

单词 资本储备

See also:

资本 n

capital n
capitalist n
capitalism n
principal n

储备 v

hold v


store up

External sources (not reviewed)

所需的改革包括确保金融市场增强透明度,弥补在监管和监督某些金融产品 及活动方面存在的漏洞,以及确保银行 资本储备 足 以 应对其面临的风险。
The reforms needed include ensuring greater transparency in the financial markets, filling gaps in the regulation and supervision of some financial
products and activities, and ensuring that
[...] banks hold capital reserves appropriate to [...]
the risk to which they expose themselves.
这意味着 改善教育、技术和基础设施,增 资本储备。
This means fostering education, technology and infrastructures, as well as increasing the capital stock.
近东救济工程处向工作组介绍了它在筹集资金方面面临的挑战,其中包括需 要:(a)
[...] 项目和紧急呼吁提供捐款的捐助方范围,途径包括与私营部门和基金会建立伙伴 关系;(b) 通过确保以可预测和可持续方式提供适当数额的资金,恢复工程处的 财务健康;(c) 重新建立充足的流资本储备;(d) 通过树立一个更有力的单一 的整体形象,并利用创新性技术,以更具有战略性的方式进行交流;(e) 改组其 调集资源和战略交流构架,以便能更有系统地抓住机会,并以更积极主动、更具 [...]
The Agency informed the Working Group of the fund-raising challenges that it faces, which include the need to: (a) increase substantially the level of funds received from existing donors and expand the donor base that contributes to the Agency’s General Fund, as well as to projects and emergency appeals, including through partnerships with the private sector and foundations; (b) restore the financial health of the Agency by
ensuring predictable and
[...] sustainable funding at appropriate levels; (c) re-establish an adequate working capital reserve; (d) communicate in a more strategic manner through the [...]
development of a stronger
single corporate identity and the use of innovative technology; and (e) reorganize its resource mobilization and strategic communications structures, so as to be able to seize opportunities more systematically and market the Agency in a more proactive and creative way.
澳门特区也获授权发行其货币,并根据法律管理和管控外 储备 ,和资金自由流入、流本地区 和在澳门特区内自由流动。
It is also vested with the power to issue currency, to manage
and control the foreign
[...] exchange reserve according to the law, and to safeguard the free flow of capital within, into and out of the MSAR.
本区域各经济体传统上是通过积累外 储备 来 对 资本 流 动 的突然 停止和逆转风险实行管理的。
Economies in the region had traditionally managed the risk of sudden capital stops
[...] and reversals by accumulating foreign exchange reserves.
(iv) 就股份选项被适当行使的股份(「行使选项股份」)而言,有 关股息(或获授予选项权利的该部份股息)不得以现金支付,
[...] 入账列为缴足方式配发有关类别的股份,而就此而言,董事会 应把其决定的任何部份本公司未分利润(包括转入任何储备或 其他特别账项、股份溢价账资本赎 回 储备 作 为 进账的利润, 但认购权备除外)拨资本及予以运用,该笔款项按此基准 可能须用于缴足该等向行使选项股份的持有人配发及分派的有 [...]
(iv) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits
carried and standing to
[...] the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than [...]
the Subscription Rights
Reserve) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.
这种称作“现收现付”的方法,只提供足 资 金 来 支付当年的费 用,而不考虑未来累积费用储备金。
This approach, referred to as “pay-as-you-go”, provides sufficient
[...] funds to cover current year costs without consideration of accumulated future costs or a reserve.
本公司可不时通过特别决议案以法例许可的方式削减股本或任 资本 赎回 储备或其他不可供分派储备,惟须取得法例规定的任何确认或同意。
The Company may from time to time by special resolution, subject to any confirmation or consent required by the Law, reduce its share capital or any capital redemption reserve or other undistributable reserve in any manner permitted by law.
因此,有人提议,应结合多本国 提供 的储 备资产,逐步加强特别提款权作为储备资产的作用。
Therefore, there are proposals to gradually
strengthen the role of special
[...] drawing rights as a reserve asset in combination with a range [...]
of nationally supplied reserve assets.
(iii) 如果公司依据第三条第一款所作的投资出现净亏损,并且此 资 在 该 政府的会资格终 止之日仍然被公司持有,并且亏损额超出了在该日之前所缴纳 储备 金金 额,该政府应根据公司要求偿还在决定回购价格时如果将这些亏损考虑在 内而减少的本回购价格部分。
(iii) if the Corporation sustains
a net loss on the investments made pursuant to Article III, Section 1, and held by it on the date when the government ceases to be
[...] member, and the amount of such loss exceeds the amount of the reserves provided therefore on such date, such government shall repay on demand the amount by which the repurchase price of its shares of stock would have been reduced if such loss had been taken into account when the repurchase price [...]
was determined.
8.4 在充分调查之后,所长可批准冲销现金 储备 金 和其 他 资 产 损 失,但冲销的全部金额 明细表应连同年度账目提交外部审计员。
8.4 The Director may, after full
investigation, authorize the writing-off of
[...] losses of cash, stores and other assets, provided that [...]
a statement of all such amounts written
off shall be submitted to the External Auditors with the annual accounts.
拟编列 198 200 美元,用于下列技术支持工作的差旅费:对部队和警察派 遣国进行部署前访问,评估后勤支持能力,并就主要装备和自我维持类别是否充 足的问题向会员国提供咨询意见(52 200 美元);举行会议和讨论,确定相关构想 和计划,提供基础设施、飞机和技术,在世界各地引进燃料效率高、 本 效 益 高、 运作成效高的新型机队并开展环境评估(57 900 美元);为非洲联盟提供地理信息 服务、标界、边界制图和边界信息等方面的咨询意见,对系统合同和供应商仓库 的医疗资储备进行 技术检查,监测供电、燃料和口粮制度及标准的执行(88 100 美元)。
An amount of $198,200 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: predeployment visits to troop- and police-contributing countries to assess logistics support capabilities and advise Member States about sufficiency and/or shortfalls under categories of major equipment and selfsustainment ($52,200); discussions and meetings to develop concepts and plans and to implement provision of infrastructure, aircraft and techniques to introduce a new fuel-efficient, cost-effective and operationally effective fleet of aircraft worldwide and conduct of environmental assessments ($57,900); provision of
advice to the African Union in the areas of
[...] geographic information service, border demarcation, border mapping and border information, technical inspection of systems contracts and medical stockpiles in vendor warehouses, monitoring of the power supply, fuel and rations systems, and standards implementation ($88,100).
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防 备 灾 、通 过 资 源 可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方 本 地 知 识系 统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。
Other suggested areas of priority attention
[...] included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national [...]
strategies in
science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
这笔经费将用本组织不具备、 超 出系统集成合同范围之外,属于下列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据 储 和 商 业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.
除现有油田外,中国对苏丹南方尚未开发 资源 兴 趣十足,并已开始与苏丹人民解放运动进行接 触,探察那里的石储备情况
In addition to the existing fields, China is also
[...] interested in undeveloped resources in the South and has already approached the SPLM to investigate access to oil deposits there.
(f) 其他用品、服务和装备(10 693 500 美元,即 53.3%):主要原因是地震 后调派租用飞机和船只从意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地和美国佛罗里达州迈 阿密运送备、资 产和用品至海地;与联合国志愿人员和独立承包商特别措施有 关的支出被误记;地震后从联合国后勤基地战略部署 资储 存 运 到特派团的备 和用 品的补给费用;与地震有关的杂项索赔。
(f) Other supplies, services and equipment ($10,693,500, or 53.3 per cent): resulting mainly from the deployment of chartered aircraft and vessels to transport equipment, assets and supplies from the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and from Miami, Florida, United States of America, to Haiti following the earthquake; the inadvertent recording of
expenditures related
[...] to special measures for United Nations Volunteers, as well as independent contractors; the replenishment costs of equipment and supplies shipped from the strategic deployment stocks in the United Nations Logistics Base to the [...]
Mission after the earthquake;
and miscellaneous earthquake-related claims.
在 12 个案例研究国家中可以发现四种(往往是相互关联的)政府应对措施:(i) “反经 济周期”措施,主要见诸于财政能力游刃有余的中等收入国家,这类措施使它们能够通过借 贷或利用累储备金保 持或增加支出(埃及、泰国和略逊一畴的亚美尼亚);(ii) 有针对性 的社会保护,有些国家采取或强化了有针对性的措施,这些措施往往保护最脆弱的群体(阿 根廷、加纳、墨西哥、蒙古和泰国);(iii) 以改革为导向、旨在抓住危机带来的机遇提高本效益和针对性、改进施政的措施;(iv) 削减预算,一些国家均衡削减各个教育部门的预 算。
Four (often interlinked) categories of government responses can be distinguished in the 12 case study countries: (i) “counter-cyclical” measures, mainly observed in middle-income countries with manageable fiscal capacity, allowing them to maintain or increase expenditure
by borrowing or
[...] drawing on accumulated reserves (Egypt, Thailand and, to a limited extent, Armenia); (ii) targeted social protection, with some countries taking or reinforcing targeted measures, which often protected the most vulnerable (Argentina, Ghana, Mexico, Mongolia and Thailand); (iii) reformoriented measures aimed at seizing the opportunity of the crisis to improve cost-efficiency, relevance [...]
and governance;
(iv) budget cuts, which some countries have evenly distributed across all education sub-sectors.
[...] 123/2号文件开始向财委所报告的,从特别储备金帐户扣 除的很大一部分汇兑差额不会本组 织 的现 储备 产 生 影响。
As previously reported to the FC beginning with FC 123/2, a significant
portion of the foreign exchange differences offset against the SRA do
[...] not impact upon the cash reserves of the Organization.
17.25 本次级方案将注重下列工作领域:(a) 实现增长和优质就业;(b) 收入 重新分配;(c) 增加国储蓄,减少投资对外储蓄 的 依赖;(d) 降低易受国际 商品资本市场波动影响的程度;(e) 采取宏观经济激励措施,推动降低对商品 的严重依赖;(f) 进一步减少债务负担和改善债务情况;(g) 制定一致、可持续 的框架,为社会政策筹措资金;(h) 宏观经济政策同加强出口与其他生产部门联 [...]
17.25 The subprogramme will place emphasis on the following areas of work: (a) generation of growth and good quality employment; (b) income
redistribution; (c) the
[...] increase in domestic saving in order to reduce the dependence on external saving for investment; (d) reduction of the vulnerability to fluctuations on international goods and capital markets; (e) [...]
macroeconomic incentives
to foster reduction of the high dependence on commodities; (f) further lowering the debt burden and improving debt profiles; (g) the design of consistent and sustainable frameworks for financing social policies; and (h) the relation between macroeconomic policy and the increase of export linkages with the rest of the productive apparatus, with a view to maximizing their content of domestic value added.
最不发达国家要制订鼓励国储蓄和投资的适当框架, 包括可限资本外逃 的稳定宏观经济政策、有关市场状况的可靠政府数据、健全 的信息披露方法、以及清晰有效的从商监管框架,以减少在申请商业执照、招聘 [...]
LDCs need to set the right
[...] framework to encourage domestic savings and investment, including stable macroeconomic [...]
policies that limit
capital flight, reliable government data on market conditions, sound information disclosure practices and clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for doing business that reduce informality, including getting a business licence, hiring workers, obtaining permits and paying taxes.
在文化领域,教科文组织将其行动侧重于促进文化多样性,重点在于文化遗产: 将“丝绸之路”古迹列入《世界遗产名录》的 备 工 作;实施两个由 本资 助 的保护 项目(哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦);实施一个由日本资助的保护萨斯马更音乐这一非 物质文化遗产传统(塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦),以及实施一个保护博物馆民族收 [...]
In the culture sector, UNESCO concentrated its action towards the promotion of cultural diversity,
with emphasis on
[...] heritage: through the preparation of inscription of Silk Road Sites on the World Heritage List; implementation of two Japan-funded conservation [...]
projects (Kyrgyzstan
and Tajikistan); implementation of a Japan-funded project for the safeguarding of Shashmaqom intangible heritage tradition (Tajikistan and Uzbekistan); and implementation of a project for the safeguarding of museum ethnographic collections (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan).
在泡沫塑料生产企业技术转换的增支成本方面,讨论了以下问题:与先前核准的项 目中商定的其他类似本相比,储藏 罐 、注入机改造以及安全相关 备 等 若干 设 备 项 目的 拟议单位成本较高;不管备的产 出能力或年限如何,也不管基准中的设备项目数量,所 有企业均采用类似的单位成本;减少预混站和多元醇缓冲罐数量的可行性;以及使产品和 [...]
With regard to the incremental costs of the conversion of the foam manufacturing enterprises, the following issues
were addressed: the
[...] higher unitary costs proposed for several equipment items, such as storage tanks, dispenser retrofit, and safety-related equipment, as compared to other similar [...]
costs agreed in previously
approved projects; the application of similar unitary costs to all enterprises irrespective of the output capacity or the age of the equipment, or the number of equipment items in the baseline; the feasibility of reducing the number of premixing stations and polyol buffer tanks; and the potential for rationalizing costs related to product and process trials, process and safety training, safety audit/certification and external expertise given that among other considerations, several enterprises will be converted to the same technology.
加强在可再生能源方面的国家能力建设和 本 知 识 储备 , 支 持国家为可持续发展 制定使用替代能源的国家战略计划。
enhance national capacities and knowledge base for renewable sources of energy and support national strategy initiatives on use and application of alternative energy sources for sustainable development.
除这些金融改革措施外, 还需要对全储备系统 进行深刻的改革,其方向是减少对美元作为单一主 储备 货币的依赖,包括更好地集合国 储备 ( 例 如 通过国际货币基金组织和区域金融 合作机制的更密切的合作),提高特别提款权作为国际流 资 金 的 作用,同时扩 大特别提款权的货币篮子,把主要发展中国家的货币包括在内。
These sets of financial reforms will need to be complemented by deeper reforms of the global reserve systems in a direction of lesser dependence on the dollar as the single major reserve currency, including through better pooling of reserves internationally (e.g., through closer cooperation between [...]
IMF and the regional mechanisms of financial
cooperation) and enhancing the role of special drawing rights (SDRs) as international liquidity, while expanding the basket of SDR currencies, including with currencies from major developing countries.
巴西代表团认为,准则草案第 4 节“分储备样本”造 成了进口国和出口国之间 的不公平待遇,有利于进口国,并指出,CAC/32 [...]
LIM 12 中的意见描述了模拟使用第 4 节中提到的临界差异三角以阐明与该节相关的困难。
The Delegation of Brazil expressed the view that
[...] section 4 “Analysing Reserve Samples” in the Draft Guidelines [...]
resulted in unequal treatment
between the importing and the exporting countries, in favour of the importing country, and indicated that the comments in CAC/32 LIM 12 described simulations using the critical difference delta mentioned in section 4 in order to illustrate the difficulties related to that section.
(e) 审计师关于是否需要成立和维持认购权利储备,而如是 储备 的 金 额,关 于认购权储备的用 途,关于被用以弥 本 公 司 的损失的程度,关于须要 分配给行权认股权证持有人并入账列为全部缴足股款的额外股份的票面 值,及关于任何其他与认购权利储备有关的事情的证明或报告,(在没有 明显谬误下)应为最终证明或报告,对本公司及所有认股权证持有人和股 东有约束力。
(e) A certificate or report by the auditors as to whether
or not the
[...] Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the [...]
Subscription Rights Reserve
has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to an exercising warrantholder credited as fully paid and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
如各个特别账户 的财务条例所述,总干事授权各位主任享有充分的权力代表其研究机构接受收入资金(和就 收入进行谈判)、承付款项和支付开支,从拨款项目转出或在拨款项目间转账,拨款,以及 设储备资金、信托资金和开储备 账户和附属账户。
As described in the Financial Regulations of the various Special Accounts, the Director-General has delegated to each Director full authority to accept (and negotiate) income on behalf of their institute, to incur obligations and make
expenditures, to transfer funds
[...] from and within appropriation lines and to make allotments, to establish reserve funds, trust funds and reserve and subsidiary [...]
(h) 敦促各有关双边和执行机构按照55/43(b)号决定的目标以及报告给附件四所 列每个项目的有关核准决定的要求,向基金秘书处提交关于此前与相关第5 条国家的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划分开核准的氟氯烃示范和投资项目的报告,并 在其中涉及收集与增资本成本、增 支经营 本 或 储 蓄 相关的准确数据及与 技术应用相关的数据的问题。
(h) To urge the relevant bilateral and implementing agencies to submit to the Fund Secretariat reports on the HCFC demonstration and investment projects that had previously been approved separately from the HCFC phase-out management plans of the relevant Article 5 countries, addressing the issues pertaining to the collection of accurate data on incremental capital cost, the incremental operating cost or savings, and data relevant to the
application of the
[...] technologies, in line with the objectives of decision 55/43(b), and as requested in the relevant approval decision for each project, [...]
as reflected
in Annex IV to the present report.
他的代表团也支持咨询委 员会的建议,认为应让特别政治任务使用支助账户、 维持和平备基金和战略部署资储 存。
His delegation also supported the Advisory Committee’s recommendations on giving special political missions access to the support account, the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund and the strategic deployment stocks.
(d) 本条内关于成立和维持认购权储备 的 规定,不得以任何方式更改或增 补,从而在没有认许关于任何认股权证持有人或任何类别的认股权证持有 人下,变更或废止本条内使该认股权证持有人或类别的认股权证持有人受 益的条文,或具此效力。
(d) The provisions of this Article as to the establishment and maintenance of the Subscription Rights Reserve shall not be [...]
altered or added to in
any way which would vary or abrogate, or which would have the effect of varying or abrogating, the provisions for the benefit of any warrantholder or class of warrantholders under this Article without the sanction of a special resolution of such warrantholders or class of warrantholders.




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