

单词 赵薇

See also:

one of the seven states during the Warring States Period (476-220 BC)
surname Zhao
surpass (old)

Osmunda regalis, a species of fern

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 请对有关违背本人意愿赵秀珍 送入南安区精神病院的报告作出答 复,并说明采取了哪些步骤对该事件进行调查。
(c) Please respond to the
[...] report involving Zhao Xiuzhen, who was [...]
reportedly held against her will in a psychiatric hospital
in the Nan’an District, and indicate any steps that have been taken to investigate the incident.
薇拉·高 兰-德巴斯教授: “巴勒斯坦在国际法中的地位”;埃里克·沃勒博士:“从近期的实践看国家承 认和国家创立问题”。
”; Professor Vera Gowlland-Debbas: “The Status of Palestine in International Law”, and Dr. Eric Wyler: “Recognition of States and States Creation in Light of Recent Practice”.
2011年Anna Sui x 尚禮坊
[...] 情人節系列,包括一支Anna Sui薔薇唇彩 , 20支粉紅色及紅色玫瑰的皮制心型盒花。
2011 Anna Sui x Give Gift Boutique Valentine's Day series,
[...] includes one ANNA SUI Lip Gloss, 20 [...]
roses of red and pink arranged in man-made leather heart shaped box.
此外,范冰冰、黄耀明、许戈辉、闾丘 薇 、 程青松、周耀辉 赵 可 等 知名 公众人物为 2012 中国彩虹媒体奖特别录制了宣传视频,表示对同志公益事业的 [...]
Fan Bingbing, Anthony Wong, Xu Gehui,
[...] Lv-Qiu Luwei, Cheng Qingsong, Chow Yiufai and Zhao Ke, among others, [...]
offered their support for
CRMA and China's LGBT movement by recording short video segments.
儘管余薇議員 同意政府當局不宜規管私 營醫院的收費水平,但她詢問當局可否考慮規定購 買或承批土地作私營醫院發展之用的人士須遵守特 別的土地契約條件,以確保私營醫院提供多樣化及 優質的服務。
While agreeing that it was not appropriate for the Administration to regulate the level of charges of private hospitals, Ms Audrey EU enquired whether consideration could be given to requiring purchasers or grantees of lands for private hospital development to comply with special land lease conditions with a view to ensuring diversity and quality of services provided by the private hospitals.
在同次会议上,下列人士作了发言:国际电信联盟常务副秘书 赵 厚 麟 先生、 微软欧洲、中东、非洲研究院董事长 Andrew Herbert 先生和皇家荷兰壳牌集团 执行副总裁 Herbert Heitmann 先生(代表国际商会-商界支持信息社会行动组 织)。
At the same meeting, statements were made by the following: Houlin Zhao, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union; Andrew Herbert, Chairman of Microsoft Research EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa); and Herbert Heitmann, Executive Vice-President, Royal Dutch Shell, on behalf of ICC-BASIS.
整體而言,年青選民(18-29歲)較多支持余 薇 名 單 ,中年選民(30-59歲)較多支持楊森名單,而年長選民(60歲或以上)則較多支持馬力名單。
Overall speaking, more young voters (18-29 years old)
[...] supported Audrey Eu's list, more [...]
middle-aged voters (30-59 years old) supported
Yeung Sum's list and more aged voters (60 years old or above) supported Ma Lik's list.
法案委員會部分委員(包括余薇議員 )建議政府當局考 慮應否從新訂的條例第88G(1)條及條例草案其他相關條文中刪 [...]
去 "真誠地"的詞句,以免就下述作為把過於嚴苛的責任加諸服務 提供者身上:依據指稱侵權通知移除任何材料,或使任何材料 不能被接達,或依據異議通知,將任何材料還原或使任何材料 恢復可被接達。
Some members of the Bills Committee
[...] including Hon Audrey EU have suggested [...]
that the Administration should consider whether
the expression "in good faith" should be removed from the new section 88G(1) and other relevant provisions of the Bill, so as to avoid putting too onerous a burden on the OSP when acting to remove or disable access to any material pursuant to a notice of alleged infringement, or reinstate the material or cease disabling access pursuant to a counter notice.
[...] 的任何其他南聯股東及彼等各自之聯繫人及一致行動人士(包括周偉偉、郭炳聯、陳薇薇、鄭陳秀清及新加坡渣打銀行)將於南聯股東特別大會上放棄就相關決議案投票的 [...]
Wing Tai, the Purchaser, and any other Winsor shareholder who are involved in or interested in the Special Deals, the New Tenancy Agreements or with a material interest in the Distribution In Specie, the Special Cash Dividend, and the transactions contemplated thereunder and their respective associates and parties acting in concert with each of them (including Chow
Wai Wai, John, Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, Chen
[...] Chou Mei Mei, Vivien, Cheng Chan Sau [...]
Ching, Ivy and SCB Singapore) will abstain
from voting on the relevant resolution(s) at the Winsor EGM.
中国北京(2012 年 9 月 10 日)— Emerson 公司(美国艾默生电气公司,纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR,下称 “艾默生”)中国区总经赵大东受邀出席了在北京举行的“美中产业与竞争力对话”,并分享了有关制造业发展方面的见解与建议。
Beijing, CHINA (September 10, 2012) — Dadong Zhao, general manager of Emerson (NYSE: EMR) China, today attended US-China Industries and Competitiveness Dialogue in Beijing, sharing his insights and advices on the development of the manufacturing industry in China.
我还要感谢我的 特别代表哈尼·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹,自从他 11 月 5
[...] 日接受任命以来一直负责特 派团的工作;感谢部队指挥赵京民 少将(中国);感谢西撒特派团的全体人员, [...]
I wish also to express my appreciation to my Special Representative, Hany Abdel-Aziz, who since his appointment on 5 November has been in charge of
the Mission; to the Force Commander, Major
[...] General Jingmin Zhao (China); and [...]
to the women and men of MINURSO for the work
they are doing, under difficult circumstances, to fulfil the Mission’s mandate.
在飞行过程中的韦斯莱家族的家在地洞,这一切都是食死徒的伏击,谁杀疯眼穆迪和哈利的猫头鹰海 薇 , 乔 治·韦斯莱和伤害。
During their flight to the Weasley family home at Burrow, all are ambushed by Death Eaters, who kill Mad-Eye Moody and Harry’s owl, Hedwig, and injure George Weasley.
論相對排名,葉劉淑儀再次上榜排名第一,余 薇 下 跌一位排名第二,李卓人上升一位排名第三,何俊仁保持第五,劉慧卿下跌三位排名第六,曾鈺成下跌一位排名第七,譚耀宗下跌一位排名第八,其餘議員在過去一年都沒有名次。
In terms of relative rankings,
Regina Ip re-enters the list and occupies the
[...] first place, Audrey Eu drops one position [...]
to become second, Lee Cheuk-yan goes
up one place to take the third place, Albert Ho remains on the fifth, Emily Lau drops three places to become the sixth, Jasper Tsang drops one place to become the seventh, Tam Yiu-chung drops one place to become the eighth, while others were not on the list last year.
薇拉·高 兰-德巴斯教授: “巴勒斯坦在国际法中的地位”;埃里克·沃勒先生:“从近期的实践看国家承 认和国家创立问题”;卢修斯·卡弗利施教授:“国际水道法:问题与看法”。
Professor Vera GowllandDebbas: “The Status of Palestine in International Law”, Mr. Eric Wyler: “Recognition of States and States Creation in Light of Recent Practice” and Professor Lucius Caflisch, “The Law of International Watercourses: Problems and Perspectives”.
为此,上海和睦家医院妇产科朱若云医生和助产士 薇 家 就 孕妇们经常提及的问题进行了解答。
Zhu Ruoyun (Obstetrician/Gynecologist) [...]
and Meika Chin (Midwife) from Shanghai United Family Hospital & Clinics have answers
to some common questions that expectant mothers often ask.
最后,我们回顾今年是一位伟大妇女去世 59 周 年,她是人民社会权利的不懈斗士,她的名字是埃 娃·杜阿尔特·庇隆——薇塔。
In conclusion, we recall the fifty-ninth anniversary of the death of a great woman, a tireless fighter for social rights, Eva Duarte Perón — Evita, to the people.
我还想感谢我驻西撒哈拉特别代表哈尼·阿布德勒-阿齐兹以及西撒特派团部队 指挥赵京民少将(中国),感谢他们尽心尽力主持西撒特派团工作。
I wish also to thank my Special Representative in Western Sahara, Hany Abdel-Aziz, as well as Major General Jingmin Zhao (China), MINURSO’s Force Commander, for their dedication at the helm of MINURSO.
埃及军官雷姆达斯(黄绍伟饰)被安排和埃及法老王的女儿安妮瑞斯公主 赵 炫 柱 饰)结婚,但雷姆达斯在遇见美丽的努比亚公主阿依达之后(Rebecca [...]
The captain of the Egyptian army Radames (played by Russell Ng) is
set to marry the Egyptian pharaoh’s
[...] daughter, Princess Amneris (played by [...]
Jessica Cho), until he captures the beautiful
Nubian Princess Aida (played by Rebecca Mort) and a love triangle ensues.
Fu和赵(在Fl.Intramongol。 2: 57. [...]
1978) 以前出版过这新名;不过,根据Art.33.3条圣路易斯法规它是无效出版,因为他们没给出被替换的异名的充分和直接的参考文献的出处。
Fu and Zhao (in Fl. Intramongol. [...]
2: 57. 1978) previously published this nomen novum; however, it was invalid under Art.
33.3 of the St. Louis Code because they did not give a full and direct reference to the place of publication of the replaced synonym.
首先是联合国科索沃临时行政当 局特派团首席军官斯维斯塔克上校;接下来是联合国 东帝汶综合特派团首席军官洛根上校;联合国中非共 和国和乍得特派团部队指挥官坎吉少将;联合国科特 迪瓦行动(联科行动)部队指挥官哈菲兹少将;即将上 任的联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团部队指 挥官普拉卡什中将;联合国脱离接触观察员部队特派 任务负责人兼部队指挥官伊卡马少将;联合国驻塞浦 路斯维持和平行动部队指挥官桑切斯少将;联合国西 撒哈拉全民投票特派团部队指挥赵 少 将;联合国印 度和巴基斯坦军事观察组首席军官金少将。
I will start with Colonel Svystak, Chief Military Officer of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo; Colonel Logan, Chief Military Officer of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste; Major General Kandji, Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad; Major General Hafiz, Force Commander of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI); Lieutenant General Prakash, incoming Force Commander for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Major General Ecarma, head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force; Rear Admiral Sánchez, Force Commander of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus; Major General Zhao, Force Commander of United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara; and Major General Kim, Chief Military Officer of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan.
“To encourage the growth of the manufacturing industry and support its transformation and upgrade, the Chinese government should lessen tax and fee burdens on enterprises, simplify the approval procedures and strengthen the manufacturing sector by allowing the market instead of administrative measures to drive its development,” he said.
港樂「社群和諧」籌款音樂會演出樂友及出席嘉賓尚包括(以出場先後序):保良局蔡繼有學校、右思維幼稚園、KinderU鈴木音樂學院、李軒先生、甘穎昶先生、蔡筱蕊小姐、湯珍妮小姐、劉元生先生及夏定忠先生、方津生醫生及汪明欣小姐、陳慶麗小姐、何光鴻先生、Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera、民政事局副秘書長甄薇女士 JP、劉懿翎女士、邱詠筠女士、周董立茂女士以及Tasha Lalvani女士。
The stellar roster of the Hong Kong Phil and Friends “The Community in Harmony” Fundraising Concert includes (in chronological order): Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, Rightmind Kindergarten, KinderU Suzuki Music Academy, Mr Lee Hin, Mr Wing-Chong Kam, Ms Shirley Choi, Ms Jenny Tong, Mr Y.S. Liu & Mr John Harding, Dr David Fang & Ms Wong Ming Yan, Ms Sophia Chan, Mr Thomas Ho, Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera.
此外,观众还有幸能在卢 森堡欣赏到英国著名戏剧及歌剧导演 黛博拉·华纳(Deborah Warner)的最 新作品,由国际知名的美国前卫舞台导 演及剧作家罗伯特·威尔森(Robert Wilson)执导,世界最伟大的芭蕾舞演 员希薇·纪莲(Sylvie Guillem)倾 情上演。
Moreover, it is one of the few places that offers spectators the chance to discover the famous British theatre and opera director Deborah Warner’s latest production, one by the internationally acclaimed American avant-garde stage director and playwright Robert Wilson and the world’s greatest ballerina Sylvie Guillem.
政府认识到民族和解的重要性,推出了多项措施,包括国家的远景规划和减 贫战略发展进程、古薇女士 领导的和解倡议和国家人权问题独立委员会领导的 [...]
The Government has recognized the importance of national reconciliation, and has launched a number of initiatives, including the national visioning and the poverty reduction strategy
development processes, the reconciliation
[...] initiative led by Ms. Gbowee, and a palava [...]
hut mechanism led by the Independent
National Commission on Human Rights as part of the Liberian peacebuilding programme.
出席活动的嘉宾和演讲者包括:众议员Mike Honda (D-CA),美国国际开发署署长、对外援助部主任亨丽埃塔·霍斯曼,中国驻美大使馆公使刘光源及和美国银行 薇 琦 ·塔 桑。
Guests and speakers included Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA); Henrietta Holsman Fore, Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development and Director of US Foreign Assistance; Minister Liu Guangyuan of the Embassy of People's Republic of China; and Vickie Tassan of Bank of America, a leading contributor of financial assistance for earthquake relief.
德国莱茵TÜV大中华区功能安全资深经理,中国国家功能安全标准委员会委 赵 斌 介绍安全功能和ISO 26262的背景,功能安全管理(FSM)和功能安全产品评估,系统开发,安全验证等。
TRGC Functional Safety Senior Manager and Functional Safety Committee
Member of the Standardisation Administration
[...] of the PRC (SAC), Zhao Bin, introduced the [...]
background of functional safety standard
ISO 26262, functional safety management (FSM) and such issues as functional safety product assessment, system development and safety validation.
本所的合伙赵颖雅 律师为香港雇主联合会撰文,题为「雇主就内地工作的香港雇员的法律责任」,刊于该会刊物《CONNECT》2011年秋季号。
Our partner Ms. Winnie Chiu wrote an article entitled “Employer’s Liability for Hong Kong Employees Working in Mainland China” for the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong, which was published in the Autumn 2011 issue of CONNECT, the EFHK’s publication.
研讨会期间,医药工业研究院赵雁 博 士和Malvern公司的在线产品经理Oliver [...]
During the
[...] meeting, Dr. Zhao Yan from SIPI [...]
and Mr. Oliver Schmitt from Malvern introduced quality control of Nano-medicine
and case studies of on line particle size analysis in pharmaceutical industry respectively.
乌克兰的签署人有:乌克兰国家空间局局长 Aleksandr Zinchenko; Arsenal
公司董事兼首席设计师 Nikolai Likholit;国营企业 Ukrinmash 董事 Dmitry
[...] Peregudov;中国的签署人有:中国航天科工集团公司总经理许达哲;中 国精密机械进出口总公司总裁纪彦蜀;中国精密机械进出口总公司副总 赵晓 龙
The Ukrainian signatories were Aleksandr Zinchenko, Director-General of NSAU; Nikolai Likholit, Director and Chief Designer of the company Arsenal; and Dmitry Peregudov, Director of the State enterprise Ukrinmash; the Chinese signatories were Xu Dazhe, General Manager of the China
Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation; Ji Yanshu,
[...] President of CPMIEC; and Zhao Xiao Long, Vice-President [...]




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