

单词 贺年片

See also:

surname He

External sources (not reviewed)

今天,我们接受贺成为2012年最佳 ECN经纪商,但明天我们将返回勤奋工作,以改善我们的服务,希望大家在2013年一如既往的支持我们。
Today we are accepting congratulations as the Best ECN Broker [...]
of the year 2012, but tomorrow we will return back to the
diligent work on improving our services in the hope that you will do justice to our efforts in 2013 as well.
这部片揭示了这年幼的孩子们 年 来 承 受的重大压力——不仅为了自己、也为了能够改善他们所在家庭的生活。
The film portrays the pressure the young children carry throughout the years in order to improve life not only for themselves, but also for their families.
然而,2011 年阿富汗的片产量下滑已 基本(但不是完全)逆转。
In 2011,
[...] however, the decline in opium production in Afghanistan [...]
was largely (although not entirely) reversed.
提供个人档案、唱片、电影、剧集、广告等资讯,另有同盟活动、 片 、 壁纸 及 贺 卡 等
Provides information personal record file,
phonograph record, movie, play collection, advertisement, has union in
[...] addition moves, photograph, wallpaper and greeting card.
妇女署负责人在介绍关于业务活动的报告(UNW/2012/1)时,感谢执行局 2011 年主席团成员的服务,并贺 2012 年主席团成员当选。
In introducing the report on operational activities (UNW/2012/1), the head of UN-Women thanked the members who had served on the Bureau
of the Executive Board in 2011 for their
[...] service, and congratulated the members of [...]
the Bureau for 2012 on their election.
印度贺不丹的审议成 功,并表示相信不丹能在今后年加 紧 努力落实它所接受的建议。
India congratulated Bhutan on its successful review and expressed confidence that Bhutan would further intensify its efforts within the next four years to implement [...]
the recommendations that it had accepted.
(b) 以“通过纪录片解决全球问题”为主题的第二届年度展望论坛包括放映 一部纪片以及就与年发展 目标有关的主题进行系列讨论。
(b) The second annual Envision forum, on the theme
“Addressing global
[...] issues through documentaries”, included a documentary film screening and a discussion series on themes related to the Millennium Development Goals.
2006 年第一 阶段开展多项提高认识活动后,又实施了四项新的地方节目项目,内容涉及: (i)在玻利维亚、肯尼亚、秘鲁和西伯利亚(俄罗斯联邦)确定了新的群体和培训机构;(ii) “最后的说书人”项目,与来自俄罗斯联邦西伯利亚的多尔干土著人民合作,记录他们的生活和文 化传统;(iii)“电视农村氏族公社”项目,与玻利维亚的农村氏族公社和 Markas 社区合作,记 录在玻利维亚土著运动大背景下的故事;(iv)关于肯尼亚马塞人社区如何促进文化敏感的地方发 展以及保护他们的文化和生物资源的纪 片 ; ( v)秘鲁 Matsiguengas 人的纪实和调查新闻项目。
Following awareness-raising activities
[...] carried out during the first semester of 2006, four new local content production projects were launched, involving five new communities: (i) new groups and training institutions were identified in Bolivia, Kenya, Peru and Siberia (Russian Federation); (ii) the “Last Story Teller” project, with the Dolgan indigenous people from Siberia, Russian Federation, documenting their life and cultural traditions; (iii) the project “TV Ayllu” with the Ayllus and Markas communities from Bolivia documenting their story within the larger context of the indigenous movement in Bolivia; (iv) a documentary on how a Massai community in Kenya promotes culturally sensitive local development and the protection of their cultural and biological resources; (v) a documentary and investigative journalism project by and with the Matsiguengas from Peru.
所有 代表均强调并贺这一年中教 育局在质量和数量上所完成的卓越工作,并感谢局长所做的有 质量的报告。
All delegations stressed and acknowledged the excellent work carried outboth quantitatively and qualitativelyby the entire IBE team during the year and thanked the Director for the quality of her report.
执行委员会还赞赏地注意 到,自
[...] 2000 年以来图瓦卢保持了氟氯化碳消费量淘汰,并 贺 图 瓦 卢在 2008 年通过了《臭 氧层保护法》。
The Executive Committee also notes with appreciation that Tuvalu has maintained the phase-out of its
CFC consumption since
[...] 2000 and would like to congratulate Tuvalu for having passed [...]
the Ozone Layer Protection Act in 2008.
这张图片在联合国儿童基金会年度 图 片 评 选中获得二等奖。
This photograph took second place in the UNICEF Photo of the Year [...]
哥伦比亚贺乌拉圭将于2009年10月2 5 日组织公民投票,这将使侨居 海外的乌拉圭人有机会行使投票权,并祝贺关于正义问题的第二次公民投票,这 [...]
Colombia congratulated Uruguay on the referendum to be [...]
organized on 25 October 2009, which could provide Uruguayans residing
abroad with the opportunity to exercise their right to vote, and on the second referendum on the issue of justice, which would help combat all forms of impunity inherited from dictatorship.
瓦克集团总裁兼首席执行官Rudolf Staudigl博士(右) ,巴伐利亚州科研部长Wolfgang Heubisch博士和瓦克有机硅业务部门总裁Carlos Weise博士(左)向他表示贺(照片: 瓦克化学股份有限公司)。
Prof. Matthias Drieß (Technical University of Berlin), winner of the 2011 WACKER Silicone Award (center), with Dr. Rudolf Staudigl, WACKER’s President & CEO (far right), Dr. Wolfgang Heubisch, Bavarian Minister of Science, and Dr. Carlos Weise, President WACKER SILICONES, (left).
古巴贺埃塞 俄比亚迄今为止所取得的成 就,并敦促埃塞俄比亚继续努力。
Cuba congratulated Ethiopia on the [...]
results achieved to date and urged it to continue its efforts.
审计委员会发现,2008 年和 2009 年,贺卡和礼物销售留成率超过 25%的儿 童基金会国家委员会分别为 29 个和 27 个。
The Board found that in 2008 and 2009, there were 29 and 27 UNICEF National Committees, respectively, that had retention rates for sales of greetings cards and gifts greater than 25 per cent.
政府十分重視提倡敬老護老,已經製作 多輯電視宜傳片,宣揚今年國際長 者 年 “ 長 幼一家”的主題, 以加深巿民對老年癡呆症的認識及宣傳如何預防長者抑鬱。
TV APIs have also been produced to help the public to better understand elderly dementia and how to prevent elderly depression.
在向全国发表的年贺词中 ,总统提到 塞拉利昂面临的经济挑战,并呼吁塞拉利昂人再次下决心克服国家的困难。
In a New Year message to the country, [...]
the President referred to the economic challenges facing Sierra Leone and called on
Sierra Leoneans to renew their determination to overcome the country’s difficulties.
同样,在柬埔寨制作了四种艾滋病病毒/艾滋病电视节目,50 万 张日历和一套小片,用于针对年 人 的 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病运动;在越南,制作了一套艾 滋病病毒/艾滋病预防广播节目,作为人民健康和社会事务广播节目的组成部分广播两个 月;还为发行编写了以艾滋病病毒/艾滋病为专题的 2004 年日记 5,000 份。
Similarly, four television clips, half a million calendars and a set of small cards were produced in Cambodia and used in the campaign on HIV/AIDS targeting youth; in Viet Nam, an HIV/AIDS preventive radio programme was developed and broadcast for two months as part of a popular health and social affairs radio programme; also, 5,000 copies of a 2004 Diary with HIV/AIDS theme was produced for distribution.
同时,爱德华多得到一个“改头换面”公爵夫人,可可意识到她需要减肥时,无论善恶,有困难没有得到他的头,在家里的照片切出的框架,Mac和的布卢搜索为答案背后一个奇怪的 片 很 多 年 前 的 朋友。
Meanwhile, Eduardo gets an “extreme makeover” from Duchess, Coco realizes she needs to lose weight, Wilt has trouble being in the house photo without getting his head
cut out of the frame, and Mac and Bloo search for an answer
[...] behind a strange photo taken of the friends many years ago.
我国代表团谨借此机会贺人权 事务高级专员 办公室以及所有任务执行人、特别报告员、特别代表 和独立专家,他们的报告让我们能够强化和推进我们 [...]
My delegation would like to take
[...] this opportunity to congratulate the Office of the [...]
High Commissioner for Human Rights,
as well as all mandate holders, rapporteurs, special representatives and independent experts whose reports allow us to improve and pursue our efforts to promote human rights — all human rights.
他的30张黑白片拍摄1976年和1983年 间 , 这些 片 意 在捕捉生命力、能量和城市内的喧嚣,捕捉城市边缘生存的悲悯和美丽,以及富裕和赤贫之间强烈的差别,这只是孟买的真实生活。
Thirty black and white photographs shot between 1976 and 1983 capture the vitality, [...]
energy, and chaos of the city, the pathos
and beauty of existing on the margins of society, as well as the intense disparity between wealth and abject poverty that is a simple fact of life in Mumbai.
根据管理国提供的资料,联合王国首相大卫·卡梅伦在 2012 年对领土发表年贺词时 ,重申联合王国对岛民的承诺,并指出:“阿根廷继续其不合理的和 适得其反的努力,破坏群岛周边的航运和阻止从事合法商业业务。
According to information provided by the administering Power, in the annual new year message to the Territory for 2012, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, reiterated the commitment of the United Kingdom to the Islanders, and noted that “Argentina continues its unjustified and counterproductive efforts to disrupt shipping around the Islands and to deter business from engaging in legitimate commerce”, adding: “I firmly believe that it is in our interest that we have a constructive relationship with Argentina.
此类管制不适用于与肠出血性大肠埃希氏菌 O157 和其他产生贺样毒素的 血清型相关的核酸序列,但贺样毒 素或其亚单位的核酸序列编码除外。
These controls do not apply to nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O157 and other verotoxin producing strains, other than those coding for the verotoxin, or for its sub-units.
2002 年,与探索传播有限公司和联合国制作计划 合作,制作了 9 部有关濒危语言的片,2003 年通过探索网络在全球播出。
In 2002, nine short-form programmes on endangered languages were produced in partnership with Discovery Communications Ltd and the United Nations Works Programme, and internationally broadcast by Discovery Network in 2003.




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