

单词 走禽



birds and animals
the beasts of the field and the birds of the air

See also:

go away
change (shape, form, meaning)
move (of vehicle)
die (euph.)


walk v
go v
visit v
run v
leave v

capture (old)
generic term for birds and animals


from prep

External sources (not reviewed)

海關亦已派員到訪街巿,接觸雞販搜集 資料,並派發宣傳單張呼籲業界或市民提 走 私 禽 鳥 活 動的消息。
C&ED officers have visited the markets and contacted the chicken traders to collect
information, and distributed publicity leaflets calling on the trade and the public to
[...] provide information on poultry smuggling.
此外,海關在各陸路邊境管制站和 海上巡邏亦提高警覺,對貨物加強查驗,以打 走 私 禽 鳥 活 動。
Besides, the C&ED has stepped up vigilance by increasing
cargo inspection at all land boundary control points and during sea
[...] patrols, so as to combat poultry smuggling activities.
[...] 關 亦 會與內地海 關 適 時採取同 步 執 法行動 , 加強雙方在各邊境 口岸打走私禽鳥。
The Department will continue to undertake the operation. The Department will also conduct
joint enforcement actions with its counterparts in the Mainland from time
[...] to time to combat poultry smuggling at the border.
業界 如能向我們提供情報和資料,部門打 走 私 禽 鳥 的工作會更有效。
If the trade can provide us with intelligence and information, this will greatly
[...] facilitate our anti smuggling efforts.
(a) 鑒於從內走私活家禽及禽肉來 港的風險,亦適宜對廣東及 深圳的散養家禽活動作出規管,以及為該等散養家禽注射疫 苗;及
(a) given the risk of smuggling of live poultry and poultry meat into Hong Kong from across the border, it would be desirable for backyard poultry keeping activities [...]
in Guangdong and
Shenzhen to be regulated also and vaccination be introduced for such backyard poultry; and (b) more stringent actions would be desirable to ensure that the wet markets in Guangdong and Shenzhen selling live poultry comply with the hygiene standards set by the relevant authorities.
他呼籲業界向政 府舉報任走私活家禽的事件。
He called upon the trades
[...] to report any smuggling of live poultry to the Government.
零售商不能阻止顧客走 活家禽,也 沒有法律責任警告顧客在處所內飼養活家禽是違法的。
The retailer cannot stop the customer
[...] taking the live poultry away and he/she [...]
is under no legal obligation to warn the customer
that keeping the live poultry in or on permises is an offence.
(iii) 就屠宰的活禽及檢走的鮮宰家禽和冰 鮮/冷藏家禽產品向活家禽零售商作出賠 償;以及
(iii) providing compensation to live poultry retailers for live poultry slaughtered as well as dressed poultry and chilled/frozen poultry products seized; and
然 而,張宇人議員質疑禁止在 零售點 存留活禽過 夜 作為防走 私雞傳播禽流感病毒的 措 施的成效 。
Mr Tommy CHEUNG, however, questioned the effectiveness of
banning overnight
[...] stocking of live poultry at retail outlets as a measure to prevent the possible spread of avian flu virus by smuggled chickens.
當然,我們不會懷疑“活雞日日清”的效用,但這顯然 未能針對今次發禽流感 的事件來處理, 走 私 雞散 布 禽 流 感 的風險仍然 存在。
Of course, I will not doubt the effectiveness of a "daily rest night", but such an approach has clearly failed to target
at the problem in this
[...] incident of avian influenza and the risk of spreading the avian influenza virus through smuggled chickens still exists.
該署與海關定期在各個邊境管制站採取聯合行 動,偵查動物禽鳥的走私活 動,包括供應予寵物業的動物禽鳥的走私活動。
Joint operations are being carried out with
C&ED at
[...] various border control points regularly to detect smuggling of animals and birds, including those for pet trade.
[...] 的情況下人類受感染的個案,兩個事務委員會的委員關注廣東及深圳 的散養家禽活動、廣東及深圳售賣活家禽的濕貨街市的環境 生情 況,以及從內走私活家禽及禽肉來 港的問題。
Having regard to the fact that the confirmed case in Shenzhen was a case of human infection without avian influenza outbreaks in chicken farms and markets, members of the two Panels expressed concern on the backyard poultry keeping activities in Guangdong and Shenzhen, the environmental hygiene conditions in the wet markets in Guangdong and
Shenzhen which sold live
[...] poultry, and the smuggling of live poultry and poultry meat into Hong [...]
Kong from across the border.
 倫敦辦事處是霍德爵士曾踏足的故㆞,所以他對任期內的工作必然駕輕就熟;而倫敦 動物園內各式各樣的禽走獸都 會令他回想起在港的故居。
So he will be quite at home there too, during his term of office; and there are plenty of animals at the London zoo to remind him of his Hong Kong habitat.
当矿上开始进行开采活动时,我们所有的天然小溪都被污染,我们 的海洋被污染,我们的灌禽类被赶 走 , 我们的灌木被拔光。
When the mine began its development, all our natural creeks were polluted, our sea was
[...] polluted, our bush fowls were chased away, [...]
our bushes stripped off.
此外, 自今年 9 月中起,香港海關展開一特別行動,以重點加強打擊禽鳥及禽肉的走私活動。
In addition, since mid-September 2007, the C&ED has
launched a special operation to enhance
[...] enforcement against smuggling of live birds and poultry in a more targeted manner.
(iv) 雖然不能完全排除病毒透過被污染的飼料或四 走 動的 貓傳禽舍的 可能性,但這可能性偏低。
(iv) While the introduction of the virus to poultry sheds via contaminated feed or wandering cats could not be ruled out entirely, it was an unlikely means of spread on the farm, (3) Time of introduction
[...] 持牌人/租戶沒有按協議在須停業的日期停止經營活 禽 業 ,政府便 無義務繼續遵守協議規定,亦無義務提供特惠金。
However, if any licensee/tenant concerned
[...] fails to cease live poultry business so required [...]
under the agreement on the termination
date, the Government will no longer be bound to pursue the agreement further and to provide the EGP.
所 謂 的森林定律, 是 說 森林裏 的禽 走 獸 , 說得不 好 聽 一 點 , 這 是 弱 肉 強食的禽獸定律,我希 望 財政司司長不 [...]
是 要把香港變 成 只 有優勝 劣 敗 的 禽獸社 會 。
The so-called
[...] law of the jungle refers to the birds and beasts in the jungle, and putting [...]
it in an unpleasant way, it is
the law of the beasts that the weak are the prey of the strong. I hope that it is not the wish of the Financial Secretary to turn Hong Kong into a jungle where the superior would win and the inferior would lose.
雞隻生產區有洗手設施,惟禽舍入口則未有設置洗手設 施,工人進入生產區後,無須再換衣服或手套便可在 禽 舍之 間走動。
Hand washing facilities are available inside the production area, but not at the entrance to individual sheds and workers do not change clothing or gloves when they move from one shed to another, after they enter the production area.
漁護署一直致力在機場、公眾貨物裝卸區和邊境 管制站進行各種有關動物禽鳥的反 走 私 宣傳工作,向旅 客、持份者和有關人士派發載有非法進口動物和禽鳥罰則的 警告單張和其他宣傳資料。
Leaflets and other promotional materials containing warning messages about the offences associated with illegal import of animals and birds are distributed to travellers, stakeholders and parties concerned, with particular efforts at the border control points.
社 會的進 步 , 今時今日人 類 對 在 森林的禽 走 獸 尚 且 談 保 育 政 策 , 如 果 我 們 [...]
的 社 會 反 而 倒 退 到 弱 肉 強食的森林定律,這 是 我 們 社 會的悲 哀 , 還 是 社 會的諷刺呢 ?
With social advancement, human beings today
talk about the policy for the
[...] conservation of birds and beasts in the jungle. If our society [...]
retrogresses to contrarily adopt
the law of the jungle that the weak are the prey of the strong, would it not be a misery of our society or an irony on it?
尽管完整评估所有其他的 IBSP 活动超越了本报告的范围,仍然应当提及几个在此类项
目内成功开展的活动,如非洲的数学物理发展(项目 5-BJ-01,东道国贝宁),通过与联合 国教科文组织相关的中心推进微观科学实验的科学教育(项目
[...] 5-ZA-1,东道国南非),以 及开发禽流感病毒的抗病毒剂(项目 4-VN-01,东道国越南)等。
Although a complete review of all the other initial IBSP activities goes beyond the framework of the present report, it is still expedient to mention successful developments within such projects as the development of mathematical physics in Africa (Project 5-BJ-01, host country: Benin), the promotion of science education through UNESCO associated centres for microscience experiments (Project 5-ZA-1, host country: South
Africa), and the development of antiviral
[...] agents against avian influenza virus [...]
(Project 4-VN-01, host country: Viet Nam).
自 從 亞洲地 區 相繼爆禽 流 感之後, 市 民 對 食 用 鮮 活禽 的 信 心 大 減 , 令 鮮 活禽 及 相 關行業的從 業員生計大受打擊 ,本會促 請 政 府在 繼續採取嚴 謹的防 疫 措施之餘,也 應同時 設 法 恢復市 民 對 食 用 鮮 活禽 的 信 心 , 並要為受影響的 攤 販 或 商 戶 作出恩恤措施, 包括酌 情 減 免 租 用 政 府 物業的攤 檔 或 商 戶 的 租 金 , 以 及提供低息貸款 予 業 界 , 以 助 業 界度過 難 關 , 直 至 恢復正常營 業 為 止 。
That, as the successive
[...] outbreaks of avian flu in various parts of Asia has caused the public's confidence in consuming live poultry to sag drastically, dealing a severe blow to the livelihood of those engaged in the live poultry and other related trades, this Council urges the Government, while continuing to adopt rigorous measures to prevent the outbreak of the disease, to make every effort to restore the public's confidence in consuming live poultry, and provide compassionate [...]
measures for
the affected stall or shop operators, including granting discretionary rent reduction or waiver to the tenants of stalls or shops in government premises and offering low interest loans to the trades concerned, so as to tide them over the difficult times until their normal business resumes.
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b)
[...] 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏野味、肉類和禽、 禽 蛋 ,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 [...]
非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有關食物的輻射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員會的標準。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and
dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen
[...] game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, [...]
chilled or frozen aquatic products unless
accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
在同一届会议上,委员会还获悉,根据联合国的决定和采取的措施 禽 流 感 特设工作 组以东道国有关当局制定的政府计划为基础,制定了一项教科文组织特别计划,包括一整套 [...]
措施预案,一矣出现 H5N1 病毒导致人类间传染的疫情,本组织即可将该计划付诸实施,它
At the same session, the Committee was also informed that, in accordance with
the decisions and measures taken by the
[...] United Nations, the avian flu task force [...]
had drawn up a special UNESCO plan based on
the governmental plan prepared by the competent authorities of the host country, which set out measures which the Organization must implement in case of an epizootic due to the H5N1 virus leading to human contamination, both in terms of prevention and reactive treatment and care.
[...] 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸走廊 ; 加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交走廊; 以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 [...]
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail,
and oil and natural
[...] gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard [...]
and its landlocked
north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
為了顯示新班子的專業服務形象,民建 聯促請特區政府加快研究將現時《電訊條例》第 7M 條規管電訊商具誤導性 或欺騙性的行為擴大至涵蓋收費電視,並引入合約冷靜期、合約確認程序及 標準合約條款等,以防止電訊及廣播服務業不良推銷活 走 向 泛 濫的困局, 這才能有效保障消費者的權益。
To demonstrate the "professional service" image of the new governing team, the DAB urges the SAR Government to expeditiously study the extension of section 7M of the Telecommunications Ordinance, which regulates misleading or deceptive practices by telecommunications service operators, to cover pay television and introduce a cooling-off period, a procedure for contract verification and standard terms in contract, with a view to preventing the proliferation of unscrupulous sales activities in the telecommunications and broadcasting industries, and only in this way can consumer interests be effectively protected.




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