单词 | 走入 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 走入 —walk intoSee also:走 v—walk v • go v • visit v • run v • leave v 走—through • go away • move (of vehicle) • change (shape, form, meaning) • die (euph.)
以地鐵經驗為例,走入地底 、在車站等候、沿軌道而行,在紐約饒舌樂裡留下什麼跡象? thisbigcity.net | How, for [...] instance, does the experience of the subway- venturing underground, [...]waiting in the station, traveling along the [...]tracks- inform rap in New York? thisbigcity.net |
從正面看,兩人能夠走入建制 ,總算顯示制度尚未封閉。 hkupop.hku.hk | From the positive side of it, these two [...] people can still enter the institution, [...]meaning that the political system is not yet closed. hkupop.hku.hk |
時間軸排序模式讓你走入回憶 的時光長廊。 synology.com | The Timeline mode takes you on a trip of nostalgic memories. synology.com |
由于以色列的政策,旨在实现“两国解决方案” 的和平努力走入了死胡同,因此,这个选项已变得不 切实际,特别是随着巴勒斯坦人梦想在其之上建立其 国家的土地消失,而且以色列继续没收巴勒斯坦人的 土地用于定居点,根本无视各项国际决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Peace efforts aimed at achieving a two-State solution have reached a dead end because of Israeli policies and that option has, thus, become unrealistic, especially with the disappearance of the land on which the Palestinians have dreamt of establishing their State and the continuation by Israel of the confiscation of Palestinian land for settlements, in clear defiance of all international resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,如果您真的想看到当地人如何打破芬兰人一贯的安静和害羞性格, 那么请走入众多 的卡拉OK里,您必定感到惊讶。 visitfinland.com | However, if you really want to see the locals at ease and breaking the quiet and shy stereotype, then a pop into one of the many karaoke bars. visitfinland.com |
经过一阵吱吱作响之后,女士们遮上眼睛,此时三位勇敢、有声望的男士Daimler、来自斯图加特的建筑师和我的父亲一起脱去外 衣 走入 水 中 ,试图从外面拖拽游艇 - 可惜没有成功。 voith.com | After a little humming and hawing, the ladies were asked to cover their eyes, while the three stout, distinguished gentlemen Daimler, [...] the court architect from Stuttgart and my [...] father got into the water in their [...]underpants, trying to pull and drag the ship [...]from the outside - sadly without success. voith.com |
那里虽称剧场,却不封闭,沿街是整幅落地玻璃墙,上下班时人流不断;因园区的开放形式,周末时有三五闲 人 走入。 shanghaibiennale.org | With full-length windows lining the street side façade, it was always on full [...] view to the stream of pedestrians going to and from work. shanghaibiennale.org |
李志威表示:「是時候走入人生 的另一個旅程,那就是選這一區的市議員,這個社區需要很多幫助,我們在Geary大道上有八十個空店面,還有Alexandra電影院閒置多年,而且中列治文區也沒有一個大超市。 ktsf.com | We need common sense leadership that focuses on policies that will actually fill our empty storefronts, spend our tax dollars wisely and protect our families. ktsf.com |
東隆決心走入廚房 設備,以消費者的使用需求為產品設計及開發的出發點,為消費者提供更快速、親切與週全的服務,我們建構綿密的服務據點,在台北、桃園、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄都設有服務站,24小時以內到府安裝、快速貼心的服務,不讓消費者的熱水器、瓦斯爐、抽油煙機淪為孤兒、找不到服務人員。 tgas.org.tw | Tong Lung determined to [...] manufacture kitchen and bathroom [...]appliances, which basis of consumers' demand to design and develop [...]all of the products, moreover, we had constructed intensive locators in Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Chiayi, Tainan and Kaohsiung to provide the rapid, cordial and complete service of installation within 24 hours. tgas.org.tw |
不妨走入記憶 之巷,品味一下我們的經典流行藝術手錶,及在畫布上重新演繹的全新時尚設計。 swatch.com | Take a trip down memory lane and explore the classic pop art pieces and the new modern designs that all redefines the perception of the canvas. swatch.com |
漫步在古城里像是走入童话 故事中,色彩缤纷的老房子、优美的装饰门、圆卵石铺成的街道和美丽的公共建筑物,都把已被遗忘的过去氛围重现大家眼前。 visitfinland.com | Walking around Old Rauma is like stepping into a fairy tale: the colourful wooden houses, decorative gates, cobble stone streets and beautiful public buildings create an atmosphere of the long-forgotten past. visitfinland.com |
系列靈感源自夏日的花園派對,美麗活潑而生機勃勃,閃耀著璀璨光華的鑽石幻化為靈動的鳥兒和盛放的花朵,引領我 們 走入 一 座 閃爍著翡翠和鑽石的花園,玉髓與碧璽的幽幽光芒更令人情不自已。 piaget.com.hk | Inspired by a typical summer garden-party, the vivacious collection contains animated diamond-set birds and precious sparkly blossoms as the pieces transport you to a garden full of Emeralds and Diamonds with flashes of chalcedony and pink tourmalines. piaget.com |
不妨走入记忆 之巷,品味一下我们的经典流行艺术手表,及在画布上重新演绎的全新时尚设计。 swatch.com | Take a trip down memory lane and explore the classic pop art pieces and the modern design that all redefines the perception of the canvas. swatch.com |
除了本澳與深圳的演出團體,今年還邀請來自英國、法國、澳洲、巴西、葡國、新加坡、日本、香港、臺灣等地的演出者,節目種類涵括:巡遊、音樂環境劇場、媒體手作藝術、光繪影像、音樂劇場、黑盒劇場、音樂與裝置、小丑與化學實驗、展覽、紀錄片放映、繪本欣賞、學校巡迴、行動與錄像拍攝、互動說故事、人偶環境劇場、舞蹈劇場、社區導覽及藝術旅遊等,讓藝 術 走入 大 街 小巷,隨處都有藝術的足跡。 yp.mo | A wide range of programmes, including the parade, ambient theatre, handcrafted media, music theatre, black box theatre, concert and installation, clowning, chemical experiment, exhibition, documentary film screening, picture book reading, campus tour, performance and video filming, interactive storytelling, puppet theatre, dance theatre, community tour and arts tourism, are available during the festival. yp.mo |
不論走入哪個 房間,只要在行動裝置或電腦上選擇該房間內的 Playmaker ,就能進行音樂串流。 bang-olufsen.com | Just choose which Playmaker you want to stream to and you can bring the music from room to room connecting to the nearest Playmaker. bang-olufsen.com |
系列灵感源自夏日的花园派对,美丽活泼而生机勃勃,闪耀着璀璨光华的钻石幻化为灵动的鸟儿和盛放的花朵,引领我 们 走入 一 座 闪烁着翡翠和钻石的花园,玉髓与碧玺的幽幽光芒更令人情不自已。 piaget.com.cn | Inspired by a typical summer garden-party, the vivacious collection contains animated diamond-set birds and precious sparkly blossoms as the pieces transport you to a garden full of Emeralds and Diamonds with flashes of chalcedony and pink tourmalines. piaget.com |
在“公眾參與"階段,我們會開展可讓公眾踴躍參與的大型公眾參與活動, 務求更深入地走入群眾 ,廣邀市民參與討論訂定的主要事項。 devb.gov.hk | During the Public Engagement Stage, we will roll out a robust and extensive public engagement programme to reach out to the wider public and engage them in discussions of the key issues identified. devb.gov.hk |
目前国家技术监督局和国家机械工业局鼓励要求技术进步迫切和有条件的齿轮(Gears)制造企业,直接采用ISO 1328九十年代国际标准作为企业标准生产齿轮(Gears)先行一步,深入、充份发挥ISO [...] 1328九十年代国际标准作用,为本企业真正提高齿轮(Gears)性能质量、降低制造成本提高经济效益 , 走入 国 际 市场。 dehesprockets.com | The State Bureau of technical supervision and the State Administration of machinery industry to encourage the technical progress and demand urgently conditional gear ( Gears ) manufacturing enterprises, directly using the ISO 1328ninety time of international standards as the standard production enterprises gear ( Gears ) a step ahead, in-depth, full use of ISO 1328ninety time international standard, for the enterprise truly improve gear [...] ( Gears ) performance quality, reduce manufacturing cost to raise [...] economic benefits, to enter the international market. dehesprockets.com |
为解决监狱人满为 患的问题,国家正在新建一所较大规模的监狱,这所监狱功能完备且设备齐全, 能够满足对犯人进行改造,使他们重 新 走入 社 会的需要,预计建设该监狱的成本 为 150 000 000 巴波亚。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to tackle the problem of prison overcrowding, the Government is building a new large prison at a cost of 150,000,000 balboas. daccess-ods.un.org |
当这个弃儿在赤裸和扭结的九十年代中成长后, Aoki 走入了地下音乐圈,在他自己加州大学的公寓客厅里举行派对,创造出了属于他自己的扭曲带有标志性的同欧洲新乐队的歌曲混合在一起的新声音。 spli-t.com | An outcast growing up in the buffed and tanned [...] 90’s SoCal, Aoki began to entangle himself [...]into the underground music scene in California [...]holding parties in the living room of his UC Santa Barbara apartment, creating his synapse-bending signature sound of experimental electronic beeps mixed with neo-pop from European bands. spli-t.com |
公平的说银行机构或投资银行无法注意到交易的方方面面,因为没有任何一家机构是所有方面的专家,这也是为什么术语外包逐 渐 走入 现 在商业活动并适用外汇交易平台。 forex-swiss.com | It is only fair to say that a banking institution or an investment bank cannot keep its finger on the pulse of each and every aspect of trading as no institution can be an [...] expert at all which is why the term [...] outsourcing has emerged in modern business [...]practice and applies for forex trading platforms. forex-swiss.com |
在斯堪的纳维亚设计的地位走入低谷 时,丹麦、芬兰、瑞典等国仍设法保持了设计能力的声誉,而挪威设计业却一直生活在默默无闻、孤僻内向的境地。 norway.org.cn | While the Danes, Finns and Swedes managed to maintain a reputation as design nations as the status of Scandinavian Design ebbed, Norwegian design has led a quiet, more withdrawn life. norway.or.kr |
本文件介绍了世界的发展变化和 教育系统在满足青少年的教育需求,使其能 够 走入 生 活 、参与可持续发展和参与建设更人性 化的世界方面所应发挥的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The analysis in this document of the state of developments in the world and of the role of education systems in meeting the educational needs of young people to enable them to take part in life, participate in sustainable development and build a more human world, suggests that it is not. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由 Map Office 那个由蠔壳砌成、满布雾气的小岛, 走入 张 韵 雯的巨型冷藏库,以至置身於杜子卿的影像世界,参观者可以从不同的角度去认识香港。 venicebiennale.hk | From Map Office's mist-filled oyster shell covered island to Amy Cheung's giant freezer and Hiram To's installation, audiences were able to experience an unique artistic journey and to see Hong Kong from a new perspective. venicebiennale.hk |
渗入及走私武器 身份不明的尸首 平民 执法人员 平民 执法人员 平民 执法人员 平民 执法人员 已爆炸 引信已拆除 制造时爆炸 渗入 走私 daccess-ods.un.org | Attempts to infiltrate the borders and smuggle weapons daccess-ods.un.org |