] 但其能够显示出一张可爱小狗的照片激活了 观看者大脑的情感愉悦中心。 deloittetmt.com | This isn’t mind reading, so it [...] cannot determine whether a subject is thinking of a black cat or white dog; however, it can [...]show that a photo of an adorable puppy activates the emotional pleasure centers of the viewer’s brain. deloittetmt.com |
当然,使用一段时间后皂体上会出现细菌,但会随着洗手产生的 泡 沫 一 起 被 冲 走,所以几乎不会出现因为共用肥皂洗手而传播细菌的风险。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Although bacteria may persist on bar soaps, these organisms would be washed away with the lather, so there is virtually no risk of transferring bacteria from one person to another. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
瓷磚,油漆表面及浴廁潔具特别有效 •容易起泡,泡沫能依 附在需清潔的表面以發揮最大清潔效能,以最小氣力去除表面黴菌、肥皂浮渣和礦物漬 [...] •容易沖洗並留下清潔和光亮的表面 •可以使用在拖把和水桶、 噴霧器和擦布,或清洗設備,如發泡器機,洗擦機,乾燥機等應用 [...] •可以安全使用在混凝土、乙烯地板、水磨石、石磚、塑膠、陶瓷、橡膠、玻璃、搪瓷、防火板、不袗、油漆、光油、和其他類似堅硬的表面 greencouncil.org | extremely effective on tile, painted surfaces and restroom [...] fixtures •creates a high foam, which clings to the [...]surface to maximize the removal of mold, [...]mildew, soap scum and hard water deposits •minimum effort needed for a clean and sparkling surface •can be applied manually or in conjunction with cleaning equipment, such as foamers, sprayers, scrubbers, drier machines etc. •safe to use on concrete, vinyl floor coverings, terrazzo, quarry tiles, plastics, ceramics, rubber, glass, enamel, Formica, stainless steel, painted, varnished, and other similar hard surfaces greencouncil.org |
如果猫在被抱起后挣 扎,最好迅速放开,以免被抓伤、咬伤。 animalsasia.org | If the cat struggles after being picked up, release it quickly to avoid being scratched or bitten. animalsasia.org |
O.N.E. 原来和山猫一起做了不少事情。 doosan.com | O.N.E. Did you work together a lot with Bobcat Company? doosan.com |
通过广泛的公众宣传和切实的专业行动,亚洲动物基金将继续与中国政府和国内的动物 保护团体、支持团体等一起,为 改善中国猫狗的动物福利和生存状况不懈努力。 animalsasia.org | Through wide public education and practical professional action, together with Chinese government and domestic animal protection organization and supporting groups, Animals Asia Foundation will continue to improve the welfare and living conditions of China‘s cat and dog populations. animalsasia.org |
但对于野生幼猫,鉴于待领养的流浪家猫数量已 [...] 经很多,也许我们更应该考虑对野生幼猫就只是进行绝育、免 疫后与母猫一起放归 ,而把领养机会留给其他成年流浪家猫。 animalsasia.org | But in view of the large number of stray cats waiting to be adopted, we [...] should consider de-sexing and vaccinating the [...] young wild cat and releasing it [...]together with its mother and leave the adoption [...]opportunity for the adult stray cat. animalsasia.org |
用流动的水(最好是温水)洗手时,使用肥皂能帮助去除手上的脂肪/油/蛋白质,这样可以使病原体和产生的 泡 沫 一 起 被 洗 去。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The addition of soap to running water [...] (preferably warm) helps to lift these fats/oils/proteins from hands so that pathogens can be [...] washed away in the lather produced. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
特别需要注意的是,如果社区内有固定的喂猫人,最好当着喂猫人的面放归猫咪,以免 猫咪躲起来的 日子里大家都无法确定猫咪是否安全放归回来了, 引 起 不 必 要的矛盾,影响TNR 工作的进行。 animalsasia.org | Please take special note that if there are several fixed feeders in the community, the cat should be released in front them so that they know the cat is safely back, even when it hides. animalsasia.org |
如表 5 所示,执行委员会在其第二十次会议上(1996 年 10 月)核准了给予世界银 行的 678,679 美元,用于实施五家家用和商用制冷设备制造企业由 CFC-12 制冷剂转用 [...] HFC-134a 制冷剂,以及以 HCFC-141b 替代 CFC-11 作为生产隔温泡沫塑料的起泡剂。 multilateralfund.org | At its 20th meeting (October 1996), the Executive Committee approved US $678,679 for the World Bank to implement the conversion of five domestic and commercial refrigeration manufacturing enterprises [...] from CFC-12 to HFC-134a refrigerant, and from CFC-11 to HCFC-141b as [...] blowing agent for foam insulation as shown in Table 5. multilateralfund.org |
比如,如果你 在游说政府部门,和主张杀掉流浪猫的人在 一 起 交 流 ,那么你必须强调的是,“流浪猫是无 法彻底根除的,所以只有实施TNR可以达到这个目的”。 animalsasia.org | For example, if you are lobbying government departments, and talking with people advocating to kill stray cats, you must emphasize that "stray cats can‘t be completely eradicated and only the implementation of the TNR programme can achieve this objective". animalsasia.org |
在經濟發展上,香港的着眼點不應只是吸引泛珠三角洲的資金來香港, 進行不同規模的集資活動,但如果內地的公司管治水平及素質追不上國際水 平,不能與國際投資者的期望及要求接軌,那麼這短暫的繁榮泡沫始終都會 破滅,而這泡沫破滅所引起的連 鎖反應,將會是不堪設想的。 legco.gov.hk | If the corporate governance level and quality of mainland companies fall short of the international standards and fail to live up to the expectation and demand of international investors, the short-term prosperity as a bubble will burst, the chain effect of which will lead to dire consequences. legco.gov.hk |