

单词 贻范古今

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External sources (not reviewed)

最初 是集中关注考古遗存和在加沙建立 古 博 物 馆的问题, 今范 围 已 经扩大并将侧 重于制订一项城市计划。
[...] concentrated on archaeological remains and the establishment of an archaeological museum in Gaza, the scope has been enlarged [...]
and will focus
on the establishment of an urban plan.
斐济有着殖 民的历史,造成了许多的不正常和不公正现象 贻 害 至 今。
Fiji has had a colonial history which created many anomalies and inequalities, the
[...] legacy of which resonates today.
达喀尔国际社会做出的“任何对实现全民教育作了严肃的承诺的国家都不得因资金不 足贻误这 一目标的实现”之承诺,随着 2002 年开展的“快车道行动方案”(FTI)首先在 全范围内取得了实际成效。
The commitment made by the international community at Dakar that “no countries seriously committed to
education for all will be thwarted in
[...] their achievement of this goal by a lack of resources” first took practical, global form with the launching of the Fast-Track Initiative (FTI) in 2002.
牡蛎贻贝、 蛤、扇贝和其他双 壳贝类物种在海里和泻湖中的养殖环境以天然饵料为食生长。
Oysters, mussels, clams, scallops [...]
and other bivalve species are grown with food materials that occur naturally in their
culture environment in the sea and lagoons.
此外,鲨鱼牙用作手工艺品,同样,扇贝贻贝壳 用于手工艺品和珠宝,以及做纽扣。
In addition, shark teeth are used in handicrafts; similarly, the shells
[...] of scallops and mussels can be used in [...]
handicrafts and jewellery, and for making buttons.
由几百名叛乱分子 组成的上帝抵抗军的事例,揭示了武装团 贻 害 整个 区域,制造恐怖和破坏的能力。
The example of the Lord’s Resistance Army, composed of several hundred rebels, reveals the ability of armed groups to despoil entire regions and sow terror and desolation.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加古建立 由联合国教科文组织赞助的非 洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统竞赛和体育运动宪章的可行性 范 围 的 初步报告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”,
5.24 “Proposed establishment
[...] of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and 5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.
我们强调任 何对实现全民教育作了严肃承诺的国家都不得因资金不足 贻 误 这一目标的实现。
We affirm that no countries seriously committed to education for all will be thwarted in their achievement of this goal by a lack of resources.
一份新的宣传手册正在筹备中, 且与以下国际组织的合作伙伴关系进一步推进:国 际刑警组织(为被偷盗的伊拉克文化遗产建立并且开通一个数据库,编制伊拉克文化遗产专 家名录)、 国际统一私法协会 (负责规范的合作)、ICOM软件科技(负责ID身份卡,联 合国教科文组织-ICOM
[...] 信 动……)、世界海关组织 (教科文-世界海关的文化财产出口证 范 本 )、 国古迹遗址理 事会 (负责对国家文化地产的保存进行评估)、国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心(负责 [...]
A new presentation brochure is being prepared and partnerships are increasingly being developed with the following international organizations: INTERPOL (establishing and giving access to a database on cultural property stolen in Iraq, compilation of a list of experts in Iraqi cultural heritage), UNIDROIT (cooperation in standard-setting), ICOM (Object-ID record sheets, UNESCO-ICOM Information Centre, museum staff training programmes in Egypt and activities in Africa), the World Customs
[...] (UNESCO-WCO project on a model cultural property export certificate), ICOMOS (evaluation [...]
of the state of conservation
of immovable cultural property) and ICCROM (training).
深感震惊于每年仍然布设的地雷(水雷)数目,以及地雷(水雷)和战争遗留爆 炸物虽然在减少,但由于武装冲突之故,其数量 贻 害 面积依旧很大,因此仍然 深信国际社会的当务之急是加大地雷行动力度,以期尽快消除地雷和战争遗留爆 炸物对平民造成的威胁
Deeply alarmed by the number of mines that continue to be laid each year as well as the presence of a decreasing but still very large number of, and area of square kilometres infested by, mines and explosive remnants of war as a result of armed conflicts, and therefore remaining convinced of the necessity and urgency of strengthening mine-action efforts by the international community with a view to eliminating the threat of landmines and explosive remnants of war to civilians as soon as possible
局長近 來 很 喜歡旁徵博引 , 引證一古 今 中 外 的例子 , 作為她 的政策 參 考 。
Recently, the Secretary has taken a liking for citing copious examples to
corroborate her observations, using
[...] examples in modern and ancient times and examples [...]
of a Chinese and foreign origin to serve as the basis of her policies.
提交报告的国家往往难 以从水产养殖产量中区分的自然种 贻 贝 和 牡蛎捕捞产量,在过去年份没有大的 变化,但出现总体的向下趋势。
Capture production of mussels and oysters, for which reporting countries often have difficulty in separating harvest of natural populations from aquaculture production, has not varied much over the years, but an overall downward trend can be noted.
他並指出,“議員就重要議題辭職,再藉參與補選,訴求民意, 是議會制度的重要手段古今通行”。
He also pointed out, "The practice whereby Members resign for major issues and then gauge public opinion through standing for a by-election is an important approach under the parliamentary system.
他强调了请会员国提供咨询和指导意见的几个问题,其中包括:教科文组 今 后 行动 的范 围; 教科文组织的使命和职能;教科文组织的四个计划中每个计划的战略目标的选定;横向专题的 [...]
He highlighted several issues on which Member States were invited to provide
guidance and direction,
[...] including the scope of UNESCO’s future action; UNESCO’s mission and functions; [...]
the choice of strategic
objectives for each of UNESCO’s four programmes; the selection of cross-cutting themes; the results-based approach, which is reflected in the formulation of “expected outcomes” for each strategic objective.
条约》的目的是使无论其幅员 大小的所有参与国都能在收集有关它们关注的军事部队和活动的情报方面发挥
[...] 重大作用,从而增强相互了解和信任,因此是 今范 围 最 广的促进军事部队和活 动公开性和透明度的努力之一。
It is designed to enhance mutual understanding and confidence by giving all participants, regardless of their size, a major role in gathering information about military forces and
activities of concern to them and is one of
[...] the most wide-ranging international [...]
efforts to date promoting openness and transparency
of military forces and activities.
码头购物中心毗邻酋长宫殿,坐拥160家世界知名品牌的门店,诸如Zara、路易威登 范 思 哲 、 古 奇 、 圣罗兰和巴宝莉等。
Positioned in close proximity to the Emirates Palace, Marina
Mall features 160 stores with leading brand names such as
[...] Zara, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Gucci, Saint Laurent [...]
and Burberry.
针对奶及奶制品规范委员会主席关于在该委员会讨论这个问题状况的要求,食 典委阐明,食典委的报告将提请奶及奶制品规范委员会注意,虽然食典委决定暂停 讨论这个问题以及没有向奶及奶制品规范委员会提出具体指示,但是没有什么可以 阻止食典委成员在奶及奶制品范委 员 会 今 后 会 议上提出这个问题。
In response to the request of the Chairperson of the CCMMP on the status of the discussion of this item in the Committee, it was clarified that the report of the Commission would be brought to the attention of the CCMMP and that, while the Commission decided to hold the issue in abeyance and not to provide specific instructions to the CCMMP, nothing would prevent Members of the Commission from bringing up this matter at future sessions of the CCMMP.
Calcium carbonate for industrial use can be
[...] obtained from mussel shells.
大部分国家保护其考古遗产的办法包括给出土文物下定义(例如塞浦路斯),鉴定考古遗址和发 现物(秘鲁、沙特阿拉伯和联合王国), 实施古方面的防范措施 (捷克共和国),以及禁止未经 授权的发掘 (例如爱沙尼亚、法国和乌克兰),尤其是在历史遗址上发掘(越南)。
Most States protect their archaeological heritage, by defining
antiquities (e.g., Cyprus),
[...] identifying archaeological sites and findings (Peru, Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom), implementing preventive archaeology measures (Czech [...]
Republic), and prohibiting
unauthorized excavation (e.g., Estonia, France and Ukraine), particularly at historic sites (Viet Nam).
古巴确保在社会生活的各个方面,包括在执行它所加入的有关国际文书方 面,严格遵守这些范;古巴加 入的国际文书特别包括:《化学武器公约》、《生 物武器公约》、《特定常规武器公约》和《不扩散核武器条约》。
Cuba ensures strict compliance with these norms in all aspects of social life, including in the implementation of related international instruments to which it is a party, such as, in particular: the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Biological Weapons Convention, the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
在千年发展目标基范围内,保护 古 遗 址 及其特色、历史名城的结构和文化景观的 塞巴斯蒂亚综合保护和管理计划也已于 2012 年 6 月定稿。
Within the framework of the
[...] MDG-Fund, the Sebastiya Integrated Conservation and Management Plan on the protection of archaeological sites and features, [...]
as well as integrating
historic urban fabric and cultural landscape, has been finalized in June 2012.
另外一个工作重点是加大力 度,根据科学范监管非法古挖掘 ,加强与媒体的合作,建立鼓励(奖励)把文化财产交给政 [...]
Consideration was also given to redoubling efforts to
[...] regulate illegal archaeological excavation by taking [...]
scientific standards into account,
to work more with the media and to put in place incentives (rewards) for anyone wishing to return cultural property to the authorities.
教科文组织总干事重申达喀尔做出的关于“任何对实现全民教育作了严肃承诺的国家 都不得因资金不足贻误这 一目标的实现”的承诺,签署了教科文组织与丹麦、芬兰、冰 岛、挪威和瑞典支持全民教育的“北欧国家谅解备忘录”(巴黎,2003 年 10 月 20 日)。
Reaffirming the Dakar commitment that no countries seriously committed to Education for All will be thwarted in their pursuit of this goal by a lack of resources, the Director-General of UNESCO signed the “Nordic Memorandum of Understanding” between UNESCO and Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden in support of EFA activities (Paris, 20 October 2003).
美利坚合众国代表团以委员会主席的名义发言解释说,考虑到委员会将水果和蔬 菜汁纳入的建议,委员会接受了水果和蔬菜汁工作组职权范围的有关部分,其中提及 “水果和蔬菜汁和相关产品”,将之纳入其职 范 围 ,以 在 今 后 就工作组涉及的问题 开展工作。
The Delegation of the United States of America, speaking as Chair of the Committee explained that, in considering the recommendation of the Commission to include fruit and vegetable juices, the Committee took the relevant part of the Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Fruit and Vegetable Juices which referred to “fruit and vegetable juices and related products” and incorporated into its mandate in order to be able to carry out future work on issues covered by the Task Force.
例如牡蛎贻贝、蛤、鸟蛤、蚶和 扇贝)从1990年84.6%下降到2010年的75.5%,反映了海水养鱼的快速增长,从 [...]
The share of molluscs (mostly bivalves,
[...] e.g. oysters, mussels, clams, cockles, [...]
arkshells and scallops) declined from 84.6
percent in 1990 to 75.5 percent in 2010, reflecting the rapid growth in finfish culture in marine water, which grew at an average annual rate of 9.3 percent from 1990 to 2010 (seven times faster than the rate for molluscs).
总干事对此表示支持。但是,他强调国际社会迫切需要通过履行增加教育(尤其 是基础教育)官方发展援助的长期义务,来兑现在达喀尔论坛上所做的承诺,即“任何认真 开展全民教育的国家都不得因资金不足 贻 误 这一目标的实现。
Nevertheless, he underlines the urgent need for the international community to live up to the promise made in Dakar that “no country seriously committed to education for all will be thwarted in their achievement of this goal by a lack of resources” by fulfilling its longstanding commitments to increase ODA for education, and, in particular, basic education.
经过讨论,工作组一致同意请秘书处在资源允许的情况 下就主要利益中心与企业集团之间的关系编写一份研究报告,供今后届会审
[...] 议,其中包括以下几点:㈠工作组以前就《立法指南》第三部分开展工作期间 的讨论,㈡有关企业集团的现行做法,以及尽可能提出 今 后 工 作所 范 围的 建议。
After discussion, the Working Group agreed to request the Secretariat, resources permitting, to prepare a study on COMI as it relates to enterprise groups for its consideration at a future session, including (i) discussion during its previous work on part three of the Legislative Guide,
(ii) existing practice with enterprise groups, and, so far as possible,
[...] (iii) suggestions on how far future work might go.
关于第 13、14 和 15
[...] 条草案中规定的国际组织因援助、协助或胁迫一国或另 一国际组织而产生的责范围,古巴 注意到,这种责任受到有关逐渐发展的三项 理论要求的限制:首先,该组织必须知晓受援国际组织的行为在什么情况下构成 [...]
际上便利了该行为的实施;第三,所实施的行为若由提供援助的国际组织自己实 施,必须也构成不法行为。
With regard to the scope of the responsibility of an international organization for providing aid or assistance, or for coercing a State or another international organization, as
provided for in draft articles
[...] 13, 14 and 15, Cuba notes that such responsibility is limited by [...]
three theoretical requirements
of progressive development: first, the organization must know the circumstances by virtue of which the conduct of the international organization receiving assistance is internationally wrongful; secondly, the aid or assistance must be provided for the purposes of facilitating the commission of that act and must actually facilitate it; and, thirdly, the act committed must be such as would have been wrongful if the international organization providing the assistance had committed the act itself.
古今中外皆同,所謂[道行很高]或 [成佛]之人散發出來的就是白光,因此我們看到東方的 [菩薩]像或[佛]像與西方的[耶稣]像、 [聖母 ]像,在頭部都繪有白光光環,這是東西方 [天眼 ]開的人士,所看到的光相同,長期 [吃素 ]的人,氣脈較旺,長期 [吃葷 ]的人血脈較強,因此 [練功 ]、 [養氣 ]、 [吃素 ]的人,血脈較強,因此 [練功 ]、 [養氣 ]、 [吃素 ]就成爲 [長壽 ]的重要課題了,氣脈旺的人血液循環較慢,身體病痛較少,且較 長壽,血脈尚旺的人,血液循環較快,身體年齡四、五十歲以後雖強,但病痛較多,心腦血管疾病較易發生,因此,想長壽的人,就不能不修練氣功、靜坐了。
All times the same as those so-called [Daoxing high] or [Buddha] is the person comes out of the white light, we see that the East [Buddha] as or [Buddha] and the West as [Jesus] like, [Notre Dame] Like, all painted white light in the head ring, which is East and West [days eyes] open people see the same light, long-term [vegetarian] who, Grand Momentum more prosperous, long-term [everybody eats meat] blood stronger person , so [practice], [Yang Qi], [vegetarian] of people, blood stronger, so [practice], [Yang Qi], [vegetarian] became the [longevity] is an important issue, and Grand Momentum busy people slow blood circulation physical pain less and less longevity, blood still busy person, the blood circulation rapidly, the body ages four, five-year-old later though strong, but the illness more prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, therefore, want to live longer people cannot help but qigong practitioners, sit up.




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