单词 | 赐给 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 赐给 —give (often used)less common: bestow See also:赐—grant • bestow • confer
基督徒辅导员努力帮助被辅导的基督徒充分 发挥神所赐给他的 潜能,并为着神的荣耀成就神对他生命的计划。 sallee.info | The Christian mentor strives to help the Christian mentoree reach his God-given potential and to accomplish God's goals for his life, for the glory of God! sallee.info |
作丈夫的只能够因神凭着祂的良善把 妻子赐给自己而荣耀神(箴 19:14)。 sallee.info | The husband can only glorify God for His goodness in giving her to him (Pr 19:14). sallee.info |
求祂的保护、刚强和能力在将来的年月里,同 时 赐给 她 和 Ross。 amccsm.org | Pray for His protection, strengthening and enabling for both her and Ross in the months and years to come. amccsm.org |
1152年,美丽而任性的阿基坦女公爵埃莉诺与 英国国王的联姻是赐给波尔 多和阿基坦大区真正的 祝福。 filhot.net | In 1152, the wedding of the beautiful yet unpredictable Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine to the future King of England was a blessing for Bordeaux and the entire Aquitaine region. filhot.net |
该Vaisya趋向牛,赐给的礼 物,是为了祭祀,以研究(吠陀),贸易,借钱,并耕种土地。 mb-soft.com | The Vaisya to tend cattle, to bestow gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study (the Veda), to trade, to lend money, and to cultivate land. mb-soft.com |
我们信仰安拉和他启示给我们的,和 他 赐给伊 布 拉欣、伊斯马义、伊斯哈克、雅谷跟各部族的 天启,以及他们的主赐给姆撒 和尔撒同先知们的 经典”(《古兰经》,II:136)。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe in God and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes and in the [...] books given to Moses, Jesus and the prophets from their Lord” ( The Holy Koran, II:136). daccess-ods.un.org |
对我而言,这几节经文非常宝贵;我在1980年代初期第一次造访中国时,神以非常特别的方式将它 们 赐给 我。 amccsm.org | They are very precious verses to me, given to me in a special way when I first visited China in the early 1980s. amccsm.org |
如果只强调口传救恩信息的紧迫性,往往导致所传的是过于简化和断章取义的福音;如果只强调社会公义和社会更新的优先次序,则又被看作是偏离了耶 稣 赐给 门 徒 的主要使命,也就是传讲个人得救的信息。 conversation.lausanne.org | And those focused on the priority of justice and social [...] renewal are seen as detracting from the chief [...] task Jesus gave his followers to present the message of personal [...]salvation. conversation.lausanne.org |
在这一方面,撒但 [...] 诱惑过耶稣:只要耶稣拜牠,牠就将世上的万国和万国的荣 华 赐给 他 (太 4:8)。 sallee.info | Satan tempted Jesus in this arena by offering Him all of the kingdoms of the world with [...] their splendor if He would worship him (Mt 4:8). sallee.info |
如果我 们考虑一下上下文以及这里所解释的因信称义的事实,那“神的义”就是指从神而来的或神 所赐给的、完全的纯洁。 sallee.info | If we take the context into account and the fact that justification by faith is being explained here, the “righteousness of God“ means a perfect purity that comes from God or is given by God. sallee.info |
基督教的救恩论里面,不只是说救恩是免费而白 白 赐给 我 们 的,最伟大之处,是当我 们还不知道什么是恩典、甚至是明着顶撞神、犯法、犯罪、做出伤天害理的事情时, [...] 主就已经定意为我们上十字架了!这表示我们是在最不配得的光景里面,白白领受这 份无价的恩典的!这是神至高的爱,也是我们基督徒所传扬的信息。 ccineurope.org | In the Christian doctrine of salvation, not only is [...] salvation the free gift from God, the greatest [...]thing about it is that while we do not [...]yet understand what grace is, and even when we are still offending God by committing some unlawful, criminal or even atrocious acts, our Lord Jesus is determined to die for us on the cross! ccineurope.org |
我赐给你们 一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你 们也要怎样相爱。 vdrc.org | He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him. vdrc.org |
他应该解释倍增对于帮助完成基督在 大使命中所赐给我们 的命令的好处和必要性。 sallee.info | He should explain why multiplication is good and necessary to help fulfill the mandate which Christ gave us in the Great Commission. sallee.info |
为中国所有患有HIV/AIDS的人 祷告,但愿他们都能在生命中得知神的爱 , 赐给 他 们 希望和力量,能够在面对的任何岐视和偏见当中刚强站立。 amccsm.org | Pray for all of those suffering from HIV/AIDS in China. May each one of them know the love of God in their lives, giving them hope and strength to stand in the midst of any discrimination and prejudice they face. amccsm.org |
花几分钟的时间,在主面前记念那项主题,求祂将祂的眼 光 赐给 你 ,像祂一样地看待这个问题或情况,好感动你有为它祷告的负担。 amccsm.org | Spend a few minutes bringing that focus before the Lord, asking Him to give you His eyes to see this problem or situation as He sees it, and thus move you to be burdened to pray for it. amccsm.org |
还要知道他当时在世上事工的目的不是要医治世上每一个人的所有疾病,而是要为他究竞是谁准备合适的见证人,以通过他将 要 赐给 的 救赎,把他们带到更大,更普遍,更持久的医治。 bcbsr.com | Realize also that the purpose of his earthly ministry was not to heal everyone on earth at the time of all their particular problems, but to provide an appropriate witness of who he was in order to lead them to a greater and universal and permanent healing through the salvation he would provide in the future. bcbsr.com |
当只 有约书亚和迦勒相信神会赐给他们 征服迦南地的力量时,表现了约书亚的极大信心(民数记 14:6-9)。 sallee.info | Joshua’s great faith was best displayed when he and Caleb alone believed that God would give them the strength to conquer Canaan (Nu 14:6-9). sallee.info |
在旧约里,扫罗王因 尽力拦阻大卫接受神所赐给他的任务,而给自己和家人招致了灾难。 sallee.info | In the Old Testament, King Saul brought disaster on himself and his family by trying to prevent David from assuming the role God had given him. sallee.info |
The blessings of Abraham would [...] be fulfilled in the younger son, Jacob, and not in the older son, Esau. 应许要赐给亚伯 拉罕的福会应验在次子雅各 身上,而不是长子以扫。 liangyou.net | The blessings of Abraham would be fulfilled in the younger son, Jacob, and not in the older son, Esau. liangyou.net |
有许多香赐给他,要和众圣徒的祈祷一 同献在宝座前的金坛上。 liangyou.net | He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. liangyou.net |
神说:“我要把这地赐给你和 你的后裔。 liangyou.net | I will give you the land to you and your descendants. liangyou.net |
经文告诉我 们,上帝把他的独生儿子赐给世界 ,是为了让世界各国各民的人都能因信耶稣而不至于灭亡,反得 永生。 centerformissions.com | We also learn that God gave Jesus, His only Son, so that anyone who would trust Jesus will not be lost but have life forever. centerformissions.com |
他对他们吹气代表着新的生命将在五旬 节 赐给 他 们 ,届时,他们将重生。 bcbsr.com | His breathing on them represents the impartation of new life to be given them on Penetecost where they will be born-again. bcbsr.com |
有些教会建立者走了另一个极端:他们过度迷恋自己的家庭,到了不是在成就 神 赐给 他 们作为牧师和/或 教会建立者的呼召的地步。 sallee.info | Some church planters take the other extreme—they are overly preoccupied with their [...] family, to the extent that they are not fulfilling the [...] calling that God has given them as pastors [...]and/or church planters. sallee.info |
一个无论何时都忽视儆醒的人,总会错过上 帝赐给他的 特别祝福,这也证明他自己要么 [...] 被这个世界的神的偏见蒙蔽了双眼,要么为 生活琐事和当前的利益所累,证明他忽视了 向上帝奉献全部的誓约,只是寻求将要到来 的天国和生命。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | He who at any time neglects to watch, [...] loses a blessing upon which the Master laid great stress, and proves himself to be [...]either blinded with prejudice by the god of this world, or overcharged with matters of this life and present interests, to the neglect of his vow of full consecration to the Lord, to seek chiefly the Kingdom and life to come. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
将他自己的儿子赐给我们的神, 会赐给我们所需要的一切。 sallee.info | God, Who gave us His Son, will give us everything we need. sallee.info |
求主将健康、力量和保护赐给他们及其家人,并求主在他们事奉之时大大地恩膏他们。 amccsm.org | Pray for health and strength, [...] protection over them and those they leave back home, [...]and for God's powerful anointing on them as they serve. amccsm.org |
那些不能在指定时刻认 识真理的人们也不能在那时得到恩惠。在这 个时代的末期也正是如此:那些被疑惑和世 [...] 俗蒙蔽了双眼,看不到现在应验了的真理的 人们,也就不能接受如今应赐给他们 的特别 恩惠。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | The worldly and overcharged ones, the full ones, will not discern [...] either the prophecies or the signs of the [...] times fulfilling them, until the harvest [...]is past and the summer of special favor is ended. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
第二,主席强调,其 他国家的情况表明,矿产资源既是一种 恩 赐 , 也 是一种诅咒,已吸取的宝贵经验 教训,可能是有助于塞拉利昂透明、和平和包容地利用其自然资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, the Chair underscored that mineral wealth had proved to be both a blessing and a curse in other countries and that valuable lessons had been learned that may be useful in helping Sierra Leone take advantage of its natural resources transparently, peacefully, and inclusively. daccess-ods.un.org |