单词 | 赜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 趁verb—take advantage ofvless common: avail oneself ofv Examples:趁便—take the opportunity in passing 趁火打劫—profit from sb's misfortune [idiom.] loot a burning house 趁热打铁—strike while the iron is hot
投资组合策略及展望 在港元货币市场的低孳息环境下,投资组合实在难以累积可观收益,我们会密切留意机会,以趁目前形势 优化投资组合的收益。 aia.com.hk | We remain watchful of opportunities to enhance portfolio yields in this environment. aia.com.hk |
亚洲企业盈利增 长前景正面,区内资金充裕,加上股票估值吸引,经过近期调整 後,或出现趁低吸纳机会。 citibank.com.hk | With positive earnings growth prospects, abundant liquidity and attractive valuation, Asian stocks may see opportunities to buy on dips after recent pullback. citibank.com.hk |
因此,我们趁着设立「民意日志」的机会,在网页和新闻公报中更加清晰地展示和解释各项统计误差,为本地的公民教育略尽绵力。 hkupop.hku.hk | We take this opportunity of launching our "Opinion Daily" to explain the meaning of different sampling errors more clearly in our webpage and press releases. hkupop.hku.hk |
流离失所的人回到自己家园,却发现他人趁其不 在时声称有所有权或使用权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Displaced persons who return to their lands find that others have claimed ownership or rights of usage in their absence. daccess-ods.un.org |
来往的信件和一系列的技术安排构成从欧洲联盟驻 乍得共和国与中非共和国的军事行动过渡到联合国军事部署的全面框架,其中包 括一系列的后勤问题,如果没有趁早进行联合规划,这一切都不可能预测或解决 所有的支援问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The exchange of letters and series of technical arrangements provided an overall framework for the transition from the European Union military operation in the Republic of Chad and in the Central African Republic to the United Nations military deployment, which covered a range of logistical issues, although these could not predict or address all support problems in the absence of early joint planning. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了代表阿拉伯人权委员会发言外,Mesli 先生还趁机宣传另一个不具有咨 商地位的非政府组织“Alkaraman”,他是该组织的创始成员,从而将该组织与他 未依惯例经人权理事会事先同意代表阿拉伯人权委员会所做的发言联系起来,这 样他就与阿拉伯人权委员会合谋避开了进行此类发言所需的咨商地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to being given the floor by the Arab Commission for Human Rights, Mr. Mesli took the opportunity to promote another non-governmental organization, “Alkaraman”, of which he is a founding member and which does not enjoy consultative status, associating it to the statement made on behalf of the Arab Commission for Human Rights without prior consent of the Human Rights Council as the established practice thus bypassing the consultative status required for such a statement with the complicity of the Arab Commission for Human Rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于我国仍基本上处于混乱和不稳定状态,青年 党和基地组织等恐怖主义运动便趁机向索马里人民 发动了残酷的战争,并且以圣战为名义,打着宗教的 幌子犯下罪行和暴行(但宗教是彻底反对这类暴行 的)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owing to the disorder and instability prevailing in the country, the terrorist movements of Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaida took the opportunity to launch a merciless war against the Somali people and committed crimes and atrocities in the name of jihad, under the guise of religion, which is completely opposed to such atrocities. daccess-ods.un.org |
正 当该组织前往乍得而后方空虚之时,苏丹政府军 队及其民兵趁机于 2 月 8-10 日在西达尔富尔地区 发起了大规模袭击。 crisisgroup.org | Responding to the vacuum left by JEM’s move to Chad, the Suda nese military, assisted by militias, launched a major offensive in West Darfur, 8-10 February. crisisgroup.org |
不 过, 随着中国经济回稳及企业盈利前景改善,近期的整固 或提供趁低吸纳机会,当中可留意属周期性行业,及 有机会受惠未来A股市场反弹的内险股。 citibank.com.hk | But recent market pullback may offer opportunities to buy on dips as China’s economy shows signs of stabilizing and as earnings outlooks improve. citibank.com.hk |
笔者希望值此简单介绍几种常见的选举民意调查,并同时呼吁传媒机构趁机订立专业守则,自我规范报导民意调查的方法,尽量与国际标准看齐。 hkupop.hku.hk | Here the author would like to introduce several types of popular public opinion surveys in elections, and to urge the media bodies to develop a set of professional code of ethics to regulate themselves when reporting the public opinion surveys, so as to match with the international standard. hkupop.hku.hk |
对所有这些依旧对上帝保持忠诚之心的 人,我们想起使徒保罗的话:“现今就是该 趁早睡醒的时候,因为我们得救,现今比初 信的时候更近了。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | To all such whose hearts are still loyal to the Lord, we call in the words of the Apostle Paul, “It is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
考虑到理光产品的开发概念如抓拍图像(趁人不备快速抓拍的图像),我们确实希望满足用户的这种需求,但由于当时不能确定顾客对这类相机的接受程度如何,我们未敢冒险尝试。 ricoh.com | Considering our Ricoh product development concept of the Candid Photo (An image quickly captured in that instant when the heart stirs), we really wanted to respond to that user need, but we did not move forward at the time because we were not sure how widely accepted such a camera would be. ricoh.com |
这是由肺炎链球菌引致的肺部感染,细菌在平时可潜藏於上呼吸道,当病人患上病毒性上呼吸道感染如流行性感冒等毛病时,趁机入侵肺叶,引起肺炎。 hsbc.com.hk | Infections in the lungs caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae. The bacteria can live in our upper respiratory tract and may invade into one or more lobes of the lung. hsbc.com.hk |
安理会一 成员趁机提出了“保护过程中的责任”概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | One Council member took the opportunity to present the concept of “responsibility while protecting”. daccess-ods.un.org |
还可趁此机会在 若干进行中举措的基础上再接再厉,这些举措包括:国际空间气象举措、多重 导航卫星系统演示活动、实现区域参照框架和系统、同时又是导航卫星系统国 际委员会信息中心的联合国所属各区域空间科学与技术教育中心所开展的活动 以及导航卫星系统和相关应用培训工作的长期研究金方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also an opportunity to build upon a number of ongoing initiatives, such as the International Space Weather Initiative, the Multi-GNSS Demonstration Campaign, the realization of the regional reference frames and systems, the activities of the regional centres for space science and technology education, affiliated to the United Nations, which also act as the ICG information centres, and a long-term fellowship programme for training in GNSS and related applications. daccess-ods.un.org |
兰博基尼在 2003 年底特律车展上推出的 Murciélago Roadster 概念车在意大利跑车爱好者之间引起了热烈的反响,公司趁势在 2004 年日内瓦车展上正式推出其量产版跑车。 lamborghini.com | Presented as a concept car in 2003 in Detroit - where it generated significant interest among Italian supercar enthusiasts - the production version of the Murciélago Roadster makes its official debut at the Geneva Show 2004. lamborghini.com |
危机往往也是转机,我们可以趁这个时候,认真思考未来的发展策略,对经营模式做出相应的调整。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | These are times for reflection – to consider future growth strategies, and make appropriate adjustments to the business model. english.sccci.org.sg |
因此,一些消费者会发现他们雇用的承造商或是 兼职的,根本无法在合理的时间内完成工作;又或是 经验不足,以致工作未能令人满意;甚至是不可靠的, 只顾趁机挣快钱。 essa.ca | As a result, some consumers find that they’ve hired part-time contractors, who may not get the job done in a reasonable time; inexperienced contractors, who may not do the job well; or dishonest contractors, who are seizing the opportunity to make quick money. essa.ca |
金融危机过后,中小型企业应该如何趁着这股增长动力,拓展他们的业务,并且加快步伐,走向国际化? chinese.sccci.org.sg | After the financial crisis, how should SMEs ride on this growth momentum to grow their business and accelerate their pace of internationalization? english.sccci.org.sg |
以下列出了一些最常见的技术指示器: 累积分配 涨跌比率 臂指标(TRIN) 保力加通道 商品通道指标 移动平均数(多种) 移动平均指标 麦加伦波动指标 动量 平衡交易量 抛物线 相对强弱指标(RSI) Stochastic(快慢两种) 易变性 市场推动预计,并且往往与认知相反!想想这句经典的股市格言 -“趁谣言吸购,在消息公布后抛售”。 scgfx.com | Here is a list of some of the most common technical indicator: cumulative distribution ratio index go up drop arm (TRIN) the strength add channel commodity channel index moving average (many) moving average index mecca Aaron fluctuation index momentum balance volume parabolic relative strength index (RSI) Stochastic (speed of the two) market volatility is expected to promote, and often and cognitive instead! scgfx.com |
我打算趁我在这里的时候,也就刚果民主共和国 讲几句话。 daccess-ods.un.org | While I am here, I would also like to say a few words about the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国儿童基金会东部和南部非洲区域负责人额哈吉.艾斯.斯说:“在紧急情况发生之前,就应该准备好应对之法,现在正是建立良好的治理结构、制定周全的计划的时候,我们需要着眼于未来,进行多年规划并筹集资金,趁为时未晚,做好应灾准备。 unicef.org | An emergency response is better prepared in times of non-emergency,” said As Sy, UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Director. unicef.org |
南非世界杯正式进入倒计时,国内的“彩电世界杯”也已经进入“压哨时间”.彩电功能呈现“四强争霸”局面:趁着世界杯播出3D信号契机,3D电视声势最大;互联网电视凭互动体验,粉丝最多;LED仗着运动画质、色彩显示优势,志在必得;觉得没有什么比高清数字一体机看球赛更适合的了,所以这个原本一直小众的产品也在蠢蠢欲动。 ch-led.com | TV time" function shows "four World Cup ii" situation: while broadcast 3D, 3D TV signal floored opportunity is greatest; Internet TV fans by interactive experience, most; LED by motion graphics, color display advantage, the bag; Think nothing at the game than hd all-in-one PC more suitable, so this was always in the product also little fidgety. ch-led.com |
剧情 首播日期: 2012.12.21 「血滴子以革为囊,内藏快刀数把,控以机关,用时趁人不备,囊罩其头,拨动机关,首级立取,是为冷兵器时期战斗工具之极致,创於清雍正时期,专为清除异己之秘密武器…」 时值清初盛世,乾隆继承皇位。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2012.12.21 During the Manchu-ruled Qing Dynasty, the Yongzheng Emperor established a secret assassination squad known as the ‘Guillotines’ to eliminate all who opposed him. justlatte.com |
更一般的意义是,我们趁此机会简化并替换了我们迄今为止所开发的MagikSF环境的某些部分,如图形支持和文件I/O等。 infoq.com | More generally, we have taken the opportunity to simplify and replace some parts of the MagikSF environment that we had developed ourselves to date, for example the graphics support, file I/O etc. We envisage that we will do more of this in the future. infoq.com |
友邦副总裁及助理总经理李满能先生指出:「一份合适的医疗保险计划是生活的基本保 障,而且应该趁年青时作出妥善安排,确保即使遭逢突如其来的困难时,个人及家庭生活的 质素得以保持不变,可以安心规划未来。 aia.com.hk | Mr. Thomas Lee, Vice President and Assistant General Manager of AIA, said, “A suitable medical insurance plan provides basic health protection. aia.com.hk |
此 外 , 由 於 日 本 开 国 , 国 家 到 处 的 不 满 原 素 趁 机 利 用 这 种 争 议 性 的 外 交 课 题 来 攻 击 大 将 军 。 hkahe.com | Besides, with the opening of the country to foreign intercourse, dissatisfied elements from almost all quarters of the nation ready took advantage of the conflicting attitude in foreign relation to attack the Shogun. hkahe.com |