单词 | 赵元任 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 赵元任 —Yuen Ren Chao (1892-1982), Chinese-American linguistSee also:赵—one of the seven states during the Warring States Period (476-220 BC) • surpass (old) • surname Zhao
它提供一个元模型未知的框架,这个框架能够使 用 任 何 类型 的 元 模 型 和它的实例来生成文本。 javakaiyuan.com | It provides a meta-model unknown framework that can use any type of meta-model and its instances to generate text. javakaiyuan.com |
第七届会 议的成果开辟了国际森林政策进程的新 纪 元 , 比以 往 任 何 时 候都更加注重实际执 行和行动问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The outcome of the seventh session opened a new era in the international forest policy process with the strongest ever focus on implementation and actions on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 请对有关违背本人意愿将赵秀珍 送入南安区精神病院的报告作出答 复,并说明采取了哪些步骤对该事件进行调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Please respond to the [...] report involving Zhao Xiuzhen, who was [...]reportedly held against her will in a psychiatric hospital [...]in the Nan’an District, and indicate any steps that have been taken to investigate the incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
用户可以完全控制处理过程,可以隐藏或显 示 任 意 提取 的 元 素。 javakaiyuan.com | Users can completely control the process , you can [...] hide or display any extracted elements. javakaiyuan.com |
执行主任拟用 60 万美元的支 助预算设立一个助理秘书长员额,在 1 个 P-5 员额的协助下领导 该局。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Executive Director proposes a Support Budget of $0.6 million to establish [...] an ASG post to lead the Bureau with the assistance of a P-5 post. daccess-ods.un.org |
我还要感谢我的 特别代表哈尼·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹,自从他 11 月 5 日接受任命以来一直负责特 派团的工作;感谢部队指挥官赵京民 少将(中国);感谢西撒特派团的全体人员, 他们在艰难的条件下开展工作,努力执行特派团 的 任 务。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish also to express my appreciation to my Special [...] Representative, Hany [...] Abdel-Aziz, who since his appointment on 5 November has been in charge of the Mission; to the Force Commander, Major General Jingmin Zhao (China); and to the women and men of MINURSO for the work they are doing, under difficult circumstances, to fulfil the Mission’s mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 [...] 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 [...] 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任 务 经 费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than [...] the provision for [...] special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 [...](see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III). daccess-ods.un.org |
首先是联合国科索沃临时行政当 局特派团首席军官斯维斯塔克上校;接下来是联合国 东帝汶综合特派团首席军官洛根上校;联合国中非共 和国和乍得特派团部队指挥官坎吉少将;联合国科特 迪瓦行动(联科行动)部队指挥官哈菲兹少将;即将上 任的联 合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团部队指 挥官普拉卡什中将;联合国脱离接触观察员部队特派 任务负 责人兼部队指挥官伊卡马少将;联合国驻塞浦 路斯维持和平行动部队指挥官桑切斯少将;联合国西 撒哈拉全民投票特派团部队指挥官赵 少 将;联合国印 度和巴基斯坦军事观察组首席军官金少将。 daccess-ods.un.org | I will start with Colonel Svystak, Chief Military Officer of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo; Colonel Logan, Chief Military Officer of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste; Major General Kandji, Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad; Major General Hafiz, Force Commander of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI); Lieutenant General Prakash, incoming Force Commander for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Major General Ecarma, head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force; Rear Admiral Sánchez, Force Commander of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus; Major General Zhao, Force Commander of United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara; and Major General Kim, Chief Military Officer of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
本集團除美元或港元以外,並無任何 重大的貨幣投資。 asiasat.com | The Group does not have any material investment in currencies [...] other than in United States Dollars or Hong Kong Dollars. asiasat.com |
貿易及其他應收賬項大部分以港幣及 美 元 為 單 位,並 無 任 何 重 大的外匯風險(附註 3.1(甲))。 asiasat.com | A majority of the trade and other receivables are denominated in [...] Hong Kong Dollars and United States Dollars on which there [...]is no significant foreign exchange risk (Note 3.1(a)). asiasat.com |
中国北京(2012 年 9 月 10 日)— Emerson 公司(美国艾默生电气公司,纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR,下称 “艾默生”)中国区总经理赵大东受邀出席了在北京举行的“美中产业与竞争力对话”,并分享了有关制造业发展方面的见解与建议。 emerson.com | Beijing, CHINA (September 10, 2012) — Dadong Zhao, general manager of Emerson (NYSE: EMR) China, today attended US-China Industries and Competitiveness Dialogue in Beijing, sharing his insights and advices on the development of the manufacturing industry in China. emerson.com |
大会第 65/245 号决议第三节第 2 [...] 段赞赏地注意到秘书长为改善会议服务利 [...] 用情况所作的内部努力,特别是通过实施关于电子会议规划和资源配置系统 (e-Meets)和口译员派任方案(e-APG 单元)(“项目 2”)a 作出的努力,并请秘书 [...]长向大会第六十六届会议报告为此所作的其他努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In section III, paragraph 2, of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly noted with appreciation the efforts of the Secretary-General, using in-house capacity, to improve the utilization of conference services, in particular through the implementation of the project on, inter alia, the Electronic Meetings Planning and Resource [...] Allocation System (e-Meets) and the [...] interpreters’ assignment programme (e-APG module) (“project [...]2”),a and requested the Secretary-General [...]to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on other efforts to that end. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二个支柱就是任命赵Jesti n先生为SANITIZED股份公司在中国的业务发展经理,立即生效。 sanitized.com | The second pillar is the appointment of Jestin Zhao, [...] who will act as the Business Development Manager for SANITIZED AG in [...]Shanghai with immediate effect. sanitized.com |
本所的合伙人赵颖雅 律师为香港雇主联合会撰文,题为「雇主就内地工作的香港雇员的法律 责 任 」 , 刊于该会刊物《CONNECT》2011年秋季号。 onc.hk | Our partner Ms. Winnie Chiu wrote an article entitled “Employer’s Liability for Hong Kong Employees Working in Mainland China” for the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong, which was published in the Autumn 2011 issue of CONNECT, the EFHK’s publication. onc.hk |
2011年12月28日,中国核高基及IC专家魏少军、严晓浪教授,国家集成电路设计深圳产业化基地周生明 主 任 、 赵 秋 奇 副主任,科技部高技术中心863专项办主任张金国、北京大学深圳研究生院院长,深圳半导体行业协会主席王新安等人,来到深圳中微电科技有限公司参观指导,观看了IC1的演示。 icubecorp.com | The participants from China’s CHI program included: Wei Shaojun, Professor Yan Xiaolang, Director of Shenzhen Integrated Circuit [...] Design Industrialization Base Shen MingZhou [...] and Deputy Director Zhao Qiuqi, Director [...]of the Ministry of Science and High Technology [...]Zhang Jinguo, and the Dean of Peking University Shenzhen... icubecorp.com |
会上,芝加哥大学终身教授蓝田致开幕词,欧洲生物信息学中心(EBI)副主任Graham [...] Cameron介绍了EBI的历程,国家人类基因组南方研究中心执行 主 任赵 国 屏 院士介绍了中国基因组学。 tilsi.org | Executive director of the national human genome [...] research center Zhao Guoping introduced [...]the status of genomics in China. tilsi.org |
关于该决议第 12 段,中方指定由常驻联合国代表团主管刚果(金)事务专家 赵宝钢担任与制裁委的联系人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding paragraph 12, the Chinese Government has decided to appoint Mr. Baogang Zhao, the expert in charge of issues concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, as the focal point between the Chinese side and the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004). daccess-ods.un.org |
除了赵三的 不在所带来的额外工作之外, 他们 的冰箱也坏了,并且在最近的一场暴雨中,房顶漏水把卧室的一些墙纸弄坏了。 sallee.info | Besides the extra work that his absence brought about, their refrigerator had broken down and a leak in the roof had damaged some of the living room wall paper during a recent rainstorm. sallee.info |
信託人及信託人與登記代理不會參與以美元計值的交易或活動或以 美 元 作 出 任 何 付款(如有關 交易、活動或付款由美國人士進行,須受制於美國財政部外國資產控制辦公室(Office [...] of Foreign Assets Control)的制裁)。 htisec.com | Neither the Trustee nor the Trustee’s and Registrar’s Agent will participate in transactions or activities [...] or make any payments [...] denominated in US dollars, which, if carried out by a US person, would be [...]subject to sanctions of the [...]Office of Foreign Assets Control. htisec.com |
由 於 現 任 唯 一 執 行 董 事 周 先 生 將 辭 任 董 事 職 務 , 為 確 保 本 集 團 業 務 之 持 續 性 , 現 建 議 根 據 收 購 守 則 第 25 條 有 關 特 別 交 易 之 規 定 , 周 先 生 將 與 本 公 司 訂 立 服 務 協 議 , 以 委 任 其 擔 [...] 任 本 公 司 之 顧 問 , 自 服 務 協 議 日 期 起 [...] 為 期 兩 年 , 月 薪 150,000 港 元 , 與 其 現 時 任 職 執 行 董 事之月 薪 相 同 [...], 另 就 其 根 據 該 服 務 協 議 擔 任 顧 問 於 任 [...]職 日 起 計 各 週 年 日 額 外 獲 付 150,000 港 元 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Since Mr. Chow, the existing sole executive Director, will resign as a Director, for the purpose ensuring continuity of the Group’s business, it is proposed that subject to compliance with the requirement under Rule 25 of the Takeovers Code with respect to special deal, Mr. Chow will enter into the Service Agreement with the Company in relation to his appointment as a consultant of the Company for a term of two years commencing from the [...] date of the Service Agreement [...] with a monthly fee of HK$150,000, which is the same as his [...]current monthly salary as an executive [...]Director, and an additional payment of HK$150,000 on each anniversary of his commencement of service as consultant under such the Service Agreement. cigyangtzeports.com |
我们的数据网格是当前市面上第一个支持单元格合并的WPF数据网格,用户可以通过设 置 任 意 单 元 格 的行和列跨距,轻松的合并单元格。 evget.com | Our grid is the first WPF data grid on the market supporting cells merge. You can easily merge cells by setting the rows and columns span of any grid cell. evget.com |
倘 建 議 向 本 公 司 主 要 股 東 或 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 或 其 任 何 聯 繫 人 士 提 出 要 約,會 導 致 該 等 人 士 於 截 至 要 約 日 期(包 括 該 日) 止12個月期 間(i)合 共 佔 要約 日 期已 發 行 股 [...] 份0.1%以 上;及(ii)根 據 股份 於 要約 日期 之 收市 [...] 價,所持 股 份總 值 超過 5,000,000港元,則該 要 約及 任 何有 關 接 納 須 經 股東 在 股東 [...]大 會上 透 過投 票表 決 方式 批准,方 可 作實。 cre8ir.com | Where any offer proposed to be made to a substantial shareholder or an independent non-executive director of the Company or any of his associates would result in such person in any 12-month period up to and including the date of offer: (i) representing in aggregate over 0.1% of the Shares in issue at the date of offer; and (ii) having an aggregate value, based on the closing [...] price of the Shares at the date of [...] offer, in excess of HK$5 million, then such offer and any [...]acceptance thereof must be subject [...]to approval of the shareholders in general meeting taken on a poll. cre8ir.com |
其中包括与培训有关的旅费(1 493 500 美元)和非培 训旅费(任务区内旅费 718 000 美元,任务区外旅费 804 300 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It includes training-related travel ($1,493,500) and non-training travel ($718,000 for travel inside the mission area and $804,300 for travel outside). daccess-ods.un.org |
德国莱茵TÜV大中华区功能安全资深经理,中国国家功能安全标准委员会委 员 赵 斌 介绍安全功能和ISO 26262的背景,功能安全管理(FSM)和功能安全产品评估,系统开发,安全验证等。 tuv.com | TRGC Functional Safety Senior Manager and Functional Safety Committee [...] Member of the Standardisation Administration [...] of the PRC (SAC), Zhao Bin, introduced the [...]background of functional safety standard [...]ISO 26262, functional safety management (FSM) and such issues as functional safety product assessment, system development and safety validation. tuv.com |
在同次会议上,下列人士作了发言:国际电信联盟常务副秘书 长 赵 厚 麟 先生、 微软欧洲、中东、非洲研究院董事长 Andrew Herbert 先生和皇家荷兰壳牌集团 执行副总裁 Herbert Heitmann 先生(代表国际商会-商界支持信息社会行动组 织)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same meeting, statements were made by the following: Houlin Zhao, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union; Andrew Herbert, Chairman of Microsoft Research EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa); and Herbert Heitmann, Executive Vice-President, Royal Dutch Shell, on behalf of ICC-BASIS. daccess-ods.un.org |
乌克兰的签署人有:乌克兰国家空间局局长 Aleksandr Zinchenko; Arsenal [...] 公司董事兼首席设计师 Nikolai Likholit;国营企业 Ukrinmash 董事 Dmitry [...] Peregudov;中国的签署人有:中国航天科工集团公司总经理许达哲;中 国精密机械进出口总公司总裁纪彦蜀;中国精密机械进出口总公司副总 裁 赵晓 龙。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ukrainian signatories were Aleksandr Zinchenko, Director-General of NSAU; Nikolai Likholit, Director and Chief Designer of the company Arsenal; and Dmitry Peregudov, Director of the State enterprise Ukrinmash; the Chinese signatories were Xu Dazhe, General Manager of the China [...] Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation; Ji Yanshu, [...] President of CPMIEC; and Zhao Xiao Long, Vice-President [...]of CPMIEC. daccess-ods.un.org |
南京市副市长赵晓江 在奠基现场表示:"在过去十几年中,积极发展外向型经济的政策成功吸引了博世等一批实力雄厚的世界知名企业来宁投资,为推动全市经济快速发展提供了有力支撑。 bosch.com.cn | At the foundation site [...] Nanjing's deputy mayor, Zhao Xiaojiang, said: [...]"Over the past ten years, the positive development [...]of export-oriented economic policies have successfully attracted Bosch and a number of other powerful, world famous enterprises to invest in Nanjing. bosch.com.cn |
资源估计数 599 003 700 美元包括:部队费用 211 063 200 美元,任职、 轮换和遣返旅费 41 051 900 美元,主要特遣队所属装备偿还费用 96 788 000 美 元,口粮 219 848 800 美元,参谋和联络干事特派任务生活津贴、以及娱乐假 津贴、每日津贴、死亡和伤残偿金和军事特遣队所属装备的运输和部署费用 30 251 800 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The estimates of $599,003,700 are inclusive of $211,063,200 for troop costs, $41,051,900 for travel on emplacement, rotation and repatriation, $96,788,000 for reimbursement of major contingent-owned equipment, $219,848,800 for rations and $30,251,800 for mission subsistence allowance payable to staff and liaison officers, recreational leave allowance, daily allowance, death and disability compensation and for freight and deployment of contingent-owned equipment. daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 作為控股公司於其所有分公司經營業務,並協調政策及收購及持有由任何公 [...] 司、法團或企業(不論屬何等性質及於何處註冊成立或經營業務)發行或擔 [...] 保之任何種類股份、股額、債權股證、債券、按揭、責任及證券,或由不論 在百慕達或其他地方的任何政府、元 首 、 統治者、專員、信託、地方主管部 門或其他公共機構發行或擔保之任何股份、股份、股額、債權股證、債券、 [...] 責任及其他證券;以及可以不時按其認為於當時可取的方式,改變、轉移、 [...] 處置或以其他方式處理本公司之任何投資 perfectech.com.hk | (i) To carry on business as a holding company in all its branches and to coordinate the policy and to acquire and hold shares, stocks debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation or undertaking of whatever nature and wherever constituted or carrying on business, and shares, stock, debenture stock, bonds, obligations and [...] other securities issued or guaranteed [...] by any government, sovereign ruler, commissioners, [...]trust, local authority or other public [...]body, whether in Bermuda or elsewhere, and to vary, transpose, dispose of or otherwise deal with from time to time as may be considered expedient any of the Company's investments for the time being perfectech.com.hk |