

单词 赤膊上阵

See also:


bare the waist


go into battle

External sources (not reviewed)

醫 護 人員站 在 疫 戰 的 最 前 線 , 為 何 要令他赤膊上 陣 , 冒  生 命 危險與 病毒周 旋 呢 ?
Health care workers were on the front line, so why had they been made to combat the virus without any protection and at the risk of their own lives?
警告:该命令将会导致永久性的数据丢失 — 该命令仅仅用于目阵列上的数 据不再有用或者已经备份 到其他存储设备上了。
Warning: This command may result in permanent data loss - it should only be used if data stored on the target array is no longer relevant, or has been backed up to an alternate storage device.
除了设在基利巴附近的总部外,民解力量目前还占领菲齐县 Mboko 村上的 一些阵地和乌维拉县 Middle Plains 的一个阵地。
In addition to their headquarters near Kiliba, FNL currently maintain positions in hills above the village of Mboko in Fizi territory and a position in the Middle Plains of Uvira territory.
被删除的磁阵列上的数据将会全部被 删除。
Any data stored on a deleted array will be inaccessible
1 年過去後,我們看到不少本來在問責制下 理應保持政治中立的常任秘書長或他們的副手仍 赤膊上 陣 , 推銷政府政 策,令人感到角色混淆。
It has come to our notice that many Permanent Secretaries, those who ought to have remained politically neutral under the Accountability System, or their deputies are still required to go to the forefront without any armour to sell government policies, thus giving rise to confusion about their roles.
Kaina 上校坚守阵地一 周,在政府施加压力和不断有人投降后,纵火焚 [...]
烧刚果(金)武装部队基地,然后逃离鲁丘鲁,袭击与卢旺达和乌干达接壤的 Bunagana 村,并在 10 天后重新出现在马西西。
Kaina had fled from Rutshuru after [...]
setting fire to parts of the FARDC base and attacked Bunagana, a village bordering both
Rwanda and Uganda, before reappearing in Masisi 10 days later.
如果減產情況再出現,不知道伊信先生會否有興趣由他自己和其同事 ㆒赤膊㆖陣 ,親自搭屋去保證足夠住屋的產量。
If the actual production of private housing fell below the original estimate again, I wonder whether Mr EASON and his colleagues would personally take up the construction works so as to ensure an adequate production of domestic flats.
从经过宣誓书面证词可以看出,19 名儿童腿部受伤,2 名儿童膊受伤,1 名儿童头部受伤。
In cases where sworn affidavits were taken, 19 children were shot in the
[...] leg, 2 in the arm and 1 child was [...]
shot in the head.
至於腰背、膊和上肢疼 痛 、 膝關節退化、 下肢靜脈曲張等疾病,由於可以源於多種因素,並 不局限於個別行業的僱員,因此這些健康問題在這階段並不符合職業 病的定義。
As for diseases involving conditions such as waist and back, neck and shoulder and upper limb pains, [...]
ageing of the knee joints,
varicose vein in the lower limb, as they can be caused by many factors and people suffering from these conditions are not limited to employees of certain specific trades and industries, these health problems do not meet the requirements of occupational diseases as defined at this stage.
早期症狀包括背部下方和髖部感疼痛和僵硬,隨 上 半 部脊椎、頸部、 膊 、 膝 蓋及足部都會受影響。
Early signs and symptoms may include pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips. The upper spine, the neck, shoulders, knees and feet may be affected later.
此外,许多代表团认为,由于持续存在限制性原产地规则 和非关税贸易壁垒,例如标准和技术措施, 上 严 格 的供应限制和有关贸易的基 础设赤字, 最不发达国家无法充分利用更大程度市场准入所带来的好处。
In addition, many delegations expressed the view that the persistence of restrictive rules of origin and non-tariff trade barriers, such as standards and technical
measures, as well as
[...] severe supply constraints and a trade-related infrastructure deficit, had prevented least [...]
developed countries
from fully harnessing the gains associated with greater market access.
他們又不可以把保護衣 放在膊上,那可以怎麼辦呢?
Since they cannot put the protective jacket on their shoulder, what can they do?
秘书处及早注意到上述额外资金需求,并对总体预算形势进行监控,以便使相关的开支即便在 相应的预算项上产生赤字, 但不会造成本组织出现总 上 的 赤 字。
The Secretariat took note of the above additional requirements at an early stage, and monitored the overall budgetary situation so that the
corresponding expenditure would
[...] not incur deficit at the global level for the organization, even if they resulted in deficit at the respective [...]
budget line.
为拟定和传播关于移民可持续融入的范本并通过政策建议在国家一级对移民政策产生影响,在 中国的 3 个试点城市与当地政府、省政府及合作伙伴举行了关于初步政策建议的磋商活动,这三个 城市赤峰、迪庆上海。
To develop and disseminate a model for the sustainable integration of migrants and to have an impact on migration policies through policy recommendations at the national level, a consultation process on the first policy recommendations with the local and
provincial government and partners was
[...] carried out in three pilot sites all over the country: Chifeng, Diqing and Shanghai.
对于出现通货膨胀、资本流入变化无常和财 赤 字 不 断 上 升 等 共同的 宏观经济挑战,他强调发展区域监控和预警系统以及对换安排十分重要。
With regard to common macroeconomic challenges, such
as inflation, volatile capital inflows
[...] and rising fiscal deficits, he emphasized the [...]
importance of developing regional surveillance
and warning systems, as well as swap arrangements.
提供连续数据保护 (CDP)、连续远程复制 (CRR) 或并行本地和远程 (CLR) 数据保护,以保证物理、虚拟和云基础架构中任何主机 阵 列 上 的 应用程序的运营恢复和灾难恢复。
Provides continuous data protection (CDP), continuous remote replication (CRR), or concurrent local and remote (CLR) data protection for operational and disaster recovery of applications residing on any host or any array in physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructures.
小朋友的母親告訴我,只要有能力,也希望親手照顧 兒子,但她本身卻有長期病患,小朋友的父親則有需要輪班工作,上班 時間並不定時,有時候整個晚上都不在家,照顧這位小朋友的重擔自然 落在她的膊之上。
The mother of this child told me that if possible, she hoped that she could take care of her son personally but she herself was suffering from a chronic illness and the father of the child had to work shifts, so his working hours were irregular.
如果營運者大 公無私,行使他們的社會責任,當然是一件好事,但如果他們不願意的 話,代理主席,這個責任很明顯是應在政府的 膊上。
It is certainly desirable for the operators to selflessly fulfil their social responsibilities, but if they are not willing to do so, Deputy President, the responsibilities would evidently rest on the Government's shoulders.
工作组在2009年12月11日第17 次会上通过了关赤道几内亚的本报告。
At its 17th meeting, on 11 December 2009,
[...] the Working Group adopted the present report on Equatorial Guinea.
阵表中的数字与 零配件图与清单中的参考号不同。
The digits in the matrix do not correspond [...]
to the reference numbers in the Parts drawings and lists.
他們 不准帶上肩帶和號碼,但對所有來投票的人,他們也會很親切的 上 前 拍拍 膊,有些甚至會扶婆婆或伯伯進去。
They are not allowed to wear any armbands or display any numbers, but they would approach everyone going there to vote with a friendly pat on the shoulder and some would even assist the old folks going into the polling stations.
[...] 4.0,教科文组织 NDL 能够将科学主导战略 纳入与灾难风险管理有关的结果阵。
Under UNDAF Outcome 4.0 on disaster risk
management, UNESCO NDL was able to integrate science-led strategies
[...] in the outcome matrix relating to disaster [...]
risk management.
19 时 50 分 两架以色列敌军直升飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,飞机在 1 号和 2 号浮阵 上空盘旋。
1950 Two Israeli enemy helicopters violated Lebanese airspace, circling over the line of buoys between buoys No. 1 and No. 2. 29 January 2012
此外,根据从当地人 那里得到的信息,据称儿童兵仍然与人民民 阵 线 有 关联,其部队有武装,并驻 扎在中非共和国-乍得-苏丹边境三角地带;中沙里 Korbol 山地区的和平、重建 和发展运动中也有儿童。
Furthermore, according to information received from the local population, children allegedly remain associated with FDP, whose forces are armed and stationed in the Central African Republic/Chad/Sudan border triangle; and MPRD in the hills of Korbol in Moyen-Chari.
[...] 欧洲各国政府已开始将重点放在减少预 赤 字 上 , 因 此,正在采取的紧缩措施可 能会破坏对促进该地区社会融合至关重要的社会政策和社会福利模式。
However, as Governments across Europe have begun to focus on
[...] reducing budget deficits, the austerity [...]
measures being adopted may undermine the
social policies and the social welfare models that have been central to fostering social integration across the region.
有一位委員贊成部分團體代表的意見,認為政府面對龐大的財 赤 字, 加上現時 經濟不景氣,不應為參選的政黨、政團及獨立候選人提供資助,以 免招致額外的公共開支。
One member concurred with the view of some organizations, that the Government should not incur additional public expenditure to provide financial assistance to political parties, political groups and independent candidates to run in elections, in view of its sizable budget deficit and the prevalent economic climate.
除了国家权力机关以外,老挝建阵 线 以及诸如老挝工会联合会、 老挝人民革命青年联盟、老挝妇女联盟、退伍军人联合会等群众组织及其他社会 [...]
和专业组织也在境内开展活动,以团结和动员老挝各族和各阶层人民投身于保卫 国家和建设国家的事业以及保护各组织成员的权利和正当利益。
In addition to the organs of state
[...] powers, the Lao Front for National [...]
Construction, mass organizations such as the Lao Federation
of Trade Unions, the Lao People's Revolutionary Youth Union, the Lao Women's Union, the Federation of Military Veterans, and other social and professional organizations operate in the country with a view to uniting and mobilizing the Lao multi-ethnic people of all social strata in carrying out the tasks of protection and development of the country, to protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the respective organizations’ members.
在長達 10
[...] 年的經濟低迷期間,中產階層在解決政府財 赤 字 的擔 子 上, 承 擔了一大比重,政府理應推行更多紓減他們的財政重擔的措施,而事實 [...]
Given the fact that the middle-class earners have been bearing a
major share in bailing the
[...] Government out of its fiscal deficit during the decade-long [...]
economic downturn, the Government
should and could do more to help alleviate their financial burden.
它为各地区交流全民教育的进展情况提供了重阵 地,也推动了对一些重要问题的讨论,如全球行动,全 民教育的监督和各国的规划工作。
It served as an important forum for exchange of information on progress towards EFA in the regions, as well as facilitated a professional debate on key issues such as the global initiative, monitoring of EFA and planning at national level.




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