

单词 走火



shoot accidentally while polishing a gun
(fig.) a minor incident that sparks a war

See also:


run v
go v
walk v
visit v
leave v

go away
move (of vehicle)
die (euph.)
change (shape, form, meaning)


fire n
fires pl

internal heat (Chinese medicine)
fiery or flaming
hot (popular)
surname Huo

External sources (not reviewed)

走火安全 而言,我們 在巡查時未必需要進入處所,也可以確定有否違規情況。
On fire escape safety, when [...]
carrying out inspections, it is possible to ascertain if instances of violation exist without entering the premises.
在巡查時,如果發走火通道受阻塞或 因結構問題導致潛在火警危險,或消防裝置及設備出現問題,部門會 作出跟進。
During inspections, the Departments
will take follow-up actions if
[...] potential fire hazards caused by obstructions to fire escapes or [...]
structural problems are identified,
or if there are problems associated with fire service installations and equipment.
根據現時的《建築物條例》第 26 及 26A
[...] 條,凡建築事務監督認為建築 物破舊、缺走火通道 或有欠妥善之處,可藉書面命令,要求該建築物的業權 [...]
According to sections 26 and 26A of the existing Buildings Ordinance, where in the opinion of the
Building Authority any building has become
[...] dilapidated, lacks fire escapes or has other [...]
defects, the Building Authority may
by order in writing require the owner of the building to carry out demolition works or specify any works in order to comply with the requirements of the law.
(l) 截面圖顯示符合《建築物(建造)規例》第 90 條及《2011 年建築物消防安全守則》中有關阻隔火勢及煙霧於樓層
[...] 之間,同一樓層內的不同防火隔室之間,以及一層樓中 的實用部分與走火樓梯或其防護門廊之間蔓延的規 定。
(l) sections showing compliance with Regulation 90 of the B(C)R and the Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 on such relevant aspects as the protection against
spread of fire and smoke between floors,
[...] between different fire compartments on [...]
the same floor, and between the accommodation
of a storey and the required staircase or its protected lobby.
[...] 接與單位被分間有關,而是因為劏房附連的其他建築 工程違反了《建築物條例》(例如:拆除有關單位的 大門(為標準防火門)、以耐火能力不足的門代替大 門、在大門口安裝鐵閘以致阻塞公 走火 通 道 ,或進 行非法擴建工程以擴大劏房的樓面空間等)。
For the remaining 59 cases, the removal orders were not issued on grounds directly related to the sub-division of flat units per se, but contravention of the BO due to other building works associated with the sub-divided units (e.g. removal of main entrance doors (which are fire-rated doors) of the flats or
replacement with doors with
[...] inadequate fire rating, installation of metal gates at the main entrance obstructing the common fire exit or unauthorized [...]
extensions to enlarge
the floor space of the sub-divided flats).
[...] 我早前已表示,“劏房”的違規事項不外乎涉及建築安全的3個方面, 第一是負荷,第二是滲水,第三 走火 安 全
In fact, I have said earlier on that the violations relating to "sub-divided units" all involve
building safety in three aspects: The first is overloading; the second is water seepage
[...] and the third is fire escape safety.
因違法僭建、日久失修、影響樓宇結構而引起的法律責任,長遠計可減低保 險費用;第二,定期維修屬小型維修,實在可減少要進行大型維修所需的巨
[...] 大費用;第三,改善居住環境,減少因消 走火 及 環 境 生問題而危害個人 及公眾安全;及第四,改善樓宇狀況,令其壽命延長及價值提高。
Owners of buildings will stand to benefit from regular inspection and timely maintenance. These include: firstly, reducing the liability arising from unauthorized building structures, disrepair and from the effects of these on building structure and in the long run, reduce the insurance premium; secondly, regular maintenance, which is small-scale in nature, can in fact reduce the substantial amount of money needed to carry out large-scale repairs and maintenance; thirdly, living conditions will be improved and the
threats posed to personal and public safety
[...] as a result of fire and environmental [...]
hygiene problems are reduced; and fourthly,
the condition of the buildings will be improved, thus lengthening their service life and increasing their value.
至於房委會以往沿用計算面積的方法 走火 通道 流通量的紀錄與守則要求有差異的問題,獨立審查組必須按守 則作調整及從新計算。
As the method previously adopted by HgA for calculating building areas and records of the means of escape discharge values differed from those required in the Code, ICU had to adjust and re-calculate the figures following the Code.
然 而 , 根 據 屋 宇 署 的 執 法 經 驗 , 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門
口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、
[...] 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 [...]
準 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間
隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
Nevertheless, based on the experience of BD’s enforcement action, the most common irregularities found in the sub-divided flats in these 116 target buildings include formation of unauthorised door openings that contravene the fire-resisting construction requirements of the means
of escape, installation of partition
[...] walls that block the fire escape routes, sub-standard [...]
drainage works that result in
water seepage and excessive installation of partition walls and/or thickening of floor screeding that result in overloading of the floor screeding.
康復㆗心的設計和設施,例如走火 通 道 裝置的警報系統,可協助監察出入康復㆗心 [...]
The design and the facilities of the Centre
including, for example, the installation of an
[...] alarm system at fire exits will facilitate [...]
the monitoring of movements in and out of the Centre.
[...] 要如甘乃威議員所說要全民進行好像“打真軍”般的演習,仿如小學生 或中學生走火警”時要全校參與演習一樣,我們會考慮一下,看看有 [...]
As regards Mr KAM Nai-wai's question of whether there is a need for all Hong Kong people to participate
in drills, like primary or secondary students
[...] participating in fire drills, we will [...]
consider if there is a need to do so.
(甲 ) 所有房間內,床的三面均須騰出最少 0.762 米 (2.5 呎 )淨空 間,走火通道之用。
(a) In any room there must be a clear space of 0.762 metres (2.5 feet) minimum around all three
[...] sides of the bed for fire escape.
如 果 警 隊 高層 在進行 一些行動時,沒 有給前線 警 員 足夠的 資料或指 引 , 便很容 易 引 致 “ 擦走 火 " 的 無 必 要 的 “ 火 爆 " 衝突場面。
If the senior level of the Police Force does not provide adequate information or guidelines to front-line officers when they carry out operations, this will easily lead to unnecessary and highly charged scenes of clashes, like a gun going off accidentally when it is being brandished.
1.4 所有按摩房內的床/椅,三面都必須騰出最少0.762米(2.5呎)淨空間, 走火 通道及供人走動之用。
1.4 In any massage room there must be a minimum
clear space of 0.762 metres (2.5 feet) around all three sides of a massage bed/chair for
[...] free of movement and fire escape.
除了招牌內容受不良刊物條例、吸煙(公眾衛生)條例及不良醫藥廣告管制條 例監管,霓虹光管及位置不能阻 走火 通 道 等則受消防條例管束外,其他如招牌不 [...]
應阻礙他㆟通風設備;招牌不應附於其他招牌㆖;廣告招牌空間規格等,均明顯受 到物主普遍違反。
Other regulations say that signboards may not
[...] hinder ventilation systems, that signboards [...]
may not be attached to other signboards
and that advertising signs must have gaps conforming to certain specifications.
如果隨便容許在仍有工業活 動的大廈裏進行商業活動,而這些商業活動又會吸引大量人流,而這些人流
[...] 由於不是在這幢工廈上班,所以他們對於 走火 警 ” 或其他安全措施的瞭解 如果不足夠的話,當大廈一旦發生火災或意外,這些到來的人流的生命和安 [...]
If we lightly permit the conduct of commercial activities inside a factory building still with industrial activities, and if such commercial activities will attract large numbers of visitors who do not work in the
building and thus are not sufficiently
[...] familiar with the fire drills or other safety [...]
measures of the building, then once
there is a fire or any accident, the lives and safety of such visitors will be at risk.
增加兩條樓梯以提供足夠走火途徑 ,以符合火警逃生途徑守 則的規定。
2 staircases will be added for compliance with the Code of Practice for the Provision
[...] of Means of Escape in Case of Fire.
就此,政府 可否告知本會,鑒於兒童(特別是幼童)在火警發生時需要成人協助或 甚至抱着才可以逃離火場,政府有否評估現行對在多層商業大廈內供 開辦兒童興趣班的場所的消防設施 走火 通 道 的規管,是否足以在火 警發生時保障幼兒的生命安全;若有評估,結果為何?
In this connection, will the Government inform this Council, given that children, especially the younger ones, need to be assisted or even carried by adults to escape from the fire scene in case of a fire, whether the Government has assessed if the regulation of fire services installations and means of escape for the venues of children interest classes in multi-storey commercial buildings at present is sufficient to safeguard the safety of these young children in case of a fire; if such an assessment has been made, of the outcome?
學院每隔適當時間,會進走火警演 習。
Fire drills may be conducted at [...]
suitable intervals.
梁劉柔芬議員:政府在答覆劉皇發議員在2010年 11月 24日提出有
[...] 關在多層商業大廈開辦的兒童興趣班的質詢時,沒有表示會就該等興 趣班的場所的消防設施走火通道 的規管檢討現行法例。
MRS SOPHIE LEUNG (in Cantonese): In reply to Mr LAU Wong-fat's question on children interest classes conducted in multi-storey commercial buildings raised on 24 November 2010, the Government did not indicate that it
would review the existing legislation
[...] regarding regulation of fire services installations [...]
and means of escape for the venues of such interest classes.
[...] 95章,消防員可否在無須申領手令的情況下,在一般巡查期間巡視有 否嚴重違反《消防條例》的情況,包括有否清拆大門 走火 通 道、清 拆或封閉後樓梯的情況;如有這些情況,是否可以發出消除火警危險 [...]
May I ask the Secretary if he has examined in detail, together with the Director of Fire Services, whether or not according to Cap. 95 firemen can check in their routine inspections if there are instances of serious violation of the Fire Services
Ordinance, including whether or not
[...] the main doors and fire escapes have been removed or demolished [...]
and whether or not rear staircases
have been demolished or sealed off without having to apply for warrants and, if such instances are found, whether or not Fire Hazard Abatement Notices can be issued, so that officers of the BD do not have to apply for warrants to enter the premises?
(b) 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 準 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
As regards the existing UBWs which constitute less serious contravention of the law and pose lower potential risks, the BD will analyse information collected from the Reporting Scheme, conduct objective risk assessment and then formulate follow-up plans for progressive enforcement after dealing with the first round targets.
2008 年 9 月至 2009 年 1 月,联利特派团 1 名本国工作人员、 5 名军事人员和 1 名警察人员分别因疾病、交通事故和武 走火 丧 生
Between September 2008 and January 2009, one UNMIL national staff member, five military personnel and one police staff member died as a result of illness, vehicular accident and accidental discharge of a weapon, respectively.
在 已 發 現 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 準 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水,以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
a) the temporary staff involved in the above expenditure by mode of employment; b) the number of non-civil service contract (NCSC) staff employed in 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively by programme, position, function and contract period; and c) the expenditure for “NCSC staff”, “agency workers” and “outsourced workers” in 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 respectively?
(b) 黎巴嫩强调,秘书长关于安全理事会第
[...] 1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报 告中没有一份提到将火走私到 联黎部队行动区的任何证据。
(b) Lebanon stresses that not one of the Secretary-General’s reports on the
implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) has referred to any
[...] evidence of arms smuggling into the UNIFIL [...]
area of operations.
恐怖组织库尔德工人党/劳工党通过其网络和设在欧洲的关联组织还参与诸 如贩毒、洗钱、火走私和 人口贩运等跨国犯罪活动,以资助其恐怖活动。
Terror organization PKK/Kongra-Gel, via its network and affiliated organizations in Europe, is also involved in transnational criminal
activities, such as drug trafficking,
[...] money-laundering, arms smuggling and human trafficking [...]
to finance its terrorist activities.
麻委会第五十届会议关于加强对海地解决毒品问题的国际支助的第 50/8 号决议
[...] 尤其回顾秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团的报告,他在报告中指出,必须提 供补充援助处理毒品和火走私问 题,并指出,这些非法活动远非国家当局和 [...]
At its fiftieth session, the Commission, in its resolution 50/8, on strengthening international support for Haiti in combating the drug problem, recalled, inter alia, the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, in which it was stated that supplementary
assistance would be crucial to address problems
[...] presented by the smuggling of narcotics and [...]
weapons and that those illicit activities
far surpassed the ability of national authorities and the Mission to control them and posed a grave problem to the long-term stability of Haiti.
通过与国际刑事警察组织(国际刑警组织)交流信息和积极推动与容易发 生火走私的 有关国家的联合调查,日本加强伙伴关系,从而加强与执法当局的 [...]
Japan strengthened those partnerships through information exchanges via the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), and actively promoted joint
investigation with the relevant countries
[...] prone to arms smuggling, thereby increasing [...]
ties with law enforcement authorities
and promoting the sharing of related information.




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