

单词 赦免



personal allowancen

See also:

pardon (a convict)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 为,“如果在判刑日期三年之后执法者未发出执行处决罪犯的法院命令,则死刑 应被视为改判为终身监禁,不赦免
The Court further held that “where after three years from the date of sentence no decision has been made by the Executive to carry out the Court
Order for execution of the convict, the death sentence shall be deemed commuted to
[...] imprisonmentfor life without remission”.
咨询委员会经询问获悉,卢旺达问题国际法庭常任法官和审案法官 的雇用条件差异列在《卢旺达问题国际法庭规约》第 12 条之四第 2 款,即审案法官没有资格当选或选举法庭庭长或审判分庭主审法官,他 们也没有权力通过程序和证据规则、审查起诉书、就法官任命赦免刑事宜与法庭庭长进行协商。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that, at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the differences in the employment conditions of the permanent and ad litem judges were those described in article 12 quater, paragraph (2), of the Tribunal’s statute, namely that ad litem judges were not eligible for election as, or to vote in the election of, the President of the Tribunal or the Presiding Judge of a Trial Chamber; nor did they have power to adopt rules of procedure and
evidence, review an indictment
[...] or consultwith the President of the Tribunal in relation to the assignment of judges or in relation to a pardonor commutation [...]
of sentence.
但是,在关于《宣言》第 18 条的一般性意见中,工作组注意到第 18 条规定的禁赦免“按照《宣言》第 3 条的规定,采取可直接防止和 终止失踪现象的有限和特殊措施,即使从表面上看,这些措施似乎具有可 导致有罪不罚赦免类似措施的效果。
However, in its general comment on article 18 of the Declaration, the
Working Group noted
[...] that the prohibitionofamnesty provided for by article 18 allowed “limited and exceptional measures that directly lead to the prevention and termination of disappearances, as provided for in article 3 of the Declaration, even if, prima facie, these measures could appear to have theeffectofanamnesty laworsimilar measure [...]
that might result in impunity.
在一些情况下,通常从有利于犯罪人的角度权衡条件,在下列条件下,不会 进行起诉:(a)
[...] 罪人应在法院地国服完在外国做出的判决;(b) 如果犯罪人已被外国法院宣判无 罪,或其刑期已赦免执行判决涉及法定时效问题;(c) 若根据外国法,只 有受害方提出指控,相关刑事罪行才可以被起诉,而受害方没有提出指控(如斯 [...]
In some instances, the conditions were weighed generally in favour of the perpetrator; and would not be prosecuted (a) if he had already served the sentence imposed on him in the foreign country or if it was decided in accordance with an international agreement that the sentence imposed in the foreign country was to be served in the forum State; (b) if the
perpetrator had been
[...] acquitted byaforeign court or if his sentence hadbeen remittedor the execution [...]
of the sentence had
fallen under the statute of limitations; or (c) if according to foreign law, the criminal offence concerned may only be prosecuted upon the complaint of the injured party and such complaint had not been filed (e.g., Slovenia).
鉴于已裁定提交人的复审权受到不当拖延,委 员会认为没有必要处理关于提交人不能申赦免刑的诉称。
In light of the finding that the author’s right to a review has been unduly delayed, the Committee considers that it is not
necessary to address the author’s claim relating to his inability
[...] to apply fora pardonorcommutation [...]
of his sentence.
作为检察长的 6 个职位(以这一身份,负责起诉与毒品有关的罪行);司法部
[...] 中央管理厅内两个处长职位:司法事务处长,后来担任刑事事务赦免(编 制许多关于毒品问题的法律文本、负责国内法律中执行国际药物公约的后续行 [...]
动,监管禁毒领域的国际合作政策);司法部秘书长(起草药物管制领域的立法建 议和刑事政策通告)。
Six posts as Procurator General (Procureur général) (in this capacity, responsible for the prosecution of narcotics-related offences); two posts as director in the central administration of the Ministry of Justice: Director for
Judicial Affairs and, later, Director for
[...] Criminal Affairs andPardons (preparation of [...]
numerous legislative texts on drugs, follow-up
of the implementation of the international drugs conventions in domestic law, supervision of international cooperation policies in the field of narcotics); Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice (drafting of legislative proposals and circulars on criminal policy in the area of drug control).
They also advocated for the
[...] adoption of an amnestylaw covering all [...]
acts and offences committed during thepost-elections crisis.
(a) 在所有被监禁者被监禁之时和被监禁期间向其提供有关监禁地点的规 定及其根据法律所享有的权利的信息,包括秘密得到法律援助、咨询意见和救
[...] 助的权利;对其案件加以进一步复审的各种可能性;其在惩戒程序进行期间所 享有的权利以及关于申诉、上诉、提前释放赦免大处理的程序。
(a) To provide all persons, on admission to the place of imprisonment and during their detention, with information on the rules of the place of imprisonment and their rights under the law, including the right to confidential legal aid, advice and assistance; the possibilities for further review of their
case; their rights during disciplinary proceedings; and procedures for complaint, appeal,
[...] early release,pardon or clemency.
委员会在其一 般性意见中还强调,委员会着重考虑缔约国当局对案件的定论,尽管委员会可以 自由地评估每个案件的事实和证据。8 在本案中,申诉人无法辩驳的是:和平协 定及刚果通过的各赦免来的新局面使任何担忧,无论是否有理由,均成为 不必要;自这些法律通过以来,独立消息来源未曾报道任何前反叛人员受到司法 起诉;申诉人在重返恩格索政府军后两年间未曾遇到问题;最后,他没有证明其 处境会与其赦免针对的人员有所不同。
In its general comment, the Committee also emphasized that it would give considerable weight to findings of fact made by organs of the State party, but that it retains the power of free assessment of the facts and evidence of the circumstances of each case.8 It appears in the present case that the complainant has been unable to put forward any counter-arguments to
the fact that the
[...] peace agreements andthe amnesty lawsadoptedin the Congo brought about a new situation, which would nullify any fears, whether well founded or not, that the complainant might have; that no judicial proceedings against former rebels have been reported by independent sources since the laws were adopted; that the complainant apparently met with no difficulties during the two years that followed his readmission in the armed forces of the Nguessou Government; and lastly that he has apparently not shown that his own situation was any different from that of other persons covered by the amnestylaw.
To these we add the Didache, probably the earliest of all; the curious allegorizing anti-Jewish epistle which goes under the name of Barnabas; the Shepherd of Hermas, a rather
dull series of visions chiefly connected
[...] with penance and pardon, composedby the [...]
brother of Pope Pius I, and long appended
to the New Testament as of almost canonical importance.
(l) 参照最高法院的报告,依法实赦免刑。
(l) Grant pardons or commute sentences imposed by the judges and courts of the Republic, in accordance with the law and with the advice of the Supreme Court of Justice
第十四条第6 款原文如下:“在一人按照最后决定已被判定犯有刑事罪而其
[...] 后根据新的或新发现的事实证明发生了误判,他的定罪被推翻或赦免况 下,因这种定罪而受刑罚的人应依法得到赔偿,除非经证明当时不知道的事实的 [...]
Article 14, paragraph 6, states as follows: “When a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offence and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows
conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of
[...] justice, the person who has suffered punishment [...]
as a result of such conviction shall
be compensated according to law, unless it is proved that the non-disclosure of the unknown fact in time is wholly or partly attributable to him.
(b) 作为紧急事项,采取有力措施,取赦免犯罪的法令,因该法在 实际工作中导致安全部门、情报部门和警方人员酷刑行为有罪不罚的现象
(b) As a matter of urgency, take vigorous steps to revoke the
[...] decreesaffordingimmunity for crimescommitted [...]
on duty which result, in practice,
in impunity for acts of torture committed by members of security services, intelligence agencies and police
(d) D 部分题为“复原、大赦和其他事项”,其中述及各种问题,包括国际难 民、境内流离失所者和土着战士的复原,以及对游击队和其他卷入武装斗争的人 给赦免
(d) Part D, entitled “Rehabilitation, General amnesty and other matters”, addresses a wide range of issues, including the rehabilitation of international refugees, internally
displaced persons and indigenous fighters,
[...] and the grantingofamnesty to theguerrillas and [...]
other people involved in the armed struggle.
[...] 乌姆杜尔曼事件被捕的儿童都已获得总统赦免关切地指出,他们基本上是 被作为违法者而不是受害者对待,其中一些儿童已被判死刑。
While welcoming the State party’s information that all the children
arrested in connection with the Omdurman
[...] incident havebeenpardoned by Presidential [...]
Decree, the Committee expresses its concern
that they were treated primarily as perpetrators rather than victims, with some of them having been sentenced to death.
该法没赦免人对酷刑罪的责任,也不允许任何人以上级官员或其他 当局的命令作为酷刑的理由。
The Act does not exemptanyone from responsibility [...]
for the crime of torture, nor does it allow anyone to invoke an order
from a superior officer or other authority as justification for torture.
( 4 ) 该 人 在 过 去 五 年 之 内 , 曾 被 维 多 利 亚 州 或 其 他 司 法 管 辖 区 的 法
院 ( 包 括 裁 判 法 院 ) 判 处 社 会 监 管 令 或 在 其 他 司 法 管 辖 区 被 判 处 同 等 的 命 令 ,
[...] 但 对 於 有 关 罪 行 已赦 免罪 或 有 罪 判 决 , [...]
则 无 顸 理 会 。
(4) A person in respect of whom a court in Victoria (including the Magistrates' Court) or another jurisdiction, has, within the last five years, made a community-based order, or an equivalent order in another jurisdiction, but
any conviction, or finding of guilt, of an offence in respect
[...] of which a freepardon has beengranted [...]
must be disregarded.
恢复对特别法庭检察官的独立性、真相和和解委员会同特别法庭之间的关系 以及排赦免罪、危害人类罪和灭绝种族罪的讨论。
Resume discussions on the independence of the Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal, the relationship between the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission and the Special Tribunal
[...] and theexclusionofamnesty forwar crimes, crimes [...]
against humanity and the crime of genocide.
[...] 非法使用武力或是严重违反国际法而产生的局面获 得接受,任何时候都不应许诺犯有灭绝种族罪、战 争罪、危害人类罪和严重违反人权行为的人会获赦免
It is essential that peace efforts and peace agreements never encourage the acceptance of the situations achieved by the unlawful use of force or other
egregious violations of international
[...] law andnever promise amnesty forgenocide, war crimes, [...]
crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights.
ASTM 赦免违反本条规定的行为,任何违反本政策的本会员或雇员均将从 ASTM 除名或解雇。
ASTM will notcondone any violation of its policy in this regard, and any member or employee who violates such policy will be subject to expulsion or discharge from ASTM.
The Committee on Justice shall; perform justice duties assigned to it by the Speaker of GNAT and discuss government bills and private members’ bills about civil law, criminal law, primary codes such as code of obligation, laws about
establishment and operation of courts, about
[...] anti-smuggling,pardon,anti-terrorism, [...]
judges and prosecutors, etc. and laws about
civilian and military adjudications and procedures.
[...] 论拘留替代措施,特别是对青少年被拘留者;采用每年总赦免;引进重返 社会活动,以减少屡犯人数;以及起草一项社区工作法案,作为拘留替代办法。
Representatives of the Ministry of Justice informed the delegation that a number of steps have been taken to address the overcrowding, including discussions on alternative measures to detention, particularly
for adolescent detainees; use of the
[...] annual presidentialpardon;introduction of [...]
social rehabilitation activities to reduce
the number of repeat offenders; and the drafting of a bill on community work as an alternative to detention.
在这方面,我们欣见秘书长立场鲜明,他一方面 要求他在实地的代表始终遵守司法程序,但另一方
[...] 面,把代表与所通缉罪犯的接触仅限于代表执行任务 所必需的范畴,并且要求他们在联合国主持的协议中 绝不接受涉赦免罪不罚的条款。
In that regard, we welcome the unambiguous position of the Secretary-General, who has asked his representatives on the ground to, on the one hand, always respect judicial process but, on the other, to limit their contacts with wanted criminals to what is essential for their mission
and finally never to accept
[...] provisions concerningamnesties or immunities in agreements that [...]
are sponsored by the United Nations.
(c) 在自登记或获得证书之日起的五年内在任何国家被判处 12 个月以上监
[...] 禁或罚款 5000 林吉特以上或等值的所在国货币数额,而且被判刑的罪行没有得赦免
(c) That he has, within the period of five years beginning with the date of the registration or the grant of the certificate, been sentenced in any country to imprisonment for a term of not less than 12 months or to a fine of not less than 5,000 ringgit, or the equivalent in
the currency of that country, and has
[...] not receiveda free pardon in respect of the [...]
offence for which he was so sentenced.
13 诏书中称,罗马教皇有权力判定并处置“那些他认为顺乎上帝的
[...] 东西,由此将上帝交托给他的羊群带入唯一的神圣家园,为他们取得永恒幸福的 回报,并为他们的灵魂求赦免
It was to be remembered, in other words, in perpetuity.13 The Roman pontiff was said to be empowered to ordain and dispose of “those things which he sees will be agreeable to the Divine Majesty and by which he may bring the sheep entrusted to him by God
into the single divine fold, and may acquire for them the reward of eternal
[...] felicity,and obtain pardon for theirsouls”.
(c) 确保囚犯有机会为以下目的得到法律援助:提交上诉状、并就其待遇 和监禁条件提交请求书,包括在面临严重的纪律指控时、提赦免求,特 别是针对死刑犯赦免以及申请假释和在假释听审会上所作陈述
(c) To ensure that prisoners have access to legal aid for the purpose of submitting appeals and filing requests related to their treatment and the conditions of their imprisonment, including when
facing serious
[...] disciplinary charges, and for requests forpardon,in particular for those prisoners facing [...]
the death penalty,
as well as for applications for parole and representation at parole hearings
The Council of Trent defined as dogma a series of doctrines especially emphasized by the
Scotists (eg freedom of
[...] the will, free co-operation with grace, meritoriousness of good works, the causality of the sacraments ex opere operato, the effect of absolution).
在人权事务高级专员办事处的 技术支持下,孟加拉国配备了一个国家人权委员会, 并于 2008 年通过了一项关于知情权的法令,同年创 建了真相和责任委员会,有贪污行为的人只要能交 回赃款即能获得该委员会赦免
In 2008 it had adopted the Right to Information Ordinance and created a Truth and Accountability Commission, which could pardon those who had committed acts of corruption in exchange for the restitution of their misappropriated funds.
如果臨死仍拒绝这救恩,就是亵渎圣靈,也就没有机会得到 罪赦免人就不能继承神的国,而注定到地狱服永刑。
If this call to salvation is rejected to the point of death, then blasphemy against the Holy Spirit has been committed and there is no longer an opportunity for the forgivenessof sin, this individual would not inherit the Kingdom of God, would be destined for hell and eternal punishment.




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