单词 | 赞誉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 赞誉 noun —acclaim nless common: recognition n 赞誉 verb —praise v赞誉 —recognitionSee also:赞—patronize 誉 n—reputation n
两份报告都赢得了至关重要的国际赞 誉,被视为决策者必不可少的工具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Both reports have received critical international acclaim and are recognized as essential tools for policy-makers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
来自欧洲、中东、印度、亚洲等地的众多高端运营商都对现场演示给予了高 度 赞誉 , 并 评价中兴通讯的Core理念为“业界领先的创新”。 zte.com.cn | Leading operators from Europe, Middle East, India & [...] Asia highly appreciated the live demo [...]and remarked on ZTE's core strategy as "leading innovation". wwwen.zte.com.cn |
瓦克集团总裁兼首席执行官鲁道夫施陶迪格博 士 赞誉 了 今 年的获奖人在硅有机化学领域中做出的突出科研成绩。 wacker.com | Dr. Rudolf Staudigl, WACKER’s [...] President & CEO, praised this year's award [...]recipient for his outstanding achievements in the [...]field of organosilicon chemistry. wacker.com |
运用hybris备受赞誉的主数据(MDM)来管理所有产品信息和关系的能力,满足无缝跨渠道的用户体验需求。 hybris.com | The ability to manage all product information and relationships with hybris’s highly acclaimed master data management (MDM) — a requirement for a seamless cross-channel consumer experience. hybris.com |
在那一刻,Rucker便意识到这座雕像的原型人物就是这位在世界各地备 受 赞誉 、 为非洲的民主和统一铺平道路的纳尔逊·曼德拉。 wacker.com | At that point, Rucker knew that the subject of this sculpture would be a person who has been acclaimed throughout the world as having paved the way for a democratic, united South Africa. wacker.com |
这些学者的许多赞誉只有少数句子或即使只有一个,而对另一些冲高的警句,教导,问题和答案数以百计,以及那些百年犹太传统的代表,该tannaim和亚摩兰,收到了他们对名利的作者放弃传统保留丰富的赔偿时,他们的各种论述与他们的名字一起,从而救出甚至遗忘了他们最少。 mb-soft.com | Many of these scholars are credited with only a few sentences [...] or with even but one, while to others are ascribed many hundreds [...]of aphorisms, teachings, questions, and answers; and the representatives of Jewish tradition of those centuries, the Tannaim and the Amoraim, received an abundant compensation for their renunciation of the fame of authorship when tradition preserved their names together with their various expositions, and thus rescued even the least of them from oblivion. mb-soft.com |
尽管由执行支助股于每年第一季度组织的为期一天的协调委员会务虚会 赢得了广泛赞誉,但通常只有增加执行支助股的资金才有可能实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | While there is typically widespread appreciation for the day-long Coordinating Committee retreats organised by the ISU in the first quarter of each year, these normally are made possible through enhanced funding provided to the ISU. daccess-ods.un.org |
广受赞誉的美黑凝胶是美容编辑的首选和您的必备,无需坐在阳光下,使用它可以快速形成自然金黄肤色,不留色痕。 clarinsusa.com | This must-have award winning self tanner and beauty editor favorite, delivers a quick, streak-free, natural golden colour without sitting in the sun. clarinsusa.com |
由教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会负责管理的全球海洋观测系统(GOOS)得到了 2010 年 联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)缔约方大会第十六届会议(墨西哥坎昆)的认可 和赞 誉,这 是因为该系统在提供气候变化谈判和政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)报告所需 的全球数据方面发挥了关键作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) managed by UNESCO-IOC was recognized and honoured by the UNFCCC COP 16 2010 (Cancun, Mexico) for its major role in providing global data underpinning the climate change negotiations and the IPCC reports. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除了新功能,hybris商务套装软件还为个性化、交叉销售、向上销售提供经过验证的工具,加上已经得到高 度 赞誉 的 主 数据管理/产品和服务目录以及定单协调能力,这些全都包含在一个独立、现代化、集成技术码中。 hybris.com | In addition to the new capabilities, hybris Commerce Suite offers proven tools for personalization, merchandising for cross-selling and up-selling, a highly-acclaimed master data management / product and service catalog and order orchestration capabilities, all delivered on a single, modern, integrated technology stack. hybris.com |
通过单个自动陀完成单方向上发条的自动上发条模块是其大获成功的原因所在,并由于其在适中的价格上提供了出色的准确性和可靠性而倍 受 赞誉。 hk.ashford.com | At the heart of its success-including an automatic-winding module that winds [...] in one direction by means of a single double-click [...] wheel-is a reputation for accuracy [...]and reliability at a modest price. ashford.com |
早在2005年,全球最高品质的纪实节目、世界上发行最广的电视品牌——Discovery探索频道就已经向全球160多个国家与地区报道了上海宏源及其创造的无极灯,宏源无极灯在国际上受到了高 度 赞誉 与 广 泛认可。 cn.lvd.cc | In 2005, DISCOVERY Channel, the most high-quality documentary TV [...] program, and the TV brand with the most issuing [...] volume in the world, reported Shanghai [...]Hongyuan and its induction lamps in over 160 countries and regions. en.lvd.cc |
在过去九月中,在亚、欧 11 国和美利坚合众国所组织的国际专题讨论会和 会议上,向全球学术界、政界、经济学界、和平、安全和发展实践者传播了谢赫·哈 西娜以上述个人、国家、区域和国际经验为基础的拟议的“和平哲学”,受到广 泛赞誉,并 作为新的增强人民权能和以发展为中心的和平模式(适用于具有不同 文化背景的广大发展中国家)而被接受。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proposed “peace philosophy” of Sheikh Hasina, based on these personal, national, regional and international experiences, was disseminated to the global community of academicians, politicians, economists, peace, security and development practitioners at dedicated international seminars and conferences organized in 11 countries in Asia, Europe and the United States of America over the past nine months, where it received wide acclaim and acceptance as an innovative people’s empowerment and development-centric peace model applicable for a wide range of developing countries with diverse cultural backgrounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
Avago 的 LED 不但在性能、能效和可靠性上广受 赞誉 , 而 且还能以具有全球竞争力的价格提供广泛的产品组合。 digikey.cn | Known for its LEDs performance, efficiency and reliability, Avago offers an extensive portfolio of products at globally competitive prices. digikey.ca |
我们证明,安哥拉几内亚比绍技术和军事援助团 在安哥拉共和国军事和技术合作的框架内表现非凡, 赢得几内亚社会各界的广泛称赞,最初还曾赢得军方 的赞誉。 daccess-ods.un.org | We testify to the extraordinary performance of the Angolan Technical and Military Assistance Mission in Guinea-Bissau, in the framework of military and technical cooperation with the sisterly Republic of Angola, which has been widely acclaimed throughout Guinean society, at first by the military authorities themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
其在业界备受赞誉,能 向用户提供最全面的功能,完全的框架模板,以及最佳的实时技术支持。 evget.com | This award-winning component provides you with the most comprehensive features in the industry, the most complete sample framework, and the best live technical support available. evget.com |
我们所生产的那些备受赞誉的耳机可让客户的生活更加轻松,这一点让我们引以为傲。 jabra.cn | We take pride in the fact that we create award-winning headsets that make our customers’ lives just a little bit easier. jabra.com |
备受赞誉的翡 翠36餐厅曾荣获各种奖项,如《葡萄酒鉴赏家》杂志的最高奖项(美国)、“中国10佳商务餐厅”、《亚洲最佳餐厅指南》评选的“亚洲最好餐厅”之一,以及《Tatler》杂志评选的“上海最好的餐厅”之一。 diningcity.com | Jade on 36 is an award-winning restaurant that has been recognized by Wine Spectator as one of the top 10 business restaurants in China, and also features in Tatler Shanghai’s list of best restaurants. diningcity.com |
西科克乌梅拉熏制房(Ummera Smokehouse)的熏制食物广受赞誉,包 括熏三文鱼、熏鸡和熏银墨鱼。 discoverireland.com | The Ummera Smokehouse in West Cork produces an acclaimed range of smoked foods including smoked salmon, smoked chicken and smoked silver eel. discoverireland.com |
尽管小额金融在帮助创业者,尤其是妇女谋求新的机 会方面颇受赞誉,但 是,有越来越多的证据表明,信贷和储蓄作用巨大,可以帮 助穷人(通过规划学校规费和丧葬费等)使消费模式趋于合理,应对意外事件(例 如突发疾病)。 daccess-ods.un.org | While microcredit is well known for helping entrepreneurs, particularly women, pursue new opportunities, a growing body of evidence suggests that both credit and savings play powerful roles in helping poor people smooth consumption patterns (e.g. by planning for school fees or funerals) and respond to unforeseen events (e.g. a sudden sickness). daccess-ods.un.org |
与较之下,埃塞俄比亚对监察组则赞 誉有加 ,该国正在拼命要求延长监察组的任期,并加强对厄立特里亚的制裁措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | In contrast, the Monitoring Group has received a ringing endorsement from Ethiopia, which is vociferously calling for an extension of the Group’s mandate and tightening of the sanctions regime against Eritrea. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚洲移博会的官方新闻信息来源《亚洲移动通信日报》由Mobile World Live备受赞誉的团 队全力打造,将用独到的眼光和视角为您带来展览会、各项会议和主要公告的全面报道。 mobileasiaexpo.com | Mobile Asia Daily, the official MAE news source, is brought to you by the award-winning team behind Mobile World Live – Daily, and provides coverage and insights of the expo, conference and key announcements. mobileasiaexpo.com |
两款机种同样采用森精机的独创技术 DCG(重心驱动)、DDM(直接驱动马达)、ORC(八角型滑枕)和 Top Box-in-Box(上部嵌套)结构,实 现高速、高精度加工,并广受客户 赞誉。 moriseiki.com | Both machines employ Mori Seiki's original technologies of DCG (Driven at the Center of Gravity), DDM (Direct Drive Motor) and ORC (Octagonal Ram Construction), and have the Top Box-in-Box construction. moriseiki.com |
我还很幸运的一点是,能够与我们的合作伙伴一起工作在第一线;我常常因我们的投资决策而受 到 赞誉 ( 有点受之有愧啊)。 china.blackstone.com | I am also fortunate that, being on the front lines with our partners; I am often (undeservedly) [...] the recipient of praise for our investment [...]decisions. blackstone.com |
本项目在奥运期间运行稳定,为奥组委办公机构、奥运赛事转播机构、奥运会信息系统的提供商ATOS、媒体村、运动员村、各场馆、奥运协议酒店、其他奥运大家庭成员提供了优质的业务承载网络,保证了奥运VIP用户的网络访问质量,保障了奥运会通信任务的圆满完成,受到了各界 的 赞誉。 surekam.com | The project operated stably during the period of Olympic Games, and provided good service bearing network for office organizations of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, Olympic event rebroadcasting organizations, provider for information systems for the Olympic Games (ATOS), media villages, athletes village, venues, agreement hotels of Olympic Games, and other members for the Olympic Games, accordingly it guaranteed network access quality for Olympic VIP users, [...] ensured successful completion for communication tasks during the period of [...] Olympic Games, thus being praised by all circles. surekam.com |
我们很荣幸能够得到国开行对我们产品的信任,”庞巴迪公务机总裁Steve [...] Ridolfi先生说,“我们的环球系列飞机凭借无与伦比的性能、舒适度和航程,在中国和世界范围都广 受 赞誉。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are honoured that CDB has put its trust in our products," [...] said Steve Ridolfi, President, [...]Bombardier Business Aircraft. tipschina.gov.cn |
蓝博士备受赞誉的FL X数字信号处理平台不仅提供蓝博士无与伦比的无线麦克风技术,带来前所未有的声音清晰度和灵活性,而且还提供了先进的音频技术、卓越的回声消除和声音品质。 tipschina.gov.cn | Revolabs' award-winning FLX digital signal processing platform provides advanced audio technology, superior echo cancellation and acoustics, as well as Revolabs unparalleled wireless microphone technology for unmatched audio clarity and flexibility. tipschina.gov.cn |
墨累• [...] 高本合作有限公司产品质量上乘,积极参与企业社会责任活动,赢得了中澳两国政府的大 力 赞誉 , 20 09 年5 月,公司捐赠310 万澳元成立MG [...]慈善基金,用于帮助贫困婴幼儿。 australiachina.com.au | Its high-quality products and active [...] involvement in corporate social [...] responsibility are greatly appreciated by both the Chinese [...]and Australian governments, with the [...]company donating A$3.1m to found the MG Charity Fund to help infants in need in May 2009. australiachina.com.au |
Schaevitz 是广受认可和赞誉的传 感器品牌,拥有超过 60 年使用应变计、线性差分变压器 (LVDT)、磁阻位移、倾斜、液位、压力及很多其它基于传感器的产品,研究、设计和制造中、低批量加固型工业传感器的经验。 digikey.cn | Schaevitz is a widely recognized and respected sensor brand name with over 60 years of design, manufacturing and expertise for low to medium volume, rugged industrial sensors using strain gage, linear differential transformers (LVDT), reluctive displacement, tilt, fluid level, pressure and many other lines of sensor-based products. digikey.ca |
在所有的公司中,Oerlikon [...] Graziano应当明白:它已经为迈凯轮MP4 12C生产了备受赞誉的双 离合变速器,并同样为新款P1供应双离合变速器;它还使用专利的独立变速杆原则为最新一代的兰博基尼生产了性能出众的AMT。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Of all companies, Oerlikon Graziano should know: it already [...] produces the much praised dual clutch transmission [...]for the McLaren MP4 12C, and also [...]supplies the new P1′s DCT; it also makes the ¬rapid-fire AMT for the latest-generation Lamborghinis using the patented Independent Shifting Rod principle. drivelinenews.com |