

单词 赤字

赤字 ()

(financial) deficit
red letter



heavily laden with debt

See also:


red adj
naked adj


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 的稅務安排和開支習慣,我們亦必須避免造成龐大的財 赤字 及 避免嚴重流失我們寶 貴的儲蓄。
We must avoid huge deficits and the draining [...]
of our precious reserves.
为了避免任何透支麻烦,应每日了解所有银行余额的水平,用一个 账户的盈余来填补另一赤字账户 ,规划出账日期,如有必要则推迟出账。
To avoid any inadvertent overdraft, the level of all bank balances should be tracked daily,
the surplus of one account should be used
[...] to finance the deficit in another account [...]
and disbursement dates should be scheduled – and delayed if possible.
对于出现通货膨胀、资本流入变化无常和财 赤字 不 断上升等共同的 宏观经济挑战,他强调发展区域监控和预警系统以及对换安排十分重要。
With regard to common macroeconomic challenges, such
as inflation, volatile capital inflows and
[...] rising fiscal deficits, he emphasized [...]
the importance of developing regional surveillance
and warning systems, as well as swap arrangements.
在金融危机的背景下,市场参与者的“信心”缺乏,于是这些国家为迫 切的预赤字融资并采取其他反周期措施时突然遇到了严重的制约。
With the lack of “confidence” of market participants against the background of the financial crises, those countries
were suddenly confronted with severe constraints on financing
[...] pressing budget deficits and other counter-cyclical [...]
[...] 和非关税贸易壁垒,例如标准和技术措施,加上严格的供应限制和有关贸易的基 础设赤字,最 不发达国家无法充分利用更大程度市场准入所带来的好处。
In addition, many delegations expressed the view that the persistence of restrictive rules of origin and non-tariff trade barriers, such as standards and technical measures, as well as
severe supply constraints and a trade-related
[...] infrastructure deficit, had prevented [...]
least developed countries from fully harnessing
the gains associated with greater market access.
[...] 济增长、资本形成增加、利率下降和财 赤字 缩 小等许多领域以及在推动实现部 分千年发展目标方面,都已取得重大进展。
An analysis of national reports, regional reviews and proceedings of the pre-conference thematic events showed that the least developed countries had made significant progress in many areas, particularly in economic growth, increases in capital
formation, reduction of interest rates and
[...] narrowing fiscal deficits, and progress [...]
in the realization of some Millennium Development Goals.
但是,可以说,如果亚洲 及太平洋区域国家要确赤字的目 标,就要 赤字 限 额提高到 5%,条件是要将 这些投资用于与千年发展目标有关的优先事项,因为这不仅将立即改善营养、 卫生和教育状况,而且还将因此提高劳动生产率,从而有助于遏制较大 赤字 产生的通胀压力,如有的话。
It can be argued, however, that if
countries in Asia and the
[...] Pacific target deficits at all, they should raise the limit to perhaps 5 per cent, as long as this is being invested in priorities related to the Millennium Development Goals, since this would not only immediately improve nutrition, health and education but also result in productivity gains that would help contain inflation inflationary pressures arising from a larger deficit, if at all.
It would also be the last resort
[...] in the case of a deficit.
[...] 助没有保证;其次,由于资源有限,其它重要事项可能会变得更加紧迫;其三,这种援助 主要只是针对一次性的投资成本,而是不针对运营预算的经常 赤字。
But such assistance is not a panacea for developing countries: it can never be guaranteed; resources are limited and other priorities may be more pressing; and it is
mainly available only for one-time investment costs, rather than for
[...] financing a recurrent deficit in operating budgets.
国家关注的重点领域包括公共债务管理、落实限制今赤 字规模 的措施,以及通过合并、撤销投资及提高效率等方式整合公共机构等。
Among the areas of focus are public debt management, the
implementation of measures that would limit the
[...] size of future deficits and the consolidation [...]
of public bodies through mergers,
divestments and improvement in efficiency.
該 法 例 就 某一財政年度的政府開支 設定指定限額,並 訂 明一項 “隨 收 隨 付 ”條文,規定新增或延展的政府計劃的成本,必 須 直接 透過加
[...] 徵 稅 款或削減其他計劃的開支抵銷,以 防止財赤字進一 步惡化。
This Act set a specific dollar limit on government spending for a fiscal year and created a "pay-as-you-go" (PAYGO) provision which required the costs of new or expanded government programmes be explicitly covered
through either higher taxes or lower expenditures in other programmes so as to prevent the
[...] deterioration of budget deficits.
自1990年以来,对外贸赤字已经成为 波兰市场经济的一个特征。
A deficit in the external trade balance [...]
has been a characteristic for Poland as a market economy since 1990.
鉴于安全理事会延长法庭任务的决定、以往记 录的准备金和基金结赤字的扭 转情况以及大会第 64/240 号决议认可的关于为 [...]
退休后福利供资的决定,审计委员会将在下一个两年期审计过程中再次讨论这一 事项。
In the light of the Security Council’s
decision to extend the Tribunal’s mandate,
[...] the reversal of deficit in reserves and [...]
fund balances previously recorded, and the
decision in respect of the funding of post-retirement benefits endorsed in General Assembly resolution 64/240, the Board will revert to this matter in the next biennial audit.
另一个重大风险是,逐步消除财 赤字 的 考虑将占据主导地位,取代其他政 策目标,这会导致过早取消财政和货币刺激措施,而至少到目前为止,这些措施 一直是巩固需求的主要因素,(在有些情况下)是推动经济复苏的(唯一)动力。
The other major risk is that concern over the need to progressively close fiscal gaps will take precedence over other policy objectives, and that this will lead to a premature withdrawal of fiscal and monetary stimulus measures that, at least thus far, have been the principal factors buttressing demand, and the main (in some cases the only) engine driving economic recovery.
[...] 规模经济的限制、运输成本高、贸易能力低,尽管经济开放,小岛屿发展中国家 通贸赤字很大 ,不可持续,除非通过外来资本流入资助,包括官方发展援助、 [...]
Furthermore, owing to the limitations on economies of scale, high transport costs and low trade capacities, small island developing States, despite
having fairly open economies, typically
[...] have large trade deficits, which are unsustainable [...]
unless financed through external
capital flows, including official development assistance, foreign direct investment and workers’ remittances.
它概述了 已经执行局批准或将提交执行局本届会议批准的所有预算转账、追加给正常预算的捐赠和特
[...] 别捐款情况,还介绍了调整后的相应预算拨款、每一个拨款项目的开支总额以及截至账目结 算时每一个拨款项目产生的盈余 赤字。
It recapitulates all budget transfers, donations and special contributions added to the regular budget which were approved by the Executive Board or presented to the current session of the Board, the corresponding budget appropriation as adjusted, the overall
expenditure for each appropriation line, and the
[...] resulting surplus or deficit for each line as [...]
at the closure of the accounts.
香 港 會 計 準 則 第27號(經 修 訂)於 目 前 期 間 沒 有 任 何 影 響,因 為 並 無
[...] 任 何 非 控 制 性 權 益赤字 結餘;也沒 有於 任何實 體失 [...]
去控制 權後 仍有權益 保留 的交易,同 時 也沒 有 與非 控制 性權 益 的交易。
HKAS 27 (revised) has had no impact on the
current period, as none of the noncontrolling
[...] interests have a deficit balance; there [...]
have been no transactions whereby an interest
in an entity is retained after the loss of control of that entity, and there have been no transactions with non-controlling interests.
我们希望国际社会增加对巴勒斯坦人民的经 济、财政和人道主义援助,我们敦促捐助国按照向
巴勒斯坦人民提供国际援助协调问题特设联络委员 会 3 月在布鲁塞尔举行会议时所计算的结果,履行 其所承诺向巴勒斯坦权力机构 2012 年度预算捐款 10
[...] 亿美元的份额,以便巴勒斯坦权力机构能够控制 其不断增加的财赤字,并 履行其对巴勒斯坦人民 的职责。
We hope that the international community will increase its economic, financial and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, and we urge donor countries to fulfil their share of the commitments to contribute $1 billion to the annual budget of the Palestinian Authority for 2012, based on the calculations made by the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for the Coordination of the International Assistance to Palestinians at its March meeting in Brussels, in order to
enable the Palestinian Authority to bring
[...] its growing fiscal deficit under control and [...]
fulfil its responsibilities to the Palestinian people.
并强调必须减少政府预赤字,以 有利于宏观经济稳定和控制通 货膨胀。
The need to reduce
[...] government budget deficits was emphasized [...]
for macroeconomic stability and control of inflation.
[...] 金不时导致在役维持和平特派团向已结束特派团借 款的情况,并希望重申已结束特派团的现 赤字 问题 应通过及时和足额缴纳摊款解决。
His delegation shared the Advisory Committee’s concern at the fact that a lack of liquidity at times had led to the borrowing of funds for active peacekeeping missions from closed
missions, and wished to reiterate that the
[...] problem of cash deficits in closed missions [...]
should be resolved by timely and full
payment of assessed contributions.
国家内部和外部的主要变革是:一些 国家为克服财赤字及相 关问题实行了财政和管理改革;一些专制或半专制政权 [...]
经历了民主化;公共权力被下放;多国形成联合体的情况增加;民间社会组织的 自主性和开展公民活动的积极性不断提高;经济自由化或新自由主义改革;市场
(金融、贸易、服务业、制造业)的全球化以及信息时代的到来;此外还有不断增 加的世界性问题,例如贫穷、不平等、安全、移民、恐怖主义和气候变化。
The main changes inside and outside the State were the fiscal and
managerial reforms undertaken by States to
[...] overcome their fiscal deficits and related problems; [...]
the democratization of authoritarian
or semi-authoritarian regimes; the decentralization of public power; the rise of multi-State formations; a growing autonomy and civic activism of civil society organizations; economic liberalization or neoliberal reforms; the globalization of markets (finance, trade, services, manufacturing); and the rise of the information age, in addition to increasing world problems like poverty, inequality, security, migration, terrorism, and climate change.
(c) 未偿贷款达 2
[...] 280 万美元,其中包括 2 个有现赤字的已结束的特派团 所欠 1 080 万美元(联合国海地支助团/联合国海地过渡时期特派团/联合国海地 [...]
民警特派团所欠 740 万美元和联合国中非共和国特派团(中非特派团)所欠
350 万 美元)和 1 个在役特派团联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团(西撒特派团)所欠 1 200 万美元。
(c) Outstanding loans amounted to $22.8 million,
comprising $10.8 million owed by two closed
[...] missions with cash deficits ($7.4 million by [...]
the United Nations Support Mission in
Haiti/United Nations Transition Mission in Haiti/United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti and $3.5 million by the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic) and $12 million owed by one active mission (the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO)).
金融危机 也迫使公司、家庭、银行和政府的收支平衡表陷 赤字 , 进 一步削弱了投资需求 和家庭消费的恢复。
The financial crisis has also pushed the balance sheets of firms, households, banks and governments into the red, thereby further undermining restoration of investment demand and household consumption.
[...] 经济一体化标准》,包括财政标准(一般的 政赤字和政 府债务)和货币标准(价格稳 定性、长期利率水平和外汇的稳定性)。
The basic requirements for joining the Euro are
theMaastrichtcriteriaofeconomicconvergence, including fiscal (the
[...] general government deficit and public debt) [...]
and monetary criteria (price stability,
the level of long-term interest rates and exchange rate stability).
由 於 非 控 制 性 權 益 並赤 字 結 餘,故 香 港 會 計 準 [...]
則27(經 修 訂)對 當 期 並 不 構 成 影 響;概 無 於 失 去 對 實 體 之 控 制 權 後 仍 保 留 該 實 體 權 益 之 交 易,亦 概
無 與 非 控 制 性 權 益 進 行 之 交 易。
HKAS 27 (revised) has had no impact on the current
period, as none of the non-controlling
[...] interests have a deficit balance; there [...]
have been no transactions whereby an interest
in an entity is retained after the loss of control of that entity, and there have been no transactions with non-controlling interests.
[...] 和商定加工费用、运输和储藏费用、万一出现 赤字 的 弥 补办法,以及在该区域 的回收和再循环哈龙贸易遇到任何限制时如何消除这些障碍。
This should include the processing
fees and transport and storage costs, and the
[...] coverage of deficits, if they arose, [...]
as well as the lifting of any impediments
to trade in recovered and recycled halons in the region, if such restrictions existed.
另外,2006 年 7 月 27 日关于农业和粮食市场管理与运行的第 257-XVI 号 法律,将有助于改进农产品和食品的生产和分配方法,该法规定成立旨在确保产 品关系(将使用同一种产品或一组产品的农业生产者、仓储企业、配送商、零售 商结合在一起)的产品委员会,负责供应本国消费的食品和减少食品贸易方面赤字。
Also, the Law No. 257-XVI from 27.07.2006 on management and functioning of the agricultural and food markets contributes to the improvement of the methods of production, distribution of agricultural and food products, which regulates the supply for internal consumption and decrease of the trade balance deficit by creating product councils that ensure product affiliation, i.e. the system of functional relations which bind agricultural producers, the depositary, distributors, retailers that trade with the same product or a group of products with the purpose of their usage.
敦促 敦促 敦促 敦促所有国家、专门机构和非政府组织继续和增加对工程处捐款,以应
[...] 对严重拮据的财政状况和资金不足,尤其是工程处的经常预 赤字 , 同时注意到, 当地目前的人道主义状况造成特别是紧急服务支出增加,从而导致资金短缺加 [...]
all States, the specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations to continue and to increase their contributions to the Agency in order to address the serious financial constraints and underfunding,
especially with respect to the Agency’s
[...] regular budget deficit, noting that financial [...]
shortfalls have been exacerbated by
the current humanitarian situation on the ground that has resulted in rising expenditures, in particular with regard to emergency services, and to support the Agency’s valuable and necessary work in assisting the Palestine refugees in all fields of operation.
全球经济发展持续保持稳健、积极态势,但将受到若干全球事件的影响,包括日本地震海啸及核电厂危机、中国的利率攀升、中东冲突、欧洲债务危机及美国政府财政预 赤字。
Global economic growth remains solid and positive, but will be negatively impacted by many global issues – including the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in
Japan, China interest rate hikes, Middle East conflicts, the European debt crisis, and the U.S.
[...] government budget deficit.
虽然业已实施了为遏止公赤字和外 债的第一个宏观经济改革方案,对旅游业和能源进口的高度依赖、全球 [...]
While the first Macro-Economic Reform Programme, designed
[...] to curb public deficit and external debt, [...]
had been implemented, the high dependency
on tourism earnings and energy imports, the global economic slow-down and the international food and oil crisis exacerbated economic imbalances, structural vulnerabilities and fragility.




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