单词 | 费尔干纳 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 费尔干纳—the Ferghana valley (in Uzbekistan, central Asia)Examples:费尔干纳盘地—the Ferghana valley (in Uzbekistan, central Asia)
由 2009 年 10 月 31 日上午 00.01 时(爱尔蘭时间)(「生效日期」)(包括该日在内)起, 董事将本公司的费用及开支架构简化,向基金经理支付一项单一固定管理费,并从该项管理费 中支付投资顾问的费用、行政管理人及托管人的费用,以及若干其他开支,包括在有关基金登 记所在司法管辖区的付款代理人(及其他当地代表)的费用。 cdn.sunlife.com | With effect from 00.01 a.m. on [...] 31 October,2009(Irish time) (the “Effective Date”) the Directors have simplified the fee and expense structure of the Company by paying the Manager a single fixed Management Fee out of which shall be paid the fees of the Investment Advisers, the fees of the Administrator and Custodian, andcertain other expenses which shall include thefees of Paying Agents [...](and other local representatives) [...]in jurisdictions where the Funds are registered. cdn.sunlife.com |
而QS的一家主要网站负责人丹尼•比尔纳(Danny Byrne)则强调,欧洲大陆受益於“比英语国家更平等的教育体系”。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | AsDanny Byrne who runs one of QS’s main websites points out, Continental Europe has the advantage of “more egalitarian systems than English-speaking countries”. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
在这个梦幻般的夜晚为保护环境,当然是存在:董事长贝尔纳·阿尔诺的LVMH豪雅属於摩纳哥的阿尔伯特王子HSH环境的原因,另一个伟大的後卫。 zh.horloger-paris.com | At this fantastic evening for the protection of the environment were of course present: Bernard Arnault, Chairman of LVMH TAG Heuer which belongs, HSH Prince Albert of Monaco, another great defender of environmental causes. en.horloger-paris.com |
显然,那些豪门俱乐部受影响尤爲严重,因爲他们有最多的超级球星,如C罗纳尔多或者梅西。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Of course, the top clubs will be affected significantly because they have stars like C Ronaldo or Messi. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
有了这个Siegbert拉普,拉普控股公司,维尔纳·贝克尔,拉普系统(主任级)和马库斯·J.米勒博士,管理国际公共关系和媒体董事总经理。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With this Siegbert Lapp, Director of Lapp Holding AG, Werner Becker, Managing Director of Lapp Systems (Officer) and Dr. Markus J. Mueller, Manager International Public Relations and Media. en.developmentscout.com |
公司成立的伊曼纽尔·塞尔纳,自1998年以来,作为一个专业摄影师摄影CE3P巴黎高等德MétiersDE L'图片在巴黎获得文凭後,开始他的职业生涯。 designdirectory.hk | Founded by Emmanuel Serna, who commences his career as a professional photographer since 1998, after obtaining a diploma in photography at CE3P Ecole Des Métiers De L’Image in Paris. designdirectory.hk |
作为买卖协议的一部分,只有根据法律 [...] 规定须予转让的物业、厂房及设备、无形资产、存货、若干应收款项及其他流动资 产、应支付许可费用及若干流动及非流动负债(例如於若干司法权区的相关人员应 [...]计薪资),方会於结束时转让予合营公司。 cre8ir.com | As part of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, at closing, only property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, [...] inventories, certain receivables and other [...] current assets,licensefee payable and certain [...]current and non-current liabilities which [...]are required to be transferred by law (for example, personnel related accruals in certain jurisdictions) will be transferred to JVCo. cre8ir.com |
由於这一严重问题,汽车制造商转向公司从朗根费尔德的任务时按应保护的螺丝,打开後按发展downholder阻尼器,因此实际的工具。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Due to this acute problem, car manufacturers turned to the company from Langenfeld with the task of developing downholder dampers when opening the press after pressing should protect the screws and thus the actual tools. en.developmentscout.com |