单词 | 起家 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 起家 —grow an enterprise beginning withless common: start out by • begin one's career by Examples:平地起家—start from scratch [idiom.] 勤俭起家—rise up by thrift and hard work [idiom.] 白手起家—start from scratch • build up from nothing
1961年之前,他在阿拉伯湾以海运起家 , 然 后在Abu Dhabi定居,进行各种贸易及投资活动。 hautehorlogerie.org | He started his career as a sea merchant [...] in the Arabian Gulf until 1961, then he settled in Abu Dhabi to establish different trades and investments. hautehorlogerie.org |
新公司靠交流电机起家,并 生产出了第一批销往北美的电风扇。 emerson.com | The fledgling company builds its business around AC motors and manufactures the first electric fans to be sold in North America. emerson.com |
2000年,宗教态度的大范围投票中:只有16%的瑞士人认为宗教是“非常重要”的;但 比 起家 庭 ,事业,健身及文化,还是差远了。 swissworld.org | In a wideranging poll of Swiss attitudes taken in 2000, only [...] 16% of Swiss people said religion was "very important" to them, [...] far below their families, their jobs, sport [...]or culture. swissworld.org |
於1837年在巴黎製造馬具起家的愛馬仕,一直尊重傳統工藝,堅持卓越的品質及完美的追求,並把創新的精神發展為品牌的重要理念。 sogo.com.hk | Founded in 1837 in Paris as a harness maker, Hermès has been synonymous with superb craftsmanship, the pursuit for finest quality in materials, and the continued quest for new innovation. sogo.com.hk |
在過去 12 年中,從咖啡攤起家的 Mr Kok Kuan Hwa 已逐漸建立了名聲。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Starting out with just one stall in a coffee shop 12 years ago, Mr Kok Kuan Hwa has steadily established a name for himself. marinabaysands.com |
他们以做手表起家,而现在还给那些专业且有范儿的冲浪者,滑冰,滑雪者提供用具。 iontime.ch | They initially started with watches [...] and now offer everything professional and aspiring surfers, skate- and snowboarders might need. iontime.ch |
由於我記起香港官員曾經參加過早期的談判,我要求政府今㆝解釋為什麼在現時這次 談判沒有香港官員參加;因為香港代表的缺席必會 引 起 ㆟ 家 懷 疑 英國準備再簽訂另㆒協 議,這協議將犧牲英國最後和還餘㆘來的重要殖民㆞的利益。 legco.gov.hk | Bearing in mind the presence of Hong Kong officials in earlier rounds of the talks, I call upon the Administration to explain today why there are no officials from Hong Kong participating in this current round of talks; for the absence of any Hong Kong representative inevitably causes suspicion that Britain is prepared to make yet another agreement that will sacrifice the interests of her last and remaining important colony. legco.gov.hk |
这就是我白手起家的故 事,因此我也希望可以帮助其他人。 glenraven.com | It was a rags-to-riches story that made me want to do something for others. glenraven.com |
委员会鼓励缔约国继续努力支持各家庭切实消除贫困,以及确保各家庭, [...] 特别是单亲家庭以及在获取缔约国服务方面可能困难更大的家庭,诸如偏远地区 的家庭、土著家庭、移民和残疾儿童家庭,做好担 负 起家 长 抚养子女职能的准 备。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee encourages the State party to continue its efforts to support families to fight effectively against poverty, as well as to ensure that families are prepared in their parenting roles, in particular families with one parent and those that may have more difficulties in accessing the services of the [...] State party, such as families from remote areas, [...] indigenous families, migrants and families with children [...]with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外 还 突 出强调的是,危机时刻 支持现有企业内部 革新比白手起 家打造一个新的项目更保险。 daccess-ods.un.org | There was also highlighted that in crisis times is safer to support innovation within an established enterprise rather than to support a new project from ground zero. daccess-ods.un.org |
Mihara Yasuhiro於1996年成立,設計師三原康裕早年以造 鞋 起家 , 創 立品牌後推出的Half Sneakers曾於時尚圈內引起巨大迴響。 think-silly.com | Mihara Yasuhiro is founded in 1996 – with shoe craftsmanship background, the designer pioneered the much talked-about technical wonder ‘half sneakers’. think-silly.com |
梳化倉成立於1999年,以創立「梳化超級市場 」 起家。 tipschina.gov.cn | Sofamark was founded in 1999; the combination of "Sofa" and "Supermarket" implies the variety of choices and comprehensive services to our valuable customers. tipschina.gov.cn |
黄祖耀先生是新加坡成就非凡的银行家和商业巨子,同时也是具有威望的华社领袖;丹斯里拿督李深静局绅是马来西亚举足轻重的著名企业家,对棕榈油工业做出了重要贡献;刘永好先生在八十年代白 手 起家 , 拥 有目前中国最大的饲料生产企业;梁振英先生以专业精英身份,领导世界级房地产咨询公司,并在香港政界极具影响力;陈启宗先生不但纵横香港房地产业,同时也是一位涉足教育及文化领域的“学者型商人”。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Tan Sri Dato Lee Shin Cheng, at the helm of a prominent Malaysian conglomerate, is very successful in the oil palm industry; Mr Liu Yong Hao is an entrepreneur who built up his agribusiness empire in the 1980s, which now [...] ranks as one of China’s largest; Mr Leung [...] Chun-ying is a respected professional [...]distinguished by his involvement in a global [...]property consultancy and in the Hong Kong political scene; Mr Ronnie Chan is a leading figure in Hong Kong’s real estate industry and well-known for his involvement in the world of academia. english.sccci.org.sg |
若參加者的年齡未足十八歲,計劃領袖應在該參加者進行任何獎勵計 劃活動前取得家長同意,此舉不但符合法律上的要求,還能 喚 起家長 們 對獎勵計劃的認識,從而對參加者多作鼓勵。 ayp.org.hk | It is desirable [...] to obtain parental consent, not only to satisfy the legal requirements but also to arouse their interest [...]and support. ayp.org.hk |
珊瑚是由一種名為 珊瑚蟲 的海洋動物 [...] [...] 骨骼所形成的一種結構 而在深海和淺海中均 有珊瑚礁存在 由於深海珊瑚較淺海珊瑚來得 鮮豔與漂亮 但卻不易形成 因此常被稱為 寶 石珊瑚 大東山珠寶自過去便明瞭 由於分 佈在深海礁石上的珊瑚無法以人工養殖 未來 此種自然資源將越來越稀少 很有可能在未來 的某一天竭盡 而珊瑚此種原物料的日益稀少 將可能使供應鏈中斷 令經營陷入危機 雖說 大東山珠寶是由賣珊瑚相關商品起家的 但 企 業的產品及原物料資源卻無需限於單一類型 而應考量其他選擇 apecscmc.org | Because this kind of deep-sea corals cannot be nurtured artificially, Lucoral & Lupearl has always known that its very resource, the corals, will be depleted one day, which therefore, puts the business in jeopardy. apecscmc.org |
每逢話別之際,我們總不免憶念起大 家 ㆒ 起 共 渡 的快樂時刻。霍德爵士是以布政司的 身份最後㆒次在這裏與我們見面,我肯定大家也不會忘記在我們的小小挪亞方舟㆗所發 [...] 生的趣事,裏面有老虎、鴨子和恐龍;以及在各種運動比賽、晚宴和接待會㆗的樂趣; 甚至亦不會忘記我們彼此間有意見相左、取捨不同的時刻。 legco.gov.hk | Farewells are occasions when we think of the [...] good times we have shared together and as Sir David meets us here for the last [...]time as Chief Secretary, I am sure we can remember the fun we have had in our small Noah's Ark, with the tiger, the duck and the rhinoceros, and the fun we have had at sports and dinners and receptions, as well as the times when we have all begged to differ from him. legco.gov.hk |
由于城堡的四周种满了玫瑰,充满浪漫意境,而Armand本人更认为每个女人就像玫瑰,各有其特色与姿态,就以城堡命名,玫瑰也就成了LANCOME的品牌标志,最早以香 水 起家 的 LA NCOME,发展至今,已成为引导潮流的全方位化妆品牌。 lpczjg.com | Around the castle full of roses, romantic mood, and Armand I also think that every woman is like roses, have their own characteristics and attitude to the castle named [...] LANCOME Rose will become the brand logo, the [...] earliest perfume started LANCOME, development [...]so far, has been leading the trend [...]of the full range of cosmetic brands. lpczjg.com |
本文介紹許多專訪大東山珠寶呂華苑總經 理時所提及之策略概念 盼能助益於 APEC 中 小企業 從白手起家到成功經營 中小企業須 具有策略性以及國際性的思考 而管理思維則 應建立於創新的基礎上 化潛在危機化為轉機 正如大東山珠寶所分享的實例 中小企業如能 採用相似的策略與概念 尋求因應潛在危機的 方式 將可化危機為商業契機 第 33 屆 APEC 中 小企 業工 作小 組會 議 於 2011 年 12 月 15 16 日 於 泰 國 曼 谷 舉 行 在 此會議舉行前 由中華台北及美國共同主辦之 [...] [...] APEC 中小企業創業創新及雲端運算研討會亦於 12 月 13 日在泰國曼谷舉行 並獲得極大肯定 吸引許多中小企業相關人士參與 apecscmc.org | From the interview with Lucoral & Lupearl Managing Director, Victoria Lu, several strategic concepts were introduced in this article with the “APEC SME Economic Crisis Monitor” is calling for papers for this Column—CM Best Practice. apecscmc.org |
其中 16 起是因为发达国家之间的争端,7 起是发达国家起诉发 展中国家的,还有一起是巴西起诉美国的。 iprcommission.org | Sixteen were disputes between developed countries, seven were cases brought by developed against developing countries, and one by Brazil against the US. iprcommission.org |
为起诉和惩罚基于性别的犯罪 确定标准;被指控犯有灭绝种 族罪的人得到审判;制定判例; 国家起诉灭绝种族罪肇事者的 能力得到加强。 un.org | Standards set for the prosecution and punishment of gender-based crimes; persons [...] accused of genocide tried; development of [...] jurisprudence; national capacity for prosecution of genocide [...]perpetrators enhanced. un.org |
在以司法调查或国家起诉的 方式进行的刑事审判 中,不管受害方或有关国家当局是否参与,都将采取诉讼措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | In cases where a criminal trial [...] is conducted through a judicial [...] investigation or a State prosecution, procedural measures [...]are carried out, regardless of [...]participation by the aggrieved party or the authorities of the relevant State. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权事务委员会在其第2004/18 [...] 号决议中要求结构调整政策和外债对充分享 有所有人权,特别是经济、社会和文化权利的影响问题独立 专 家 “ 起 草 一 般准 则,供各国家及私营和公营、国家和国际金融机构在债务偿还和机构改革方案, [...] 包括因债务减免引起的债务偿还和机构改革方案的决策和实施中遵循,以确保遵 [...] 守外债所衍生的承诺不会破坏国际人权文书中所规定的实现基本的经济、社会和 文化权利的义务;并将关于此议题的初稿提交委员会第六十一届会议,定稿提交 委员会第六十二届会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its resolution 2004/18, the Commission on Human Rights requested the Independent Expert on the effects of structural adjustment policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly [...] economic, social and [...] cultural rights “to draft general guidelines to be followed by States and by private [...]and public, national [...]and international financial institutions in the decision-making and execution of debt repayments and structural reform programmes, including those arising from debt relief, to ensure that compliance with the commitments derived from foreign debt will not undermine the obligations for the realization of fundamental economic, social and cultural rights, as provided for in the international human rights instruments, and to present a preliminary draft on this matter to the Commission at its sixty-first session and a final draft at the sixtysecond session of the Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然摩纳哥认为该《公约》不适于该国的情况,但摩纳哥在随后 阶段考虑批准该《公约》将对其他国 家起 到 促 进作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although Monaco considered that this convention was not applicable to the situation in the country, [...] the mere fact that Monaco may consider its ratification at a later stage could serve as [...] an incentive for other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国志愿人员组织的持续努力促使 33 个国家起草和 /或采纳了支持志愿 服务的立法框架或政策,并建立或执行了国家志愿服务法律、计划、方案、网络 [...] 或战略,这些国家包括非洲的贝宁、布基纳法索、佛得角、肯尼亚、马里、莫桑 比克、纳米比亚、塞内加尔、坦桑尼亚、多哥、赞比亚,亚洲和太平洋地区的孟 [...] 加拉国、柬埔寨、印度、印度尼西亚、尼泊尔、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、泰国、 越南,独立国家联合体的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、 乌克兰,以及拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的玻利维亚、巴西、哥伦比亚、多米尼加共 和国、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、秘鲁;因此,联合国志愿者 组织的努力为增强国家志愿部门的能力做出了贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sustained UNV efforts [...] resulted in the drafting and/or the adoption of legislative frameworks or [...]policies in support of volunteerism [...]and the establishment or implementation of national volunteerism laws, schemes, programmes, networks or strategies in 33 countries, including in Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia), Asia and the Pacific (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam), the Commonwealth of Independent States (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine) and Latin America and the Caribbean (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru), thus contributing to the strengthening of national voluntary sector capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长在 2010 年 8 月 26 [...] 日作出任命时,要求我更具体地“查明能采取哪些更多的措施, 协助该区域的国家以及其他国家起诉 和 监禁从事海盗行为的人,并探讨该区域有 [...] 哪些国家愿意作为潜在的东道国,实施他根据安全理事会第 1918(2010)号决议编 [...]写的报告中所阐述的潜在的新司法机制备选方案”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon making the appointment on 26 August 2010, the Secretary-General requested me, in particular, to identify any additional steps that can be taken to assist [...] States in the region, as well as [...] other States, to prosecute and imprison [...]persons who engage in piracy, and explore the [...]willingness of States in the region to serve as potential hosts for any of the options for potential new judicial mechanisms set out in [his] report (...) to the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一些国家,起诉的条件是被指控罪犯在启动诉讼时人在主张管辖权国家的 领土内(即此人在领土内被捕或被发现)(如奥地利、喀麦隆、捷克共和国、丹麦、 [...] 法国、马来西亚、荷兰、挪威、斯洛文尼亚、南非、瑞士、美国),如果被指控 罪犯不在(或预计不会在)其领土内,检察官则决定不进行起诉(如德国)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In certain countries, prosecution was subject to [...] the presence of the alleged perpetrator in the territory of the State asserting [...]jurisdiction at the time the proceedings were initiated (i.e., the person was arrested or found in the territory) (e.g., Austria, Cameroon, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, the United States), or prosecutors would decide not to proceed if the alleged perpetrator was not present or his presence was not to be expected (e.g., Germany). daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 泡沫塑料伞式项目,包括两个配方厂家和 34 个下游用户:鉴于南非配方厂 家起着关 键作用,决定将在这些厂家的协助下淘汰 HCFC-141b 消费量。 multilateralfund.org | (c) Foam umbrella project including two systems houses and 34 downstream users: Given the key role of systems houses in South Africa it was determined that HCFC-141b consumption will be phased out with their assistance. multilateralfund.org |
国家中央 局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and [...] police units, giving [...]the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织也同样支持编写网络学习程序,支持地区和 国 家起 草 协 议开发 网络课程,以加强在信息与传播技术新发展中给中美州、古巴、多米尼加共和国、墨西哥带 [...] 来知识增长,能力提高,学习机会增加。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Similarly, UNESCO supported the design of e-learning processes [...] and the preparation of agreements [...] with regional and national organizations for the development [...]of online courses with a [...]view to enhancing expertise, capabilities and learning opportunities in new trends in ICTs in Central America, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Mexico. unesdoc.unesco.org |