

单词 走向滑动断层

See also:


move towards
head for

走向 n

trend n
direction n

滑动 adj

sliding adj

External sources (not reviewed)

使用滑动层是由聚四氟乙烯 (PTFE)和不同的化学惰性添加剂制成。
The sliding layer used is based on [...]
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and different chemically inert additives.
将 O 形环放到这两根手指之间,轻轻动 O 形环涂抹滑脂,直至层薄薄 的润滑脂完全盖住 O 形环的表面。
Place the O-Ring between these two fingers
and gently pull the O-Ring
[...] through the grease until a light coating of grease completely covers the [...]
surface of the O-Ring.
地震是沿地断层的地下运动造成 的地球表面的摇晃和震动。
An earthquake is the shaking and vibration of the surface [...]
of the earth caused by underground movement along an earthquake fault.
通过动区域层面联 合国系统的重新定位,希望这将是对行 政协调会/高级别方案问题委员会领导的为促进多边体系 走向 更 公 平、更绿色和更 可持续的全球化过程中实现拟定问题和政策选择进程一致性的一个值得欢迎的贡献。
By contributing to the repositioning of the UN system at the regional level, it is hoped that this would be a welcomed contribution to the CEB/HLCP led process of developing issues [...]
and policy options
for coherence across the multilateral system in moving towards a fairer, greener and more sustainable globalization.
当 使用的介质或碳带宽度小于打印机最大打印宽度三分之一时,您可能需要手动将 左侧压力向左滑动。
When using media or ribbon widths less than
one-third the printer’s maximum printing width, you
[...] may need to manually slide the left pressure block further to the left.
首先,鉴于北美和欧洲地区各发达经济体 的中期经济前景相当不确定和断下 滑 , 亚 太区域将在更大程度上依 赖其内部来源的消费和资源需求来维系其未来的发 动 力。
Given a rather uncertain and subdued medium-term economic outlook for the advanced economies in North America and the euro zone, the Asia-Pacific region will have to rely more on domestic and regional sources in order to sustain its dynamism in the future.
確保穩抓地面及向穩定性,例如在 滑 的 冰 雪上 走 , 或於陡峭的越野地面上負重行駛。
Guarantees excellent traction and directional stability, for instance when driving [...]
on snow and ice in winter, or when loading the vehicle on rugged terrain.
显然,所提议的 区域是取克拉里昂和克利珀断层区 中 轴线 走向 ( 而 不是同经纬度线相平行), 就(现在和将来的)承包者区域而言,这使这些区域的管理工作变得更为复杂。
It is evident that the orientation of the proposed areas along the axis of the Clarion and Clipperton fracture zones rather [...]
than parallel to lines
of latitude and longitude complicates the management of these areas with respect to contractor areas, both current and future.
滑动 层组成主要是聚甲醛(POM),其材料特性 是低摩擦值和化学及温度稳定性。
The sliding layer comprises mainly polyoxymethylene [...]
(POM), a material which is characterized by low friction values as well
as chemical and thermal stability.
图瓦卢尽管没有对全球变暖有过任何规模的 动, 这 一分布在广大海域的小幅员岛屿国家只有非常狭窄的经济基础,下定决心 要实施绿色增长举措作走向可持 续发展和实现经济、社会和环境目标的正 确平衡的途径。
Despite not having contributed to global warming on any scale, Tuvalu, a small island State stretched over a vast oceanic
area with a very
[...] narrow economic base, was committed to implementing green growth initiatives as a way of moving towards sustainable development and finding the right balance between economic, social [...]
and environmental objectives.
(a) 利用录像带和光向海关 官员提供更多关于其他国家的消耗臭 层 物 质 走私 活动的信息。
(a) Provide
[...] more information to the customs officers about smuggling of ODS in other countries through video tapes and CDs.
尽管如此,认为这些物资在乍得境内发生了转用的 推测与正义运动以前派别的成员的陈述相吻合,这些成员告诉专家组说,正义动向他们 提供了武器和弹药,包括一箱 1 000 发 5.56 毫米弹药,正义运动在乍 得获得了这些武器和弹药,然后违反军火禁运 走 私 到 达尔富尔。
However, the presumed diversion of the materiel within Chad would correspond to allegations made by members of the former JEM faction, who informed the Panel that JEM had provided them with arms and ammunition, including the box of 1,000 cartridges of 5.56 mm ammunition, that JEM had acquired in Chad and had then trafficked into Darfur in violation of the arms embargo.
我们看到新的断走向民主 化的突尼斯——该国 最初的星星之火已经燎原。
We see a newly democratizing Tunisia — the country that produced the initial spark that has since spread far and wide.
范围广泛的海底扩张网(与构成边界 断 裂带 的走向约成 正交),提供了大量的平底谷地,谷地被不规则而且往往是不连续的 [...]
The widespread
[...] seafloor spreading fabric, oriented approximately orthogonal [...]
to the trend of the bounding fracture zones,
provides a large number of flat-floored valleys, separated by irregular, often discontinuous ridges a few hundred metres high (see annex, figure I).
多哥仍然认为,安理会作 出断承诺,走采取必要动的道 路,为时不晚。
Togo continues to believe that it is not too late for it to resolutely commit
[...] itself on the path of the necessary action that must be taken.
国际社 会有义务以积极果断的方式应对一些会员 向 恐怖组织转让武器和能力而构成的威胁,包括在我们所在 地区,那里,断走私军 火带来的危险日益明显。
It has an obligation to address in a proactive and decisive manner the threat posed by the transfer of
weapons and capabilities by some Member
[...] States to terrorist organizations, including in our region, where the danger from the continuous smuggling of arms is increasingly clear.
考虑到有可能需要将涡轮机取回维护,专门为其设计了依山而下直至涡轮机 滑动 缆 车 导 向 链 模 块,缆车可以从底部将其从重力结构区举升。
For recovery during maintenance, a special recovery module on a drive chain slides down to the turbine nacelle, grasps it from below and then lifts it out of the gravity structure.
这些动可导致断纱及喂纱滑辊, 导致织物破损及降低生产率。
These vibrations result in thread breakage and an uncontrolled slippage at the yarn [...]
feed rollers – damaging the goods and
lowering productivity at the same time.
滑行时发动机断开, 全部潜力可以用于能量的恢复。
If the combustion engine is disconnected when coasting, the full potential [...]
can be used for the recovery of deceleration energy.
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您可以通过向左向右拖动滑棒、在文本框中输入值或使用向上/向下 箭头,调整这些设置。
Adjust these
[...] settings by dragging the slider bar to the left or [...]
right, entering a value in the text box or using the up/down arrows.
此外,Sumida 的管层也始终走在时代前沿,经营方式灵活多样且具有前瞻性,推出诸如率先修订公司章程以配合 2006 年 5 月 1 日实施的(日本)新公司法,推行季度派息制度等举措。Sumida 的管层将持续不断为满 足所有利益相关者(客户、股东、员工、供应商和当地社区等)而努力。
In addition, management has taken a dynamic and proactive approach to the future such as amending the Articles of Incorporation in advance of the enforcement of new Corporate Law on 1st May 2006, and introducing quarterly dividend payment system, etc. Sumida’s management also aspires to satisfy all of our stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, and local communities.
给齿轮和滚针轴承表面涂上厚厚层 润 滑 脂。
Apply a heavy coat of grease to gears and needle bearing surfaces.
因为是滑雪常年山庄,夏天与冬天都同样 动 不 断 , 滑 雪 、 越野滑雪、天然湖泊滑冰、登山、山地自行车、滑翔伞运动和水上运动。
Because they are year-round villages you will also find them
equally beautiful in the summer as in
[...] the winter with activities that include skiing, [...]
cross-country skiing, natural lake
ice skating, hiking, mountain biking, paragliding and water sports.
来自环境调查署的一位观察员指出,环境规划署 履约协助方案和绿色海关举向各国提供宝贵信息和支助,可以帮助各国履约并处 走私 消耗臭层物质的问题。
An observer from the Environmental Investigation Agency noted that UNEP’s CAP
and Green Customs
[...] Initiative provided valuable information and support for countries to help them achieve compliance and address smuggling of ODS.
今天,执行我国青年政策的工作 走向新 的层面。
Today the implementation of our
[...] youth policy is moving to a new level.
近年来我国农民收入的变化情况是:农民收入绝对量不断增长,但增长幅度 断 下 滑; 城 乡居民家庭收入差距进一步扩大;农民收入内部出现了严重的失衡;农村居民家庭的收入 水平和消费水平极低;农民收入的来源由以农业收入为主 向 多 种 收入来源。
The income of Chinese farmers has undergone substantial change over the last few years: in absolute terms, it has increased steadily, but
the scale of this
[...] increase has been falling constantly; the income gap between farming households and urban households is widening; substantial imbalances in farmers’ income have arisen; the income levels and consumption of farming households remain low; the sources of their income, which used to come mainly from farming activities, are now increasingly diversified.
这种由司法正义所导致的“边缘化” 动 这 些社 会 走向 加入欧洲联盟,而支持法治就是加入欧盟的一项要求。
This justice-induced
[...] “marginalization” contributed to moving these societies towards [...]
integration into the European Union,
where support for the rule of law is a requirement.
倡导负责任的自由,承认青少年时期 走向 独 立 自主的过程,倡导青少 年负责地享受其自由,使其认识到自己 动 的 后 果,并承诺尊重他人的 自由。
Promote freedom with responsibility in a way that recognizes
adolescence as a
[...] process of ascent through interdependence and autonomy, encouraging adolescents to use their freedom responsibly, making them aware of the consequences of their actions and committing themselves [...]
to respect the freedom of others.
最后,请允许向你保 证,巴勒斯坦领 层 决 心继 续 走 建 国与和平的道路, 尽管占领国设置了重重障碍并动侵 略
Finally, allow me to reassure you that the Palestinian leadership is determined to continue on its path of State-building and peace, despite the obstacles and the aggression meted out to it by the occupying Power.




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