

单词 赠予税

See also:

give as a present
bestow an honorary title after death (old)

(archaic) I


taxes n
duty n
toll n

External sources (not reviewed)

立法者针对遗产税和赠税给予了一 些豁 免,例如
As a rule, the further relation between
[...] these, the higher the applicable tax rate.
此外,关于规定非政府组织为被认作礼物 赠 款 缴3%的税的条款 仍然有效,而国家为项目接受赠款却没有这种义务。
Moreover, the regulations prescribing that
non-governmental organizations
[...] shall pay 3 per cent tax on grants considered gift are still [...]
in force, whereas there is no
such obligation in case the State receives grants for the implementation of projects.
一些具体意见如下:食品安全是通用概念,因此,正如第 4.2 条里所规定的,在是 否允许出口国出口不符合国家立法食品方面应该一视同仁;让缺少监控系统的国家执行 法典的问题予以阐明;当前的文本可能与所制定的食典原则及所利用的国家规章制度 相抵触;在商业交易和食品援助与 赠 方 面,同等待遇的道德守则应更加明确;文本里 的一些规定可能与世界贸易组织的规定相反。
A number of specific comments were made as follows: the concept of food safety is universal, thus there should be no exception, as presently in Article 4.2, allowing exporting countries to export food, which does not comply with its national legislation; the issue of implementation of the Code, especially by countries lacking a control system, should be clarified; the present text may contradict some of the principles of Codex insofar as they establish and draw upon
national regulatory frameworks;
[...] the ethics of equal treatment in terms of commercial transactions and food aid and donations should be made clearer; and some of the provisions in the text may be contrary to WTO [...]
当财务统一已形成且向税务机关登记后, 集团成 员间的税项亏损可能对其它集团成员的 税 所得 造成抵消, 企业间的赠被视为捐赠机构可减税款的开支, 转让定价规则不适用于集团公司间 的交易, 且仅由一集团公司提交纳税申报。
When a  fiscal unity is formed and registered with the tax authorities, the tax losses of group
members may be set off against the taxable income of the other
[...] members of the group, donations between companies will be deemed to be a tax-deductible expense for the donor, [...]
the transfer
pricing rules do not apply to transactions between group companies and only one company in the group files a tax return.
加紧努力在 2012 年年底之前完成统一阿拉伯国家的关税分类表,为将于特 定时期内进行的各类关税谈判做好准备,以确保阿拉伯 税 同 盟 可在 2015 年予 以公布。
To exert greater efforts to complete harmonization of the customs tariff classification tables of Arab States by the end of 2012, in preparation for negotiations over customs tariff categories that are to be concluded within a specific period, in order to ensure that the Arab Customs Union may be announced in 2015.
(c) 请各成员国支持私营部门实施就业方案的举措,并通过 予 雇 主 税 务和 保险优惠,降低本国一级及阿拉伯一级的失业水平,要优先考虑合格的阿拉伯劳 [...]
(c) To request States members to support private sector initiatives in implementation of employment programmes and to
reduce unemployment at the national and
[...] Arab levels by granting tax and insurance benefits [...]
to employers and giving preference
to qualified Arab labour, second only to national labour.
如果您没有通过访问“HHonors积分网店商城”网站而直接访问商家的站点,我们将不 赠予 您 任 何积分。
If you visit a merchant's site directly, without having visited the HHonors Shop-to-Earn Mall web site,we will be unable to credit you with any points.
2006 年,根据政府第 249 号决议修改了第 5763-2002 号《促 进基本建设投资令(开发区)》(《促进资本建设投资令》),以将所有少数民族地 区纳入“A 级开发区”定义中,从而使这些地方工业地区的工厂能够获得该法令和 第 5719-1959 号《促进基本建设投资法》(《促进基本建设投资法》)规定的各税益和赠款。
In 2006, following Government Resolution no. 249, the Encouragement of Capital Investments Order (Development Areas) 5763-2002 (the “Encouragement of Capital Investments Order”), was amended in order to include all minority localities in the definition of “Development Area A”, thus enabling plants in industrial areas in these localities to receive various tax benefits and grants as stipulated in the Order and the Encouragement of Capital Investments Law 5719-1959 (the “Encouragement of Capital Investments Law”).
除了适用于在“转让”一语中全部得到界定的常规武器的进口、出口、再出 口、租赁、出借赠予的情 形外,条约应涵盖其他活动,如转口、过境、中介和 [...]
In addition to applying to the import, export, re-export,
[...] lease, loan and gifting of conventional [...]
arms, all defined in terms of a “transfer”
as above, the treaty should cover other activities such as trans-shipment, transit, brokering and manufacture under foreign licence.
2007 年,还在妇女和家庭促进部、喀麦隆提高妇女地位组织团体以及非洲能 力建设基金会为帮助喀麦隆减贫而资助增强妇女网络能力的项目达成 赠予协 议 框架下支持设立巴菲亚区妇女和女孩团体。
In 2007, it helped to set up the coalition of women and girls from the Bafia district, in connection with the grant agreement between the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, the coalition of organizations for the advancement of Cameroonian women and the African Capacity Building Foundation for the funding of a capacity-building project for women’s networks in combating poverty in Cameroon.
[...] Emerson(或保证此类信息和材料的所有权人已明确予 Emerson)免税、永 久、不可撤销、无限制的权利及许可,允许 [...]
Emerson 使用、复制、展示、执行、修改、改编、出版、翻译、传播及发行,或向世界范围内其他方公开此类信息及材料(部分或全部的,出于任何目的)和/或将此类信息以任何方式,如媒体或已知或今后开发的技术,纳入其它作品中。
By submitting information and material to the Site, you automatically grant to Emerson (or warrant that the owner of such
information and material has
[...] expressly granted to Emerson) a royalty-free, perpetual, [...]
irrevocable, unrestricted, right and
license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, adapt, publish, translate, transmit and distribute, or otherwise make available to other such information and material (in whole or in part and for any purpose) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed.
在这方面,独立专家支持欧洲债 务和发展网络关于向与避税地进行的交易 税 和 对在信息披露方面 予 合 作税地实施制裁的提案。
In this regard, the independent expert supports the Eurodad proposals concerning the imposition of
financial levies on
[...] transactions with tax havens and sanctions on tax havens that do not cooperate as regards [...]
disclosure of information.
[...] 口多、地域广,资源丰富,预计在本次区域 内将对所有阿拉伯产品中的95%的产品予 免关税。
GAFTA has a high income, population and area, and has significant
resources available, and is expected to render 95 per cent of all Arab products
[...] free of customs duty within the subregion.
常设论坛建议,在予赠款时 ,性别平等基金和由妇女署管理的联合国支 援消除对妇女暴力行为信托基金应考虑加强人权的需要和土著妇女及女童的情 况。
The Permanent Forum recommends
[...] that in its awarding of grants, the Fund for [...]
Gender Equality and the United Nations Trust
Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women, administered by UN-Women, take into account the need to enhance the human rights and situation of indigenous women and girls.
我们期待以色列根据其国际义务,在保持定期转 交支付以巴勒斯坦权力机构的名义征收的增 税和 关税方面继续予合作
We count on Israel’s continued
cooperation in keeping up regular
[...] transfers of value added tax and customs revenues collected [...]
on behalf of the Palestinian
Authority, in line with its international obligations.
一些发言者呼吁在下列方面实现早期收获:(a) 全面实施世界
[...] [...] 贸易组织关于给予最不发达国家所有产品免关税和免配额市场准入的《香港部长 宣言》的规定;(b) 对最不发达国家的服务和服务供应商实施优惠和更有利待遇 的特准决定;以及(c) 在与棉花贸易有关的方面取得重大、迅速和具体的成果, 特别是取消扭曲贸易的国内棉花生产支助措施和出口补贴,并对最不发达国家的 棉花和棉花产品予免关税和免 配额的市场准入。
Some speakers called for an early harvest on (a) the full implementation of the provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration concerning duty-free and quota-free market access for all products originating from all least developed countries; (b) a waiver decision on preferential and more favourable treatment for services and service suppliers of least developed countries; and (c) an ambitious, expeditious and specific outcome for cotton trade-related aspects, in particular, the elimination of trade-distorting domestic support
measures and export
[...] subsidies, and the granting of duty-free and quota-free market access for cotton and cotton by-products originating in least developed countries.
[...] 对此类劳动者的歧视现象,国家已经承诺采取多种措施,确保残疾人口在劳动力 市场的就业比例,并对雇用残疾人的企业 予税 收 优 惠。
These measures include a commitment on the part of the State
to hire a given percentage of persons with
[...] disabilities and tax benefits for companies [...]
that employ persons with disabilities.
作为全球伙伴之一,聆听世界基金会将会为参与体育比赛的特奥运动员们提供免费听力筛查,并在发现需要 赠予 运 动 员听力辅助器材,同时基金会还将协助运动员前往当地耳科医疗中心进行听力辅助器材的调试校正工作等。
As part of the global partnership, the Hear the World Foundation will donate hearing aids to be distributed after free hearing screenings provided at Special Olympics events, as well as the ability for athletes to visit local hearing centers for fittings and calibrations of the devices.
许多国家对向国际发展活动的赠实 行 免 税 , 从 而使互助行动日益具有私营和分散的特 点,推动了这一趋势的发展。
The trend has
[...] been facilitated by tax exemptions on donations to international [...]
development activities in many countries,
thus privatizing and decentralizing solidarity initiatives.
[...] 贷款、捐款、清洁发展机制、公私营部门伙伴关系、当地与中央政府伙伴关系, 以及各种形式的政府支持,包括建立可靠的体制和管理框架,通过 税 、 补赠款提供激励,取消贸易壁垒等。
Experts discussed numerous financing options, including attracting private sector investors, bank loans, microfinance, donations, the Clean Development Mechanism, public–private partnerships, local–central partnerships, and various forms of government support including setting reliable institutional and
regulatory frameworks and providing
[...] incentives through tax breaks, subsidies, grants, and the removal [...]
of trade barriers.
据悉,曾有其他企业向神谷茂先生寻求过这盏灯,他拒绝了,坚持将 赠予 上 海 宏源。
It is said that another enterprise once asked Mr. Shen Gumao for such lamp but Mr. Shen Gumao refused to give it away.
42.3 因此,截止于 2008 年 10 月 1 日赠予会员 国和国际非政府组织的总金额为 [...]
12,137,180 美元(623 项申请),占 2008--2009 年分配给参与计划的预算总额的 64.58% 。
42.3 Thus, the
[...] total amount granted to Member States [...]
and international non-governmental organizations as of 1 October 2008
is US $12,137,180 for 623 requests which represents 64.58% of the total budget allocated to the Participation Programme in 2008-2009.
目前为所有已毕业国家采取的平稳过渡措施分为三大类:(a) 双边倡议,例 如欧洲联盟根据其“除武器之外一切产品”倡议 予 免 关 税 免 配额市场准入; (b) 继续提供专供最不发达国家使用的资金,例如允许使用强化综合框架和全球 环境基金最不发达国家基金;(c) 联合国根据大会第 65/286 号决议的规定向已 毕业国家提供旅行支助。
Existing smooth transition measures, which are available to all graduated countries, were grouped into three main categories: (a) bilateral initiatives, such as the extension of duty-free, quota-free market access by the European Union under its Everything but Arms initiative; (b) continued access to least developed countrydedicated funds, such as the extension of access to the Enhanced Integrated Framework, the Least Developed Countries Fund of the Global Environment Facility; and (c) the extension of United Nations travel-related support to graduated countries, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/286.
丹麦一直年年提供为数 32 亿丹麦克朗 的整笔赠款,但随着格陵兰开始征收自然资 税 , 这 笔 赠 款 将 逐步减少。
It upholds the annual block grant of 3.2 billion
Danish kroner, but, as Greenland begins to collect revenues from its
[...] natural resources, the grant will gradually [...]
例如最不发达国家需要有能力 保护新生产业;使用补贴,特别是在农业部门,无论是对农业的投入或为农民保 障价格和向城市贫困消费者提供补贴;对来自其他国家的补贴进口品实施反补贴税;给予有竞 争潜力的行业优惠待遇;改善财政空间,以应对外部冲击。
For example, the least developed countries need to be able to protect infant industries, use subsidies, especially in agriculture, either for agricultural inputs or guaranteed prices for farmers and subsidies for poor urban consumers, use countervailing duties for subsidized imports from other countries, give preferential treatment for sectors with a competitive potential and improve fiscal space to deal with external shocks.
国家支助采取 :直接援助 形式(通过印刷和 广播媒体 援助和促进基金); 补贴印刷费
[...] 用;解决 全 国报业 发 行 公司所欠 债 务 ; 向 记 者 之家赠房 产;免 征税 和 其他税 款 ; 以及其他物 质 办 法。
State support takes the form of direct aid (through the Fund for assistance and promotion of the print and broadcast media); subsidies for printing costs; settlement of debts owed by the Enterprises nationales des Messageries de Presse (ENAMEP) (the national press distribution company); the grant of
premises to the Maison de la Presse
[...] (Press House); exemption from taxation and other levies; and other material [...]
该基金是由西班牙 2004 年 1赠予全民 信息计划的。其后,秘书处编制了项目建议书,并于 2004 年 3 月 17 日召开的 一次音频会议期间征求了主席团对建议书的意见,随后在 2004 年 3 月将其提交西班 牙。
Subsequently, the Secretariat has prepared project proposals and submitted them to Spain in March 2004 after having sought the advice of the Bureau on the proposals during an audio conference held on 17 March 2004.
重申联合国系统发展业务活动的基本特征,除其他外,应是其普遍性、自愿 性赠予性、中立性和多边性, 又重申各国拥有自主权和领导权至关重要,并强调发展没有 “一刀切”的 方法,联合国发展系统的发展援助应能回应方案国家的不同要求,并应按照既定 任务,配合这些国家的发展计划和战略
Reaffirming also the key importance of national ownership and national leadership, and underscoring the fact that there is no “one size fits all” approach to development and that development assistance by the United Nations development system should be able to respond to the var ying demands of programme countries and should be in alignment with their national development plans and strategies in accordance with established mandates




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