单词 | 赈灾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 赈—provide relief 灾n—disastern 灾—calamity 潽—boil over
(6) 救援机构提交的任何申请,均应辅以建议书,概述赈灾计划的性质及规模、受惠人的数目和类别,以 [...] 及所需拨款的金额。 admwing.gov.hk | (6) Any applicationby a relieforganisation [...] should be supported by a proposal outlining the nature and scale of the aid [...]project, the number and type of beneficiaries and the size of grant required. admwing.gov.hk |
(1) 拨款应只限用於个别灾祸的赈灾工作,而非为解决 持续的困难。 admwing.gov.hk | (1) Grants should only be made in [...] cases of a specific disaster, notan on-going [...]problem. admwing.gov.hk |
(7) 救援机构应在过往从事类似的赈灾服务和工作方 面,具有良好纪录。 admwing.gov.hk | (7) The relief organisation should have demonstrated a sound track record in providing similar typesof disaster relief services [...] and activities. admwing.gov.hk |
(2) 只有性质及灾情均引起国际社会响应赈灾的灾祸,才应拨款进行救援。 admwing.gov.hk | (2) Grants should only be made in cases of disasters of such nature and scale that stimulate a response by the international community. admwing.gov.hk |
(9) 倘若收到超过一份性质相似并为同一灾祸赈灾的申请,则应考虑可能受惠的人数,提供救援的速 [...] 度,以及提供救援的性质。 admwing.gov.hk | (9) When there is more than one application of a similar nature [...] and for the samedisaster,regard should [...]be given to the likely number of beneficiaries, [...]the promptness with which the relief may be provided and the nature of the relief to be provided. admwing.gov.hk |
不过,由於南亚发生海啸,社会集中力量赈灾,研究组决定把发放日期押後至2月中,并以本文向公众略述现阶段的研究成果。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, because of [...] the tsunami disaster in South Asia and the fact that the society is now focusing ondisaster relief project, [...]the Team decides to postpone [...]the press conference to mid-February. hkupop.hku.hk |
(a) 某政府或救援机构为国内或有关地区向国际社 会发出赈灾呼吁;或 admwing.gov.hk | (a) appeals made to the international community by a government or a relief [...] organisation for disaster reliefaid in [...]the country or locality concerned; or admwing.gov.hk |
同时参与世界各地的公益活动,支持捐献教育及灾难救援,包括 为四川、海地及智利地震的受难者,以及最近日本东北地震及海啸赈灾。 propublicity.com | It is involved in charitable causes worldwide, contributing to educational and disaster relief causes, including most recently to [...] earthquake victims of China Sichuan province, Haiti and Chile and the recent [...] earthquake and tsunami disasterin eastern Japan. propublicity.com |
但是继南亚发生世纪海啸灾难後,各发起游行的团体联手发起赈灾行动,大部份游行也被取消或延期。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, after [...] the tsunami disaster occurred in South Asia, various rally organizers joined hands to organize charity fundraising. hkupop.hku.hk |
进行四川赈灾果汁义卖活动,所有顾客可以港币$10购买Nestle Alete果汁一支 [...] (原价$20),筹得款项全数捐给「联合国儿童基金会」帮助四川地震的灾民。 bebedream.com.hk | ASichuan disasterrelief juicecharity [...] event, all customers can buy Nestle Alete juice 1 HK $ 10 (original price $ 20), [...]all money raised will be donated to the "United Nations Children's Fund" to help earthquake victims in Sichuan. bebedream.com.hk |
四川大地震,LANEIGE及Sulwhasoo赈灾义卖活动共筹得70多万,全数不扣除成本拨捐香港红十字会,予四川地震灾民救援及重建之用。 amorepacific.com.hk | A Charity sale, jointly organized by LANEIGE and Sulwhasoo, raised over HK$700,000, with all proceeds being donated to the Hong Kong Red Cross to save lives and rebuild homes of the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. amorepacific.com.hk |