

单词 贸易关系

See also:


(commercial) trade

关系 n

relations n
connection n
link n
tie n
bond n


have to do with

External sources (not reviewed)

会议结论表示希望加强两个机构特别是 在文化贸易关系问题上的合作。
The conclusions reveal the desire for increased
cooperation between the two bodies, with particular reference
[...] to issues concerning the relationship between culture [...]
and commerce.
通过长老大会投票决定的时区转变预计将推动与新 西兰、萨摩亚及其他邻国贸易关系 和 其 他联系。
The time shift, which had been
voted by the General Fono, is
[...] expected to facilitate trade relations and other contacts [...]
with New Zealand, Samoa and other neighbours.
提供援助促贸易关系以及 加强双边和多边发展援助依然十分重要,对高收入的 小岛屿发展中国家来说也是如此。
Aid for trade relationships and strengthened [...]
bilateral and multilateral development assistance remains crucial, even for the higher-income small island developing States.
国宪章》和指导国家间和平关系的规范和原则的单方面措施,尤其是造成各种域 外影响的胁迫性措施,这种措施妨碍国家间 贸易关系 ; 请 联合国人权事务高级 专员在其向大会提交的年度报告中对本决议给予优先注意;请秘书长继续收集会 [...]
大会第六十五届会议提交分析报告,同时再次重申有必要着重说明这方面的切实 预防措施(第 64/170 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly urged all States to cease adopting or implementing any unilateral measures not in accordance with international law, the Charter of
the United Nations and
[...] the norms and principles governing peaceful relations among States, in [...]
particular those of a coercive
nature with all their extraterritorial effects, which created obstacles to trade relations among States; requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to give priority to the resolution in her annual report to the Assembly; and requested the SecretaryGeneral to continue to collect the views of Member States and information on the implications and negative effects of unilateral coercive measures on their populations and to submit an analytical report thereon to the Assembly at its sixtyfifth session, while reiterating once again the need to highlight the practical and preventive measures in that respect (resolution 64/170).
富裕且强大的国家 继续在决定国际关系的性质与方向上发挥着过度的影响,包括经济 贸易关 系,以 及管理这些关系的规则,其中很多规则以牺牲发展中国家为代价。
The rich and powerful countries continue to exercise an inordinate influence in determining the nature and direction of
international relations,
[...] including economic and trade relations, as well as the rules governing these relations, many of [...]
which are at the expense of developing countries.
中铝投资采矿巨鳄力拓公司、力拓与中钢集团合作开发Paraburdoo 附近的恰那(Channar)
[...] 铁矿石项目,中国公司投资一系列规模较小的Pilbara 采矿项目,这些都充分证明了两国之间牢固的双 贸易关系。
Chinalco’s investment in mining giant Rio Tinto, Rio’s partnership with Sinosteel in the Channar iron ore project near Paraburdoo and Chinese investment in a range of
smaller Pilbara mining projects, is evidence of the
[...] strong bilateral trade relationship that exists between [...]
the two countries.
鉴于经济发展与实现和平及安全之间相互依 存的关系,摩洛哥通过加贸易关系 、 增 加经济投资 以及加大力度创办前景光明的项目,支持非洲的发展。
Given the interdependence between economic development and achieving peace and security, Morocco
has supported development in Africa by
[...] strengthening trade relations and economic investment [...]
and efforts at creating promising projects.
又回顾 1993 年 6 月 14 日至 25 日在维也纳举行的世界人权会议呼吁各国避 免采取任何不符合国际法和《宪章》的单方面胁迫性措施,因为这种措施阻碍国 家贸易关系,妨 碍充分落实所有人权,并严重威胁贸易自由,8 考虑到 1995 年 3 月 12 日社会发展问题世界首脑会议通过的《社会发展问题哥 本哈根宣言》、9 1995 年 9 月 15 日第四次妇女问题世界会议通过的《北京宣言和行 动纲要》10 和 1996 年 6 月 14 日第二次联合国人类住区会议(人居二)通过的《人 类住区伊斯坦布尔宣言和人居议程》11 及其五年期审查中所有与此问题有关的内 容,表示关注单方面胁迫性措施对国 关系 、 贸易 、 投 资与合作的不利影响
Recalling also that at the World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna from 14 to 25 June 1993, States were called upon to refrain from any unilateral coercive measure not in accordance with international law and the Charter that creates obstacles to trade relations among States and impedes the full realization of all human rights, and also severely threatens the freedom of trade,8 Bearing in mind all the references to this question in the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development adopted by the World Summit for Social Development on 12 March 1995,9 the Beijing Declaration and Platform [...]
for Action adopted by the Fourth World
Conference on Women on 15 September 1995,10the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements and the Habitat Agenda adopted by the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) on 14 June 1996,11 and their five-year reviews
2012 年,在低迷的欧盟经济背景下,出口增长仍可能缓慢,尤其是考虑到区域与 希腊和意大利贸易关系紧密
In 2012, against the backdrop of the sluggish European
Union economy, export growth will likely remain slow, especially given the
[...] region’s strong trade ties with Greece [...]
and Italy.
又回顾 1993 年 6 月 14 日至 25 日在维也纳举行的世界人权会议呼吁各国避
[...] 免采取任何不符合国际法和《宪章》的单方面措施,因为这种措施阻碍国家贸 易关系,妨碍充分落实所有人权,6 并严重威胁贸易自由
Recalling also that at the World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna from 14 to 25 June 1993, States were called upon to refrain from any unilateral measure not in accordance with
international law and the Charter that
[...] creates obstacles to trade relations among States and impedes [...]
the full realization of all
human rights,6 and also severely threatens the freedom of trade
经社会强调了在发生危机时多边贸易体制对于维护稳定的全 贸易关 系和避 免贸易保护保护主义的重要性,并呼吁以一种有利的方式早日缔结 [...]
The Commission emphasized the importance of the multilateral
trading system (MTS) in maintaining
[...] stable global trade relations and avoiding trade [...]
protectionism in times of crisis and
called for a conducive and early conclusion of the Doha Development Agenda.8 It also urged members to implement the recommendations of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
一家中国机 构(公众环境研究中心)针对全 贸易关系 表 示 , 披露要求的提高或导致“中国企业在海外的投资受 到阻碍,对双贸易关系产生 负面影响”。
Environmental Affairs, IPE)
[...] focused on overall trade relations, stating that increased reporting regulations may lead to the “deterrence of Chinese companies in investing overseas, which could negatively affect bilateral trade.
邦特兰仍然是武器和弹药进入索马里的主要通道,因为它位处亚丁湾沿 海,与也门交易商的军贸易关系源 远 流长,加上此地几乎没有治安管理。
Puntland remains the primary gateway for arms and ammunition into Somalia,
owing to its Gulf of Aden coastline,
[...] historical arms trading relationship with dealers in [...]
Yemen, and largely unpoliced territory.
呼吁所有国家停止采取或执行不符合国际法、国际人道主义法、《联合 国宪章》以及关于国家间和平关系的规范和原则的任何单方面强制性措施,尤其
[...] 是那些在域外造成影响的单方面强制性措施,这种措施阻碍国家间 贸易关系, 从 而妨碍充分落实《世界人权宣言》和其他国际人权文书中所载的权利,尤其是 [...]
Calls upon all States to stop adopting or implementing unilateral coercive measures not in accordance with international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations among States, in particular those of a coercive nature with
extraterritorial effects, which
[...] create obstacles to trade relations among States, thus impeding [...]
the full realization of the
rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments, in particular the right of individuals and peoples to development
我将寻求以互惠互利、减少贸易壁垒的方式建立我们 贸易关系 , 进 一步促进美国和中国之间的经济和商业纽带。
I will seek to further the economic and
commercial ties between the
[...] U.S. and China by building our trade relationship in a mutually beneficial manner that reduces barriers to trade and increases [...]
jobs in both our countries.
专家们描述了全球金融体系的各项机制,就市场周期性、全 贸易关系 的 相 互依赖性和政府监管的作用发表了看法。
Experts describe the mechanics of the global
[...] financial system presenting their views concerning the cyclical nature of markets, the interdependence of global trade relationships, [...]
and the role of regulation.
中断国家之间贸易关系是实 践中最常用的单方面强制性措施,对它进行任 何分析的出发点是各国是否应当开展和继 贸易关系 、 以 及如果是的话应在多大 程度上开展和继续这种关系的问题。
The starting point for any analysis of the interruption of trade relations between States, as the most widely used form of unilateral coercive measures in practice, is the question [...]
whether and, if so, to
what extent States may be obligated to conduct and to continue trade relations with each other.
(i) 有几个代表团强调说,向绿色经济的过渡不应被利用来扭 贸易关系 ,不 可走向绿色保护主义,或者附加额外条件。
(i) Several delegations emphasized that the
transition to a green economy should not
[...] be used to distort trade and must not lead [...]
to green protectionism or additional conditionalities.
项目 意在通过增进对管辖国际组织的国际经济 贸易关系 方 面 争端解决的法律框架 的了解和重要认识来实现上述目标,这些国际组织包括世界贸易组织(世贸组 [...]
织)、世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)、国际商会、世界银行集团的国际投 资争端解决中心,以及贸易法委员会。
It aims to achieve this by improving the
[...] knowledge and level of critical awareness of the [...]
legal framework governing dispute settlement
in international economic and trade relations of international organizations, such as World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) of the World Bank Group, and UNCITRAL.
会谈中优先 讨论了发展合作、经贸易关系和土耳其的教育援助。
Cooperation in the field of development and
[...] economic and commercial relations and Turkey’s assistance [...]
in education were given priority at those meetings
表示严重关注不符合国际法和《宪章》的单方面胁迫性措施使一些国家的儿 童状况受到不利影响,这种措施阻碍国家 贸易关系 , 妨碍充分实现社会和经济 发展,损害受影响国家人民的福祉,对妇女和儿童,包括对青少年产生特别的后 [...]
Expressing its grave concern that, in some countries, the situation of children is adversely affected by unilateral coercive measures not in accordance with
international law and the Charter that
[...] create obstacles to trade relations among States, impede [...]
the full realization of social
and economic development and hinder the well-being of the population in the affected countries, with particular consequences for women and children, including adolescents
没有一家公司会允许他们只是进入到他们的行业,只是接管并且只是控制这 贸易关系。
No company is going to allow them to just come into their industries and just take over and just take control
[...] of those kinds of trading relationships.
题为“人权 与单方面胁迫性措施”的大会第
[...] 65/217 号决议指出,单方面的胁迫措施阻碍了 国家之间贸易关系,因 此有碍全面实现《世界人权宣言》和其他国际人权文书 [...]
General Assembly resolution 65/217, entitled “Human rights and unilateral coercive measures”, states
that unilateral coercive measures
[...] create obstacles to trade relations among States, thus [...]
impeding the full realization of the
rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments, in particular the right of individuals and peoples to development.
15 阿拉伯墨西哥工商联合会的目标是加强和促进阿拉伯国家与墨西哥之间的 经济贸易关系。
The goal of the Arab Mexican Chamber
of Industry and Commerce is to strengthen and promote
[...] the economic and trade relations between Arab countries [...]
and Mexico.
欧盟主要机 构及其成员国已向科索沃承诺,科索沃将享有与欧洲 联盟及其成员国在欧洲复兴开发银行的合约关系形 式贸易关系。
Key institutions in Brussels and member States have pledged to Kosovo that it will enjoy trade relations in the form of contractual relations with the European Union and membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
5 在最近的欧盟中贸易关系中, 最惊人的数据是欧盟快速增加的贸易逆差和投资 上的变化, 当欧洲人在中国投资減少时,中国在欧盟的投资却跃升了五倍。
While European investment in China decreased, Chinese investment in the EU jumped fivefold.
在此之前,他曾是欧盟对外关系总司掌管亚洲和拉丁美洲的副司长,欧盟贸易总司掌管服务与投资及与美洲和远东双 贸易关系 的 贸 易 司 长,欧盟贸易总司掌管服务贸易与投资、农业、SPS和可持续发展,以及与中国双 贸易关系 的 WTO总司,以及欧盟贸易总司的服务贸易部门主管。
Prior to this, he was inter alia Deputy Director General in charge of Asia and Latin America, DG External Relations, Director for Trade in
services and investment,
[...] bilateral trade relations with the Americas and the Far East, DG Trade, Director for WTO, Trade in services and investment; agriculture, SPS, and sustainable development as well as bilateral trade relations with China, DG Trade, [...]
and Head of unit
for Trade in Services, DG Trade.
虽然当今国贸易关系与过去有着天壤之别,不符合 标准经济理论的描述,但是全球危机的影响突出显示有必要转变贸易政策制定和 贸易谈判的模式,以便处理二十一世纪的问题。
Although international trade relations today were dramatically different from past relations and did not conform [...]
to standard economic
theory prescriptions, the impact of the global crisis underlined a need for a paradigm shift in trade policymaking and trade negotiations towards addressing issues of the twenty-first century.
其产品远销世界150多个国家和地区,70%进入国际主流和专业市场,与世界五百强企业MYRON、OFFICE DEPOT STAPLE、WAL-MART、TESCO等20多家世界级销售商建立了战 贸易关系 , 并 连续获得美国STAPLE、OFFICE DEPOT公司颁发的全球产品创新奖、TESCO全球最佳供应商奖和GLOBAL SOURCES的顶级供应商奖。
The products of Beifa are exported to more than 150 countries and regions in the world, 70% of the products entered the international mainstream and the professional market, and established strategic trade relations with the one of the world top 500 enterprise, MYRON,and more than 20 world-class vendors such as OFFICE DEPOT STAPLE WAL MART, TESCO, and awarded as the Global product innovation by American company STAPLE, OFFICE DEPOT , the world's best supplier by TESCO, and the top supplier by SOURCES .




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