单词 | 赐予 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 赐予 —bestowless common: grant See also:赐—grant • bestow • confer 予—give • (archaic) I
黄金、海洋、河流和我们的土地是上 帝 赐予 ( 我 们 利希尔人) 的礼物,任何人都不能这样轻易地从我们这里拿走”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The gold, the sea, the rivers and our lands are God-given gifts (for us, Lihirians) which no man should take away from us that easily. daccess-ods.un.org |
我祝愿你一切顺利,愿神保 佑你,赐予你健康和安宁。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish you every success and may God [...] bless you and grant you health and [...]serenity. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据阿芝特克人的传说,可可树是神羽蛇 神 赐予 人 类 的,用以向一个因拒绝背叛她的丈夫而牺牲的公主致敬。 clarinsusa.com | According to Aztec legend, the Cocoa tree was given to man by the god Quetzalcoatl, as a tribute to a princess sacrificed for refusing to betray her husband. clarinsusa.com |
愿上 帝赐予死者安息,给予挪威青年力量,以便继续谋求 对话和相互了解。 daccess-ods.un.org | May the Lord our God grant rest in His [...] eternal peace to those who lost their lives, and may He give strength to the young [...]people of Norway to continue pursuing dialogue and mutual understanding. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有世俗的繁荣,就是这样的虔诚以色列人理想,但上 帝 赐予 的 繁 荣的保真度守他的诫命亲切的奖励。 mb-soft.com | Not worldly prosperity as such was the ideal of the pious Israelite, but prosperity bestowed by God as the gracious reward of fidelity in keeping His Commandments. mb-soft.com |
我一直很好奇,自己如何能够用某种形式表达出 对 赐予 我 们生命的宇宙的情感,对我们无可替代的地球之上的天国的情感。 shanghaibiennale.org | I always wonder how I can give expression, in some form, to feelings toward the universe that has granted us life, to feelings regarding the heavens that encircle our irreplaceable earth. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们的目的也是要借 助上帝赐予我们 的无穷祝福来帮助别人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our aim is also to assist others from the richness of God’s blessings on us. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第一个拖理论没有足够的理由选择在指定参考身体的任何其他成员,或尸体本身的头骨作为名称 的 赐予 者。 mb-soft.com | In the first tow theories no sufficient reason [...] is assigned for selecting the skull in reference to any other member of the body, or the [...] corpse itself, as a name-giver. mb-soft.com |
明白了基督徒的家庭角色之后,你自己的 生命就会得到坚固,你的整个会众会得到帮助,你所居住的社区将会通过你个人的模范和通过神 所 赐予的 教导与交通的机会而看到神的爱。 sallee.info | As you understand the biblical roles with the family, your own life will be strengthened, your entire congregation will be helped and the community in which you live will see the oneness and love of God modeled through you personally and through the teaching and counseling opportunities that God will give. sallee.info |
而通过“黑暗狂飙”,雷克萨斯不仅促销了CT 200h, 并赐予了混 合动力车一个全新的整体品牌形象。 labbrand.com | In this way the Dark Ride campaign serves not only to promote the CT 200h, but also gives hybrid cars in general a new brand image. labbrand.com |
解放斗争在痛苦中催生出今天的非洲,虽然我们有一千零一个理由抱怨命运 [...] 不公,但我们也承认,手拿武器夺取或是私底 下 赐予 的 这 份自由,为所有人开辟 了新的天地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The liberation struggles have painfully brought forth the Africa of today, and despite the myriad reasons that we have to bemoan our fate, we recognize that [...] this freedom, whether achieved through [...] armed struggle or granted in a duplicitous [...]way, has opened up new horizons for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们向他 [...] 们鞠躬致意,感谢他们拯救了世界,给了我们晴朗的 天空,并且赐予我们生命。 daccess-ods.un.org | We bow to them for having saved the world, for clear skies and for [...] having given us the gift of life. daccess-ods.un.org |
这似乎正如众所周知的,“谁赐予的 ,谁亦可收回”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would seem to be a case of the proverbial “he who giveth can surely taketh away”. daccess-ods.un.org |
她还说:“智障丝毫不会减损上帝赐予 他 们 的珍贵礼物:运动天份。 resources.specialolympics.org | Intellectual disabilities don't diminish their "God-given talent, and that talent is to play sports. resources.specialolympics.org |
今天,我们将再次点燃国 际合作的希望,并且换一种方式进行维持和管理,因为整个非洲都曾由于 “ 赐予 的”独立而受到损害,成为四分五裂、条块分割、支离破碎的空间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today we will revive hope in international cooperation, cooperation experienced and managed in a different way, such that it will favour the large mass of Africans who have been ill-served by independence “granted ” to areas which have been balkanized, split up or fragmented. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一处热门的一日游目的地是努克西奥(Nuuksio)国家公园——这是大自 然 赐予 赫 尔 辛基的瑰宝。 visitfinland.com | Another popular daytrip destination is Helsinki’s natural treasure, Nuuksio National Park. visitfinland.com |
这个意识之旅的五个重要组成部分包含:自我意识(对自我在身、脑、灵层面有更深刻的认知);自我激励/自我认同 ( 赐予 我 们 面对生命挑战的信心和勇气);自律(帮助我们掌控自我,改变自身不良习性和负面态度); [...] 自我扩张(通过移情达到与别人共通,把他们视为大我的一部分来服务他们);最后就是自我实现(也就是人力资源开发中所讲的自我实现)。 linlead.net | Five vital parts of this journey of consciousness are: Self-awareness (knowing oneself better at [...] body-mind-soul levels), Self-Motivation / [...] Self-Esteem (which can give us confidence and [...]courage to face challenges), Self-Regulation [...]& Discipline (it helps us to control our ego and change our bad habits/attitudes), Self-Expansion (reaching out in empathy to others and serving them as our larger Self) and finally, it is Self-Realization (which is called Self-Actualization in HR). linlead.net |
历史书中没有告诉我们在安东尼家族酿酒之前,以前那些拥有过这片庄园的贵族们是否也做过同样的事情,但我们很容易就可以猜到。在卡罗西历史和艺术指南的引言中,提到各个不同派系的冲突以及一段时期的战争后,“新发现一个安静幽雅富饶的地方,慷慨的大自然将她的快 乐 赐予 了 这 里,令它成为一个欢欣,放松,休息的好地方,同时也是一个农业天堂。 antinori.it | History books do not tell us whether the various families which succeded one another at Tignanello before the Antinori also produced wine there, but it is easy to think so, given that in the introduction to Carocci’s historical-artistic guide, referring to the end of a lengthy of wars and conflict between opposing factions, speaks of “a newly found quiet and tranquil opulence which the delights of a generous nature [...] have given to this spot, transforming it into a [...] pleasurable place of repose and relaxation [...]and an agricultural paradise”. antinori.it |
在欧洲,无论是上帝的子民还是魔鬼的门徒都相信,蓝宝石会将预言的能 力 赐予 拥 有 它的人。 hautehorlogerie.org | In Europe, [...] both men of God and Satan's minions believed the sapphire would confer the gift of prophesy [...]to whomever possessed one. hautehorlogerie.org |
永志不忘”的概念恰好符合教皇尼古拉五世的“永久 ” 赐予 这 一 事实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concept of “perpetual remembrance” coincides with the fact that Pope [...] Nicholas V made his grant “forever”. daccess-ods.un.org |
国王支持 Kamal al-Din 在大不里士的工作,并为他提供很多奖赏(被他拒绝了),而且还任命他为国王的个人秘书 和 赐予 他 “皇家老年秘书长”的荣誉称号。 wdl.org | The monarch supported Kamal al-Din’s work in Tabriz and offered him a number [...] of rewards (which he [...] refused) as well as made him his personal secretary and bestowed upon him the honorific [...]epithet "the Elderly Royal Secretary. wdl.org |
真主赐 予人类以尊严,为的是升华其境界,使人类能够充当 [...] 他在尘世上的后继者。 daccess-ods.un.org | God gave dignity to humankind [...] in order to elevate its status so that it can assume the role of His successor on Earth. daccess-ods.un.org |
那么 世界其他地方可从中国山区获 得的项目经验中得到哪些启示 历经数百 万年自然进化形成的生物多样性是地 球赐 予人类 的最重要的财富之一 在中国广阔 的土地上仍可发现丰富的动植物资源 人 类只有停止破坏生物多样性并对其进行保 护才能多途径地利用多样性 欧洲的多样 性也很丰富 在德国也有许多人正在从事 植物多样性课题领域的研究工作 并思考 造福后代的动植物地方品种培育之路 netzhammerbreiholz.de | In the expansive landscapes of China, an extraordinary richness of plants and animals is still to be found, but there is also diversity elsewhere in Europe. In Germany, too, many people are working on the topic of plant diversity in the fields, and are thinking about ways in which locally bred animals and plants could be used for the benefit of future generations. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
波尔多葡萄种植区是大自然的恩赐,它享有所有葡萄生长所需的重要因素:所处的地理位 置、自然气候、大自然赐予的土壤条件、葡萄品种以及人们的技巧。 filhot.net | They have all the necessary features [...] to produce fine wine: the appropriate topography, climate, soil, grape varieties, and human expertise. filhot.net |
如上所述,教皇尼古拉在 Romanus Pontifex 中赐予的“ 征服权”是永久性 的:“根据那些诏书及关于权力的本文书 [诏书 ]的授权,已经获取以及今后将获 取的一切……按照法律永远属于前述国王及其继承者和王子,征服权……属于且 按照法律永远属于这位阿方索国王、他的继承者和王子,而不属于任何其他人”。 daccess-ods.un.org | is made forever: “And by force of those and the present letters [papal bulls] of faculty the acquisitions already made, and what hereafter shall happen to be acquired … forever of right do belong and pertain, to the aforesaid king and his successors and to the infante, and that the right of conquest … has belonged and pertained, and forever of right belongs and pertains, to the said King Alfonso, his successors, and the infante, and not to any others”. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一次复活,而本章节的赏赐,他 告诉我们,是指在洗礼重生,对1000年后,历史的六千年安息日是整个生命的永恒 [...] - 或者换句话说,这个数字千是为了表达完美,以及千年的最后空间必须为指的是世界的末日理解;在所有比赛中,基督的王国,其中的启示说,只能被应用到教会(德Civitate棣,二十5-7)。 mb-soft.com | The first resurrection, of which [...] this chapter treats, he tells us, refers to [...]the spiritual rebirth in baptism; the sabbath [...]of one thousand years after the six thousand years of history is the whole of eternal life -- or in other words, the number one thousand is intended to express perfection, and the last space of one thousand years must be understood as referring to the end of the world; at all events, the kingdom of Christ, of which the Apocalypse speaks, can only be applied to the Church (De Civitate Dei, XX 5-7). mb-soft.com |
非政府组织在海地的参与十分出 色,从许多方面来说,这是一种赐福 , 但是偶尔它也 是一种灾祸,因为总统从未有关于非政府组织在海地 所有活动的全面记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | NGO involvement in Haiti has been remarkable and a blessing in many ways, but also occasionally a curse, because the President has never had a comprehensive record of all NGO activities in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二,主席强调,其 他国家的情况表明,矿产资源既是一种 恩 赐 , 也 是一种诅咒,已吸取的宝贵经验 教训,可能是有助于塞拉利昂透明、和平和包容地利用其自然资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, the Chair underscored that mineral wealth had proved to be both a blessing and a curse in other countries and that valuable lessons had been learned that may be useful in helping Sierra Leone take advantage of its natural resources transparently, peacefully, and inclusively. daccess-ods.un.org |