单词 | 赚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 赚—make a profitless common: cheat swindle 赚verb—reapvExamples:赚钱v—monetizev making moneyv 赚钱adj—profitable 赚得—earn
本集团将所赚取的会被视作源於印度的收入金额尚未获 印度法院厘定,因此仍未能确定该等收入之金额数目。 asiasat.com | The portion of revenue earnedby theGroup [...] that would be deemed to be Indian sourced is yet to be decided by the Indian [...]Courts and is therefore still uncertain. asiasat.com |
待 用 作 未 完 成 资 产 开 支 的 特 定 [...] 借 款 的 临 时 投 资所赚取之投 资 收 入,自 拨 [...]充 资 本 的 借 款 成 本 中 扣 除。 zte.com.cn | Investment income earnedon thetemporary [...] investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on qualifying assets [...]is deducted from the borrowing cost capitalised. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
於修订之前,租赁期结束时其业权不会 [...] 转移至本集团且并非为持作出售或赚取租金之土地权益被分类为「租赁土地及土地使用权」项下之经营租 [...]赁,并在租赁期内摊销。 wingtaiproperties.com | Prior to the amendment, land interest of which title is not expected to pass to the Group [...] by the end of the lease term and is not held [...] for sale or earningrentals was [...]classified as operating lease under “Leasehold [...]land and land use rights”, and amortised over the lease term. wingtaiproperties.com |
於溢利或亏损确认之收益或亏损净额并不包括任何股息或财务资产赚取之利息。 equitynet.com.hk | The net gain or loss recognised in profit or loss excludes any dividend [...] or interestearned on thefinancial assets. equitynet.com.hk |
股息将於截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度在股东权益中确认为保留盈余 根据印度税务条例,本集团可能需要就提供转发器容量予在印度运作业务或从印度赚取收益的 本集团客户所支付的租金而缴纳印度所得税。 asiasat.com | be recognised in shareholders’ equity as an appropriation of retained earnings in the year ending Under Indian tax regulations, the Group may be subject to Indian tax on revenues received by the Group in respect of income from provision of satellite transponder capacity to the Group’s customers for purposes of those customers carrying on business in Indiaor earning income from any source in India. asiasat.com |
此等资产主要是为从短期的价格波动中赚取利润而购入。 htisec.com | These assets are acquired principally for the purpose of generating a profit from short-term fluctuations in price. htisec.com |
利息收入包括就所提供 的各项贷款(包括向Russneft集团旗下公司提供的贷款)赚取的利息,此为较上一年度主要增加的部份。 glencore.com | Interest income includes interest earned on various loans extended, including to companies within the Russneft Group which primarily accounted for the overall increase compared to the prior year. glencore.com |
5.9 倘若阁下的会员八达通在指定时间内不曾赚取或兑换日日赏$(目前为 1,000 [...] 天),为 保障阁下及本公司,本公司会将阁下的会员八达通视作不再使用,并会保留取消阁下的 八达通日日赏计划会籍的权利。 octopus.com.hk | 5.9 In the event that your Membership Octopus [...] is not used to earn or redeem Reward$ [...]for a specified period (currently, 1,000 [...]days), we will, for your own and our protection, deem your Membership Octopus to be no longer in use, and we will have the right to deactivate your Membership Octopus. octopus.com.hk |
永联基地产持有裕美工业 中心(包括该物业)作为投资物业以赚取租金收入。 wingtaiproperties.com | Unimix Properties is holding Unimix Industrial Centre (including the Premises) as investment property for rental income. wingtaiproperties.com |
子基金的投资目标乃主要透过投资於(不少於其资产净值的 80%)中国的人民币定息证券,达致资本升 值及赚取收入。 htisec.com | The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve capital appreciation and income generation by primarily (i.e. not less than 80% of its net assets) investing in the PRC Renminbi (“RMB”) fixed income securities. htisec.com |
(C) 政府承认港灯及其股东由於所冒风险及投入和留存 於该企业内的资金,有权赚取合理利润;但作为回 报,政府须获得港灯保证,继续对消费市民提供足 够应付需求的服务,并须效率高和质素佳,及根据 财政及其他因素以合理的最低价格提供服务。 hkelectric.com | (C) The Government recognises that HEC and its shareholders are entitled to earn a return which is reasonable in relation to the risks involved and the capital invested in and retained in its business, and in return, the Government has to be assured that service to the consuming public continues to be adequate to meet demand, to be efficient and of high quality, and is provided at the lowest cost which is reasonable in the light of financial and other considerations. hkelectric.com |
外国投资者和在越南工作的海外人士可把资本投资利润、在越南合法赚取的收入,以及投资项目清盘後剩余的任何投资本金滙至海外。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Foreign investors and foreigners working in Vietnam are permitted to [...] transfer abroad capital investment profits and [...] income legally earnedin Vietnam and [...]any remaining invested capital upon the liquidation of an investment project. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
4.6 在机上透过《Emporium》购买任何货品所涉及的运送费、商品及服务税、 商业税、关税及入口税和清关邮费,均不作计算以赚取「亚洲万里通」。 dragonair.com | 4.6 No Asia Miles can be earned in respect of delivery charges, goods and services tax, business tax, customs and import duties and postal clearance for any inflight purchase of products from Emporium. dragonair.com |
有关业绩亦包 括集中持有之无成本资金所赚取之利息净额、集团总部向滙丰提供督导及中央管理服务产生的营运成本,以及集团服务中心 [...] 及内部服务中心的成本与有关收回额。 hsbc.com.tw | The results also include [...] net interest earnedon free capital [...]held centrally, operating costs incurred by the Group Head [...]Quarters operations in providing stewardship and central management services to HSBC, and costs incurred by the Group Service Centres and Shared Service Organisations and associated recoveries. hsbc.com.tw |
於损益账确认之收益或亏损净额包括财务资产所赚取之股息或利息,并於综合收益表内计入「其他收益 [...] 及亏损」。 sisinternational.com.hk | The net gain or loss recognised in profit or loss incorporates any dividend [...] or interest earned on the financial [...]assets and is included in the ‘other gains [...]and losses’ line item in the consolidated income statement. sisinternational.com.hk |
银 行 结 余 根 据 每 [...] 日 银 行 存 款 利 率 以 浮 动利率赚取利息 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Bank balances earn interest at floating [...] rates based on daily bank deposit rates. cigyangtzeports.com |
根据 RBK 评级年"联盟"(OJSC),是最具活力的俄罗斯银行之一: 银行参加最动态发展银行 2003年-2007 年,排名第 16 位,以及 19 评级"最赚钱银行"依法杂志"生意人报-"上的钱 01.04.07,银行联盟索契。 bank-soyuz.g-sochi.ru | According to RBK rating JSCB "Soyuz" (OJSC) is one of the most dynamic Russian banks: Bank took 16th place in the ranking of the most dynamically developing banks for 2003-2007, as well as 19 in the rating "the mostprofitable banking" according to the magazine "Kommersant-money" on 01.04.07, BANK UNION Sochi. bank-soyuz.g-sochi.ru |
为赚取更高收 益,本行亦 将 部 份短期存放同业之资金转 为持有 债务证券,令债务证券投资增加百分之㆓ 十点㆒。 hangseng.com.cn | Investment in debt securities increased by 20.1 per cent as funds were re-deployed from short-term interbank placings to debt securities for yield enhancement. hangseng.com.cn |
本 集 团 将 符 合 下 文 所 述 的 本 集 团 部 分 界 定 为 经 营 [...] 分 部 (a) 从 事 可能赚取收益 及 产生开 支 [...]的 业 务 活 动 ; 及 (b) 该 部 分 的 经 营 业 绩 由 最 高 营 运 决 [...]策 者 即 执 行 董 事 定 期 审 阅 , 以 作 出 有 关 资 源 分 配 的 决 定 及 评 估 表 现 。 cre8ir.com | The Group identified an operating segment which is a component of the Group [...] (a) that engages in business activities from [...] whichit mayearn revenues and [...]incur expenses; and (b) whose operating results [...]are reviewed regularly by the executive directors, the chief operating decision maker, to make decisions about resources allocation and assess its performance. cre8ir.com |
当押商」指经营贷出款项的业务的人,而该人是爲赚取利息,或 爲获得或期望获得利润、收益或报酬而贷出款项的,并以当押取得的物品 作爲抵押。 police.gov.hk | pawnbroker” means a person carrying on business by advancing on interest, or for or in expectation of profit, gain or reward, any sum of money on the security of goods taken by such person in pawn. police.gov.hk |
在停止经营的业务方面,除了若干情况须特别处理外,一般來說,应评税 利润是根据上一课税年度基期结束以後至停止营业日期为止所赚得的利润计算。 apwcpa.com | On cessation of a business (subject to certain circumstances where special treatment would apply), the assessable profits are generally based on the profits for the period from the end of the basis period for the previous year of assessment to the date of cessation. apwcpa.com |
有关 债务概不受托於信托安排,本公司不会就此 支付任何利息,亦毋须就其业务动用该款项 净额或将该款项净额投资於董事会可能不时 认为适宜的投资(本公司或其控股公司的股 份或其他证券(如有)除外)所赚取的任何 金额作出呈报。 towngaschina.com | No trust shall be created in respect of the debt, no interest shall be payable in respect of the same and the Company shall not be required to account for any money earned on the net proceeds, which may be employed in the business of the Company or invested in such investments (other than shares or other securities in or of the Company or its holding company if any) or as the Board may from time to time think fit. towngaschina.com |
4.3 所赚取的「亚洲万里通」里数是以印在收据上的港元金额计算。 dragonair.com | 4.3 Asia Miles earned shallbe calculated [...] based on the Hong Kong dollar amount printed on the sales invoice. dragonair.com |
(1) 董事会可建立或赞同或联合其他公司(本公司的附属公司或与本公司有联营业务 的公司)建立任何计划或基金并以本公司资金作出供款,以便为本公司雇员(该词在此段及下 段中包括在本公司或其任何附属公司担任或曾任任何行政或赚取收益职位的任何现任董事或前 任董事)和前雇员及其受养人或任何一类或多类该等人士提供退休金、疾病或恩恤津贴、人寿 保险或其他福利。 ntpharma.com | (1) The Board may establish or concur or join with other companies (being subsidiary companies of the Company or companies with which it is associated in business) in establishing and making contributions out of the Company’s moneys to any schemes or funds for providing pensions, sickness or compassionate allowances, life assurance or other benefits for employees (which expression as used in this and the following paragraph shall include any Director or ex-Director who may hold or have held any executive office or any office of profit under the Company or any of its subsidiary companies) and ex-employees of the Company and their dependants or any class or classes of such person. ntpharma.com |
分类溢利╱亏损指各分类於分配中 央行政费用及企业支出、摊占联营公司及一间共同控制实体的业绩、出售附属公司及联营公司的收益或亏 损、投资收入及财务费用前所赚取的溢利╱引致的亏损。 sisinternational.com.hk | Segment profit/loss represents the profit/loss earned/incurred by each segment without allocation of central administration costs and corporate expenses, share of results of associates and jointly controlled entity, gain or loss on disposal of subsidiaries and associate, investment income and finance costs. sisinternational.com.hk |
短 期 定 期 存 款 的 存 款 期 分 为 七 天 至 三 个 月 不 等,依 本 集 团 的 即 时 现 金 需 求 而 定,并 [...] 按 照 相 应 的 短 期 定 期 存 款 利率赚取利息。 zte.com.cn | Short-term time deposits are made for varying periods of between seven days and three months [...] depending on the immediate cash requirements of [...] the Group, and earn interestat the [...]respective short-term time deposit rates. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
归属本公司股东之分项溢利为集团於每个分项赚取并扣除归属永久资本证券持有人及 [...] 非控股权益後之溢利,未计入集团总公司办事处库务活动溢利或亏损、行政及其他开 支。 cki.com.hk | Segment profit attributable to shareholders of the Company [...] represents the profit earnedby each segment [...]after the profit attributable to owners [...]of perpetual capital securities and non-controlling interests without allocation of gains or losses from treasury activities, corporate overheads and other expenses of the Group’s head office. cki.com.hk |
根据《市区重建策略》订定的财务模式,市区重建计划长远而言是希 望能够自给自足,即使市建局并非以盈利为目标,重建以外其他「3R」项目估 计都会亏钱的,需要从重建项目赚取利润來补贴亏钱项目。 procommons.org.hk | As most of the “3Rs” projects are expected to yield negative gain, the URA is force d to squeeze every single penny from the redevelopment projects in a bid to balance the book. procommons.org.hk |