单词 | 起意 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 起意 —devise a planless common: conceive a scheme Examples:见财起意—seeing riches provokes evil designs 引起对...的注意 v—advertise v (引起听者注意或改变话题)好啦 adv—now adv 引起...的注意 v—draw v • grab v • attract v
每当发生一起意外事 故,一个彩色图钉会钉在地图上,标出事故发生位置。 tahydronics.com | Every time we have an accident or near accident a coloured pin is stuck in that location on a map. tahydronics.com |
因此,该倡议将努力降低孕产妇和儿童的死亡率, 并支持全套计划生育和生殖保健服务,以避免发生数 百万起意外怀孕的事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | So this initiative will work to reduce maternal and child mortality and [...] will support a full range of family planning and reproductive health services to [...] avert millions of unintended pregnancies. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,这些攻击不是孤立的, 也不是见机起意,而 是有系统、有组织的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The attacks are therefore not seen as isolated or opportunistic, but rather as systematic and organized. daccess-ods.un.org |
从那时起,意大利 超级六合彩系列持续创造了历史,并在SISAL、意大利政府和各种慈善机构之间分配进款。 thelotter.com | Since then, the SuperEnalotto series has continued to make history, splitting its proceeds between SISAL, the Italian Government and various charitable organizations. thelotter.com |
这些优点结合在一起,意味着RMP40适合用于各种尺寸的机床,特别是多轴和车铣应用,即工件检测测头和接收器之间的光信号传输被遮挡的应用场合。 renishaw.com.cn | This combination means that the RMP40 [...] is suited for use on all sizes of machine tools, particularly multi-axis and mill-turn [...]applications in which line-of-sight between the inspection probe and its interface cannot always be maintained. renishaw.com.br |
这些变化和挑战正在改变 着国际经济环境,而且正在引起意想 不到的影响和动态。 daccess-ods.un.org | Together, these are reshaping the international economic environment, and [...] giving rise to unexpected implications and [...]dynamics. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1996年起,意大利 SGI舉辦一系列關於人權和可持續發展的展覽會。 sgi.org | Since 1996, SGI-Italy has held a series of exhibitions on [...] human rights and sustainability, sometimes with accompanying youth [...]forums, as well as the collection of signatures calling for the abolition of the death penalty. sgi.org |
为了确保所有客户即使在数据流量非常大的时刻依然都可以接入互联网,并确保网络的完整,从 2011 年 4 月 1 日起,意大利 电信公司根据机会均等原则, [...] 从 17.00 至 24.00 可能将互联网接入速度(通信流整形)限制为以下标准速率:下载 [...]128KB/s,上传 64KB/s,并优先削减包含较大带宽消耗的移动应用(即 P2P、文件共享)和/或超过 1 GB 交换数据的客户应用。 international.tim.it | In order to guarantee exclusive access to all Clients to the Internet connection services and the integrity of the network even [...] in time slots when data traffic is particularly [...] intense, Telecom Italia, in complying [...]with the principle of equal opportunity, [...]since the 1st of April 2011, during the time slot between 17.00 and 24.00 can limit the Internet connection speed (traffic shaping) to a nominal speed of 128 Kilobit per second for download and 64 Kilobit per second in upload with priority curtailment of mobile applications which involve a greater broad band consumption (i.e. peer-to-peer, file sharing), and/or on Clients that exceed 1 Gigabyte of exchanged data. international.tim.it |
从欧盟培训特派团成立起,意大利 就一直参与其 工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Union Training [...] Mission, in which Italy has been taking [...]part since its inception, is working well. daccess-ods.un.org |
故事講述少女露茜,到遠古怪物照顧昏迷在床的百歲前芭蕾舞老師,聽聞屋中另有寶藏,召來兩名壯丁幫助,卻陷入了最可怕的屍變陷陣, 喚 起意 想 不到的屍變風雲。 dddhouse.com | Learning by accident that Mrs Jessel, a former dance teacher of repute, [...] supposedly possesses a treasure somewhere in the [...] house, Lucy and friends William and Ben [...]decide to search the house in the hope of finding it. dddhouse.com |
其次,我特別關注對長者及學童的衞生教育工作,由於香港有不少 獨居長者,身體靈活度及體力所限,難以兼顧家居的衞生,也有不少長 者可能缺乏家居清潔的常識,更可能胡亂混合化學品, 引 起意 外。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, I am particularly concerned about the education of elderly people and students because in Hong Kong, there are quite a lot of elderly people who live alone and who are not able-bodied or strong enough to take care of the hygiene of their homes. legco.gov.hk |
第㆓,㆒旦不幸發生意外,尤其是在㆒些比較落後的㆞區,旅客在外㆞㆟生路不 熟,孤立無援,醫療及善後工作便要由旅行社妥善安排,我認為旅行社要第㆒時間前 赴事發的國家,提供㆟力及金錢的支援,盡快安排旅客返港,或者安排旅客的家屬前 [...] 往事發㆞點,同時要代表旅客向直接 引 起意 外 的㆟士爭取賠償,保障旅客的利益。 legco.gov.hk | At the same time, the travel agent has an obligation to [...] claim compensation from the party directly [...] causing the accident on behalf of [...]their clients to protect the interests of the travellers. legco.gov.hk |
无法记起意大利面的标准份量是多少? shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Can’t remember what the standard portion-size for pasta is? shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
當然,其性能比起意大利 的超級跑車還差極遠,但阿士頓馬田的賣點並不是引擎動力,而是循跡系統等電子裝備,可以容許駕駛者享受將車輛推到極限的亂來駕駛方式,但卻仍然不會輕易失控的高操控性。 hkcarworld.com | This is placed deep within the body of the car and is mated to the latest 6-speed automatic Touchtronic 2 transmission. hkcarworld.com |
记者Jason [...] Barlow着力评论了这款双门跑车的多项卓越特色,他首先提到了优美的车身线条:“GranTurismo跑车外观夺人眼球,最抢眼的莫过于凹形车鼻、突起的前端和后车轮拱板,以及弧形门槛,令汽车看起来清秀有致,会让人不由自主 想 起意 大 利 经典影片中的曼妙女郎。 maserati.com.cn | Journalist Jason Barlow highlights [...] the many positive aspects of the [...] 2-door car, beginning with its beautiful lines: "The GranTurismo is mostly eye-popping. web.maserati.com |
巴 爾 博 (Balbo)的 歷 史 著 作 ﹑ 萊 奧 帕 爾 迪 (Leopardi)的 詩 作 ﹑ 馬 志 尼 的 小 說 ﹑ 威 爾 地 (Verdi) 的 音 樂 作 品 ﹐ 所 有 這 些 皆 激 發 起 意 大 利 人 民 以 意 大 利 人 管 理 意 大 利 的 希 望 。 hkahe.com | The historical writing of Balbo, the poetry of Leopardi, the novel of Mazzini, the musical composition of Verdi all inspired the Italian mind to conceive of an unified Italy under Italian rule. hkahe.com |
我愿意起领导作用,是希望我们能够取得进展,但最重要的是,我 [...] 愿敦促所有各方克服自私心态和争斗,以造福于人类。 daccess-ods.un.org | I offer my leadership so that [...] progress can be made, but, above all, I would urge us all to overcome our selfishness and [...]our rivalries for the benefit of humanity. daccess-ods.un.org |
JP:我很支持此類發展計畫,若過去其他國家沒有如此大規模的開發案,我希望中國能展現各種可能性,讓更多人 願 意起 而 效 尤。 thisbigcity.net | JP: I think it’s great that is happening, and if they are the first country to do it on this scale hopefully they’ll show what can be achieved, and everyone will be more eager to follow. thisbigcity.net |
阿根廷、摩纳哥和突尼斯的代表团同 意起 草 该 决议草案,以便列入议程 项目 [...] 8 中审议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Delegations of Argentina, [...] Monaco and Tunisia agreed to draft this [...]resolution for consideration under item 8 of the agenda. unesdoc.unesco.org |
会议通过了《伊斯坦布尔宣言》, 并同意起草一份保护非物质文化遗产公 约。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Istanbul Declaration was adopted and the idea of drafting a Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage endorsed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
她强调说,由于司法程序的时间 长度和诉诸司法的机会有限,很少发现妇女 愿 意起 诉 的 情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | She highlighted the challenge of finding women prepared to pursue litigation in light of the length of judicial proceedings and limited access to justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
为在新疆的汉族基督徒祷告,但愿能有许多人 愿 意起 来 反 对种族岐视,并表现神对维吾尔人的爱。 amccsm.org | Pray for Han Chinese Christians in [...] Xinjiang. May many be willing to stand up against [...]racial discrimination and demonstrate [...]God's love for the Uighur people. amccsm.org |
隨著Wii遊戲主機的熱銷,電子產業也開始 注 意起 M E M s(微機電系統)的應用及 市場需求,越來越多的產品需要加速度動能偵測,如遊戲主機。 zeroplus.com.tw | With the hot-selling of the Wii Game [...] Console, the electronic manufacturers and [...] suppliers start to pay attention to the Application [...]and Market Demand of the MEMS (Micro-electromechanical Systems). zeroplus.com.tw |
背景:秘书处经缔约方会议第十六届会议主席 同 意 , 起 草 了 缔约方会议第 十七届会议的临时议程,其中已考虑到各缔约方和主席团成员发表的意见,以及 缔约方提议纳入临时议程的项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Background: The secretariat, in agreement with the [...] President of COP 16, [...] has drafted the provisional agenda for COP 17, taking into account views expressed [...]by the Parties, the Bureau [...]and items proposed by Parties to be included on the provisional agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二工作组已经发现和处理了国家起诉那些涉嫌实施海盗和海上武装抢劫 [...] 行为者所面对的一系列障碍,包括海军巡逻国、受海盗和海上武装抢劫行为影响 国以及愿意起诉海 盗嫌犯的国家面对的法律和(或)实际障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Working Group 2 has identified and addressed a series of impediments to national prosecutions of those suspected of piracy and armed robbery at sea, including legal and/or practical impediments for [...] patrolling naval States, States affected by piracy and armed robbery at [...] sea, and States willing to prosecute suspected pirates. daccess-ods.un.org |
该基金也应用于宣布愿意起诉海 盗的国家中 的项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Fund should also be spent on projects in States that [...] announce their willingness to prosecute pirates. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以回顾,那些曾表示首 选准则的代表团同意,起草透 明度法律标准应采取明确规则的形式,而不是较 为松散和宽泛的准则形式。 daccess-ods.un.org | It may be recalled that those delegations that had [...] expressed preference for [...] guidelines agreed that the legal standard on transparency be drafted in the [...]form of clear rules rather [...]than looser and more discursive guidelines. daccess-ods.un.org |
一俟该区域的国家提出请求表示愿 意起 诉 有 嫌疑的海盗,毒 品和犯罪问题办公室即就该请求进行综合需要评估,衡量该国承担这一任务的 [...] 刑事司法能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon the request of States in the region indicating [...] that they will prosecute suspected pirates, [...]UNODC carries out a comprehensive needs [...]assessment to gauge the State’s criminal justice capacity to take on the role. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 4 ) 除 非 由 律 政 司 提 出 或 得 律 政 司 同 意 起 訴 , 否 則 , 不 得 以 某 人 偷 竊 或 非 法 毀 壞 案 發 時 屬 於 妻 子 或 丈 夫 的 財 物 , 又 或 以 某 人 詴 圖 或 慫 恿 或 ( i ) 該 人 被 控 與 妻 子 或 丈 夫 共 同 作 出 該 項 罪 行 ; 或 hkreform.gov.hk | (4) Proceedings shall not be instituted against a person for any offence of stealing or doing unlawful damage to property which at the time of the offence belongs to that person’s wife or husband, or for any attempt, incitement or conspiracy to commit such an offence, unless the proceedings are instituted by or with the consent of the Attorney General hkreform.gov.hk |