

单词 起因

起因 ()

a factor (leading an effect)

External sources (not reviewed)

高级专员认为推进有关过去侵权行为的司法程序, 并对这些行为起因作深 入分析具有至关的重要性,因为这能保障这种行为不再 [...]
The High Commissioner considers it essential to advance in the
judicial proceedings on past violations and to conduct an in-depth
[...] analysis of their causes, as a guarantee [...]
of nonrepetition.
如職業 病 引 致僱員 喪失工 作能力或引 致僱員 死亡,而該職 業 病起因是由於 在 緊接該 項喪失工 作能力或死亡發生之 前的訂明期間 內任何時間僱員 受僱從事的工作 的 性質所 致 ,則僱 員 或其家庭成員 ( 視屬何情況而定) 有權根據該條例獲得補償, 猶如該 項喪失工 作能力或死亡是僱員在受 僱 工 作 期 間因工 遭遇意外所 致 一 樣 。
If the incapacity or death of an employee results from an occupational disease and is due to the nature of any employment in which the employee was employed at any time within the prescribed period immediately preceding such incapacity or death, the employee or members of his family, as the case may be, shall be entitled to compensation under the Ordinance as if such incapacity or death had been caused by an accident arising out of and in the course of employment.
在这方面,黎巴嫩赞扬 联合国努力遏制小武器和轻武器的扩散,同时认为, 应该通过努力解决危机和冲突的根源、建立有效的机
[...] 制和消除作为非洲战争和冲突的主 起因 的 饥 饿、贫 困和文盲来支持这些努力。
In this respect, Lebanon commends the efforts of the United Nations to contain the spread of small and light weapons and believes that they should be accompanied by efforts to address the root causes of crises and conflicts and to build effective
institutions, as well as to eradicate hunger, poverty and illiteracy, which
[...] are principal causes of wars and conflicts [...]
in Africa.
过早连接联轴器将导致泵意外运行,从而 起因 零件运动、流体溅入眼睛或皮肤上及接触有害流体而造成 的伤害。
Connecting the coupler too early can result in unintentional operation of the pump, leading to serious injury from moving parts, splashing fluid in the eyes or on the skin, and contact with hazardous fluids.
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主 起因 加 以 预防,包括超速、不使用安 全带和儿童约束装置、酒后驾驶、两轮和三轮机动车驾驶员不带头盔、道路设计 [...]
Significant numbers of road traffic
fatalities and injuries can be prevented by
[...] addressing the leading causes, which include [...]
excess speed, lack of seat-belt and child
restraint use, drinking and driving, lack of helmet use by riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles, poorly designed and inadequately maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care.
1998 年秘书长关于非洲境内冲起因和促进持久和平与可持续发展的报告(A/52/871-S/1998/318)成为解决和 [...]
The Secretary-General’s 1998
[...] report on the causes of conflict and [...]
the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development
in Africa (A/52/871-S/1998/318) was to become a landmark document addressing the nexus between peace and security and development.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团指出,国际金融危机 起因 是 , 一些发达国 家缺乏规范监督和其消费模式不可持续。
The delegation of the Islamic Republic
of Iran noted that the international
[...] financial crisis was caused by deficiencies [...]
in regulation and an unsustainable pattern
of consumption in some developed countries.
这些目标相互关联――如果没 有仔细了解杀害的细节、模式起因 , 特 别报告员便无法准确记录该国的人权局 [...]
These aims are linked – if the specifics and patterns of
[...] killings and their causes are not carefully [...]
understood, the Special Rapporteur cannot
provide an accurate account of the human rights situation in a country, and cannot craft appropriately specific and tailored reforms.
[...] 高级专员的对话,并且希望对话的结果能够全面阐 释问题起因和解决办法。
His delegation therefore looked forward to the High
Commissioner’s dialogue, and hoped that a comprehensive
[...] picture of the causes and solutions [...]
to the problem would emerge as a result.
在“特區政府”之前刪除“鑒於”,並以“據統計處的香港人口推算, 由 2011 年開始,未來 30 年高齡人口將持續增加,醫療、福利等開支
將大幅增加,可能對公共財政造成壓力,而”代替;在“政策開支,” 之後加上“包括撥款 500
[...] 億元,成立‘高齡人口儲備基金’,以應 付 2011起 因 人 口 老 化 而 急 劇 增 加 的 醫 療 、 福 [...]
利 及 相 關 公 共 開 支,”;及在“上述基金,”之後加上“並將外匯基金每年投資收入
To delete "as" after "That," and substitute with "according to the Hong Kong population projections by the Census and Statistics Department, the old age population will continue to increase in the next 30 years from 2011, bringing about a substantial increase in medical and welfare expenditures, which may exert pressure on public finance, and"; to add ", which include appropriating $50 billion to set up an 'Old Age Reserve Fund' to meet the surging
medical, welfare and related public
[...] expenditures from 2011 onwards because of the ageing of the [...]
population" after "help the poor";
and to add "and half of the annual investment income of the Exchange Fund will be allocated to the fund," after "a certain level,".
这就是为什么保护平民需要成为一种全面方法 的一部分,它主要基于通过联合国在支持实现政治解 决和和解行动方面发挥积极作用来解决冲突 起因, 并 加上本组织及其各机构在人道主义领域和可持续 经济发展和重建方面发挥的并行作用。
That is why the protection of civilians needs to be part of a comprehensive approach based essentially on addressing the causes of conflict through an active United Nations role in support of initiatives towards political settlements and reconciliation, complemented by a parallel role for the Organization and its agencies in the humanitarian area and the spheres of sustainable economic development and reconstruction.
国际组织违反其国际义务的行为 起因 于 不 可抗力, 起因 于 该 组织无 法控制的不可抗拒的力量或无法预料的事件,以致该组织在这种情况下实际 上不可能履行义务,该行为的不法性即告解除。
The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the act is due to force majeure, that is, the occurrence of an irresistible force or of an unforeseen event, beyond the control of the organization, making it materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation.
秘书处的代表简单地介绍了第 177 EX/16 号文件,该文件重点陈述了建议的行动规划起因,以 及为其做出的并提交执行局审议的决定草案。
The representative of the Secretariat made a brief introduction to document 177 EX/16 highlighting the genesis of the proposed plan of action as well as the draft decision attached to it and submitted for consideration by the Executive Board.
在第二十八届会议上,委员会建议人口领域的工作方案除其他外,继续高度 优先注意监测人口趋势和人口政策,包括每两年编写全球、国家、城市、农村和 都市人口的估计和预测;研究人口及有关的发展政策;编写关于人口变化相互作 用和其它动态的研究报告;分析死亡率;协助和协调关于生育率和结婚率以及包 括计划生育在内的生殖权利和生殖健康的深入研究工作;进行研究,以便更多地 了解国内移徙和国际移徙起因和后 果;提高公众对人口与发展问题的认识并加 强这方面的信息交流;作出必要的安排,协调《行动纲领》的审查和评价工作; 向发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家提供技术合作支助;并根据经济转型国家当 时面临的经济及社会问题,向这些国家临时提供技术合作支助(见 E/1995/27,附 件二)。
the conduct of analyses of mortality; contribution to and coordination of in-depth studies on fertility, nuptiality and reproductive rights and health, including family planning; the conduct of studies to improve the understanding of the causes and consequences of internal migration and international migration; increasing public awareness of and information exchange on population and development issues; making the necessary arrangements for coordinating the review and appraisal of the Programme of Action; and the provision of technical cooperation support to developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, and, on a temporary basis, to countries with economies in transition in the light of the economic and social problems that those countries faced at that time (see E/1995/27, annex II).
各维持和平行动和特别政治任 务要想解决他们所面临的挑战,就应优先考虑解决这 些问题起因。
Priority should be given to tackling the causes of such problems, if peacekeeping operations and special political missions were to address the challenges that they faced.
[...] 作队还针对特别顾问办公室编写的秘书长关于非洲境内冲 起因 和 促 进持久和平 与可持续发展的报告所载建议执行情况的报告(A/65/152-S/2010/526),开展了合 [...]
In addition, the Task Force collaborated on and contributed to the report on the implementation of the recommendations
contained in the report of the
[...] Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and [...]
the promotion of durable peace and sustainable
development in Africa (A/65/152-S/2010/526), prepared by the Office of the Special Adviser.
不完整的陣列為更嚴重但不常見的問題 起因於 R AID 層級轉換或磁碟陣列傳輸過程中,故障或離線的實體磁碟機。
A more serious but less common problem is an incomplete array, which results from a physical drive that fails or goes offline during RAID level migration or disk array transport.
内审办报告说, 大多数风险的直起因是(a) 资源和工作人员能力有限;(b) [...]
人为过失;(c) 管 理人员对控制在其办事处的实际运作情况认识不足。
OIA reported that
[...] the immediate causes for most of these [...]
risks were (a) limitations in resources and staff capacities; (b)
human error; and (c) weaknesses in management’s awareness of how well controls were actually functioning in their offices.
是指含有,产生,携带电力的起因 于 或 受电力驱动的;被设计成携带电力以及可以携带电力的物体。
Containing, producing, arising from, actuated by, or carrying electricity, or designed to carry electricity and capable of so doing.
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经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》 第 12 条的第 14 号一般性意见是一项可用于对付烟草业的强有力的任务规定,其 中提及
[...] “尽量合理可行地减少工作环境中危害健康 起因 ” ; 并且承认人人有权 享有能达到的最高的体质和心理健康的标准。
General comment 14, on article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, is a powerful mandate that should be used against the tobacco industry, referring to “the
minimization, so far as is reasonably
[...] practicable, of the causes of health hazards [...]
inherent in the working environment”
and recognizing the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
这 34 项建议多数的直起因是:工作人员对儿基会监管框架的理解不足, [...]
管理部门对内部控制运作监督不足,筹资无法预测,工作流程不完善、监测不完 备,办事处以应急模式办公。
The immediate causes of most of the [...]
34 recommendations were: inadequate staff understanding of the regulatory framework
of UNICEF; inadequate monitoring by management of the functioning of internal controls; unpredictability of funding; inadequate workflows and insufficient monitoring; and offices operating in emergency modes.
德国表示,黎巴嫩曾经要求德国提交一个此类 项目起因可能 是黎巴嫩国家方案修订稿,其中确定了该国原先被占领部分的其他消费。
Germany indicated that Lebanon had asked it to submit such a project that might result from Lebanon’s 9 country programme update that identifies additional consumption in a formerly occupied part of the country.
立法应当在可靠的证据 基础上起草, 包括有关一切形式暴力侵害妇女的范围、患病率
[...] 和发病率数据和研究, 这种暴力行为起因和后 果以及其他国 家预防和应对暴力侵害妇女行为取得的教训和良好做法。
Legislation should be prepared drawing on reliable evidence including data and research on the scope, prevalence and
incidence of all forms of violence against
[...] women, on the causes and consequences [...]
of such violence, and on lessons learned
and good practices from other countries in preventing and addressing violence against women.
因此,对 2010 年内部审计 建议的分析包括:可以按重要程度分析的 279 项建议,起因分析 的 326 项建议, 以及按在某一职能领域的发生频率分析的 279 项建议。
The analysis for the 2010 internal audit recommendations thus consists of 279 recommendations that can be analysed by importance, 326 by cause, and 279 by frequency of occurrence in a functional area.
[...] 面存在显著差异,但援助文件、政策、捐助国官方机构、多边银行以及区域和政 府间组织都把它们放在起,因为它 们的主要特点是,两者均不符合正常援助流 [...]
Although the two categories differ significantly in terms of the conditions, needs, tasks and priorities associated with them, they are nonetheless addressed jointly in the assistance documents, policies and bureaucracies of donor countries,
multilateral banks and regional and
[...] intergovernmental organizations because their defining [...]
feature is that neither fits the conditions
and procedures of normal aid processes.
要解决 问题,必须首先探究气候变化起因 , 如 能源消耗、全球化、地貌景观分割、自 然资源开发、经济无限制增长、消费与生活方式问题等。
If solutions are to be found, it is important to start looking at causes for climate change such as: energy consumption, globalization, landscape fragmentation, exploitation of natural resources, unlimited economic growth, questions of consumption and life style.




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