

单词 资质

资质 noun ()

competency n

资质 ()

natural endowments

External sources (not reviewed)

同等教育必须得到健康发展,以规范该国的教 资质。
Equivalency education must be well
[...] established to standardize educational qualifications in the country.
这些法官结合 使用民法、习惯法和伊斯兰教法,但只有很少的法官具备这些领域应有的法资 质。
The judges resort to a combination of
civil, customary and sharia law, but only a small number of judges have
[...] appropriate legal qualifications in these fields.
我们要求 工厂立即向 X 光操作员提供放射量测定器,还要将测 定器交给资质的第 三方进行定期测试。
We required facilities to provide dosimeters to X-ray operators immediately and submit the dosimeters to qualified third parties for periodic testing.
许多教育机构都安排了拥有专资质 的 注 册执业医师,针对各种问题为学生提供免费而保密的心理咨询服务。
Many education institutions have Counselling Services staffed by fully qualified, registered practitioners who offer free, confidential counselling relating to a wide range of issues.
仅可由具备相资质并且 接受过培训的人员按照本技术资料对产品进行装 配、电气连接和调试。
Fitting, electrical connection and commissioning of the product may only be carried out by qualified and trained personnel in accordance with this technical file.
重要的是所任命的成员必须具备开展工作的必 资质 , 并 且真正具有代表性,包 括少数群体妇女。
It is important that the members appointed have the requisite qualifications to carry out the work and that they be truly representative, including of minority women.
[...] 下述几个方面的:服务提供商执行特定任务的经验、对所涉任务的理解程度以 及所提出的方法的质量、所推荐的关键人员 资质 、 知识转让(如果此种转让 与采购有关或者是任务说明的某一具体的部分),以及关键人员中本国国民参与 [...]
Instead, in the context of evaluation criteria referred to in subparagraph (h), the emphasis in this type of procurement will be placed on the service-provider’s experience for the specific assignment, the quality of the understanding of the assignment under consideration and
of the methodology
[...] proposed, the qualifications of the key staff proposed, transfer of knowledge, [...]
if such transfer is relevant
to the procurement or is a specific part of the description of the assignment, and when applicable, the extent of participation by nationals among key staff in the performance of the services.
现正在建立一个完全透明的选拔机制 (虽因可支配资金减少而被延迟,但仍保持其高度优先事项的性质),目的是避免顾问人员 使用长期化及职能和专资质选择方面的重复等现象。
The hiring of temporary assistance including consultants will be sharply limited and a fully transparent selection mechanism is being set
up (delayed by the
[...] reduction on available resources but of high priority) to avoid long-term consultancies, duplication of functions and selection of quality expertise.
另计划使雇主协会和工会联合会商定各类职业 资质 劳 动 者工资水 平的合理标准比率,同时确保低收入劳动者的工资增长速度加快。
There are also plans to establish, through an agreement
between employer and labour
[...] union associations, reasonable limits for ratios [...]
between the salaries of workers in various occupational
groups and at various qualification levels, with higher rates of wage increase for workers receiving lower pay.
受过职业教育的移民占很大比例,这说明 劳动力市场对具备一资质和专 业技术的移民的需求很大(见附件 1 表 16)。
Emigration of a considerable part of persons with vocational education demonstrates the high demand for emigrants with certain professional qualifications and expertise (Table 16 from Annex No. 1).
除了缺乏具有经济吸引力的能源效 率措施的信息和对其的了解之外,还存在以下问题:能够确定、执行和管理能源效率措施 的符资质的人 员有限;内部或企业一贯以来的障碍,“如果没坏,就不要修”的想法和 “不属于核心业务”的观点。
In addition to the lack of information and understanding of the existence of financially attractive energy efficiency measures, there was limited availability of suitably skilled personnel to identify, implement and manage energy efficiency measures; internal or corporate inertia barriers as well as an “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it” mentality or “it is not a core business” viewpoints.
如果您的产品目前不包括在我们 资质 范 围 内,请与我们联系,看看我们能否给予帮助,或将其添加到我们的未来产 资质 范 围 中。
If your product is currently not covered in our scope, please contact us to see how we can help or include it in our future scope expansion.
新西兰支持联合国在产妇死亡率和基本权利领 域开展的一切工作,特别是获得紧急产科治疗、计 划生育和资质人员协助分娩。
New Zealand supported the active consideration of maternal mortality and human rights in the United Nations system, including active support for emergency obstetric care, family planning and skilled birth attendance.
簿记可 以由一个资质的内 部雇员或外部的会计师 事务所完成。
Bookkeeping can be done internally by a qualified employee or externally by an accounting office.
These standards describe
[...] Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ) and Product Qualification (PQ).
这 些 许可证 由有关政府部门(如管理水利、矿业、植物、动物等资源的主管部门)根据各自的权
[...] 限和项目的特点颁发,如设施的工 资质 许 可 证、土地使用性质变更许可证、污水系 [...]
Those permits are granted by the corresponding state agencies (e.g., Water Agency, Mining Authority, Flora and Fauna) according to their own jurisdiction and the
project’s specific characteristics, such as the
[...] industrial qualification of the facilities, [...]
the land use amendment, the permit
for the construction of sewage systems, and the permit to build hydraulic works as referred to in the Water Law.
这些业务主管部门进行必要资质管 理 和行业准入,向民间组织 提出专业意见,进行必要的专业指导,提供必要的支持。
These organs conduct the necessary qualification administration and enterprise licensing, providing specialized advice to civil organizations as well as specific guidance and support as needed.
根据专资质、独 特性和设计质量精心挑选出来的建筑事务所以易于浏览的方式列于页面中,从而使这些公司能够更好地展示自身优势和作品,且便于查找以下重要信息:建筑师的作品有哪些?
Carefully selected according to criteria of professionalism,
[...] uniqueness, and quality of design, offices [...]
are profiled on easy-to-navigate pages
that allow the firms to present themselves and their work, and to provide easy access to important information: What have the architects built?
基金法第一章节规定基金应当符合 UCITS指令,即基金为开放式,并且在
[...] 卢森堡或欧盟其它国家内,遵循欧盟 法律的规定,包资产资质,风险分 摊规定,禁止使用杠杆与卖空,制定 [...]
有力的风险管理流程,管理公司受到 高度监管与监督,并由管理公司进行 控制与承担责任。
The first part of the Fund Law regulates funds which are UCITS compliant, that is that they are open-ended and comply with the
requirements set by the EU legislator
[...] in terms of asset eligibility, risk spreading [...]
requirements, prohibition of leveraging
and short selling, existence of a strong risk management process, all under the control and responsibility of a highly regulated and supervised management company, in Luxembourg or elsewhere in the EU.
MSC邮轮的船长都是拥有丰富而且过硬航行经验的,他们都获得了国际海事部门的官方权威认证同时还在不断进行严格的再培训课程,这些培训课程是由海岸警卫队或有认 资质 的 海事机构来进行的。
MSC’s Captains and Captains have extensive and solid experience and have earned all of the official international marine certifications as well as undergoing rigorous updating licensing courses and training organized by the Coast Guard or recognized Marine academies.
因此,调节就业供求关系并促进在企业和培训中心的实习安置,以及收 集、制定、监测并发布与这三个领域相关的统计数据,这些为减少失业采取的主 要行动有利于打击对弱势群体(青年男女毕业生或 资质 人 员 、女性)的排斥并减 缓其贫困。
Thus, the main actions undertaken to reduce unemployment help to combat exclusion and poverty in vulnerable groups (young girls/boys with or without qualifications, and women) by bringing labour supply and demand closer together, by encouraging internships in companies and in training centres, and by collecting, compiling, monitoring and disseminating statistics on these three areas.
出台新的、改进的承包商安全程序,重点强调以下几个方面:开始 任何作业前进行危险分析和工程/安全控制,提高承包 资质 和能力方面的甄选标准,以及加强员工对危险的认识。
new and improved contractor safety procedures with an emphasis on hazard analysis and engineering/safety controls before starting any job, heightened safety competencies and capabilities in contractor selection criteria, and increased education of employees to recognize risks.
其他的因素是:决策者缺乏在经济上具有吸引力的能源效率措施的信息,确定、执行 和管理能源效率措施及执行项目的符 资质 的 工 作人员有限。
Other factors were: the lack of information of the decision makers about financially attractive energy efficiency measures; limited availability of suitably skilled personnel to identify, implement and manage energy efficiency measures and to implement the project.
它还包括促进创造和分配 财富的手段、体制、政策和机会 以及质资源、 政府收入、机构利润和其他资 源。
It also includes means, institutions, policies and opportunities contributing to wealth
generation and distribution
[...] as well as material resources, government revenues, institutions’ profits and other resources.
路径包括:(i)获得质资源和 控制物 质变化,按收入和满足基本需求的水平;(ii)认知变化、知识水平、技能和对 [...]
更广泛环境认识的变化;(iii)知觉变化、自身个性、兴趣和价值的单个知觉变 化;以及(iv)关系变化、契约协议、议价力和承受开发能力的变化。
The pathways include: (i) material change in access to
[...] and control over material resources, in level of income [...]
and in satisfaction of basic needs;
(ii) cognitive change, change in level of knowledge, skills and awareness of wider environment; (iii) perceptual change, change in individual perceptions of own individuality, interested and value; and (iv) relational change, change in contractual agreements, in bargaining power and in ability to resist exploitation.
以下一些因素妨碍了第 1373(2001)号决议在中亚的执行工作:靠近阿富汗 冲突(在阿富汗,毒品生产供养恐怖主义活动,滋生活跃的武器换毒品交易);存
[...] 动乱和内乱导致)过剩武器的流动;边境偏远且保护不足,外加缺乏人力和质 资源以 确保有效的边境管制;存在大量移民工人(转而增加了对非正式汇款系统 [...]
The implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) in Central Asia is hampered by several factors: proximity to the conflict in Afghanistan (where drug production feeds terrorist activities and has generated a dynamic arms-for-drugs trade); the illicit activities of transborder cash couriers (a potential source of terrorism financing); the circulation of surplus arms (owing to political and civil unrest in the region); remote and
underprotected borders, coupled with the lack
[...] of human and material resources to ensure effective [...]
border control; and the large number
of migrant workers (which in turn increases the use of informal remittance systems, a potential source of terrorism financing).
缔约国还表示,在能否实践其增加和获 得适当服务机会以及确保人们获得适当服务方面的承诺存在下列挑战:偏远地区
[...] 缺乏适当服务和合格人员;服务无障碍准则的实施程度有限;财政、技术和质 资源有限。
States Parties have also expressed that the following challenges remain in being able to live up their commitment to increase availability of and accessibility to appropriate services and ensure that appropriate services are accessible: lack of appropriate services with qualified personnel in
remote areas; limited implementation of accessibility guidelines; and limited
[...] financial, technical and material resources.
管理支助处与维和部和外勤部合作审查现行的业务流程,力求减少人力和质资源的 浪费和过度使用,以便简化和改进业务流程并建设秘书处内的能力。
The Management Support Service, in partnership with DPKO/DFS, examines current business processes in an
effort to reduce waste and overuse of
[...] labour and material resources, so as to streamline [...]
and improve business processes
and develop the capacity within the Secretariat.
在以下方面开展性别分析:按性别区分劳力;对物质和非 质资 源 的获取和控 制;性别平等/不平等的法律基础;性别平等方面的政治承诺;以及影响所有前 [...]
Conduct a gender analysis with regard to: the gendered division of
labour; access to and control over
[...] material and non-material resources; the legal basis [...]
for gender equality/inequality; political
commitments with respect to gender equality; and the culture, attitudes and stereotypes that affect all preceding issues.
但委员会感到遗憾的是,与国际组织和民间社会合作 开展的培训方案往往带有临时质, 资 料 显 示缔约国没有就《公约》内容为有关 公务员、民间社会组织和可能移徙的工人拟定或开展系统的定期培训。
However, it regrets that training programmes organized in cooperation with international organizations and civil society often have an ad hoc character and that there is no information showing that the State party has developed and implemented systematic and regular training on the content of the Convention for relevant public officials, civil society organizations and potential migrant workers.




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