单词 | 走动 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 走动 —walk aroundless common: stretch one's legs • pay a visit (go to the toilet) • go for a walk • be mobile (e.g. after an illness) • visit one another • move about 走动 verb—stir vExamples:轻盈地走动 v—float v 走向滑动断层—strike-slip fault (geology) • fault line where the two sides slide horizontally past one another See also:走 v—walk v • go v • run v • visit v • leave v 走—through • go away • die (euph.) • move (of vehicle) • change (shape, form, meaning)
有些人主要是在办公桌前工作,有些人需要在办公室内到 处 走动 , 还 有些人则需要自由地在任何他们想要工作的地方工作。 jabra.cn | Some people are based solely at their desk, others move throughout the office, while some employees need the freedom to work wherever they want. jabra.com |
一流的无线自由性 无须带着电话在办公室里走动。 jabra.cn | Best in class wireless freedom There is no need for bringing the phone around the office. jabra.com |
这些人根据与以色列 [...] 公民或居民家庭团聚的程序获得以色列身份证,可以在西亚和加沙地带之间自由 走动并进入以色列。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such individuals carry Israeli identity cards pursuant to procedures of family unification [...] with Israeli citizens or residents, [...] allowing their free movement between the [...]West Bank and the Gaza Strip and into Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
漏洞百出的边界地带难以监测,使得非 法武器贩子和使用方得以在国与国之间自 由 走动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Porous borders are difficult to monitor and allow illicit arms traffickers and users to move easily from one country to another. daccess-ods.un.org |
工人们能够在大楼周围走动,并 随身携带 XenDesktop 资料,可随时从适合的 IGEL 进行访问”。 igel.com | Workers are able to move around the building and take their XenDesktop profile with them, accessing it from any suitable IGEL. igel.com |
以前她喜欢待在家里,现在她喜欢 四处走动,享受生活。 glenraven.com | While she tended to stay home in the past, today she is on the go and enjoying life. glenraven.com |
加上轻薄的4mm厚Vibram®性能橡胶外底,为在山路和崎岖不平的地形 上 走动 提 供 额外的附着摩擦力。 vibramfivefingers.cn | The 4mm EVA midsole offers plating protection from stone bruising, and a lightly cleated 4mm Vibram® performance rubber outsole delivers enhanced traction on trails and rugged terrain. vibramfivefingers.cn |
只需 一次管理操作,软件更新和新设置便可传递给所有终端,而不 再需要像 PC 那样来回走动式的支持。 igel.com | Software updates and even new settings can be broadcast to all terminals with a one-time administrative access and no longer require the peripatetic support of the PC landscape. igel.com |
当你走动的街 景,你可以看到的确切位置,选择“地图”。 leapfrog-properties.com | As you move around in the street view you can see the exact location by choosing 'Map'. leapfrog-properties.com |
又或者是关于费用报销,补贴,工作移动时间(比如说你的工作 时要在城市中走动的)。 sistemaservizicgil.it | Another example is special considerations concerning expenses, allowance, travelling time (if you carry out your job around the town, for example). sistemaservizicgil.it |
在这种情况下,当市场遭受大幅下挫是绝望,然后认识的任何方法效率不高,因为有一个B计划,因为如果他们保护了操作,相信,市场是有主权的,可以四 处 走动 , 你的愿望,一直在关注,并准备运动相反他的位置。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | In those cases when the market suffers sharp falls there is despair and then recognizing the inefficiency of any method since there is a plan B, because if they had protected the operation, believing that the market is sovereign and can move around as you wish, would have been concerned and prepared for movement contrary to his position. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
如果您四处走动,可 能会因与扬声器的方位变化而错过音乐中的微妙之处。 bang-olufsen.com | If you move around, you lose out on the subtleties in the music because of the directionality of the speakers. bang-olufsen.com |
它既需要专门的身体技能如挥拍 击球,也需要一般的技能,如不与其他队员相撞而在空隙 间 走动。 cpsc.gov | It can require specialized physical [...] skills like swinging a bat at a ball and [...] generalized skills like moving through space without running into [...]other players. cpsc.gov |
凡允许检查员在检查区外 走动的设 施是可取的;而可能隐藏空穴的设施,如层层叠叠的建筑物,将会造成 较多的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Facilities which allow the inspectors to move around the outside of the area of inspection are desirable; facilities which could conceal cavities, such as heavily mounded buildings, will pose more of a problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 月 15 日,在加沙市西南的 Tal al Hawa, 以色列士兵迫使一名 11 [...] 岁的男孩走在他们的前 面连续几小时,在镇里走动,甚 至在他们遭到枪 击之后还这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | on January 15, at Tal al Hawa, south-west of [...] Gaza City, Israeli soldiers forced an [...] 11-year-old boy to walk in front of them [...]for several hours as they moved through [...]the town, even after they had been shot at”. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一定距离内很容易看到橡胶囊收缩 - 避免不必要的走动和检 查奶牛是否完成挤奶的弯腰动作。 delaval.cn | This bellow deflation can be easily seen from some distance – preventing unnecessary walking and bending down to check if the cow has finished milking. delaval.com.ar |
在阿波美监狱,主任报告说,正式处罚包括剥夺在监狱自 由 走动( 关押 在一 个房间 ) ,并被关进两个纪律处罚室中的一个禁闭室。 daccess-ods.un.org | At Abomey Prison, the director reported that official punishments included denial of free circulation within the prison (confinement to a room) and placement in one of the two disciplinary cells. daccess-ods.un.org |
避免将相机安放在靠近通风管道、打开的门或人员 频繁走动的地方,这样可能使相机和介质暴露于高度的灰尘碎屑之中。 codonics.com | Avoid placing the imager in areas where ventilation ducts, open doors, or frequent passers-by might expose the imager and media to high levels of debris. codonics.com |
我们的扬声器中的声学透镜能将声音传递到不同房间,即使在 您 走动 时 也 能维持声音的清晰和响亮,因为特殊调谐的功放内置于每个机箱内,分别为各个扬声器驱动器提供动力。 bang-olufsen.com | Acoustic lenses in our speakers spread sound across the room, maintaining clarity and strength even as you move around, while the specially tuned amplifiers built into every cabinet power speaker drivers independently. bang-olufsen.com |
为活跃气氛,她在学生中 间来回走动,提 了许多好问题,激发大家参与课堂活动的积极性。 thegatesnotes.com | She engaged her students, walking among them, asking good questions, and eliciting great participation. thegatesnotes.com |
考虑在床边设置室内便具或 尿盆,这样就可以避免在昏 昏欲睡之中走动太多。 cgh.com.sg | Consider placing a commode or urinal next to the bed at night to [...] avoid the need to walk when sleepy. cgh.com.sg |
学走路的小孩喜欢欢快的音乐,以刺激 其 走动 、 蹦 跳、摇摆 和舞蹈的内在动力。 cpsc.gov | Toddlers enjoy upbeat music that stimulates their internal drive to move, bounce, rock, and dance. cpsc.gov |
双眼的 视力对判断距离和深度也非常重要,助你上下楼梯和在不平坦的地形 上 走动。 cgh.com.sg | Good vision in both eyes is also crucial in judging distances and depth to help navigate stairs and uneven terrain. cgh.com.sg |
您应该至少每过20至30分钟经常性地站起来,伸展一下,四 处 走动。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Get up, stretch and move around frequently, at least every 20 to 30 minutes. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
事实恰恰相反:叙利 亚当局一直在努力为观察员部队的工作提供便利,并允许停战代表团办 公室的联络官在必要时随意走动,除了一些地区安全局势不佳或者时有 出现紧张关系的某些极少数情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | What happened was the very opposite: the Syrian authorities have continued to attempt to facilitate the work of UNDOF and allow the liaison officer of the truce delegation office to travel wherever necessary, except for certain rare cases in some regions where the security situation is inadequate or subject to occasional tension. daccess-ods.un.org |
香水,衣服,服装,服饰,高级女装行列,男朋友隶,开裂,自定义,时尚,人物,幌子,制造,躁狂症,方式,方法,模式,模具,模式,愤怒,排序,风格,潮流,类型,时尚,方式, 开花,花,切花,开花,蓬勃发展,小花,冲水,, 山,海,徒步旅行,树,植物,生物,生态,田野,森林,国, 博客,网站,业余, 旅游,酒店,短途旅行,走动,pe regrinate继续进行,絮絮叨叨,漫游,旅游,移动,旅行,漂移,旅程 gelono.com | Keywords : nature, zen, rest, sleep, nap, garden, blog, perfume, clothes, clothing, clothes, haute couture, bandwagon, beau monde, craze, custom, fad, figure, guise, make, mania, manner, method, mode, mould, pattern, rage, sort, style, trend, type, vogue, way, bloom, blossom, cut flower, efflorescence, flourish, floweret, flush,, mountain, sea, hiking, tree, plant, biology, ecology, fields, forest, country, blog, web site, amateur, tourism, hotel, jaunt, locomote, peregrinate, proceed, ramble, roam, tour, traverse, trip, wander, journey gelono.com |
教科文组织从一开始就在快速道行动中发 挥着积极的作用,帮助该项行动走上 正 轨,具体活动包括:拓宽选择标准,帮助选择第一批 23 个国家,强调需要所有相关方参与活动,加强快速道行动同全民教育工作组和高层工作 组之间的联系,以及坚持宗滴恩会议和达喀尔论坛对全民教育高瞻远瞩的认识。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO has from the beginning played an active role in FTI, helping to mould the Initiative by broadening the eligibility criteria, influencing the selection of the first group of 23 countries, stressing the need for a participatory process involving all stakeholders, strengthening the links between FTI and the Working Group and High-Level Group meetings on EFA and maintaining the broader Jomtien and Dakar vision of EFA. unesdoc.unesco.org |
已经将这一主动走访有 关院校,而不是等 着他们提出演讲或介绍情况要求的模式同全球各新闻中心分享,以便在 2009 年 及其以后开展类似的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | This model — of proactively reaching out to and visiting interested institutions, rather than awaiting their request for a talk or briefing — has been shared with information centres worldwide for a similar effort in 2009 and beyond. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012 年的方案安排,将巩固法国在 2011 年启动“走出危机”优先团结基金 时所定的行动领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | Programming in 2012 will consolidate France’s strategy around the areas of intervention already selected in 2011 through the launching of the priority solidarity fund designed to lift Guinea out of crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |