

单词 赶到

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External sources (not reviewed)

当代表团离开时,该女子的兄弟 赶到 来 帮 助她。
As the delegation was leaving, the
[...] woman’s brother arrived to assist her.
随后一支工兵巡逻 队被派往处理,但赶到现场 之前,该装置爆炸,焚毁了停在附近的一辆警车, [...]
An army engineers patrol was summoned,
[...] but before it had arrived on the scene the [...]
device exploded, incinerating a police
car that had stopped nearby and slightly injuring two police officers.
他迅速带领巡逻人赶到该村,抓获了武装人员 Muhammad bin Yahya Fatu,他还持有一支俄制步枪和旧政府的旗帜。
Accompanied by a patrol, he immediately went to the village and was able to apprehend the armed man, Muhammad bin Yahya Fatu, who was also in possession of a Russian rifle and a mandate-era flag.
在这幅图片中,一个孩子在吃饭,他的父母此时正将家中的驼 赶到 肯 尼 亚Al-Akaburu的一处水源饮水。
In this picture, a child has his meal as his parents get the family's herd of camels to drink at a watering point in Al-Akaburu, Kenya.
但小鹿警告她,她的翅膀冻结赶到 她 的 童话医院。
But Fawn warns her that her wings are freezing and rushes her off to the fairy hospital.
鉴于这种事件,无国界医师组织和儿基会最近指出患有应激障碍的儿童的数 字猛增,也就无甚奇怪了。41 联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(其报告通常被称为“戈 德斯通报告”)的成员Desmond
[...] 在对待向他们投掷石块的儿童时采用成为以色列安全部队在西岸的规范行为的 方式,即在傍晚把儿赶到一起 并带往拘留所,被蒙面、殴打并在某些情况下受 到酷刑,那么北爱尔兰问题今天就不会得到解决。
It is little wonder in view of such incidents that both Médecins Sans Frontières and UNICEF have recently said that the number of children suffering from stress disorder has greatly increased.41 Colonel Desmond Travers, a member of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (whose report is generally known as the “Goldstone Report”) said in a recent interview: “If the British had behaved toward children who threw stones at them in the manner that is the norm on the West Bank for
Israeli security forces —
[...] whereby children are rounded up in the evening and taken to places [...]
of detention, hooded, beaten,
and in some cases tortured — the Northern Ireland problem would not be resolved today.
医护人员花了两天时间,冒着 极大生命危险,赶到这所 房子,抢救那些没有因伤死亡的人。
It took paramedics two days and great risk to their lives to reach the house and rescue those who did not die of their wounds.
人们特别担心,因为北约在阿富汗打击恐怖主义 行动不力,不是消灭恐怖作战人员,而主要是将他们 从阿富汗南部地区赶到阿富 汗北部地区及邻近国 家,恐怖主义活动有可能从阿富汗外溢至中亚国家。
There is particular concern about spillover of terrorist activities from Afghanistan into the Central Asian States as a consequence of the inefficacy of NATO’s anti-terrorist activities in Afghanistan, which are not eliminating the fighters but pushing them primarily from the southern to the northern regions and neighbouring States.
恐怖分子的野蛮战略是造成使平民遭受伤亡 的局面,具体手法包括:强迫平民接受使用武器的训
[...] 练并拿起武器,招募儿童执行作战任务,把成千上万 的平赶到一起 ,组成人肉盾牌,将其作为人质,并 将重型武器置于人群之中,以吸引枪炮还击。
The terrorists’ brutal strategy was to create a situation inviting civilian casualties by forcing civilians to be trained in weapons and to take up arms, recruiting children for
combat duties, herding thousands of
[...] civilians to form human shields, holding them hostage [...]
and placing heavy guns in their
midst, attracting retaliatory fire.
志愿者需要选择乘坐火车到达伯坦果德或UNA火车站的他们将在那里被 赶到 P a l am pur。
Volunteers choosing to arrive by train need to arrive at Pathankot or Una railway station from where
[...] they will be driven to Palampur.
去除注射器样品中的空气,方法是将注射器向上,让气泡升到表 面,将空气连同少量血赶到一个有吸收力的表面上。
Remove any entrapped air from the syringe sample by pointing the syringe at an upward angle to allow air bubbles to rise to the surface; expel the air, along with a small amount of blood, onto an absorbent surface.
到 13 时 30 分,纽约警赶到现场 ,并要求挑衅人员离开我团正门前。
At 13:30, the
[...] New York police arrived at the site and [...]
requested the provocative persons to leave the front of the Mission.
刚果民主共和国东部最近的军事行动将外国战斗人员从南北基伍 赶到马 涅 马省和北加丹加省,那里没有解除武装、复员、遣返、重返社会和重新安置办 事处。
The recent military operations in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo have driven foreign combatants from the Kivus to the provinces of Maniema and North Katanga, where there are no disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reinsertion and resettlement offices.
炸弹处置需要钢铁般的意志,以及一辆让你迅 赶到 现 场 的多重任务处理越野车。
and an off-road, multi-tasking vehicle that
当救护人赶到现 场 时,Julani 已经没有了脉搏,他们不得不使用心肺复苏术和去纤颤器达 [...]
10 分钟以上,他的脉搏才恢复。
When paramedics arrived on the scene, Julani [...]
no longer had a pulse and they had to use cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
defibrillators for more than 10 minutes before his pulse returned.
[...] 他官员陪同,而且随后其他当权者在获知代表团查访之后 赶到 这 里 加入陪同队 伍。
During the time that the delegation was in the house, heavily armed police and other officials were present
continuously, and they were later joined by other
[...] authorities, who arrived after being notified [...]
of the delegation’s presence.
直到要Boarding的那一刻,要进入闸门的前45分钟,我的家人 赶到。
Right on the boarding moment, 45 minutes before departure, my family finally reached.
是一种对黑色轮廓的一见钟情,有如在画室中的实验”,品牌的创意灵魂玛利亚•格拉茨亚•奇乌力和皮埃尔•保罗•皮乔里在结束了双场服装展示 赶到 瓦 仑 蒂诺·加拉瓦尼(Valentino Garavani)的Wildeville别墅内参加其史料展览揭幕晚宴,并向MFF杂志解释道,“我们选择设计了不只是一整套服装,其中有多件为日装,可以混合搭配。
It's a sort of first love, with dark features, as the experiments in atelier”, explained to MFF Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli, creative minds of the griffe, who joined Valentino Garavani in Wideville after the double show, at the dinner party for the opening of his Archives, “we chose to create a wardrobe with more day pieces, to be mixed up.
然而,纽约警方在这一团伙堵住我团门口 15 分钟后,即 11 点 24 分赶到现场
Nevertheless, the New York Police only arrived at the Mission at 11:24 a.m., 15 minutes after the group had already blocked the entrance doors of the Mission.
该片的导演伦德和制片人即来自Ape& Bjørn公司的鲁本∙托基尔德森(Ruben Thorkildsen)上周一直待在捷克的温泉城,而男演员拉斐尔森上周六 赶到 了 电影节颁奖仪式的现场,也就是在这里,两位唯一来自北欧的电影人收获了令人艳羡的巨大殊荣。
While Lund and producer Ruben Thorkildsen, of Ape&Bjørn, spent the week at the festival in the Czech spa city, the actor returned to join them at Saturday’s awards ceremony, where the two – and only Nordic – kudos were announced.
然后,顺序门把奶赶到平台 上的最终位置,同时平台转到 下一个停止位置,进行乳头准备。
Then a sequence gate swings her into final position on the platform at the same time as the platform rotates to the next stop position for teat preparation.
在包括东耶路撒冷在内的约旦河西岸,以色列 占领部队仍通过破坏和驱逐等手段,将巴勒斯坦儿赶到街头 ,给他们造成了严重的心理伤害,甚至 剥夺了他们的稀有的玩乐场所。
In the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the Israeli occupying forces were continuing, through demolition and
eviction, to make Palestinian
[...] children homeless and to inflict severe trauma on them, depriving them even of their [...]
scarce playgrounds.
因为有了这样的 想法,他们便把关于日期的预言当成抽打 世人、并把他赶到上帝面前的鞭子。
Having such ideas, they used the time prophecies as a whip to scourge and drive the world to God.
地 理。Elgizouli 先生指 出,几 十年的干旱、 荒漠化和人口 过 剩 ,都是达尔富 尔冲 突 的 原因, 因 为 游牧人 口 寻 找 水 源 , 不 得 不 将他们 的 牲畜向南赶到主要由耕 作 社区占据的土地。
Mr. Elgizouli pointed out that the combination of decades of drought, desertification and overpopulation was among the causes of the conflict in Darfur, because the nomads searching for water had to take their livestock further south to land mainly occupied by farming communities.
接到抢救电话后,红岗区民众医院的救护车立 赶到 变 乱 现场,医生战皓敷陈记者,那时消防官兵已将逐一小部分钢条截掉,伤者还成心识,进行简单的查抄后,他们马大将伤者送到了油田总医院。
To rescue call, Honggang District People Hospital ambulances rushed to the scene of the accident, Dr. Zhan Hao tells reporter, then the fire officers and soldiers will have one small section steel cutting, the casualty is conscious, a simple check, they ' will be injured to the Oilfield General hospital.
在同一天上午一一零点,安庆高速交警大队三中队民 赶到 事 故 现场,浙江牌微型客车的碰撞护栏板后方的公路,车辆侧翻的幻灯片,侧护板碰撞,护栏板有近15米长的明显擦的痕迹,主人和它站在汽车上的损失。
On the same day at one ten in the morning,
Anqing high-speed
[...] traffic police battalion of the three squadron of police arrived on the scene of [...]
accident, a Zhejiang
E licence minibus collision guardrail plate rear central over the highway, vehicle rollover to slide, and side guard plate collision, guardrail board has nearly 15 meters long obvious wipe traces, and the owner of it standing beside the car at a loss.
如果供应商超过PPM标准,我们的质检人员会立 赶到 工 厂 ,找出解决方案,使情况尽快恢复正常。
If the supplier gets above the maximum PPM reject rate authorized, then our controllers and process engineers are immediately sent to the factory to work with the supplier to bring the situation back to normal.
为进一步 巩固和平与稳定,包括解决在刚果民主共和国东部活动的卢民主力量,将采取若 干非军事措施,例如协助刚果民主共和国政府和卢旺达政府界定解决与卢民主力
量相关问题的条件;鼓励会员国针对居住在其国家的该团体领导人采取必要的法 律行动;加强解除武装、复员、遣返、重返社会和重新安置方案工作,包括通过
[...] 宣传工作提高认识,并探讨如何进一步吸引卢民主力量战斗人员自愿回返,促进 未参与灭绝种族活动的卢民主力量士兵持久融入社会和经济生活;以及支持将国 家权力扩到卢民主力量部队赶出 的 地区,包括矿区和对武装团体有经济利益 的其他地区。
In order to further consolidate peace and stability, including addressing the presence of FDLR in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, a number of non-military measures will be taken, such as assisting the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda to define an end-state for resolving issues related to FDLR; encouraging Member States to take the necessary legal actions against members of the group’s leadership who reside in their countries; enhancing disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reinsertion and resettlement efforts, including sensitization through information campaigns, and exploring ways to further attract the voluntary return of FDLR combatants and promote the durable socio-economic integration of
the non-génocidaire
[...] FDLR rank and file; and supporting the extension of State Authority in areas from which FDLR elements were dislodged, [...]
including mining and
other areas of economic interest to the armed group.
专家组在其 2010 年的最后报告(S/2010/596 第 173 段)记到,尽管刚果(金) 武装力量的军事行动已将武装团赶 出 许 多主要的采矿区,但这些团体继续控制 数以百计的较偏远的采矿场地和对矿产品市场、矿产商或运输商进行掠夺。
The Group documented in its final report of 2010 (S/2010/596, para. 173) that, while FARDC military operations had driven armed groups out of many of the principal mining areas, those groups continued to control hundreds of more remote mining sites and to pillage mineral markets, traders or transporters.




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