

单词 赠送

赠送 ()

present as a gift

See also:

give as a present
bestow an honorary title after death (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,在斯堪的那维亚国家,一些计划是国家资助 的项目开发的,其中有些将可以免 赠送 给 该 项目使用。
However, in the Nordic countries a number of programmes have been developed in state-funded projects some of which will be given to the project for free.
在资金运作框架下,捐赠者应该避免一只手送而另一只手索回,与海地国家 订立的债务应该取消并且给予的援助应该 赠送 而 不 是借贷。
Where financing operations are concerned, donors should avoid giving with one hand and taking away with the other; the
contractual debts of the Haitian State should be cancelled, and the aid granted should
[...] be in form of gifts rather than loans.
[...] 转让:出口、进口、再出口过境、转运、经纪、技术转让、技术援助、租赁赠 送以及与常规武器有关的贷款。
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia considers that the treaty should cover the following type of tangible and intangible transfers of equipment: export, import, re-export transit,
trans-shipment, brokering, transfer of technology, technical
[...] assistance, leases, gifts and loans related [...]
to conventional weapons.
该理事会条例及其修正案规定禁止在欧共体内直接或间接向刚果民主共和 国境内或在该国境内运作的任何个人、实体或机 赠送 、 出售、供应或转让与军 事活动有关的技术援助,并禁止直接或间接向刚果民主共和国境内或在该国境内 运作的任何个人、实体或机构提供与军事活动有关的融资或金融援助,特别是为 任何出售、供应或转让相关技术援助及其他服务提供赠款、贷款和出口信用保险。
The Council Regulation and amendments implement in the European Community the ban to grant, sell, supply or transfer technical assistance related to military activities directly or indirectly to any person, entity or body in, or for use in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to provide financing or financial assistance related to military activities, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance, for any sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel, or for any grant, sale, supply or transfer of related technical assistance and other services, directly or indirectly to any person, entity or body in, or for use in, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
世界信用社理事会的资金来源是政府和基金会的拨款、会员会费 以及理事会的支持者每年赠送的礼 物。
WOCCU is funded by grants from Governments and foundations, member
[...] dues and annual gifts from the Council’s [...]
谨向你通报,以色列常驻联合国代表团向联合国秘书处的工作人 赠送 用在被占领的叙利亚戈兰收获的葡萄制作和装瓶的葡萄酒作为节日礼物。
I would like to inform you that the Permanent
Mission of Israel to the United Nations
[...] distributed as holiday gifts to staff of the [...]
United Nations Secretariat wine made from
grapes harvested, and bottles made, in the occupied Syrian Golan.
转交所包 含的两大类活动,出口和进口,涵盖了大量具体的义务活动,例如过境、再出口、 转载、技术转让、中介服务、贷款、租赁 赠送 、 技 术援助和相关服务。
The two main categories of activities under transfer,
export and import,
[...] would include a range of subactivities such as transit, re-export, trans-shipment, technology transfer, brokering, loans, leases, gifts, technical [...]
assistance and related services.
没药是一种非常珍贵的物质,与黄金和香一起作为东方三 赠送 给 婴儿耶稣的礼物。
Myrrh is a precious substance and
[...] was one of the gifts, together with [...]
gold and incense, the Three Kings offered to the infant Jesus.
因此,联合王国将不会发 放向利比亚出口军火和有关材料的许可证,或批准一项由联合王国政 赠送 的礼 物,除非这项出口符合第 1970(2011)号决议规定的条件,或者是保护在利比亚攻 击威胁下的平民和平民聚居地区所必需的。
As a result, the United Kingdom will not issue licences for export of arms and related materiel to Libya, or approve a gift by the Government of the United Kingdom, unless the export meets the conditions set out in resolution 1970 (2011) or is necessary to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in Libya.
蒋部长签署了两国经济技术合作框架协定,并向南苏丹卫生 赠送了 抗疟药品。
The minister signs a bilateral framework on trade and technical cooperation
[...] and delivers a gift of anti-malarial [...]
medicines to the health ministry.
联合国系统各组织立法/理事机构应谴责和禁止不符合道 德标准的做法,例如行政首长职位候选人或支持他们的政府 在甄选/选举期间作出许诺、讨好拉拢、招待请客 赠送 礼品 等,用以换取对某些候选人的赞成票。
The legislative/governing bodies of the United Nations system organizations should condemn and prohibit unethical practices such as promises, favours, invitations, gifts, etc., provided by candidates for the post of executive head or their supporting governments during the selection/election campaign, in return for favourable votes for certain candidates.
1 然而,总交易收入只说明实际
[...] 情况的一部分;各国往往以占真正价值一小部分的价格出售老化和剩余的武器,赠送这些武器。
The value of undocumented trade cannot be determined with any specificity, but may run in the billions as well.1 However, total transaction revenues tell
only part of the story; countries often sell ageing and surplus arms for a fraction of
[...] their real value or give them away.
个人由此而可能将额外付款赠送 礼品 当作理所当然的事,同时又期望得到某种特定的回报,例如加快不然即为 [...]
Individuals might then offer
[...] additional payments or gifts as a matter of [...]
course, with the expectation of receiving a particular
benefit such as the speeding up of an otherwise lengthy administrative procedure.
一代表询问,执行委员会采用何种程序处理那些在向有关国家的企业送交全部或部分 设备之后被撤消的项目,秘书处代表答复说,秘书处在一切可能的情况下请求 赠送 的设 备转给其他项目。
In response to a question from one representative regarding the Executive Committee’s procedure for dealing with projects that were cancelled after all or part of the equipment had been delivered to the enterprises in the country, the representative of the Secretariat said that, where possible, a request was made to redeploy granted equipment to other projects.
这将需要在三个主要方面 进行政策干预:家庭(通赠送或继 承权立法);国家(通过土地转让条例);市场 [...]
This will require policy interventions
on three major fronts: the family (through
[...] legislation on gifts or inheritance); [...]
the State (through regulation of land transfers);
and the market (through facilitation of credit for the purchase or lease of property).
因此,您不应该通过承赠送赠礼或其他利益,或者任何其他非法诱惑,设法影响您有可 能与之开展公司业务的任何外部方的判断或行为。
Therefore, you should not seek to influence the judgment or conduct of any external party with whom you might be conducting Company business by promises of gifts or other benefits, or by any other unlawful inducement.
这就需要就获取土地的三种主要方式采取行动:家庭(通 赠送 或 继承法)、 国家(通过土地转让)和市场(通过购买或租赁)。
This will require acting on three major forms of land acquisition:
[...] the family (via gift or inheritance [...]
laws), the State (via land transfers) and
the market (via purchase or lease).
通过开展这些项目,为马里、卢旺达、塞内加尔和多哥图书 赠送 了 非 洲出版 的 1221 部作品,并向下列十一个国家的图书馆运送了数千册英文图书:喀麦隆、厄立特里 亚、加纳、肯尼亚、利比里亚、纳米比亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、塞拉利昂、索马 [...]
Under those projects 1,221 works published in Africa were donated to libraries in [...]
Mali, Rwanda, Senegal and Togo and several
thousand books in English were delivered to the library networks of the following 11 countries: Cameroon, Eritrea, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia.
每天的生活极为单调:一名女囚 赠送 了 一 台共同观看的小电视机,情况 得到一些缓解。
The daily regime was one of extreme monotony: a small shared
[...] television set donated through a woman [...]
prisoner provided some relief.
两个税种基本上都采用累进税率,通常以死者 赠送 人 和受 益人的关系和/或受益人所得财产的金额为征税基础。
Inheritance and gift tax rates are [...]
mostly progressive and are usually based on the degree of relationship between the deceased
or donor and the beneficiary and/or the amount received by the beneficiary.
本人谨此进一步保证并证明,本人不知道有以下活动的发生:任何金钱的支付提议、实际支付、支付许 诺或支付授权,或任何有价物品 赠送 提 议 、实 赠送 、 赠送 许 诺 或 赠送 授 权 ,且其直接或间接的支付赠送对象 是外国官员、外国的国有企业雇员、外国政党、任何外国政党官职的候选人、或任何人士, 明知这类钱物的全部或部分直接或间接提供 赠送 或 许诺 ,以便获得或保持业务,或用来获得使 Valspar 公司业务受益的法律、法规或裁决。
I further attest and certify that I have no knowledge of any offer,
payment, promise to pay, or authorization of the payment of any money, or offer, gift, promise to give, or authorization of the giving of anything of value made or offered directly or indirectly to a foreign official, employees of a foreign state-owned company, foreign political party, or any candidate for foreign political office, or to any person, knowing that all or a portion of the money or thing of value will be offered, given, or promised, directly or indirectly, to obtain or retain business or payments to obtain favorable legislation, regulations or rulings which would benefit Valspar’s business.
除了价格之外,IGEL 赠送的通用管理系 统套件 (UMS) 使它从其他供应商中脱颖而出。
In addition to
[...] price, IGEL’s complimentary Universal Management [...]
Suite (UMS) set it apart from other vendors.
此政策并不包括基于明显的家庭关系或非商业性 质的私人亲密关系赠送的礼 品,在这类情况中, 私人关系(而非 [...]
CIT 的业务原因)才是送礼的 动机。
This policy is not
[...] intended to include gifts based on obvious [...]
family or close non-business personal relationships where
the circumstances make it clear that the personal relationships, rather than the business of CIT, are the motivating factors.
购买IGEL瘦客户机都免赠送完整 的IGEL通用管理系统套件。
A complete and complimentary version of the IGEL Universal Management Suite is bundled with every IGEL product.
独特的举世杰作座钟是印度的法国商行总经理约瑟夫-弗朗索瓦迪普莱克斯订购的,他本想把 赠送 给 一 位印度王子:座钟由帕斯芒(Passemant)设计,1754年由钟表匠约瑟夫-莱奥纳尔洛克和青铜器匠人弗朗索瓦-托马斯日耳曼制作。
The extraordinary clock of the Creation of the world was commissioned by Joseph-François Dupleix, managing director of the French trading posts in India, who wanted to offer it to an Indian prince: designed by Passemant, it was created in 1754 by clockmaker Joseph-Léonard Roque and bronzesmith François-Thomas Germain.
为支持《千年发展目标》而进行的其它提高意识运动项目是:信息传播活动— 在新泽西州的菲利普斯堡图书馆进行分发传单的活动,向学生 赠送 《 千 年发展目 标》的小册子、海报、书签和白色手镯。
Other awareness campaign projects undertaken in support of the MDGs are the information drive
events - leafleting
[...] activities done at the Phillipsburg Library in New Jersey, where MDG brochures, [...]
posters, bookmarks and white MDG bracelets were given away to students and educators.
时尚和休闲的餐饮选择为您提供海上最好的披萨饼,同时 赠送 西 班牙开胃小食和丰富的红酒选择。
The perfect place to end a day or begin a night out on board, this stylish casual dining option serves up the best pizza on the sea, as well as complimentary tapas and hors d’oeuvres to accompany a rich selection of wine by the glass or bottle, cocktails and 22 different varieties of bottled and draught beer and cider.
如简要记录(A/C.4/64/SR.4)所显示,2009 年 10 月 7 日,直布罗陀首席部长 彼得·卡鲁阿纳在第四委员会发言指出,直布罗陀的主权既不需要联合王 赠送, 也不需要西班牙提出要求。
Speaking to the Fourth Committee on 7 October 2009, the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Peter Caruana, stated, as reflected in the summary record (A/C.4/64/SR.4), that the sovereignty of Gibraltar was neither the United Kingdom’s to give away, nor Spain’s to demand.




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