

单词 赠品

See also:

give as a present
bestow an honorary title after death (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

为了使 Weltbild
[...] 能够迅速发运书籍、音乐、DVD、电子图书、软件、 游戏以赠品,装 运中心的员工充分利用了最先进 [...]
的 IT 系统。
To enable Weltbild to promptly dispatch
books, music, DVDs, e-Books, software and
[...] games as well as gift items, the employees [...]
in its shipment center make full use of the most modern IT system.
例如,若 Ashford 为某商品提供了一份免赠品,则该 赠品 必 须 与该商品一同退回。
For example, if Ashford offered a free gift along with a given purchase, that free gift must be returned with the returned item.
在今年的圣诞节来临之际,好好装扮一下你的Oris手表,并分享照片至Oris Facebook页面,将有机会赢取Oris独 赠品。
This Christmas, dress up your Oris timepiece and share it with the Oris Facebook community to be in with a chance of winning an exclusive Oris giveaway.
Do you require the gift of a monoclonal [...]
antibody to a specific cancer you are trying to cure.
拥有多种配件的使用权,及不同品 和 赠品 的 最 新货源,我们能够为您和您的客户提供您心目中对于“特有事物”的理想的解决方案。
With access to a wide variety of
accessories, and streamlined sourcing of different
[...] Gift and Premium products, we can offer you [...]
and your customers the ideal solution
for that “special something” you have in mind.
一般Grawl到达并指出Chuck的美国国旗徽章是一条走不通 赠品 , 他 不是一个“本地”。
General Grawl arrives and points out Chuck’s United States Flag insignia is a dead giveaway that he isn’t a “local”.
一般而言,除非事先得到全球法律组织的许 可,否则您不得向政府人员提供任何礼物 赠品 或 其 他有价值的利益,包括宴请或旅行。
In general, you may not offer or provide government employees with any gift, gratuity or thing of value, including meals or travel, unless pre-approved by the Global Legal Organization.
要负担这些成本,一旦一赠品经过 评估和被接受,将要求捐赠者支付相 当于被赠艺术品价值的 10%,转入教科文组织艺术品保护和保存特别账户,每 件艺术品的这种费用最低为 500 欧元。
To cover these costs, once a donation has been appraised and accepted, the donor will be requested to pay 10% of the value of the work of art offered into the Special Account for the Protection and Preservation of UNESCO’s Works of Art, with a minimum of €500 per work of art.
只有一天晚上,零售店营业至深夜,举行派对并分 赠品 来 吸 引顾客购物。
For one night only, retailers stay open late and throw parties and offer giveaways in the hope of getting people to shop.
委员会还对管理部门决定筹措资金,在 赠品 咨 询 委员会(ACD)磋商后,利用财务 与预算管理系统(FABs)能力,为所有收藏品目录建立一套现代化信息管理系统,可能对 需要进行修复的艺术品进行筛选,最后将所有捐赠和遗赠艺术收藏品编纂一套图文并茂的名 册等一系列设想感到高兴。
The Committee was gratified by the Administration’s determination to raise the necessary funds for the establishment, after consultation with ACD, of a modern computerized inventorying system for the entire collection using the FABS management system, to select in due course works of art to be restored and, ultimately, to produce a complete illustrated catalogue of donations, bequests and works of art.
让我们一起分享节日的快乐! 在今年的圣诞节来临之际,好好装扮一下你的Oris手表,并分享照片至Oris Facebook页面,将有机会赢取Oris独 赠品。
This Christmas, dress up your Oris timepiece and share it with the Oris Facebook community to be in with a chance of winning an exclusive Oris giveaway.
我们十分高兴地宣布,来自泰勒包装与供应品的盖里•泰勒是八月份的“来吧,赢取 Go d e x 赠品 ” 活 动的大奖得主,他获得了一套品质非凡的博士耳机。
We are pleased to announce that Gary Taylor of Taylor Packaging
and Supplies was the winner of the August
[...] Go, Go, Godex Giveaway and is now the [...]
proud owner of a very nice set of Bose Headphones.
清货产品、换购品及赠品不接 受退货申请。
On-sale products, redemption products and gifts or premiums cannot [...]
be changed or returned.
请注意:赠品未退 回,则会从退款中扣 赠品 的 售 价(如网站所示)。
Please note: If the free gift is not returned, the selling price (as advertised on the website) for the gift will be deducted [...]
from your refund.
在5月 28日到6月25日期间订一箱5升的8-414(3罐)或2箱1 L的8-414(12罐), 我们会免费赠送给您一个图片上的有威士伯标志的球, 品 和 赠品 数量 有 限 。
If you order 1 box of 5L cans 8-414 (3 cans) or 2 boxes of 1L cans 8-414 (12 cans) between the 28th of May and the 25th of June you will receive a free Valspar ball as the one you can see in the picture.
然而要保证市场隔离,发展中国家也要采取行动阻止向发达国家出口本为 赠品 或 差 别定 价计划的药品部分,尤其需要避免某些患者专用药品被挪用。
The threat of compulsory licensing has been successfully used by Brazil in the pursuit of its National STD/AIDS Programme (see Box 2.2).
该计 划已在 21 个成员国开展了 28
[...] 次综合需求评定工作组访问,并且自其设立以来,已筹 集了相当于 2800 万美元的资金赠品。
PACT has conducted 28 comprehensive needs assessment
missions in 21 Member States and since its inception has raised the
[...] equivalent in funds and gifts of nearly $28 million.
北京耀中家长会负责装饰圣诞树,并在树上系上不同的标签,用以说明学生将会带到学校的 赠品。
Tags decorated a Christmas tree
[...] specifying the donations students [...]
were to bring to school.
Our innovative Gift and Premium merchandizing [...]
and coupled with our brand marketing deliverables enable us to provide a total
package to you and your customers.
三星宣布9系列 ,耐用,赠品展在 拉斯维加斯,重量轻的笔记本电脑在国际消费电子。
Samsung announced the 9 Series, a
[...] durable, ultra premium, lightweight [...]
laptop computer at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
主要业务:益智玩具,电动玩具,婴儿玩具,浴室玩具,夏天玩具,户外玩具,水枪,吹泡泡玩具,运动玩具,过家家玩具,玩偶公仔娃娃,动漫主题玩具,国内外节日玩具,玩具促 品 , 玩 具 赠品 , 工 艺品,装糖玩具,童车,滑板车,电子游戏,桌上互动游戏,填充、毛绒玩具,变形玩具,合金模型玩具,遥控模型玩具,创意小商品和婴幼儿用品等。
We specialize in Plastic Toys,Action Figures,Infant Toys,Baby toys,Baby Mobile,Baby Rattle,Baby Gym,Baby Carpet,Baby Walker,Battery Operated Toys,Educational Toys,Development Toys,Dolls
Set,Summer toys,Toys Car,Novelty
[...] toys,Party Favors,Sport Gifts,Magic Cube,Outdoor Play [...]
Toys,Water Gun,Bubble Blower,Bubble
Gun,Pretend Play Toys,Christmas Toys,Radio Control Toys,Promotional gifts etc.
对净含量不大于15g 或15ml
[...] 的,或供消费者免费使用并有相应标识(如标识 赠品 、 非 卖品等)的化妆品,在其标签上至少应标注除生产企业地址,卫生许可证编号,使用方法以及储存条件以外的信息,但这些未能标注在标签上的内容应该包括在说明书中。
For some cosmetic products with the
net content of not more than 15g or 15ml
[...] or some used for gifts or not-for-sale, [...]
items marked in green in the above paragraph
are minimum info that are mandatory to be listed on the labels and the remaining items can be displayed in the instructions.
社区外联活动,包括为境内流离失所者、青年、妇女团体和社区领袖举办 10 个讲习班;10 次剧 场/戏剧活动;10 次体育活动;10 次音乐活动;8 次特别/文化活动,包括分发宣品和 赠品, 如海报、散页说明/传单、小册子和 T 恤衫;在当地电台播出 4 个宣传信息;4 套海报宣传妇女 参与和平进程的重要性;50 个有关和平进程的令人感兴趣的新闻特写,通过联合国电台和米拉 亚电台广播;每天两个小时的电台集锦节目
Community outreach activities involving 10 workshops for internally displaced persons, youth, women’s groups and community leaders; 10 theatre/drama events; 10 sports events; 10 music events; 8 special/cultural events involving the distribution of public information messaging items and giveaways, such as posters, leaflets/fliers, brochures and T-shirts; 4 promotional messages on local radio stations; 4 sets of posters to raise awareness about the importance of women’s participation in the peace process; 50 radio human interest news features relating to the peace process for broadcast through United Nations Radio and Radio Miraya; and daily 2-hour radio magazine programmes packaged and broadcast by UNAMID Radio
RUNSA的POS终端提供营业员考勤赠品 耗 品 处 理 、滞销分析、交班作业、产品查询、店长变价汇总、图表分析、同期对比分析、销售预测向导、基本存货量控制等基本店铺管理功能。
[...] terminals supply the basic functions of the shops management like salesperson attendance, waste disposal gifts, poor analysis, shift operations, product inquiries, [...]
manager collection of
the price change, chart analysis, comparative analysis of the same period, sales forecasting guide, basic inventory control etc.
汕头市佳辉有限公司(自1992年)(汕头市龙湖区佳艺实业有限公司)是一家集贸易和实业为一体的大型现代化公司,不仅具有进出口权,而且具有很强的设计和生产各类高档 品 、 赠 送 品 及 各 类包装盒、袋、手袋的能力。
We are the large- modern manufacturer of top-fashion handbags, fine craft, gift box, as well as the trading Co. with the import & export license and high design ability.
一些具体意见如下:食品安全是通用概念,因此,正如第 4.2 条里所规定的,在是 否允许出口国出口不符合国家立法食品方面应该一视同仁;让缺少监控系统的国家执行 法典的问题应予以阐明;当前的文本可能与所制定的食典原则及所利用的国家规章制度 相抵触;在商业交易和品援助与捐 赠 方 面,同等待遇的道德守则应更加明确;文本里 的一些规定可能与世界贸易组织的规定相反。
A number of specific comments were made as follows: the concept of food safety is universal, thus there should be no exception, as presently in Article 4.2, allowing exporting countries to export food, which does not comply with its national legislation; the issue of implementation of the Code, especially by countries lacking a control system, should be clarified; the present text may contradict
some of the principles
[...] of Codex insofar as they establish and draw upon national regulatory frameworks; the ethics of equal treatment in terms of commercial transactions and food aid and donations should be made [...]
clearer; and some of
the provisions in the text may be contrary to WTO provisions.
作为企业资源规划,系统应用和 品赠 款 报 告安排已经重新设计,这样, 收款办公室可以在一个机构资源规划系统中提交延期要求,以便可以查询提交日 [...]
As a part of the enterprise resource planning VISION project, the Systems
[...] Applications and Products grants reporting [...]
schedule has been redesigned to enable
fund recipient offices to log their requests for extension in the One ERP system so that the date of submission can be tracked along with the rationale for the request for extension and the date of approval or rejection of the request.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以赠款和 捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
市场预期在这个时期也不断变化着;然而即使是在这样的历史阶段,捷拉斯标签印刷机也能胜任各种各样的任务-----无论是印制丝绸礼品的彩带, 品赠 券 ,航空公司的行李标签,还是印制IBM的打孔卡,它都无所不能。
Market expectations were also evolving around this time and, even at this stage in history, a Gallus label press could be used for a wide variety of tasks – ranging from printing silk gift ribbons, trading stamps and luggage tags for airlines to IBM punch cards.
毛巾蛋糕是NO:65一款非常别致的装饰工艺品,选用咖啡色和白色毛巾采用手工折叠成蛋糕形,顶部摆放有黄色和红色的仿真水果,极具观赏性,适合家居摆设还可作为 品赠 送 好 友.
Towel cake is NO:65 a very unique decorative handicrafts, choose coffee and white towel with manual folding into a cake shape, the top placed
with yellow and red fruits, highly ornamental, suitable for home furnishing decoration
[...] but also as a gift for friends .




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