单词 | 走乡随乡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 走乡随乡 —When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(proverb) follow local customs
客房小楼质拙古朴,有农舍草堂遗风,凸现自 然 随 性 的 乡 居 特 色。 chinese-architects.com | The small guesthouses are simple and traditional like a farmhouse, which represents its rural nature. chinese-architects.com |
更为 重要的是,他与几十名难民和寻求庇护者及其他消息来源进行了接触,从他们直 接了解原籍国内的条件以及他们为何背井 离 乡 出 走 的 原 因。 daccess-ods.un.org | Importantly, he has had access to scores of refugees and asylum-seekers, as well as other [...] sources, to learn directly from them about the conditions in the country of origin and the [...] reasons why they left their homes. daccess-ods.un.org |
该区域自此有所稳定,据报,阿托尔的支持基础正在瓦解,他的一些 追随者已回到家乡地区 或叛逃到其他民兵那里。 daccess-ods.un.org | The area has since stabilized and the General’s support base is reportedly dissipating, with some of his followers having returned to their home areas or defected to other militias. daccess-ods.un.org |
她在陈述中表示,她的两个兄弟前往纽约金矿营地, 她随后跟着他们走,晚 上与另一名妇女在难民营过夜,该名妇女的丈夫也是作为 [...] Youbor 车队成员被关押在 Zwedru 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Her statement notes that two of her [...] brothers travelled to New York [...] gold camp, and that she followed them, spending the night [...]in Prime Timber Production refugee [...]camp with another woman whose husband was jailed in Zwedru as part of the Youbor convoy. daccess-ods.un.org |
对数百万年轻的非洲人来说,贫 穷、干旱、一些人缺乏远见以及广为实行自由放任政 策这种当今备受推崇的做法,导致他们毫无退路地走 上迷途,被迫远走他乡,或 者去寻找所谓的天堂。 daccess-ods.un.org | For millions of young Africans, poverty, drought, the lack of vision of some and today’s prized practice of conducting laissezfaire, laissez-aller policies have provoked their irrevocable flight towards the mirages of forced emigration or artificial paradises, which makes them easy prey to organized crime and human traffickers. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有行业的雇主都应该考虑为雇员设 立一个雇主匹配投入金额的,跟随个 人 走 的 帐 户用于资助 雇员的教育和培训。 fgereport.org | Employers in all sectors should consider creating employer-matched, portable individual accounts for purposes of financing employee education and training. fgereport.org |
经济危机深深地修正了市场的心理 状态,区分了热爱胜于一时的迷恋,谨慎 取代急切的购买,深度的思考,有别于 因随 着市场的走向而随波逐流。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The crisis profoundly modified the [...] market’s psychology with modish considerations giving way [...]to artistic judgement, prudence [...]prevailing over impulsive buying and reflection overriding the herd instinct. imgpublic.artprice.com |
随着国 际社会走向防 止外空军备竞赛或管理空间军备竞赛,太空战可能会如何导致核战 争――最终伤害人类――的问题是应当得到更认真考虑的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the international community approaches PAROS or managing the arms race in space, the question of how space warfare may result in nuclear warfare—the ultimate harm to humanity—is something that should be more carefully considered. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后,他母亲随 两个陌生人走了, 提交人则由一男人驱车送往荷兰,他于2004年3月3日入 境。 daccess-ods.un.org | His mother then left with two unknown persons, and [...] the author was taken by a man in a car to the Netherlands, where he arrived on 3 March 2004. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着走向过渡的步伐加快,我们将继续与阿富汗 政府以及我们国际安全援助部队(安援部队)的伙伴 们一道努力,朝卡尔扎伊总统确定的到 2014 年年底 前把主要安全责任移交给阿富汗国家安全部队的目 标迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the move towards transition gathers pace, we will continue to work alongside the Afghan Government, as well as our International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) partners, towards President Karzai’s objective of transferring lead security responsibility to the Afghan National Security Forces in all provinces by the end of 2014. daccess-ods.un.org |
书名指的是古代的乌克兰诗人,他们 在 乡 村 四处 游 走 吟 唱史诗歌曲,通常弹奏一种名叫卡巴扎的弦乐器。 wdl.org | The title refers to the ancient Ukrainian poets [...] who traveled the countryside singing epic poems, [...]often playing a stringed instrument, the kobza. wdl.org |
立玛瓦蒂(Limavady)是一个充满生气的市集城镇,而且就在沿海路线的附近,到了那里之后还可以选择游览穿越雄伟的娄谷(Roe Valley),你可以参观美丽的乡村公园 , 随 后 前往伦敦德里(Londonderry)过夜。 discoverireland.com | Limavady is a vibrant market town and is next along your route, after which there is an option of travelling through the magnificent Roe Valley, where you can visit the beautiful country park before heading to Londonderry to spend the night. discoverireland.com |
今日读经:太 9:35-38 –“耶稣走遍各城各乡,在 会堂里教训人,宣讲天 国的福音,又医治各样的病症。 newlife.org.my | Today‟s Scripture: Matthew [...] 9:35-38 - Jesus went through all the towns and villages, [...]teaching in their synagogues, preaching [...]the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. newlife.org.my |
在这个田园装饰之中,香奈儿的模特 们 随 著 乡 村 法 朗多尔舞的欢乐节奏陆续出现,发布会中的惊喜,无疑是当Lily Allen在从舞台下缓缓升起的小屋一边演唱。 chanel-news.chanel.com | In this idyllic décor, the Chanel models appeared in step with the joyous rhythms of this country farandole, which ended in a surprise concert by Lily Allen, who appeared in a flowery cabin from underneath the set. chanel-news.chanel.com |
例如,确保所有人都能平等获得适足住房、水和 [...] 卫生,这将有助于克服对妇女和女孩以及居住在非正式住区 和 乡 村 地 区的群体的 歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, ensuring that all individuals have equal access to adequate housing, water and sanitation will [...] help to overcome discrimination against women and girl children and persons living in [...] informal settlements and rural areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着特派团走向巩 固和平,特派团中的军事人员所占比例将减少,而警察和 [...] 文职人员所占比例将增加(见图三);不过,特派团保留了强有力的军事行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Mission progresses towards peace [...] consolidation, the share of military personnel in the Mission should decrease while the share [...]of police and civilians should increase (see figure III); however, the Mission has retained a strong military operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
工人们能够在大楼周围走动,并随身 携带 XenDesktop 资料,可随时从适合的 IGEL 进行访问”。 igel.com | Workers are able to move around the building and take their XenDesktop profile with them, accessing it from any suitable IGEL. igel.com |
随着Oogie走了, 圣诞老人谴责插孔,然后提供合适的礼物给全世界的儿童。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | With Oogie gone, Santa reprimands Jack before setting off to deliver the right presents to the world’s children. seekcartoon.com |
随着各国走上可 持续发展道路,预测性、透明度和长期参与对受援国十分重 要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Predictability, [...] transparency and long-term engagement are important for recipient countries as we walk down a sustainable [...]development pathway. daccess-ods.un.org |
广东省公安厅有一个专业打击非法生产线的队伍,一面加大情报搜集力度,同时,由文化、 公安、海关、工商等部门组成联合部队,从海上和陆路堵 截 走 私 , 在城市 和 乡 村 全 面扫荡非 法生产线,对盗版展开海陆立体攻势。 uschina.org | Joint task forces, formed by public security and customs departments as well as industry and [...] commerce [...] administrations, intercept smuggling on land and sea routes, and mop up illegal production lines in urban and rural areas, launching [...]vigorous all-round offensives on piracy. uschina.org |
同时,与中 美洲一体化体系,特别是其旅游业部门的联系以及与巴拿 马 乡 镇 计划之间的联系都得 到了进一步发展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Also, contacts with SICA, in particular its tourism branch, and with the Plan Puebla Panama (PPP) have been further developed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但是,伴 随民众返乡参加 建设新国家这一具有正面影响的行动的是对满足其基本人道主 义需求的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the positive aspect of people heading home to participate in the building of a new country was accompanied by the challenges of meeting their basic humanitarian needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了响应举国哀悼的倡议,我谨邀请大家同我一起先默哀一分钟,我 将 随 后 走 向 旗 杆敬献花圈以悼念地震中的所有受难者,请大家在此过程中保持肃立。 embassyusa.cn | In recognition of the declaration of a nationwide day of mourning, I'd like you to join me [...] first in a minute of silence and then to [...] remain standing as I walk over to the flagpole [...]to place a wreath in remember all the victims of the earthquake. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在查访企业之前,核查小组通过环境和林业部的臭氧办公室收集了信息,该办公室 向每个四氯化碳生产商和原料用户转发了一份调查问卷,供其填写 , 随 后 在实 地 走 访 期间 进行了核实。 multilateralfund.org | Prior to visiting the industries, the verification team collected information through the Ozone Cell of the Ministry of Environment and Forests that [...] forwarded a questionnaire to each CTC producer and feedstock user for [...] completion, which were then verified during site visits. multilateralfund.org |
遍布斯堪 的纳维亚半岛的数百所非正规寄宿制中学和中学后教育机构组成了这个生机勃 勃的网络,这些学校在 19 世纪中叶在丹麦乡村萌芽,随后迅速扩展到斯堪的纳 维亚其他地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | This vibrant network of hundreds of non-formal, residential, secondary and post-secondary schools all over Scandinavia first developed in the mid-nineteenth century in rural Denmark and spread soon after to the rest of Scandinavia. daccess-ods.un.org |
应农村发展部和拉吉乡议会 的要求,联合 国驻地协调员在与国家工作队协商后,原则上同意联合国驻印度机构可向印度政府发起的拟 议贫困线下调查提供技术支持。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the request of the Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, the UNRC, in consultation with the UNCT, has agreed in principle that the United Nations in India would provide technical support to the proposed Below Poverty Line Census to be undertaken by the Government of India. unesdoc.unesco.org |