

单词 资产负债表

See also:

资产 n

assets n
asset n
capital n
property n

负债 n

liability n
debt n


liability (finance)
be in debt
incur debts

External sources (not reviewed)

联合委员会至少每两年一次向联大和成员组织提交一份附有 资产负债表 的 基金业 务活动报告,并把联大就该报告采取的任何行动通知各成员组织”。
The Board shall present to the General Assembly and to the member organizations, at
least once every two years, a
[...] report, including a balance sheet, on the operation of the Fund, [...]
and shall inform each member
organization of any action taken by the General Assembly upon the report”.
它还必须考虑这些协定的多年度特点以及可能出现的中止或 逐次记载的情况,资产负债表是否记载、是全部记载还是部分记载未实现的收入。
It also means that the multi-year nature of these agreements will have to be taken into account, along with
any suspensive or
[...] sequential conditions, by the recognition, or not, in full or in part, in the balance sheet of revenue [...]
recorded in advance.
这项计划应给审计委员会留有足够的时间,以便对期资产负债表进行 审计,至少应在正式实施《公共部门会计准则》第一年结束之前 [...]
The plan should provide sufficient time
to enable the Board to conduct an audit
[...] of the opening balance sheet no later than [...]
three months before the conclusion of
the first “live” year of IPSAS implementation.
随着整个区域房地产价格和相关租金价格的下跌,产负债表资产方 的恶化可能需要采取旨在促进 产负债 表 调 整的政策。
With declines in property prices and associated rental prices throughout the
region, the deterioration in
[...] the asset side of balance sheets could require policy aimed at facilitating balance-sheet adjustments.
银行采取保守做法的另一个原因是危机使许多商家 资产负债表 — — 因而它们 获取信贷的资格,受到损伤。
The banks’ more conservative stance is compounded by the reduced solvency of many
[...] businesses whose balance sheets — and, thus, [...]
their eligibility for
credit — were damaged by the crisis.
审计委员会进一步注意到,未提供概括了总分类账,把详细的试算表与财务 报表、尤其资产负债表项目 相联系且有助于适当制表的详细做法和附表。
The Board further noted that detailed workings and schedules that summarize the general ledger, and link the detailed trial balance to the financial statements, especially for balance sheet items, that would facilitate adequate mapping, were not available.
仅 为资产负债表的目的,被假定与截至财务报表日止已结束的学年相关的预付教育补助金部分也列为 递延费用。
For balance sheet statement purposes only, that portion of the education [...]
grant advance, which is assumed to pertain to the
scholastic year completed as at the date of the financial statement is also shown under deferred charges.
财务报表应资产负债表日期 后6个月内获得 批准。
The approval of the statements shall take place within six months after the date of the balance sheet.
随着金融市场条件改善以及逐步复苏的迹象增强,大多数短期流动资金措施 到 2010
[...] 年第一季度末已逐步撤消,而中央银行购买的大多数长期证券依然留在资产负债表上。
As financial market conditions improved and signs of a gradual recovery have strengthened, most shortterm liquidity measures have been wound down by the end of
the first quarter of 2010, while most long-term securities that central banks
[...] purchased remain on their balance sheets.
如今每个人都认为他是英雄,因为他仅今年就为美联储 资产负债表 增 加 了一万亿美元,而其中相当一部分正在以自己的方式转变为金融资产。
Everyone considers him a hero now
because he’s adding a trillion dollars to
[...] the Federal Reserve balance sheet in this year [...]
alone and a good portion of that is finding
its way into financial assets.
请附上过去三年的财务报表(最好是经审核过的),包 资产负债表 和 损 益表。
Please attach financial statements (audited, if possible) for past three years, including balance sheets and profit/loss statements.
根据环境署财务报表的附注 2(m)㈥,“为资产负债表的目 的,仅将假定与 截至财务报表日已结束的学年有关的那部分预支教育补助金记作递延费用。
As per note 2 (m) (vi) to the financial statements of UNEP, “For the purposes of the balance sheet statements, only those portions of education grant advances that are assumed to pertain to the scholastic years completed as at the date of the financial statement are shown as deferred charges.
资产负债表制定 以来,未发生任何导致有必要对财务报表或其附注中所 列数字进行订正的事件。
There have been no events since the
[...] date of the statement of assets and liabilities [...]
that necessitate revision of the figures
included in the financial statements or a note thereto.
[...] 定》的风险覆 盖情况(特别是对交 易账户资产负债表外风险的覆盖);提高第 一 层 资本(股 [...]
权 和 类似工 具 )的 质量;建立更多的震荡缓冲器 ,以遏 制 亲周期 性;评估用简单粗放的风险措施替代基于风险的措施的必要性;加强评估跨界
银行资金流动性的监督框架;加强银行的 风险管理和治理做法;加强银行交易 对手信用风险资本、风险管理和披露;促进全球协调落实,以确保实行监督原 则。
Recently, the Basel Committee announced a comprehensive strategy for reform involving strengthening risk
capture of Basel II (particularly for
[...] trading book and off-balance sheet exposures); [...]
enhancing the quality of Tier 1 capital
(equity and similar instruments); building additional shock absorbers that can dampen pro-cyclicality; evaluating the need to supplement risk-based measures with simple gross measures of exposure; reinforcing supervisory frameworks to assess funding liquidity at cross-border banks; strengthening risk management and governance practices at banks; strengthening counterparty credit risk capital, risk management and disclosure at banks; and promoting globally coordinated follow-up to ensure implementation of supervisory principles.
这样的解释是有争议的,可以很难预测资产价格的行为,加上有数据“篡改”披露年 资产负债表 和 损 益表(DRE)的公司分析工作的可能性,因为有几个例子在最近几年。
Such interpretations are controversial and
can hardly predict the
[...] behavior of asset prices, plus there is the possibility of working with data "doctored" disclosed in the balance sheets and income statements for the year [...]
(DRE) of the companies
analyzed, as have several examples in recent years.
公司董事长兼首席执行官Paul Bragg表示:“2012年是Vantage取得重大成果的一年,我们通过收购Titanium
[...] Explorer扩大了船队,并以极低利率为我们的高成本债务融到了近半数资金,增强了我们 资产负债表。
Paul Bragg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "2012 was a year of significant achievement for Vantage as we grew our fleet with the acquisition of the Titanium
Explorer and strengthened our balance sheet by refinancing nearly half
[...] of our high cost debt at significantly [...]
lower rates.
所有这些新的内容都代表着有更多的元素加入到LE-培训中,比如购买形式和形式销售,利润和损失 表 , 资产负债表 , 价 格突变和增值税支付。
All these new aspects imply additional elements in
LE-Game like purchase forms and sales forms,
[...] profit- and loss statements, balance sheets, price mutations [...]
and VAT-payments.
现金流量的表现增强了我们 资产负债表 , 并将容许我们增加股份回购及进行必要的核心并购。
The cash flow performance has strengthened our balance sheet and will allow increased share repurchases and small bolt-on core acquisitions.
(a) 加强监督,根据充分合并 资产负债表 查 明在整个体系中非常重要的 公司,并防止有可能影响经济稳定的系统风险
(a) Stronger surveillance to identify
systemically important firms on the basis of
[...] fully consolidated balance sheets and to prevent [...]
systemic risks to economic stability
受细则第153条所限,董事会报告之印刷本连同截至有关财政年度止 载有归入明确标题下本公司资产及负债之概要及收支报表 资产负债表 及 损益账 (包括法律所规定须随附之每份文件)及核数师报告以及股东周年大会通告,须根 据章程细则第56条之规定于股东大会举行日期最少二十一(21)日前,寄交有权收取 [...]
该等文件寄交本公司不知悉其地址之人士或任何股份或债权证一位以上之联名持有 人。
Subject to Article 153, a printed copy of the Directors’ report, accompanied by the balance sheet and profit and loss account, including every document required by law to be annexed thereto, made up to the end of the applicable financial year
and containing a summary of
[...] the assets and liabilities of the Company under convenient heads and a statement of income and expenditure, [...]
together with
a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall be sent to each person entitled thereto at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of the general meeting and at the same time as the notice of annual general meeting and laid before the Company at the annual general meeting held in accordance with Article 56 provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
同 时,应备有一份可供分析的租 资产负债表 副 本
Also, copies
[...] of tenant financial statements can be obtained [...]
and analyzed.
在财务团队中有许多令人振奋的就业机会;您将工作在一个动态 的 环境中,这里的人们致力于利用和保护公司 资产负债表 ,  进而保护我们投资者、客户、股东及员工的 利益。
There are many exciting career opportunities within the finance team; you will work in a dynamic environment with a group of
people dedicated to leveraging
[...] and protecting the firm’s balance sheet to the benefit [...]
of our investors, clients, shareholders and employees.
15 日以前上 报国家证券委员会并附有总 资产负债表 和 指 数。
Furthermore, month after month, all such transactions were reported to the National
Securities Commission before the 15th of the following month,
[...] with a general balance sheet statement and indices attached.
经过审计的本组织账目报表 资产负债表 应 报 送理事会, 以便理事会在下届常会上核准。
The audited statement of the Organization’s accounts and the audited balance sheet shall [...]
be presented to the Council at its
next regular session for approval.
在第五十九次会议上,世界银行提交了“向执行委员会第五十九次会议提交的关于 年度计划现状以及聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业计划项下未分配多边基金供资使用情况的报告”, 报告由“2008 年项资产负债表”和两份表格组成,表格的标题分别为“1999-2009 年度 计划核准多边基金供资及其支付情况(截至 2009 年 6 月 30 日)”和“监测聚氨酯泡沫塑 [...]
At the 59th meeting, the World Bank had submitted a “report to the 59th Executive Committee meeting on status of Annual
Plans and the use of
[...] unallocated MLF funding for the PU Foam Sector Plan”, consisting of a “Balance Sheet of Project for Year 2008” and two tables entitled “Approved [...]
MLF funding
and disbursements 1999-2009 APs (Status as of June 30, 2009)” and “Monitoring the use of unallocated MLF funding under the PU Foam Sector Plan”.
2010 年期间,工程处进一步完善财务管理程序和系统,首 次 做到每个月结算 账户,拟定工程处普通基金每月财务报表,并拟定每月损 表 、 资产负债表 和按 方案、人类发展目标和资源分类的支出表。
During 2010, UNRWA further improved its financial management procedures and systems, achieving for the first time the monthly closing of its accounts, monthly financial reports on the UNRWA
General Fund, and a
[...] monthly income statement, balance sheet, and expenditure disaggregation by programme, human development [...]
goal and resource.
所有在特别股东大会上议论的事务以及所有在周年股东大会上议论的事务,除宣 派股息、审阅帐目资产负债表及董 事和审计师的报告、推选董事代替退任董事、 [...]
All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting, and also all that is transacted at an annual general meeting, with the exception of
declaring a dividend, the consideration of
[...] the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports [...]
of the Directors and auditors, the
election of Directors in the place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration of, the auditors.
[...] 资本结构、资产年限、资产生命周期、资产组合 资产负债表 外 资产 与 负 债、以及为了创收进行的投资和资本成本。
EM goes beyond traditional accounting-based analysis. It corrects for distortions that were caused by the following differences:
capital structure, asset age,
[...] asset life, asset mix, off-balance-sheet assets and liabilities, [...]
and the investment which is
needed to generate earnings and cost of capital.
伟易达以深厚的科研实力、市场领导地位、强劲 资产负债表 , 以 及超卓的营运效率著称,集团将继续专注产品创新和地域扩展以推动业务增长,同时致力控制成本及风险,以提高盈利能力。
VTech is a company with strong
R&D, market leadership
[...] position, a strong balance sheet and a highly efficient operation. We will [...]
continue to focus on product
innovation and geographical expansion to drive growth, while managing costs and risks to enhance profitability,” said Mr. Wong.
董事会可不时根据该条例第 122、124 及 129D
[...] 条和其他适用条文的规定,令致 制定损益帐资产负债表、集 团帐目(如有)及该等条款内提及的报告,并在股 [...]
The Board shall from time to time, in accordance with sections 122, 124 and 129D and other applicable provisions of the Ordinance, cause to be prepared and to be laid before the Company
in general meeting such profit and
[...] loss accounts, balance sheets, group accounts [...]
(if any) and reports as are referred to in those sections.




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