

单词 走投无路

See also:

走路 adj

walking adj


go on foot

External sources (not reviewed)

然后,他走投无路的未 来,恐龙猎人想从他采取Piisuke的谁。
Then, they are cornered by dinosaur hunters [...]
from the future, who want to take Piisuke from him.
议员们有责任确保民间社会不至困在充耳不闻的政府和冷漠 无情的市场之走投无路。
It is up to parliamentarians to ensure that civil society is not trapped between States that do not listen and markets that do not care.
我们认识到,在许多情况下,他们必须长年 照料那走投无路为求继续生存的人。
We recognize that in many cases they must care for years
[...] for those who have nowhere else to go to assure [...]
their continued existence.
怀孕的女孩与孩子的父走投无路, 不 得不回到女孩父母的家中。
A pregnant girl and the father
[...] of the child have nowhere to live and they [...]
move into her parents' house.
2011 年,“阿拉伯之春”在世界各地再次唤起了对公民行动的信心并催化了 “占领华尔街”等公民运动,因为那些通常被贴上“普通公民”标签的人们对于 被困在充耳不闻的政府和冷漠无情的市场之 走投无路 的 情 况终于失去了耐心。
In 2011, the Arab Spring had renewed faith in citizen action around the world and catalysed citizen movements such as Occupy Wall Street, as the people often labelled “ordinary citizens” finally lost patience with being trapped between States that did not listen and markets that did not care.
看着自己家乡工厂的废墟,以及通向高楼林立的现代化都市费城的铁路,马塞尔淡淡地说:“我可能年轻有为,也可能犯下一个错误 便 走投无路。
As I get older I don’t know exactly what I would like to be,” says Marcell, looking over the post-industrial wasteland of his hometown and the train tracks that lead to the gleaming high-rise towers of neighbouring Philadelphia.
在上述状况中面临的社会经济困难使得这个问题雪上加霜——随着失业 率飙升,无力提供服务,越来越多的 走投无路 , 导 致犯罪率上升,所剩无几的 基础设施也遭到劫掠。
The socio-economic difficulties faced in these situations exacerbate the problem — as unemployment levels soar and service delivery fails — an increasing number of people are disenfranchised, resulting in increased crime and the vandalizing of what little infrastructure exists.
21 乌普萨拉大学 2007 年的研究认 为“有针对性的制裁目前为止使津巴布韦政府在政 治上和经济上走投无路。毫 无疑问,穆加贝和他 的圈子感觉到了压力。
It is no question that Mugabe and his circle feel the pressure”.22 But while there is little hard information, there is mounting agreement, even among former advocates, that they have not worked.23 Some question the seriousness with which the measures were implemented.
很 多低收入的人及長者是沒有領取綜援的,不過,有些人到 走投 無 路 時 ,便 會視綜援為他們的安全網而尋求協助,這也符合政府所制訂的政策。
Many low-income earners and elderly people are non-CSSA recipients, but when they are driven into desperation, they will regard CSSA as their safety net and seek assistance from it.
沒有失業援助金,便會令找不到工 作或失業的人飢不擇食走投無路, 他們甚至願意做一份薪金更低的工 作代替以前的工作,結果會令工資下降。
Without unemployment benefits, people who cannot find jobs or are
unemployed will not be choosy
[...] about their food and they will be in an impasse; they [...]
are even prepared to take up jobs with
lower wages in place of their previous jobs, as a result, they would have reduced wages.
我国认为,无核武器区是对国际和平与安全的重 要贡献,也是在我走向无核武 器世界的 路 上 向前 迈出的一步。
My country believes that nuclear-weapon-free zones represent an
important contribution to international peace and
[...] security and a step forward on our path to a world free of nuclear weapons.
尽管题为“减少核危 险”的决议草案载有我们坚决而积极主张的许多务实 措施,但是,我们不能支持该草案,并且对 投 了反对票,因为它没有确认实现各国普遍加入《不扩散核 武器条约》作走向无核武 器世界的一个步骤的重要 性,也没有承认所有拥有核武器的国家都有责任降低 核危险。
While the draft resolution, entitled “Reducing nuclear danger”, contains a number of practical measures of which we are strong and active advocates, we were unable to support the text and voted against it, given that it fails to acknowledge the importance of the universalization of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a step towards a nuclear-weapon-free world, and the responsibility of all States which possess nuclear weapons to reduce nuclear danger.
柯思雅有营养不良的症状,而走路 一 瘸 一拐,她需要穿特殊的鞋子,而孤儿院由于资源不足 无 法 给 她提供。
Kesia showed signs of malnutrition and limped because she needed special shoes that the under-resourced orphanage could not provide.
2000年4月,Diane的人生遭逢巨变,她诞下的第二个孩子Philippe患有严重的先天障碍——痉挛性四肢麻痹,而且永 无 法 走路 、 说话及自行进食,一辈子都需要依赖其他人的照顾。
In April 2000, Diane's life changed dramatically when she gave birth to her second child, Philippe. Philippe was born with a severe handicap – he was
diagnosed with spastic quadriparesis and
[...] told he would never walk, talk, or be able [...]
to feed himself and that he would be dependent on others all his life.
是否真的要那走投無路的人 冒上 觸犯刑事罪行的風險來支付署方的開支,是否真的要這麼絕情?
Does it really want those people who have no other alternatives to run the risk of committing a criminal offence in order to pay the costs incurred by the ORO?
那么,各方还必须确认,如果占领无 情地逼我们沿这条路走下去 ,那我们就将陷入一条 只会给巴勒斯坦人民和以色列人民及整个区域带来 [...]
更多暴力、痛苦的轨道,从而把我们推入又一个黑暗 时代,并使我们比以往任何时候都更远离我们在中东 实现和平、安全和共存前景的崇高目标。
It must also then be recognized that
[...] if recklessly forced down this path by the occupying Power, we will [...]
be taken on a trajectory
that will bring only more violence, suffering, loss and instability for both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, as well as the region as a whole, propelling us into yet another era of darkness and taking us further away than ever from our noble goal of realizing a future of peace, security and coexistence in the Middle East.
他们喜欢装在墙上较低位置的大镜子,因 为这无论他们坐、爬和开走路均 可看到自己的样子。
These children enjoy large and low wall-mounted mirrors,
[...] which allow them to watch themselves sit, crawl, and begin to walk.
与欧司朗之间的纠纷制约了宏源势在必得的发展脚步,现在,这一桎梏终于打破,十几年的行业积淀与底蕴终于得到释放,上海宏源立即上马立德基地 投 资 项目,由此完成 无 极 灯全产业链的布局,更具有行业最先进、规模化、自动化的生产及研发设备,意在打破目前行业混乱格局,从而引 无 极 灯行 业 走 向 持 续健康的发展事态。
Now, the block is removed, more than ten years’ industrial experience and strength are finally set free. Shanghai Hongyuan immediately undertook the Lide base and finished the arrangement of the induction lamp whole industrial chain with the most advanced, largest-scale and automatic production and R&D devices, which aimed at breaking the chaotic industrial pattern and lead to a sound and steady development momentum for the induction light industry.
希望经济快速恢复的强烈愿望是可以理解的,但是“重返轨道”就是 重走上无法持续的全球发展路。
While the strong desire for quick economic
recovery is understandable, getting “back on track” would mean
[...] returning to an unsustainable path of global development.
虽然资本项目在成为现实之前有很长路要走,资金现无疑因 为石油行业的停产和未来 多年的前景而被危及,但数十亿美元的合同在 [...]
2011 年还是引发了相当程度的竞争。
Though the capital project is a long way from becoming a
[...] reality, and funds are now undoubtedly jeopardised by the shutdown [...]
of the oil sector, the prospect
of multi-year, multibillion dollar contracts generated considerable competition in 2011.
工作队首先建议在 2006 年 举行“联邦认可的公投票”,以确定波多黎各人民是“愿意维持接受国会意志 的美国属地地位,还是寻求通过可行的立宪 路走 向 永 久性的美国非属地地位”。
It first recommended that a
[...] “federally sanctioned plebiscite” take place in 2006 to ascertain whether the people of Puerto Rico “wish to remain a United States territory subject to the will of Congress or to pursue a constitutionally viable path towards a permanent [...]
non-territorial status with the United States”.
生意越好,租金的加幅越厲害,結果也 走投無 路。
The better the business, the higher will be the rate of rent increase and they would still have no way out in the end.
當一個家庭到走投無路的境 況,丈夫已無法擔當經濟 支柱的角色,並且身患絕症,自己本身也患有精神病......我們很迅速便舉 行了燭光晚會,跟居民傾談。
When a family has come to a dead end with no way out, and as the husband who suffered from a fatal disease could no longer play the bread-winner role, while the wife herself suffered from mental illness……We held a candlelight vigil promptly to talk to the residents.
主席,原來在政府眼中,一小走投 無 路 的 小 業主正在壓迫一些大 發展商和大多數業主,所以政府才要為民請命,來反壓迫這些小業主。
President, I then realized that in the Government's eyes, a small group of minority owners were exerting pressure on some big developers and majority owners, and that is why the Government needs to fight for the interest of the people and oppress the minority owners in return.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行路 、 高速 铁 路、 石 油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸走廊 ; 加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的 路和 铁路,这样可以从路将货 物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the
Rakhine State capital of
[...] Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits [...]
of Malacca.
此外,进 口化石燃料的中低收入经济体尤其容易受到价格波
[...] 动和价格上涨的影响,这可能打乱其对外收支平衡,在 宏观一级造成经济不稳 定,使得各国政无法投资于 技术和社会基础设施,从而导致家庭能源费用升 高。
Moreover, medium and low-income economies importing fossil fuel are particularly vulnerable to price volatility and price increases, which could upset their external payments balance, cause economic
instability at the macro level and prevent
[...] Governments from investing in technical and [...]
social infrastructure, resulting in higher energy costs for households.
[...] 因为如果外国人选择撤出其资金,所涉国家可能无法对其财政进行协调以 便同时将其外部总资产汇回最初的来源国(尤其是若对该国的投资和该国 对外进行的投资系由那些与无关的 投 资 方 作出)。
Gross” would be more appropriate than “net” because, if foreigners chose to withdraw their funds, a country might not be able to coordinate its finances so as to be able to remit its gross external assets back to the
originating country simultaneously
[...] (particularly if the investments to and from the country were executed by unconnected parties).
世界银行也在印度尼西亚执行一个已于 2002 年 7 月批准无投资项 目,题为“加强 进口/出口管制”(IDS/SEV/37/TAS/149)。2003 [...]
年底已支付 81%的资金,关于 2002 年消 耗臭氧层物质进口、进口商和国际供应商的国内和国际研究报告,连同进口许可证制度新
The World Bank was also
[...] implementing a non-investment project in Indonesia [...]
entitled “Strengthening of import/export control”
IDS/SEV/37/TAS/149 that had been approved in July 2002. 81 per cent of the funds had been disbursed by the end of 2003, and national and international studies on 2002 ODS imports, importers and international suppliers had been completed along with a 2nd draft of new Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for import licensing system.




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