

单词 赞成

赞成 verb ()

agree v
second v
subscribe v
approve v




不赞成 v

object v


affirmative vote

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

某些与会赞成从资 金方面进一步加强这一主要优先事项,但其他一些与会者则认 [...]
为,资金已经达到了合理的水平,即占重大计划 I 资金的 79%。
Some participants were in favour of further strengthening [...]
this principal priority in terms of resources, yet others considered
that it already had reached a reasonable level with 79% of Major Programme I.
一些会员赞成减少 “展 望和哲学”这项“次”优先事项的资金,但是,有一个会员国认为,支持哲学思考应摆在最 [...]
A few Member States favoured a decrease in [...]
resources for the “other” priority on “foresight and philosophy”, while one Member
State considered that support to philosophical reflection should be given the highest priority.
多米尼加共和赞成法外 处决、即审即决或 者任意处决问题特别报告员来访,但是可能需要仔细组织。
The Dominican Republic considered favourably the visit of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, which would need to be organized carefully.
[...] 的自由流动非常重要,她呼吁所有代表团都加入提 案国行列,并对决议草案 A/C.3/63/L.43 投赞成票。
Given the importance of family reunification and the free flow of financial
remittances for migrants, she called on all delegations to join the
[...] sponsors and vote in favour of draft resolution [...]
阿拉伯利比亚民众国投赞成大会第 64/6 号决议,确认其反对对古巴实施 [...]
经济、商业和金融封锁的立场,并呼吁各国和平解决分歧,不采取单方面胁迫措 施,因为这种措施违反《联合国宪章》各项原则,侵犯人权,并且阻碍发展努力, 而发展是联合国的崇高目标之一。
The Libyan Arab
[...] Jamahiriya voted in favour of General Assembly [...]
resolution 64/6 in order to stress its position in opposition
to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed against Cuba and calls on states to resolve their differences by peaceful means, without resorting to harsh unilateral measures that constitute a violation of the principles of the Charter of the United nations and of human rights, and an obstacle to efforts to achieve the development that is one of the lofty goals of the United Nations.
根据“不采取行动动议”所援引的经社理事会议事规则第 50 条,卡塔尔和 巴基斯坦代赞成对美 国代表采取行动的要求执行“不采取行动动议”,英国和 [...]
In accordance with rule 50 of the rules of procedure of the Council, invoked to implement a no-action
motion, the representatives of Qatar and
[...] Pakistan spoke in favour of the no-action [...]
motion on the call for action by the representative
of the United States, and the representatives of the United Kingdom and Romania spoke against the motion.
就选举以外的事项进行表决时, 赞成 和 反对的票数相等,该 提案应视为已被否决。
If a vote is equally divided on matters other than elections, the proposal shall be regarded as rejected.
因此,尼加拉瓜认为给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会的 决议草案 A/AC.109/2010/L.18(其中宣布 2011-2020 年为“第三个铲除殖民主义 国际十年”),应得到大会第六十五届会议 赞成 和 通 过,以推动这些非自治领 土和人民的非殖民化,直至他们实现自决和独立(此为载于《联合国宪章》的权 利),能够成为国际大家庭及其所有多边和区域机构的成员,享受其中的所有权 利和责任,并能够帮助解决人类面临的所有问题。
Nicaragua therefore considers that draft resolution A/AC.109/2010/L.18 of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, in which the period 2011-2020 is declared the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, should be endorsed and adopted at the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly in order to pursue the decolonization of these Non-Self-Governing Territories and peoples until they achieve self-determination and independence, a right enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and can become part of the community of nations and of all its multilateral and regional bodies, with all the rights and responsibilities pertaining thereto, and can contribute to a solution to all the problems faced by humankind.
他 们赞成对美国石油储备途径进行彻查,这会为中国和 印度加入能源署提供较好机会。
They also argue for an overhaul of the U.S. approach to petroleum reserves, which would offer a better opportunity to engage China and India.
智利投赞成《土 著人 民权利宣言》,但将倡导尊重自决、自主和自治的马普切领导人定为刑事犯罪。
Chile has voted in favour of the Declaration [...]
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, but criminalized Mapuche leaders who promote
respect for free determination, autonomy and self-government.
GPA 第四条“制裁和措施”承认签署方同意“( a ) 赞成 (20 07 年 3 月)关于津巴布韦制裁的决议,(b)解除 [...]
所有针对津巴布韦的措施和制裁,以便为应对津巴布韦 目前面临的挑战找出一个可持续的解决办法;(c)承诺 携手一致,让整个国际社会参与进来,以期结束津巴布
Article IV of the GPA, “Sanctions and
Measures”, acknowledges the parties have
[...] agreed “(a) to endorse the (March 2007) [...]
resolution on sanctions concerning Zimbabwe,
(b) that all forms of measures and sanctions against Zimbabwe be lifted in order to facilitate a sustainable solution to the challenges that are currently facing Zimbabwe; and (c) commit themselves to working together in engaging the international community with a view to bringing to an end the country’s international isolation”.
赞成“容 许限制”这样的谨慎措辞,以免读 者混淆。
She favoured such cautionary [...]
language as “permissible limitations”, so as not to confuse readers.
卢利什基先生(摩洛哥)(以阿拉伯语发言) :摩洛哥对决议草案S/2012/538投赞成 票 , 因为 它符合阿拉伯国家联盟最近通过的决议,也符合我 们对叙利亚局势的看法,显然,安理会为处理危机 [...]
而实施的所有机制都没能取得各方所希望的结果, 叙利亚各方未遵守计划,包括他们自己做出的全面 停止暴力的承诺。
Mr. Loulichki (Morocco) ( spoke in Arabic):
[...] Morocco voted in favour of draft resolution S/2012/538 because it was in line with the recent [...]
resolutions of the League
of Arab States and our perception of the situation in Syria, which shows quite clearly that no mechanism adopted by the Council to address the crisis has had the hoped-for result and that the parties in Syria have not complied with the plan, including the complete cessation of violence, to which they committed themselves.
(b) 不得提出或发赞成或反对任何程序性动议或要求、提出程序问题或 对主席的裁决提出异议。
(b) May not make, or be among the speakers called on to speak in favour of or against, any procedural motion or request, raise points of order or appeal against a ruling of the President.
这 种解决办法可能会被视为试图折衷第六委员会与本委员会辩论中出现的关于危急 情况的两种截然相反立场:其中一种立 赞成 对 国 际组织给予与国家相同的地 位,反对的观点则完全排除了国际组织援引危急情况的可能性。
This solution may be regarded as an attempt to reach a compromise between two opposite positions with regard to
necessity: the view
[...] of those who favour placing international organizations on the same level as States and the opinion of those who would totally rule [...]
out the invocability
of necessity by international organizations.
赞成将债 务人的“营业所”(这一向是一个很难定义的概念,如《阿根 [...]
廷国际私法法》草案(第 2016-D-04 号)第 6 条所示)定义为债务人使用人工以 及货物或服务从事非短暂性经济活动的任何经营地,目的是指明有关程序是否 为非主要程序。
We welcome the definition [...]
of the “establishment” of a debtor (always a difficult concept to define, as shown, for example,
by article 6 of the draft Code of Private International Law of Argentina, No. 2016-D-04) as any place of operations where the debtor carries out a non-transitory economic activity with human means and goods or services, the aim being to indicate whether the proceeding at issue is a non-main proceeding.
挪威代表团对 该决议草案投赞成票, 因为该项决议将进行与加 沙冲突有关的可能违反国际人道主义法和人权法行 [...]
为的独立调查的责任放在双方肩上,因此建立一种 有利于维持认真的和平谈判以及执行任何未来的和 平协定的信任气氛。
His delegation had voted in favour of the draft [...]
resolution because it placed on both parties the responsibility to undertake
independent investigations into possible violations of international humanitarian and human rights law relating to the Gaza conflict and so build an atmosphere of trust conducive to sustaining serious peace negotiations and the implementation of any future peace agreement.
其他代表团发赞成将最大残留限量返回委员会,指出只有在必要时并考虑到动物健康和动物福利之后 [...]
Other delegations
[...] intervened in favour of returning [...]
the MRLs back to the Committee, noting that veterinary drugs should
be used only when necessary and taking into consideration aspects of animal health and animal welfare.
(乙) 按照大会第 377 A(V)号决议而举行的紧急特别会议, 应在秘书长收到安全理事会依据任何九个理事国 赞成 票 提出召 开此种会议的请求,或在收到联合国会员国过半数以其在临时委员 会赞成票或 以他种方式表示的请求,或在按照第九条规定得到会 员国过半数赞同开会的通知后二十四小时内召开。
(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session
from the Security Council, on the vote of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim Committee or otherwise, or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.
反对使用现金的证据虽 然不足,也必须赞成使用 现金的证据一起考虑,以做出权衡。
The slim evidence against using cash has to be weighed against the
[...] very strong evidence in its favour.
赞成此段的目的,但它也 产生并突出了许多异常现象。
We applaud the intention behind [...]
this paragraph, but it also creates and highlights a number of anomalies.
我们确认气候变化对最不发达国家造成不利影响, 赞成 加 强 最不发达国家 的适应和减缓气候变化能力这一目标,同时铭记《联合国气候变化框架公约》的 规定。
We acknowledge the adverse impact of climate change on least developed countries and share the aim to strengthen their capacity to adapt to and mitigate climate change, bearing in mind the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
个非缔约国投赞成该决 议:亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、巴 林、中国、芬兰、格鲁吉亚、哈萨克斯坦、老挝人民民主共和国、马绍尔群岛、 [...]
密克罗尼西亚联邦、蒙古、摩洛哥、阿曼、波兰、新加坡、索马里、斯里兰卡、 汤加和阿拉伯联合酋长国。
The following 19 States not
[...] parties voted in favour of this resolution: [...]
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, China, Finland, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mongolia, Morocco, Oman, Poland, Singapore, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tonga and United Arab Emirates.
在随后的简短讨论中,与会者对世界银行研究采取的方法普遍表 赞成 和 支 持。
In the brief ensuing discussion, there was general approval of and support for the approaches being taken in the World Bank study.
在此背景下,越南代表团在重申我国支持塞尔维 亚共和国独立、主权和领土完整的同时 赞成 并 支持 秘书长的看法,那就是,科索沃特派团将继续以第 1244(1999)号决议的继续授权为基础,同欧洲安全与 合作组织以及驻科索沃部队密切协调,并与贝尔格莱 德和普里什蒂纳当局合作,努力促进区域稳定与繁 荣。
Against that backdrop, and while reiterating Viet Nam’s position in support of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, my delegation shares and supports the Secretary-General’s view that UNMIK will continue to work towards the advancement of regional stability and prosperity, based on its continued mandate under resolution 1244 (1999), in close coordination with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Kosovo Force and in cooperation with the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina.
至于这些信息 的内容,对妇女的态度和偏好进行的各种调查的结果重新得到了确认:绝大多数 参与者拒绝核发电等技术,赞成可 再 生和能源效率,并期待通过生活方式和行 为的重大改变来取得进展。
As for the content of the messages, the results of various polls on women’s attitudes and preferences have been reconfirmed: a vast majority of participants rejected technologies such as nuclear power, favouring renewable and energy efficiency instead, and expected progress through major changes in life style and behaviour.
(d) 如根据上市规则的规定,要求某成员就任何特定决议投弃权票或只限就任 何特定决议赞成票或 反对票,该成员或其代表违反该要求或限制下所作 的任何表决,均不计算在内。
(d) Where any Member is, under the Listing Rules, required to abstain from voting on any particular resolution or restricted to voting only for or only against any particular resolution, any votes cast by or on behalf of such Member in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall not be counted.
发展中国家中也存在着类似的争论,但若是这些国家 赞成 为 生 物体授予专利的国 内经济利益较弱,同时其文化和宗教价值也不同于发达国家,那么其争论的结果也会与发 达国家不同。
A similar debate in a developing country where domestic economic interests favouring patents on living things are likely to be weaker and where cultural and religious values often differ, might lead to a different outcome.
巴基斯坦代表强调,对不采取行动动议 赞成 票 并不是对该非政府组织的实 质或其活动作出评判,而是申明委员会每一个成员都有权对任何一个非政府组织 [...]
The representative of
[...] Pakistan stressed that voting in favour of the no-action [...]
motion was not a judgement on the substance
of the non-governmental organization or its activities, but rather an affirmation of the principled position that each Committee member had a right to ask questions of any non-governmental organization in order to get satisfactory responses.
在 2 月 27
[...] 日讨论难民和流离失所者问题的专题会议上,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 维那联邦代表院投赞成关于 斯雷布雷尼察的一项倡议,该倡议呼吁“负责实施 [...]
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那选举[和 ]国际社会所有主题的公共机构,特别是高级代表 办事处,根据 2008
年在斯雷布雷尼察适用的模型和解决方案,制定一项关于 2012 年和今后几年实施斯雷布雷尼察地方选举、直到《代顿和平协定》附件 7 以及永 久、良好的系统性解决方案得到全面执行的决定。
On 27 February, at a thematic session dedicated to the issues of refugees and displaced persons, the
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina House of
[...] Representatives voted for an initiative related [...]
to Srebrenica that called upon “public
institutions responsible for implementing elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina [and] all subjects of the international community, especially the Office of the High Representative, to enact a decision on implementing local elections in Srebrenica for 2012 and future years according to the model and solutions applied in Srebrenica in 2008 until the complete implementation of annex 7 to the Dayton Peace Agreement and a permanent and quality systemic solution”.




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